
normalton7pm is not good for me tonight and I'm new here. What do you expect I'll be missing?17:59
mikeputnamfri nights are informal chit-chat (if any)    ;)20:12
tsimonq2normalton: yeah it's pretty informal, it's pretty much, "ooh look at this shiny new thing I found"21:25
tsimonq2normalton: but if you have something you want to say, say it now and we can discuss it when the time comes21:25
tsimonq2mikeputnam: will you be here? :P21:26
tsimonq2ohhhhhhhhh no...I can't :P21:26
tsimonq2we have hair appointments for my brother and dad at 6:20 then dinner21:26
tsimonq2well good luck :D21:26
=== mikeputnam1 is now known as mikeputnam

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