
OvenWerkszequence: which version does the about box say?00:22
zequenceOvenWerks: I forget the version. It's on 15.10, which I haven't updated for a while, but I doubt there's been new uploads for ardour on that release00:54
zequenceAh, let me check with rmadison00:54
zequenceI'll be upgrading to xenial soon00:55
zequence4.6 already00:55
OvenWerkszequence: I do seem to remember a memory leak that was fixed within the past 3 or 4 months.01:22
zequenceOvenWerks: Ok, cool. There are a few other bugs, which don't cause me too much problems, like when adding tracks, they don't always end up where they are supposed and I have to move them down usually11:36
zequenceI've started to do some sidechaining, and though it works, I have a feeling there is something goofy going on with connections, but again, earlier ardour version11:37
zequenceShould upgrade and have a look11:37
zequenceI've set up the stagin site at http://ubuntustudio.zequence.net.15:38
zequencecfhowlett: It's for the theme that knome has been working on15:39
zequenceWe'll look at if we can use it for Ubuntu Studio15:39
cfhowlettOK.  but! !!  15:40
zequenceI'm going to switch to it just in a moment15:40
cfhowlettOfficially, is it Ubuntu Studio or Ubuntustudio?  15:40
zequencecfhowlett: Nothing decided yet. We just want to check it out15:40
zequenceIt's Ubuntu Studio. But, the terminal version would be ubuntustudio15:40
cfhowlettcolor me confused ...15:41
cfhowlettcause the wordmarks contradict that15:41
zequenceHow is that?15:41
zequenceThere have been several variants of the wordmark over the years, and that's jsut playing with graphics15:42
cfhowlettzequence, agreed, but I thought the whole purpose of the recent redesign was to establish a definitive brand15:43
zequenceWell, it's our latest definitive brand. And it looks good IMO15:45
cfhowlettagreed.  so then ... Ubuntu Studio ?? not to nitpick but am I missing something here?15:45
zequenceThe word Studio is clearly apart from Ubuntu in the graphics where Studio is fatter15:46
zequenceSo, I don't read it as ubuntustudio15:46
zequenceI read it as ubuntu STUDIO15:46
cfhowlett... ok15:46
zequenceSimilar to Ubuntu Gnome https://ubuntugnome.org/15:46
zequenceZak reduced the distance between the letters to make it look better15:47
zequenceI switched themes, and adapted the theme to use our official blue instead of the Ubuntu orange15:53
zequenceNow, what would be cool is to make it dark15:53
zequenceknome: Nice work on the theme!15:53
cubI made some updates to the test site http://ubuntustudio.zequence.net/ Next step should be to set up a child theme and try out some colouring22:16
knomezequence, for all of you dark theme loving folks (including cub who quit very fast), i have pushed a new revision of the theme to github with a dark theme variant - this can be enabled from the customizer23:02
OvenWerksknome: I think cub reads the back scroll from the archives anyway.23:05
=== knome_ is now known as nome
=== nome is now known as knome

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