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soeewin! :D https://www.gamingonlinux.com/articles/tomb-raider-the-awesome-2013-version-looks-like-its-heading-to-steamos-linux.658111:53
BluesKajHi folks12:56
lordievaderclivejo: Are you at FOSDEM?13:01
clivejolordievader: nope Im not15:07
clivejowishing I was though15:07
lordievaderHmm, too bad. :(15:13
clivejoyofel or sgclark about?15:13
sgclarkhere and there, but not completely, just doing a merge now and then15:13
clivejowould you have time to guide me through backporting plasma 5.5.4?15:14
sgclarkno sorry, today is family day15:15
soee_sgclark: how complex is backporting proccess ?16:06
sgclarkI was using hacked up scripts to do them so overly complex. I see though that backports have been done since so maybe yofel made a cleaner way?16:09
yofelsgclark: read kubuntu-batch-backport-git, that's essentially my shell history16:30
yofelonly works with unreleased stuff so far, but that'll work for now16:31
yofelyou'll want to do that by hand though as we need a way to automate error-handling from do-all before we can have one script for that16:32
sgclarkah. clivejo ^16:33
sgclarksoonest I could get to it is Monday, mostly afk this weekend.16:34
yofelsure, me too 1116:34
soee_yofel: and clivejo can do it (have access to all this) ?17:07
ovidiu-florinsgclark: you're on fire these days18:24
ovidiu-florinawesome work18:24
sgclarkstill many merges to go :(18:26
clivejoyofel: ping19:56
yofelclivejo: hm?20:16
clivejotrying to do these backports20:16
clivejoanything I need to know?20:16
yofelhm.. I don't think so. You just need to merge the branches and generate packages from the resulting wily branch20:17
yofeljust pay attention to any errors in the commands20:18
clivejoso Im following that script kubuntu-batch-backport-git 20:18
clivejoIve done the clone20:18
clivejocheckout and merge20:18
clivejoall seem to go pretty normal, no errors20:18
yofelok, I didn't get any errors last time either20:19
clivejocurrently on git-buildpackage-ppa20:19
clivejobut wanted to double check with you before I do a push20:19
clivejois there anything I should look out for?20:20
clivejoor what should I be checking20:20
yofelyou will have to switch the status page to wily, but otherwise the backports work the same as uploading for dev20:21
yofeltheoretically there could be wily specific changes that you need to make, but most of that should already be in the backports branch, so there's little chance of you having to add anything20:22
clivejooh I see a mistake already20:23
clivejopassed the wrong variable20:23
clivejo$stable_version is the distro version :/20:24
yofelright ^^20:24
clivejolets try that again!20:24
clivejoI put the plasma version ie 5.5.420:25
clivejogonna have to do discover manually20:27
clivejoso all we are doing is taking the xenial_archive git and merging it into backports?20:28
clivejodoes it matter that xenial_archive is still UNRELEASED?20:29
soee_http://neon.kde.org.uk/ :)20:31
acher88tried neon of a wily vm and so far so good, though not done much with it20:41
soee_well it i just starting20:43
soee_much work to be done20:43
useryofel: amarok in the kubuntu backports ppa is not functional ... but since the version number is 2.8.90 the default amarok install is overwritten21:02
useryofel: would be great if someone could either fix or remove tha package from the backports ppa21:04
yofelclivejo: yes, otherwise we would need to add another changelog for the backport21:11
yofeluser: define unfunctional? But I can remove it, sure21:12
clivejoyofel: ok to start uploading them to ppa?21:12
clivejoIll upload before I do a push?21:12
yofelorder doesn't matter, but go ahead with uploading it to staging21:13
clivejouploading now21:14
clivejoalso git push to KA21:14
useryofel: i can't play any music21:15
useryofel: when pushing the play button nothing happens. fresh install. tested different phonon backends always the same21:15
useri am not really experienced with apt pinning, so i couldn't test the repo version as I went straight to backports from a fresh install 21:16
