=== Resu_Etavirp is now known as Private_User [06:07] hellooo africa [06:11] hello Kilos [06:11] hows things there MarwenDo ? [06:11] all good here [06:11] fine :) [06:22] Morning Kilos , MarwenDo [06:22] hi CraigZim [06:23] Morning CraigZim [06:23] eebrah you still alive? [06:24] you need to just greet now and again so we know you are ok [06:25] you too cyrilb d3r1ck Ch3ck cbj R0ok_ daker Tribaal etc etc [07:26] guten mogen people [07:26] * R0ok_ hopes he didn't make a spelling error [07:39] guten morgen R0ok_ [07:39] hi philipballew [07:40] Kilos: Ow! I actually mis-spelled it :( [07:40] rev the fb page a bit so peeps can wake up [07:40] Kilos, hey buddy [07:40] hehe R0ok_ np [07:40] im a bud [07:40] too old to be a buddy [07:40] ha! [07:41] ever wondered what 1 TB of RAM looks like ? -> https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-9M33n3fA6_A/VrBQnnp5ElI/AAAAAAAAIko/v5HTT44n97Y/s780-no/1tbram.png [07:42] With that much RAM, I wonder if you can even achieve RAM speeds of over 800MHz [07:42] wow [09:59] hey everyone [10:00] Hey Guys! I have a question! Do you know any website where can I get CC or CopyLeft licensed posters to hack and use for events! Look at this → https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/Artwork#Ubuntu-TN_ArtWorks Before we had some artists in the LoCo, that create posters for us, now they are gone.. And I'm not able to create something better than ASCII art posters x( so I should find a base to use and hack for the events posters.. [10:09] not much on the net [10:09] Only this http://spreadubuntu.org/ [10:10] But no one is still sing it.. so many artworks are old.. and useless :;/ [10:10] https://www.google.com/search?q=creative+commons&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi4hqSD69jKAhUC0xQKHaAIAu0Q_AUIBygB&biw=1138&bih=516 [10:12] elacheche: what posters are you looking for [10:12] Ubuntu? [10:14] http://spreadubuntu.org/en/get-materials/poster [10:16] CraigZim, just am looking for materials to use when I need to :) [11:27] hi all [11:28] o/ [13:18] There is an APPROVED Open Source School in France o_O → http://opensourceschool.fr/ [18:12] hi Na3iL hows things lad? === pieter2627 is now known as chesedo [18:13] Hey Kilos fine thanks what about you? [18:13] good ty [18:14] chesedo hows the twitter thing going === who_da_fly is now known as superfly [18:27] Kilos: you can find it at https://twitter.com/pieter2627/status/692435631511838720 [18:27] lemme see [18:29] good man [18:30] might have done it a bit late as not everyone here got the link [18:32] ah [18:37] at least it seems to have generated 4 click to the website [18:37] s/click/clicks/ [18:37] lol [18:38] every click counds [18:38] counts [18:38] lol [18:38] when i started this channel was months with 3 or 4 of us [18:39] oh ok [18:39] i had to actually join some locos mailing lists to be able to even contact them [18:39] one click was me [18:39] haha [18:39] anyway night africa [18:39] ag nee man [18:40] he is getting old inetpro [18:40] :-) [18:40] lekker slaap chesedo [18:40] who me Kilos? [18:40] oh [18:40] you said night [18:41] before me even so who is old [19:19] sleep tight africa