
=== javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft
mhall119ahoneybun: pong02:07
McIntireEvanIs there a way to tell what type of password a user has (as in, if they have a passcode or a passphrase)?03:02
popeyno, i don't think so03:23
popeycertainly not from within an application03:23
popeythe only thing that knows the difference is the login screen and system settings, and no app will be able to see that data03:23
McIntireEvanAlright, thanks!04:00
elimisteveDamn. I'm compiling a binary on an ARM device (Scaleway server) for my Nexus 4 running Ubuntu Phone, and it's linking against /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libunity-scopes.so.1.006:47
elimistevebut Ubuntu Phone OTA-9.5 only has /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libunity-scopes.so.1.0.2 and /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libunity-scopes.so.3 :-\06:47
elimisteveAny idea how I can make it link to the right place?06:48
elimisteveI'd just create a symlink, but it's a read-only file system on the phone06:48
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dholbachgood morning08:20
popeyelimisteve, is your scaleway server running ubuntu vivid with the stable phone ppa installed?08:49
dpmDanChapman, popey, morning! I'm updating the xenial builds on my ppa for all core apps - could you remind me how dekko is being managed in terms of code hosting now? Is code mirrored in LP and hosted in bitbucket?08:53
popeydpm, it's in launchpad/git08:53
popeygit clone https://git.launchpad.net/dekko08:53
dpmso hosted in LP using git, right?08:54
dpmok, cool08:59
dpmoSoMoN, mzanetti, good morning! Quick q: I just filed bug 1539482 for the notes app. Looks like a missing build dependency. Do you happen to know which package provides "com.canonical.Oxide"?09:23
ubot5bug 1539482 in Ubuntu Notes app "Daily builds fail after NotesPage test failure " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153948209:23
oSoMoNdpm, liboxideqt-qmlplugin09:23
dpmawesome, thanks09:24
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Friday, and happy Fun At Work Day! 😃09:37
mzanettimorning Jams09:41
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popeyMcIntireEvan, hey, mind if I add you to the terminal team? Then jenkins will process your merges :)11:11
mivoligohi all11:25
mivoligofaenil sent me here11:26
faenilt1mp: ^ mivoligo is looking for a way to hide the back button in PageHeader11:26
t1mpmivoligo, faenil: PageHeader { leadingActionBar.actions: [] }11:28
mivoligot1mp: thanks will try11:29
t1mpsee the docs for "leadingActionBar" and "navigationActions" on https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04.1/Ubuntu.Components.PageHeader/11:29
mivoligoseen that but couldn't find info how to hide it11:30
mivoligoanother question: why the trailing actions are displayed in reversed order since OTA-9?11:32
mivoligois this a bug or new default?11:33
t1mpit is the new default11:33
t1mpit was decided by design11:33
mivoligook, thanks11:34
t1mpone reason is to support convergence, if you have a larger screen, the actions that were in the overflow may be added to the ActionBar directly11:34
t1mpso with the new order of the icons, if you add new icons they are added to the left11:35
t1mpbefore they were added to the right, and all the other icons were moving11:35
t1mpand design wanted the more important actions closer to the top-right corner11:35
mivoligook, got now, could be nice to add that to documentation ;)11:36
faenilt1mp: worth updating the doc to reflect that11:36
t1mpfaenil: which doc?11:37
faenilt1mp: header's ?11:37
faenilit's a behaviour change11:37
t1mphmm, the order of the icons was never mentioned there11:38
faenilbecause I guess it's expected that they're laid out left to right11:38
faenilbut if you change that, people will find it unexpected11:38
mivoligoalso I'd love to see design guides updated, pretty useless atm https://design.ubuntu.com/apps11:40
mivoligobut I guess design people aren't here11:40
popeyJMulholland, ^11:41
popeythey are11:41
JMulhollandmivoligo: Our editorial person is currently working hard on updating/ overhauling the design guides as we speak :)11:42
JMulhollandlots of changes coming to the toolkit for convergence, so the overhaul reflects that11:43
mivoligoJMulholland:  sorry if I sound rude but it's a bit frustrating to wait when you want to develop nice apps ;)11:43
JMulhollandI understand completely mivoligo11:43
mivoligoJMulholland: thanks for good news!11:43
