
flipsidecreationgood morning cmaloney15:39
cmaloneyHow's the morning so far?15:46
flipsidecreationgood, just working on some making some YouTube videos15:46
cmaloneyCool deal15:48
flipsidecreationyeah, a few people have asked me about doing one on kdenlive, which is the software that I use to edit with15:49
cmaloneyAh, neat.15:52
flipsidecreationyeah, and you know me as Tom Lawrence, I will be presenting on pFsense at the MUG15:53
cmaloneyGod Damn, MySQL innodb is slow16:04
_stink_flipsidecreation: that's pretty meta16:09
_stink_using kdelive to edit a video about kdenlive16:09
flipsidecreationI could go deeper, make a video on kdenlive about making the kdenlive video16:10
cmaloneyflipsidecreation: Oh, hi there!16:10
cmaloneyLooking forward to the talk in April16:10
flipsidecreationalso, I should change my IRC name to TomLawrence16:10
flipsidecreationthe only real reference I have left to flipsidecreations.com is my mail server16:11
cmaloneyNah, keep 'em guessing. :)16:11
cmaloneyI changed mine to cmaloney for work after a while16:12
cmaloneyused to be snap-l until it got ridiculous16:12
flipsidecreationyeah, maybe that will be my weekend project, re-registering with IRC servers16:13
flipsidecreationI have to work on SEO for my name.  I am being out ranked by Sir Thomas Lawrence16:13
flipsidecreationand he is dead16:13
cmaloneyI have an engineering professor in my namespace16:14
cmaloneyand some stoner idiot who keeps using my gmail account as his email dumping ground16:14
cmaloneyHad one woman get really upset with me that I hadn't told her about my (thenm girlfriend, now wife) because she thought I was some young Irish Stepdancer.16:15
flipsidecreationSir Thomas Lawrence was a painter, so I am screwed in regards to doing image searches16:16
cmaloneyYeah, I'll bet16:16
_stink_my namesake is a British extreme rock climber16:17
flipsidecreationthat is not a bad association16:17
cmaloneyEvening and all that (at least it will be in the next 30 minutes)22:29
mrgoodcatis 6:00 official evening?22:30
cmaloney17:42 is after sunrise22:30
cmaloneybut I've always heard 6pm was "Evening"22:30
mrgoodcatnever really thought about the exact definition i suppose22:31
mrgoodcatthe period of time at the end of the day, usually from about 6 p.m. to bedtime.22:31
mrgoodcatty google22:31
_stink_so i was saying epiphany is nice the other day22:58
_stink_i was wrong22:58
cmaloneyIt's awesome, or it's not nice?23:00
_stink_memory use isn't much better than chrome (or might be worse after a few tabs are open)23:03
_stink_and it's buggier23:03
_stink_call me fickle :P23:03
cmaloneyFickle. Happy? :)23:03
mrgoodcati'm not very surprised23:23
mrgoodcatbrowsers are just so complex now23:23
mrgoodcatit's hard to have one with a low memory footprint23:23
mrgoodcatespecially if modern js/css/html5 standards compliance is a factor23:24
mrgoodcatand it doesn't hurt to have google backing you when you're trying to squash bugs in such a complex system23:24

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