
=== uaa is now known as Guest9432
=== semiosis_ is now known as semiosis
=== DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz
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=== FourDollars_ is now known as FourDollars
=== dkessel_ is now known as dkessel
=== infinity_ is now known as infinity
=== Guest9432 is now known as damascene
=== JanC is now known as JanC_FOSDEM
=== Nigel is now known as G
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
Laibschcan I ping the devs here about a simple SRU fix for bug 1287424?12:46
ubottubug 1287424 in mysql-workbench (Ubuntu Trusty) "Cannot install mysql-workbench with mysql-server 5.6 or mariadb" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128742412:46
=== bigon_ is now known as bigon
elbrusjust for those that care about arm64, today I uploaded the free pascal compiler fpc 3.0.0 to Debian which includes suppport for arm6421:48
elbrusI guess Ubuntu needs to bootstrap that somehow.21:49
elbrusit is done for Debian already21:49
elbrusalso, because of the upload of fpc 3.0.0, lazarus and castle-game-engine need to be rebuild21:56
* elbrus has no clue nowadays how to request that21:56
elbrusI guess it requires a debdiff and a sponsor, right?21:57
* elbrus is not going to work on fixing Ubuntu right now, Debian has already to much work involved, but I thought to let it be known here.21:58
=== czchen_ is now known as czchen
=== knome_ is now known as nome
=== nome is now known as knome
marlincogasawara what would https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zfs-linux/+bug/1532198 mean for ZFS on Ubuntu?23:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1532198 in zfs-linux (Ubuntu) "[MIR] zfs-linux" [High,New]23:27

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