dpmpopey, what is this MP for? Just asking out of curiosity, as I saw lots of new contributions to Terminal - https://code.launchpad.net/~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-terminal-app/layouts-q-argument/+merge/28378611:44
JMulhollandif you have any suggestions/ questions I’m sure Steph wouldn’t mind hearing from you (she’s working on the new guide)11:44
mivoligoJMulholland: I can't think of any specific question right now, will wait for the update11:46
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DanChapmandpm, hey! which ppa did you install dekko from? I'd like to take a look at the build log as there's something not right11:48
dpmhey DanChapman - I updated my personal core apps PPA to xenial, and I noticed I had an old 0.5 build there, so I updated the dekko build to 0.6 -> https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=xenial11:50
popeydpm, fixes the fact that if you specify -q (which lets you specify where the main qml file is) it can't find the keyboard overlays11:50
dpmDanChapman, build logs -> https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/+recipe/dekko-daily11:51
dpmpopey, ok, thanks11:52
popeydpm, but we don't use -q anywhere that I can tell, so probably not well tested, which is why it was broken11:52
DanChapmandpm, thanks! i'll take a look. Although it seems as if it's using the qml files from a previous 0.5 rel11:55
dpmpopey, when you've got a minute, could you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/fix-deb-build/+merge/284423 too? It fixes reminder's desktop package, but for some reason I could not get the local build to finish tests, perhaps I don't have the right AP packages installed?11:59
DanChapmandpm aha! so the qml files are being installed to /usr/share/dekko.dekkoproject/qml/* but Dekko is loading them from .local/share/dekko.dekkoproject/qml you must have an outdated directory there that Dekko finds first when checking the standard locations for main.qml12:00
DanChapmani'll update the bug report12:01
dpmDanChapman, awesome, thanks. Now I'm getting "Authentication failed" when using my personal @gmail account from the desktop, although I used the right e-mail/passwird. I don't have 2f auth on this one, any ideas what could have gone wrong?12:03
DanChapmanYeah the google provider on desktop is broken. I'm not sure what's required to get google OA working on desktop, and some of the google setup code is expecting it to be an OA. For now you need to use the IMAP account option when configuring an account.12:08
DanChapmandpm ^12:08
dpmok, will try that, thanks!12:09
DanChapmannp :-)12:09
dpmmardy, is there a way to get unity 8 UOA working on a unity 7 desktop for testing purposes? Just asking in case there is an easy way. If it's convoluted, or if it breaks my desktop, I'll pass :)12:10
popeydpm, yeah, i tested that earlier, and it won't pass tests here either12:11
dpmpopey, does it freeze for you on the first test as well?12:11
popeydpm, they're qmltests though, not ap, aren't they12:11
popeyknowing how much mzanetti hates AP :)12:11
dpmI didn't get that far to look at which kind of tests they were12:12
dpmbut I know reminders used to have both types, AP + qml12:12
popeyrebuilding now to take a look12:12
popeyam building on xenial here12:13
dpmDanChapman, it seems I had a leftover gmail account from a previous Dekko desktop installation. What's the best way to delete it? I don't seem to be able to do so with through the UI12:13
dpmoh, I can :)12:13
dpmjust noticed I can right-drag the account to delete it12:13
DanChapmanyeah it's not very clear :-) I still need to add a delete action to the header of the accounts settings12:14
dpmDanChapman, np :) Ok, tried to setup my @gmail.com account as generic IMAP, but that got me "Authentication failed" too. Any pointers?12:15
popeydpm, looks like it's failing top launch the app, it core dumps with some QEGL error12:15
popeylike it should be running on device, not a desktop12:15
popeyso I am not convinced this has ever worked on a desktop12:15
DanChapmandpm take a look in ~/.cache/dekko.dekkoproject/logs/IMAP/* you should see a reason & with google usually a support link.12:16
dpmpopey, I had been running reminders on the desktop for quite a while, but not in recent months12:17
dpmDanChapman, seems there are no logs (only from the old account I deleted)12:18
dpmDanChapman, ah, could it be https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255 ?12:19
DanChapmandpm, yeah that's probably it.12:20
DanChapmangoogle make all this really awkward.12:20
dpmbummer, not sure I want to activate "enable less secure apps access" without knowing what it is. Sounds scary12:20
