
soee_good morning07:14
ry__Good day, is this the Hang out on IRC in #kubuntu-devel on irc.freenode.net?08:39
ry__I am new to this IRC, want to make sure i'm in the right place...08:40
Mamarokhm, an invitation for the kubuntu council for Ubuntu Testcase Admins, shouldn't that go to the Kubuntu devs instead? I don't see the point of inviting the council there09:30
Mamarokvaloriey yofel, ahoneybun: I send this message back: "Hi and thanks for the invitation, but I don't think the council is the team you want to invite, this invitation should go to the Kubuntu devs team instead. Establishing test cases is out of the scope of a community council :-)"09:33
valorieMamarok: good idea09:50
soee_maybe we should post some news on website that there wont be official Alpha 2 of Kubuntu09:51
soee_i think yofel said we won't release it, so imo we shoudl explain users that work is beeing done on 16.04 release and its not worth atm. to release alphas09:52
yofelthat's something for wire maybe, if someone wants to make a post for that. I don't think that qualifies as a "news" item09:53
yofelas there is no news09:53
valoriewe had the equivalent anyway09:53
valoriejust not official09:53
soee_i think we should post about development version09:54
soee_now we have 1 news each 1-2 months ? :) 09:54
soee_we should make this website more alive09:54
valoriesounds good to me09:55
valoriesoee_: perhaps a little interview with our new release managers?09:55
valorielike accomplishments so far, and plans for the near future?09:56
soee_vip: +109:57
soee_hiho vip09:57
clivejoso why is yofel called yofel?10:24
* yofel is the emperor of all yo things10:24
clivejothat question to Mr Realease Manager10:24
* yofel is also not doing a Q&A session :P10:25
yossarianukhi - think i've come across a bug with plasma 5.5.3 backports relating to online-accounts...10:25
clivejoawwww why not!?!?10:25
yossarianukif I create a google 'online account' (1) It fails to connect via instant messenger (saying authentication wrong when it is not) -10:27
yofelclivejo: well, jokes aside, if you really want to know: I was trying to come up with a new nickname back in school when I friend came up to me calling "Yo Phil!" - which he did all the time - next moment I glued that together and I was done10:27
yofel*a friend10:27
yossarianuki.e when I create the account it 'signs in'  and asks if KDE online accounts is allowed to connect10:27
yossarianukI click 'allow' - but when I try to use IM is says authentication incorrect 10:28
yossarianuk(2) when I click on the google online account -> hangouts -> configure it crashes10:29
soee_yossarianuk: i think this woudl be upstream bug either in Frameworks or in Apps10:31
yossarianuksoee_: so should I report as a bug directly to KDE ?10:33
soee_yossarianuk: i think against kde telepathy if such component exists10:34
soee_also check if it sin't known already + i would ask someone who runs 15.12.1 apps10:34
soee_as it might be fixed there10:34
clivejoyou made up your own nickname?10:35
soee_yossarianuk: #kde-devel would be a good place to start10:35
yossarianukjust to confirm i have frameworks -> 5.18.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa210:36
yossarianuki'll go to that room and ask..10:36
yossarianukone last thing - are you backporting 5.5.4 ?10:36
yossarianukmultimonitor changes sound interesting....10:36
yossarianuke.g '    Many improvements and refactoring to notification positioning making them appear in the right place for multi-screen use.'10:38
soee_yossarianuk: i think it should be but no ETA10:38
clivejoyossarianuk: I intend to try a backport as I’ve never done one, but busy with financial issues at the moment10:39
yossarianukcool - to be honest 15.10 (even without backports) is a great distro - however I needed to add the intel repo (01) in order to fix a few GPU bugs on my work machines (with crappy intel GPU)10:40
* clivejo wonders how Europe dreams up all these daft directives and compliance rubbish10:40
yossarianukAlso occasionally still I get garbled graphics (i.e when I 'present windows') that make the screen unreadable/unusable.  My 'fix' is to disable kwins vsync (change to 'never')10:41
yossarianukand I never get the issue..10:42
soee_screen tearing ?10:43
soee_set vsync to Full screen repaints10:43
soee_http://kodi.tv/kodi-16-0-jarvis-release-candidate-2/ :)10:48
yossarianuksoee_: fullsceen repaints slows down graphics by about 80%...10:58
yossarianuksoee_: its not just tearing - its messed up graphics by default (it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does start it will plague me until I reboot or change the vsync settings)10:59
yossarianukthe 'never' setting seems to fix it .11:00
