=== ruchlos42 is now known as ruchlos === pesari_ is now known as pesari === xnox_ is now known as xnox [14:50] rtg ( or anyone else ), could you give me a hand with a snappy ripi2 kernel config question? [14:50] I'm trying to determine of if our latest rolling snappy image was built with a particular kernel option [14:50] awe__, it is best to ask teh question, then we can poke people based on what the quesiton is [14:50] awe__, fire away [14:51] awe__, installed kernels have a /boot/config- with them [14:51] I have the source package downloaded, but am not sure how to figure out what config options were enabled when the binary package was built [14:51] on ripi2? [14:51] * awe__ looks again [14:51] awe__, we're talking raspi2, right ? [14:51] all kernels we produce should ahve configs in the .deb [14:51] awe__, but from the source tree you should be able to also "fakeroot debian/rules genconfigs" [14:52] yes, running our latest snappy rolling image [14:52] apw, cool that'll work! [14:52] which will make the same config in CONFIGS/* [14:52] awesome [14:52] but you need to be checked out at the right version obviously [14:52] I am [14:52] ;)- [14:52] and it would still be better to get the one out of the binary .deb, as that _really_ _really_ was the one it used [14:57] not sure how I'd do that? [14:57] if it isn't in the binary deb? [14:58] by the way, generating worked great after I realized I needed to run it on a xenial image [14:58] thanks! [15:01] awe__, it is boot/config-4.3.0-1006-raspi2 in he binary deb [15:01] apw, snappy doesnt support putting the config-$version into the snap ... which is why i enable on all arches the /proc/config.gz interface before giving my initial confiig to ppisati ... seems some script removes that again [15:01] ok, and that's just not getting installed then? [15:01] would be really helpful to keep that [15:01] got it [15:02] sounds like something we should try to fix, but I'm good for now [15:02] just needed to verify a BT option [15:02] awe__, it is not 'cause these are intended for embedded systems [15:02] k [15:03] ogra_, same for config.gz, it just uses RAM [15:03] a few bytes :) [15:05] raspi2 has 1 GiB of RAM... [15:06] most Ubuntu desktop systems had no more (sometimes even less) in the early years... [15:07] :) [15:08] yeah ... it is really neglectable [15:08] and common sense in the embedded world to have it [15:10] alternatively, the used diskspace would not really be relevant either, I think? [15:10] especially if you would gzip it something [15:11] yeah === arges_ is now known as arges [15:53] apw, PARTUUID works now [15:53] apw, do you have a bug where I can post +1 ? === bdmurray_ is now known as bdmurray [16:26] manjo, your bug :) [16:27] apw, oh crap yeah :) [16:28] manjo, and you can remind me of the number :) [16:29] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/1531928 [16:29] Launchpad bug 1531928 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "[Xenial] root=PARTUUID= is not recognized as valid syntax." [High,In progress] [16:35] apw, added a note to that bug. Thanks aton! [16:45] manjo, thanks [16:45] oh, why is that ? [16:45] * ogra_ remebers adding code to udev in 14.10 or so to support PARTUUID [16:46] (and in fact we rely on it heavily on phones) [16:48] * ogra_ wonders i9fr that never made it into the main distro .... if there is new/better code, the phone code should be replaced everywhere [17:32] rtg, hey. if you have a chance.. on the xenial GA kernel.. will it ship as upstream tag v4.4 and no more, or it should include some more recent commits after v4.4 (e.g, up to a certain point in time) ? [17:33] mauricfo, it'll havea boatload of 4.5 backport commits as well as several stable updates [17:36] rtg, ok. so, if ppc64el cares about some specific commits, it'd be better to point them in the specific feature request/bugs now, just in case, or wait until some point to verify and then ask? (so not to generate noise on you guys) [17:37] mauricfo, I'd say do it sooner then later, especially if they are already in 4.5-rc [17:37] rtg, ok. thanks, tim! === sforshee` is now known as sforshee === cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox === dannf` is now known as dannf