DanChapmandpm it's just a mechanism to prevent 3rd party apps from storing or sending you password directly to google. They prefer you to use OAUTH and the less secure apps policy enforces that. But the fact you have to enter your password to receive the error makes the policy moot in my opinion.12:23
dpmDanChapman, so when using this latest build on the desktop, will I get to see the latest dekko convergence features?12:27
DanChapmandpm yep :-) And you should get desktop notifications as well12:29
dpmooooh :)12:29
dpmwaiting for e-mail to get synced, I can already see the side panel12:30
dpmseems it's not doing anything, though, the progress indicator disappeared12:30
popeyJMulholland, https://docs.google.com/document/edit?hgd=1&id=1810KDpFl2Mxsn1z3wehPU9pkbS6R6o-j1-pmYpkYb7A#heading=h.jh8j7gb6bo0s linked from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-location/+bug/1351299 is private, can you ask whoever owns it to open it up pls?12:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1351299 in indicator-location (Ubuntu) "[Location Indicator Menu] GPS switch should be turned off when "Location detection" is off" [High,Fix released]12:33
popeyJMulholland, also, a gentle nudge to design that an order or two of magnitude more people _can't_ see those documents than those who _can_ :)12:33
DanChapmanCheck in the accounts settings that "Default account" is selected. Sounds like it's not automatically selecting your Inbox folder. But changing folder or re-selecting Inbox should force messages to load12:35
DanChapmandpm ^12:35
dpmDanChapman, that seems to be it. Progress indicator going now. Should I file a bug for non-default e-mail account?12:38
DanChapmandpm, yes please.12:39
dpmDekko on a desktop looks stunning!!! good work12:39
DanChapmanthanks :-)12:40
* dpm starts using it12:40
* dpm starts filing bugs12:44
popeyDanChapman, we close to a store upload? :)12:47
DanChapmanpopey, yeah just these darn icons not loading in the nav drawer on krillin to figure out. Works fine on desktop & mako12:49
dpmpopey, DanChapman, what is the situatioon with push notifications for dekko and "stealing" them from the gmail webapp for gmail accounts?13:09
dpmbbiab (lunch)13:10
DanChapmandpm, notifications is top priority after this update is out. Regarding how it will work with the gmail notifications is still unclear13:11
=== davidcalle is now known as davidcalle_3g
mivoligoJMulholland: one more question, do you guys have images/font used for "14.04" on this image for all the number from 0 to 9?  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/UBN00216-1.jpg13:44
dpmDanChapman, thanks. Which part do you think we still need to figure out for the gmail notifications?13:45
DanChapmandpm it's mainly how a user will decide/select which app the gmail notifications should go to. And dekko would require different info encoded in the notification to what the webapp requires. So i think the polld plugin would need to be aware of the users preference.13:53
TheEagerPadawanhaving issues compiling nmap 7.01 on ubuntu mate 15.10 -> http://0bin.net/paste/4tOsjljQLt1e0dW2#YrDx4a73m2eGN9826yoWhXzGOGszYGOxnUfMu4xL1EV14:03
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
renatupopey, I update my Mr based on yours, it will only update the qtquick import to use the version 2.4: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu-calendar-app/sdk-1-3/+merge/28445414:31
renatupopey, who is the guys that I can ask for review my MR? I hame a couple of MR that needs review14:31
JMulhollandmivoligo : It’s not a font, as far as I know they we’re image assets, trying to see if theyre available anywhere for you now.14:47
micaelHi, what are the options to develop apps to ubuntu phone14:56
micaelofficial and not14:56
renatupopey, The new event bottom is not visible on the header anymore, is that correct?15:04
popeyrenatu, hm, i thought we moved it to the menu on the right... where did that go?!16:03
renatupopey, I found a way to create events by clicking on the time int the view16:04
popeyrenatu, right, but i think the button should still be in the menu...16:04
popeydid I make a mistake on my merge?16:05
renatupopey, yes I agree, I think it was removed on the branch that you are based on16:05
popeywill take a look, that wasnt intentional16:07
renatupopey, on your MR line 314, 533, 56316:07
davmor2micael: not sure I understand you but feel free to create app, developer.ubuntu.com will point you in the right direction16:10
popeyrenatu, i think i got that from Kunal's merge. The intention was to move that to the menu16:10
popeyrenatu, ok, I'll have to fix that, sorry.16:13
renatupopey, np16:13
