
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.07:09
Myrttinobody knows the trouble I've seen07:12
Myrttinobody buuuuuut rms07:13
Myrttisweet Jesus07:17
Myrttiam I too old?07:17
Myrttitoo grumpy?07:17
Myrttiit must be me.07:19
valorietotally you07:53
valorieI have the best luck googling on exactly what people tell me07:53
valoriec/p into the search bar07:54
valorieeven if it doesn't have the answer, it gives me the right question07:54
Flannelvalorie: I think the case Myrtti was talking about, the helper simply copy/pasted the first result to the user, instead of actually processing it.07:57
FlannelNo one's saying you're not allowed to use google in the process of helping.07:58
valoriewithout google, I'd not be very helpful07:58
Myrttihe didn't even that07:58
Myrttihe lmgtfy'd07:58
valoriegoogle and ubottu are my brain07:58
Myrttiand when I protested, he told me I wasnt helping myself...07:59
Myrttiwhich is true, so I kinda gave up07:59
valorieyeah, it bothers me when I see that people have been giving out bad help or worse07:59
valoriebut I can't be on irc 24/707:59
FlannelMyrtti: sometimes a cluebat is the necessary and proper tool.08:00
Myrttibut it did give me a bad start for the day08:00
MyrttiFlannel: I'm sure I'll be accused of being a softie catalyser ¯\_(ツ)_/¯08:01
Myrttican't win every time08:01
MyrttiNot even always08:01
* valorie gets out the cluebat made of cotton fluff08:02
Myrttiaw, I wanted to do that to shut beepie08:42
Dylan____Im really annonyed08:42
Dylan____Like im so pissed off08:42
Myrttisure, but that still doesn't give you a free pass to cuss08:42
Dylan____Listen here08:43
Dylan____Im told this guy for the 5th time08:43
Dylan____I have never used ubuntu before08:43
Dylan____Im been using windows for the last 15 years08:43
Dylan____I was trying to dualboot on real mac hardware08:43
Dylan____I got to the point i couldnt do it it was too much08:43
Jordan_UDylan____: That doesn't justify abusive language.08:43
Dylan____Please yourself08:44
Dylan____If your going to help somebody at least do it right08:44
Jordan_U!guidelines | Dylan____08:44
ubottuDylan____: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:44
Myrttiugh, now he's recommending updating the intel drivers from some website09:24
MyrttiI can't even.09:24
k1l_i kicked him some days before for beeing like that09:50
k1l_and i think he is one of the former gentoo or arch trolls that way he mentions linux and that canonical doesnt provide and work etc.09:50
beepieno need for a ban on me.09:53
beepiebut I was mentioning that it is annoying for a user to repeat questions and i was done about it.09:53
beepienot necessary at all.09:53
beepieI was helping users for quite some time today.09:53
beepieikonia is out of order here.09:53
beepie"* Channel #ubuntu url: http://www.ubuntu.com09:53
beepie<beepie> say there are firewire-tools09:53
beepie<beepie> but that's not my domain.09:53
beepie<bitgeek_> beepie: I tried 'sudo apt-get install unity-greeter; sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop; sudo apt-get install unity' but no change :(09:53
beepie<k1l_> !guidelines | beepie09:53
beepie<ubottu> beepie: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:53
beepie<beepie> repeating the same thing is actually not imho an invitation for "help"09:53
beepie* james is now known as Guest1068609:53
beepie<beepie> because repeating the same thing over and over again like is rather annoying to be frank about it.09:53
beepie<beepie> really.09:53
beepienot necessary.09:54
beepiei was not cursing at anybody.09:54
beepiei was expressing my point09:54
beepieusers should not be repeating themselves over and over the same question09:54
beepiethat ban better be removed ikonia.09:54
beepiei'll bb.09:55
beepieand the other ops should reconsider this very tyrant behaviour of yours.09:55
beepienot justifiable..09:55
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops beepie just rubbish attitude showing exactly why he got ban forwarded to -ops09:56
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:56
k1l_ikonia: he is using a firewire cdrom case where he put in ide hdd instead of the cdrom drive. he said that used to work that way sometime in the past10:41
ikoniait's only really the main chipsets that are supported10:41
ikoniathere was a load of propritary ones, I suspect this maybe one10:42
bazhangso many details suddenly come out18:48
bazhang<Temper> i managed to uninstall all the kernels.18:56
geniisudo apt-get install linux-image-generic19:10
bazhang'they told me to'19:10
bazhangyeah, no19:11
bazhangin a vm, auto does a separate /boot, removed *all* the kernels19:11
bazhangand as a firewall on xenserver, the list just gets better19:14
Picibtw, if anyone remembers the guy yesterday complaining about openssl updates not being timely, we already have a fix for the openssl bug announced today.19:15
geniiPici: Might be davidic657 in -server19:16
Picijust saw that19:17
Piciikonia: Not that it matters, but I don't think I've ever actually used SuSE19:30
ikoniaPici: he just seems pointlessly obssesed with you running suse - for no reason19:30
davidic657ikonia:  what is your problem19:34
ikoniaas I explained your pointless noise comments and random obsession with pici using suse in the middle of other people trying to get help19:35
davidic657I run multiple ubuntu and debian servers19:35
ikoniaso ?19:35
davidic657not worth a ban tho19:35
ikoniaI warned you, I warned you again kicking you, and you still came back and did it again19:35
ikoniaso I have little choice but to ban you to stop the noise while others are getting help19:35
davidic657give me a break you warned about nothing19:36
davidic657just your chum pici19:36
ikoniaok, well, if you're just going to be in a fantasy world, no point discussing this any more19:36
davidic657explain your self a bit more19:37
ikoniahello lyze19:38
k1l_Pici: it was shibboleth (or smth like that)19:39
k1l_Pici: @ ranting about openssl bugs beeing not fixed in a week etc.19:40
Picik1l_: yes19:40
davidic657so can I say anything here?19:40
Picidavidic657: Are you trying to resolve your ban in #ubuntu-server?19:41
Picidavidic657: I'm not sure what other purpose you would have to join this channel.19:42
davidic657Pici:  can I ask you one simple question!19:42
ikoniadavidic657: if it's about suse - I will ban you19:42
ikoniato be clear19:42
davidic657pici btw I came on here for a legitimate gripe19:42
PiciI do not nor have I ever used Suse though, so if you're going to pester me about that I think you may have either confused me with someone else, or are just confused.19:43
davidic657thats sorted19:43
Picidavidic657: was there anything else?19:44
davidic657called to dinner19:44
Picidavidic657: Please part this channel then.19:44
ikoniajust got a screen shot from e-vent of sausage calling him a nigger and various other abuse20:06
ikoniaso if he comes in complaining, it's backed up by multiple users now20:06
k1l_its our proxy using pm spammer20:06
geniiYeah, just the usual shit20:28
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
k1llet me guess, pm harrassment? :/22:34
ikoniasame guy, evading ban, not letting him get involved again22:35
ikoniaalready pm'd one guy22:35
k1l[PestByda] (~shmuck@ool-3f8fe1b6.dyn.optonline.net): Biteme23:20
k1l"biteme" rings a bell23:20
ikoniait is23:22
rwwbye bye ubottu23:35
Unit193rww: Stop killing the bots!23:36

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