yossarianukthis happens on my ivtbridge laptop and sandybridge desktop and has happened since 15.04..11:00
yossarianuksoee_: kde-devel say it 'may' be this -> KDE bug 354949 in telepathy (auth-handler) "Can't connect to gtalk account (Authentication failed: invalid-authzid)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/35494911:06
ubottuKDE bug 354949 in auth-handler "Can't connect to gtalk account (Authentication failed: invalid-authzid)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:06
soee_hmm so it should be fixed in 15.08.3 that we have now11:08
soee_but indeed it doesn't work11:08
soee_yofel: do we have this patch http://bugs.kde.org/354949 ?11:09
ubottuKDE bug 354949 in auth-handler "Can't connect to gtalk account (Authentication failed: invalid-authzid)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:09
yofelFIXED-IN: 15.12.011:09
soee_yossarianuk: so you have to wait for new apps11:09
yossarianukok - thanks11:13
yossarianukno need for a bug report then...11:13
BluesKajHowdy folks12:00
kfunkwhere's jriddel :\12:20
yofelRiddell: kfunk is looking for you12:21
kfunkuh. just had a blackout :P12:21
kfunkjridd<tab, tab>, damn!12:21
kfunkRiddell: about the FOSDEM dinner; you still got a few seats left? 2-3?12:23
yofelhere's the stuff we need in our next release XD https://xkcd.com/1636/12:24
sitterparavirtual boy sounds like porn12:25
sitterkfunk: he's probably still in transit, you could drop him a text message though http://jriddell.org/contact/12:26
clivejoooo exciting "We have LibreOffice as a neighbor this year, which is a happy coincidence, as we have some interesting news for all Kolab users that is related to office documents that we will be sharing at FOSDEM."12:42
soee_clivejo: tomahawk packager needed :D12:46
clivejosoee_: yofel says that theres a new packager working on it12:54
soee_seems so, sorry for false alarm12:55
clivejo!info gnucash xenial13:01
ubottugnucash (source: gnucash): personal and small-business financial-accounting software. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:2.6.9-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 2282 kB, installed size 9841 kB13:01
soee_kmymoney is better i think13:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kmymoney13:12
soee_Hey Guys,13:18
soee_I just installed kubuntu couple of days ago, and I cannot be more happy about it. it looks amazing and very pleased with the results.13:19
soee_Thank you very much, cheers!13:19
yossarianukI have another bug... This is with Libreoffice in Kubuntu 15.1013:19
yossarianuk am trying to change the background cell in libreoffice calc - I am trying to get to the 'document colors' section - i.e -> choose colour -> click on the drop down 'default palete'  - however when I click on 'default palette' it should give me a drop down - instead it closing the dialouge box13:19
yossarianukIn Fedora 23 it works as normal13:19
yossarianuk I simply cannot get the drop down menu in libreoffice/kubuntu 15.10..13:19
clivejoanyone know any dolphin might be crashing when I menu click and try selecting an item in the list?13:50
clivejoanyone at FOSDEM?17:18
* clivejo pokes Riddell17:22
clivejoare you there yet?17:22
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
geniiIsn't Xenial shipping with 5.6 ?21:01
sgclarkXenial is LTS afaik 5.6 is not even released yet... that would be a terrible idea. Especially with feature freeze sneaking up on us. But yofel has final call regardless.21:04
soee5.6 was postponed to march last week 21:08
yofelsgclark: we were thinking about maybe, just maybe looking at it. But with it getting delayed for the n-th time now I would say NO is what we'll go with21:12
sgclarkgood call21:13
valorieweeee, go jontheechidna back as a member23:24
sgclarkI would be super excited but I have no clue who that is23:26
claydohvalorie: yay!23:27
valoriehe's the fellow who created Muon 23:27
valorieand sort of dropped away, and his email started bouncing to KDE23:28
valoriefound him on FB and started to entice him back, I hope23:28
yofeloh wow, he's still alive? XD23:29
sgclarkah. perhaps I can entice him with some debian merges hah.23:29
yofelprobably not, he was always more into programming than packaging. Though he did latter as well23:30
sgclarkit was a joke23:30
sgclarkI can't imagine enticing anyone in their right mind to doing debian merges.23:31
sgclarkand on that note my brain is mush, taking a break bbl23:32
valoriewell, I should learn23:32
valorieone of these days23:32
valorieat least so I can improve our docs23:33
valoriealso many hands make light work23:33
sgclarkyes agreed ^\23:33

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