dpmDanChapman, for your question about the location of translations, can you remind me again how are translations handled in dekko? Are we using gettext or the Qt translations framework instead?16:39
balloonsso popey, I'm looking at file manager -- anything else causing trouble?16:40
popeyballoons, reminders tests seem to be failing - if you see dpm's merge16:40
dpmpopey, balloons, bug 1539482 (notes) and bug 1539494 (clock)16:46
ubot5bug 1539482 in Ubuntu Notes app "Daily builds fail after NotesPage test failure " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153948216:46
ubot5bug 1539494 in Ubuntu Clock App "Daily build fail after test failure" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153949416:46
dpmand in order of priority I'd say notes, clock, file manager16:47
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balloonsI know about clock -- ahayzen was working on it and bartoz was inquiring about it16:47
dpmthen I'd say notes would be the one to look at16:48
ahayzenballoons, if you are talking about jenkins, most of the issues are related to not being able to click allow/deny on the location thing16:48
ahayzenfor clock/weather16:48
balloonspopey, and was I crazy or was it docviewer that had the issue and not file manager16:48
ahayzenand the random hits of bug 1536361 :-)16:48
balloonsahayzen, ahh, yes our experiements16:48
ubot5bug 1536361 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "When using the sdk helper for the keyboard to type in autopilot, it reports "Keyboard is not on screen"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153636116:48
popeyballoons, to be fair they mostly all do16:48
balloonsslave is offline on jenkins -- lovely16:51
DanChapmandpm, dekko use Qt's translation framework17:14
dpmDanChapman, ok, in that case I've added some extra info to the bug that I hope it's useful17:15
DanChapmandpm, thanks! I'll take a look17:15
renatupopey, how do I run calendar autopilot?18:07
popeyrenatu, on phone or laptop?18:07
popeycd tests/autopilot && autopilot run calendar_app18:08
popeyI think18:08
popeyballoons, is the expert here :D18:09
ahayzenpopey, what about http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/trunk/view/head:/README.autopilot ;-)18:10
McIntireEvanpopey: Few hours late here, but that'd be great!18:13
renatuahayzen, thanks18:13
balloonsrenatu, there's also lovely readme's with the branch18:19
balloonson the desktop I would run via sandbox; autopilot3-sandbox-run -X --windowmanager ratpoison -s 400x600x24 calendar_app18:20
renatuballoons, are you a calendar app dev?18:26
balloonsrenatu, not at all18:27
renatupopey, we could use bottom edge for "new event" action18:28
popeyrenatu, that would be good, we did consider that numerous times.18:49
popeyMcIntireEvan, okay!18:49
renatupopey, I will try that18:49
popeyMcIntireEvan, done, welcome to the team :D18:50
popeyrenatu, awesome18:50
McIntireEvanpopey: Thanks!18:51
McIntireEvanBTW, I'm trying to debug on an emulator, but when it builds the package for the emulator, I get an error that's caused by libpam0g being missing, obviously I can just apt-get that library when normally building, but it still says it's missing for this18:52
McIntireEvanI also tried installing the i386 version of the library alongside the one i have, but that didn't work. Any ideas?18:53
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
popeyyou need libpam0g-dev18:55
balloonsMcIntireEvan, it's probably saner to just run and debug on the desktop18:55
McIntireEvanpopey: Err sorry, that is the one I have18:55
McIntireEvanballoons: The change Im testing only affects the phone version :(18:56
balloonsMcIntireEvan, truly only affects phone?18:56
balloonssandboxing on the desktop can mitigate that18:56
balloonsbtw popey, everything is failing now on jenkins, due to the good ole test dependency insanity18:57
McIntireEvanhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-terminal-app/+bug/1499994 is the bug in question, said dialog only appears on mobile, and presumably unity 8 (Which I am setting up right now)18:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 1499994 in Ubuntu Terminal App "When prompting for password, focus is not set to password entry box" [Undecided,In progress]18:58
popeyMcIntireEvan, i think you can force that dialog to appear18:59
balloonssince things are still based on vivid, we might be hitting a big wall18:59
popeyterminal -p18:59
balloonsMcIntireEvan, and you can also simulate a phone nicely using sandbox: autopilot3-sandbox-run -X --windowmanager ratpoison -s 400x600x2 terminal19:01
