
markwaltHi guys.  I note that there are about 30 members awaiting approval on launchpad.  Is new membership suspended?22:46
valorieooo, I'd better look22:51
markwaltI might be reading the site wrong, but it looks like some of the pending members have been pending for four years.22:53
valoriethat is probably right22:53
valoriesince a few key people left, nobody has been minding the store22:54
valorieand I'm too busy to do it, but I might be able to approve members22:54
valorieI'll look22:54
markwaltWell, if you're taking volunteers, I'd volunteer to mind it.  I have time :-)22:55
markwaltback in a sec.  Gonna switch to a real IRC client.22:58
valorieooo, tukwila23:00
valorieyou are local!23:00
MarkwaltActually, I'm in Seattle :-)23:00
valoriewe used to have enough people to do events23:00
valoriebut I ran out of energy to organize all of them23:00
valorieI can GO23:00
valoriebut I can't organize23:00
MarkwaltAh, I see.  That happens23:00
MarkwaltI used to be the president of a hobbyist organization called Dragonflight, and I can relate.23:01
MarkwaltIt helps if there are people willing to step up and take over for when you inevitably burn out.23:02
MarkwaltSo... does this group...eh...do anything?23:03
valoriewe used to23:04
valoriesoftware freedom day, release parties, office hours.... or what do you call 'em23:04
valorietesting and bug squashing sessions23:04
valorietables at oscon and lfnw23:05
valorieI did seagl last year with Scarlett from Portland23:05
valorieI'm a kubuntu person btw23:05
valorienice to meet you Mark23:05
MarkwaltNice to meet you23:06
MarkwaltI've never heard of SeaGL23:06
MarkwaltI guess I'm new to the community, but not new to Linux. I'm running Xubuntu23:06
valorievery cool!23:07
valorieSeaGL has been going for 4 years I believe23:07
valorieI've been to two of them23:07
MarkwaltHuh.  I just looked them up.  I might have to go.23:07
MarkwaltI might actually volunteer to help them a bit.  I've got some experience running a convention.23:08
Salthi Markwalt !23:11
Saltalso have you heard of GSLUG?23:12
valorieSalt my friend!23:12
Saltvalorie, it was so fun to have installfests and day against drm23:12
valoriewhere are you?23:12
MarkwaltNope, never heard of it23:12
Saltvalorie, FOSDEM23:12
Saltgiving a talk tomorrow actually23:12
valorieall my friends are at fosdem....23:13
Saltyeah, I've seen a few of them! :P23:13
valorieI'll bet you have !23:13
Saltwas so weird when talking to a volunteer and mentioned elcaset and they knew him23:13
valorieall my circles converge there23:13
SaltMarkwalt, welcome to the area!23:13
valorielinuxchix, kubuntu, ubuntu, kde, gsoc, and on and on23:14
Saltthis group has a rocky past and complete lack of leadership atm23:14
valorieSalt: we are currently experiencing a weird glow in the sky23:14
Saltoh yeah?23:14
valorieany idea what that might be?23:14
valorieround, oh so bright.....23:14
Saltnope, just streetlights23:15
MarkwaltWhere?  Over Seattle?  I'm in Greenwood and it's dreary.  :-(23:15
Saltand clouds23:15
SaltMarkwalt, she's joking because I am in Brussels atm23:15
Saltbeen traveling since october23:15
MarkwaltAh, I see23:15
Saltanyway, GSLUG is the group I dumped my focus into and sometimes meets in the greenwood area23:16
Saltstill keep this channel alive in the hopes that it revives :)23:16
* valorie lives near Black Diamond23:16
Saltcurrently the ubuntu oregon and ubuntu vancouver are way more active23:16
valorieabout an hour south from you, Markwalt23:16
valorieI see blue sky and sunshine23:17
valorieit was dreary and dark earlier, for sure23:17
Saltis linuxchix still going on?23:18
valorieindeed we do23:18
valoriea couple of the fosdem organizers are linuxchix23:19
valorierycuda and yady23:19
SaltI have really not learned names of anyone yet23:19
Saltwas so tired today, went home early actually23:19
valorief3ew from India is there as well23:19
valorieyou're missing the neon rollout dinner23:20
Salt*guessing it is a kde thing*23:21
valoriebuilt on an ubuntu base23:22
MarkwaltGLSUG looks interesting, I might have to go.  Have a commitment every Saturday eve. but if it meets close to me, I might be able to swing it.23:24
MarkwaltGSLUG that is.23:24
MarkwaltNice to meet you guys, heading out for a while.  Got company coming over, and my place is a mess :-)23:28
valoriethat was cool, and it's nice to hear from you Salt23:30
Salthow are things there?23:32
valoriewell, my daddy is starting to forget how to swallow23:34
valorieso that's hard23:34
valorieand death, I guess23:34
valorieother than that, things are good23:34
valorieespecially when the sun shines23:34
Saltyour husband recovered from the hike?23:35
Saltgood good23:35
valoriealthough his feet still hurt at the end of the day23:35
SaltI'll bet23:35
valoriebut he's no longer a walking skeleton23:35
valoriehe's still really happy he did it23:35
valorieare you enjoying your journey?23:36
Saltso far so good23:37
Saltthough I have a conference in SF at the end of the month, so going to come back stateside for a bit23:37
valorieI love that you're doing this 23:37
valorieadventure is good23:37

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