
dmfreytgm4883, did you see my post from this morning?01:52
tgm4883dmfrey: I didn't see it. What's up02:06
dmfreywhat version of the kernel is going to be included in the 16.04 spin?02:06
dmfreyproblem is the 14.04.x spin won't get through boot to installer on a ECS Liva x2, I beleive it is kernel 4.102:07
dmfreysupport for the intel braswell SoC 305002:07
dmfreybeen trying to use the mythbuntu packages with xubuntu 15.10 with little luck, problem is the intel drivers, can't get the FE to use the OpenGL or VAAPI playback profiles to offload hd graphics to the gpu02:07
dmfreySD is good, HD is ok (with some noticable issues) and BD rips are choppy02:07
tgm4883Whatever version Ubuntu shops02:07
tgm4883I'm on my phone02:07
dmfreyi was trying to find it02:07
dmfreyok, no worries02:07
tgm4883I can look in a bit02:08
dmfreythanks, my google was coming up short02:08
tgm48834.2 I think02:08
dmfreyI think the braswell support was in 4.302:08
tgm48834.4 http://m.slashdot.org/story/30303502:12
dmfreycool, i think i will have to wait for a beta of this before I can use this Liva X202:14

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