balloons*autopilot3-sandbox-run -X --windowmanager ratpoison -s 400x600x24 terminal19:01
popeynews to me!19:04
popeyrenatu, feel free to use your uitk1.3 branch and work from that as mine is clearly broken. We can mark the others as rejected19:06
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=== davidcalle_3g is now known as davidcalle
ahoneybunI'm getting this error: debsig: Origin Signature check failed.20:00
ahoneybuneverytime I try to manually install a .click20:01
ahoneybunit has happened on 2 different packages20:01
popeywhere did the package come from?20:07
ahoneybunone is mine, Ubuntu Beginner and the other is the Open Store20:14
ahoneybunI can't seem to get the SDK to deploy my app20:14
ahoneybunso I was sideloading it kinda20:14
balloonsyou have to disable signature check when you sideload20:15
balloonsas you haven't signed it20:15
ahoneybunoh but what about the SDK20:16
balloonsSDK does that when it sideloads20:16
ahoneybunrsync is giving me code 1120:16
ahoneybunfrom the SDK20:16
=== javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft
ahoneybunbut I see it in the SDK but not in the file manager..20:17
DanChapmanmardy, hey! i'm getting this click warning for dekko "'account-application' is deprecated in ubuntu-sdk-15.04.1-qml: use 'accounts' hook instead" but i can't find any documentation for what i actually need to change20:18
DanChapmanI can't seem to find it on d.u.c20:19
ahoneybunthe SDK is not making an .excludes file20:19
=== javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft
elimistevepopey: my Scaleway server is running Wily. If I try Vivid, think it'll link against the right version of libunity-scopes? I'll try that next, thanks!20:29
popeythat's what I'd do20:29
popeyadd the stable overlay ppa tho20:29
elimistevepopey: "...ubuntu vivid with the stable phone ppa installed?" Is that this? https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay20:30
popeythats what the phone runs20:30
popey(and all my chroots)20:30
elimisteveAwesome, thank you!20:31
elimisteveI'm soooo close lol, down to 1 shared library link failure20:31
elimistevegod I hope this works20:31
ahoneybunballoons, any idea about the .excludes file20:45
ahoneybunrsync: failed to open exclude file /home/aaron/Projects/2.0/.excludes: No such file or directory (2)20:45
ahoneybunand that worked20:46
ahoneybunmm Components 1.3 does not work well with my tabs lol20:47
DanChapmanmardy, nvm figured it out :-) although changing to the "accounts" hook resulted in the user having to re-add those accounts.21:18
ahoneybunmm did tabs change a lot21:33
ahoneybunI keep getting "ListItem.Standard - ListItem is not a namespace" but I removed all ListItem.Standard on that page21:47
renatupopey, https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu-calendar-app/sdk-1-3/+merge/28445421:50
renatupopey, I will on bottom edge stuff based on this branch21:50
popeyrenatu, nice one, will take a look, thanks21:51
popeyjdstrand, you about, we have some confusion when uploading dekko to the store (cc DanChapman )21:52
popeywtf, 0.6 passes here DanChapman21:54
DanChapmanpopey that's the one I would prefer to publish as i've tested the OA parts thouroghly in that one. 0.6.1 requires the user re-adds the account which isn't so pleasent21:55
popeyactually DanChapman 0.6 was only a warning anyway21:55
popeyi see no fails in 0.6 in the store, and passes locally here21:55
DanChapmanso I can re-upload that one?21:55
popeyno need to re-upload. I think I can approve 0.621:56
popeylets see21:56
popeyjdstrand, ignore me, conflict between my laptop and store21:56
DanChapmanthat would be even better.21:56
DanChapman\o/ cheers popey :-D21:57
popeyyou can set 0.6.1. to no longer need manual review I think21:57
popeyNo, thank YOU!21:57
* popey raises a glass21:57
DanChapmanand published. :-)21:58
popeypmcgowan, ^ new dekko in the store21:58
popeyooh, you did new screenshots too21:59
pmcgowannice cant wait21:59
DanChapmanyep :-)21:59
ahoneybunI'm having issues with ListItems and linking to ext .qml files21:59
popeyyou don't think that's a little sad, asking yourself out for dinner? :)21:59
DanChapmanHahah wrong image. :-D me changes for the correct one22:01
DanChapmanahoneybun, what issue you having? not sure i understand your last comment :-)22:03
ogra_DanChapman, hey, shiny new dekko ... how do i open a mail now ? tapping the entry only gets me a buzz23:26
ogra_(or moves the highlight .... but it doesnt open the mail)23:27
ogra_i had "start offline" enabled (i dio that when traveling) ... seems then it doesnt open any mails at all23:29

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