yofeland that works if you *just* downgrade amarok?21:16
usersry for that noob question, how would i do that?21:16
yofeltry: sudo apt install amarok=2:2.8.0-0ubuntu621:17
yofelyou might need to downgrade a lib package too or so21:17
useri wanted to do that, it told me it does not find that version21:17
useroh i might have forgotten the 2: in the beginning ... brb, testing21:18
soee_hmm it shows 5.5.3 http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/plasma/build_status_5.5.4_wily.html21:21
yofelwhy are you always so impatient? :D21:22
* clivejo bites tongue21:22
clivejoIm still uploading soee_21:22
soee_oki :)21:22
clivejoblame my slow internet :P21:22
soee_but mobile :D my mobile is 3x faster than cable ...21:23
soee_though t-mobile offers me 7gb in my plan only :<21:23
clivejoI have a mobile21:23
clivejobut the nearest mast is only 2G21:24
soee_clivejo: how you plan looks like ?21:24
clivejoand for that I have to hang out an upstairs window!21:24
soee_do you have some limits etc. 21:24
clivejoI was on an all you can eat tariff, but fell out with the mobile network21:25
clivejothey wont upgrade my local mast21:26
kuseryofel: i'm user, just from the other machine, it seems the downgrade did nothing :-( still the same problem with the repo version21:26
kuseryofel: any idea? it does not even give me an error ... it just does nothing when pressing play21:26
soee_clivejo: what i dont like in tmobile is a long time for updates, for example i bought new phone last week - S5 Neo but with android 5.1.121:27
soee_and for 6.0 i will ave to wait few months :/21:27
soee_or maybe it is more related to Samsung beeing lazy21:27
clivejosoee_: yup, hate samsung21:27
clivejoload of bloatware and so slow with updates21:28
clivejoI rooted and installed CM13 on mine :)21:28
soee_bfore S3 i had always Sony Ericson21:28
clivejoand all the Samsung bloatware is gone21:28
soee_never tried LG or Nokia etc.21:28
soee_i try to stick with official firmware21:29
valorieuser, please run from the commandline: `amarok -d --nofork`21:29
clivejoI like the Galaxy S phones, but the S6 is going the wrong way, so I think Im jumping ship with Samsung21:29
valorieand let's move to #kubuntu for support21:29
soee_clivejo: i like S5 Neo performace 21:30
soee_it has a bit slower CPU compared to S521:30
soee_but works pretty fine21:30
soee_and i cant say anything about S6 as i bever but new phones same year they were released21:31
clivejosoee_: refresh qa page now21:31
soee_clivejo: +1 :)21:31
clivejoI need to go do discover21:32
soee_huh ?21:32
soee_ah yes, it fails21:32
soee_clivejo: also repos contsins plasma-discover - 5.5.3a-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa121:34
soee_while there shoudl be only 5.5.421:34
soee_so probably this one should be removed ?21:34
clivejoit picks up the old one until the new one is uploaded21:35
clivejoand starts to build21:35
soee_ah, ok.21:36
clivejoyofel: does KCI need to be paused for backports?21:40
yofelit doesn't21:40
clivejoso Im ok for a big push21:40
* clivejo pushs21:43
clivejoyofel: is there any way to reverse engineer a .deb binary?21:45
clivejoto get a /debian folder21:45
vipclivejo: mc?21:46
clivejovip: whats that?21:47
vipmidnight commander21:47
yofeldpkg-deb can extract the control information from a deb. But you'll only get the binary package information21:47
vipfile manager21:47
vipclivejo: you just hit enter on .deb21:47
clivejoyofel: you dont happen to know where kolab keep their packaging?21:48
clivejoyofel: hows that looking now? http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/plasma/build_status_5.5.4_wily.html21:55
clivejoseems to be just lintian errors/warnings21:56
clivejoovidiu-florin: how are you?22:01
soee_try the testers command22:03
ovidiu-florinclivejo: MAD!!22:25
ovidiu-florinANGRY as hell22:25
clivejomad as in busy, or mad as in you are pissed?22:25
mparillopissed in en_UK EQ drunk in en_US, right?22:40

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