
soumi want to make cyborg hawk to look like ubuntu studio04:23
soumcan somebody help?04:23
cfhowlettsoum, what the heck is cyborg hawk?04:23
soumits an advanced pentest os04:24
soumbased on ubuntu gnome04:24
cfhowlettsoum, but NOT ubuntu and not supported by ubuntu.  ask the cyborg hawk team about changing the theme.04:25
soumi like its tools but desktop environment is not attractive04:25
soumit is ubuntu based04:25
cfhowlett!flavors | soum these are supported  If not on this list, not supported.04:25
ubottusoum these are supported  If not on this list, not supported.: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.04:25
soumok i got you,04:26
cfhowlettsoum, you might see the gnome.org team as well04:26
soumok tell me, does software centers vary with desktop environment?04:26
cfhowlettsoum, the repos are identical but the tool may vary04:26
cfhowlette.g. ubuntustudio is built on xubuntu but still uses Ubuntu Software Center.04:27
soumactually i have tried a lot but skype is not installed in cyborg hawk04:28
soumok , i will see that04:28
cfhowlettsoum, skype is likely NOT installed on ANY linux by default.  in ubuntu, it is a third party repo.04:28
soumby the way, thanks a lot04:28
cfhowletthappy2help! and suggest you install an official ubuntu flavor!04:29
soumbut after adding i386 lib it was installed in ubuntu studio04:29
=== themacproguy is now known as Zachary_DuBois
georgeowellHas Noah shaved his eyebrow off?20:06
georgeowellwrong channel :)20:08
georgeowellLinux Action Show is streaming rn20:08
georgeowellfor context20:08

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