
=== daek_ is now known as Daekdroom
rwwit's not in the topic because 99% of people reading the topic want the Desktop ISO04:11
rwwi don't know the answer to your other questions04:11
lordievaderGood morning.09:38
=== ballock_ is now known as ballock
huwjrheya, are there plans to package php7 for 16?09:49
nacchuwjr: fyi, php7 is in xenial/universe09:50
huwjrsweet :)09:50
nacchuwjr: i'm working on what is involved to move it to main currently, cf https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/152242209:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1522422 in php5 (Ubuntu) "Update to php 7.0" [Wishlist,Triaged]09:51
naccjust finished bootstrapping phpunit, doctrine & symfony in the ppa mentioned in the bug to pull in php7 deps rather than php5 deps ... untested as of yet, though09:51
spm_dragetIs there a build for xenial server?10:44
spm_dragetThere is no daily build or alpha build for the server profile for xenial, correct? :(10:50
naccspm_draget: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/ ?10:50
znc_rww: thanks. that is great. then i am going with the crowd and treating this 16.04 as regular ubuntu LTS release11:20
lotuspsychjeznc_: in this stage things can still break right11:25
damascene#1541109 effects surf midori and everything using webkit1 could someone look at it please. webkit1 is replaced by webkit2 for epiphany11:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1541109 in xxxterm (Ubuntu) "on https sites, subresource certificates are not validated" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:34
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znc_lotuspsychje: wasnt talking about early adoption. was talking about the ubuntu core variant (which is being provided as a speparate ISO)11:44
=== lordieva1er is now known as lordievader
huwjrcheers nacc14:17
huwjrwas just planning some web server rebuilds - figure it’s worth waiting for xenial and php7 8)14:18
huwjrthanks for your hard work14:18
nacchuwjr: np -- i'll be sending out another update later today w/ some requests for testing14:27
voozeDoes anyone know/think Nautilus 3.18 will be patched in 16.04 to look okay for Unity? Currently it looks like a native Gnome3 app.14:57
=== elly314 is now known as elly3141
damascenehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1541109 effects surf midori and everything using webkit1 could someone look at it please. webkit1 is replaced by webkit2 for epiphany but not other projects17:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1541109 in xxxterm (Ubuntu) "on https sites, subresource certificates are not validated" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:29
BenLubarwhy is HTTP/2 not included in nginx-extras?18:33
tewardBenLubar: your question was asked/answered on LP already18:33
tewardBasically, the security team wants HTTP/2 as a protocol to get more real-world exposure before they permit it to be enabled in nginx18:33
tewardif you need HTTP/2 there is an NGINX PPA, also maintained by myself, for NGINX Mainline which has it in nginx-full and nginx-extras - https://launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/ubuntu/development18:34
mifritscherah, hi18:34
tewardBenLubar: but you won't get Ubuntu Security Team coverage from that PPA18:34
mifritscherI've updated to 16.04 (from 14.04) - one problem: many programs complains about "process:1421): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library" . My environment: LANG="de_DE.UTF-8" LANGUAGE="de_DE:en"18:34
mifritscherI've updated to 16.04 (from 14.04) - one problem: many programs complains about "process:1421): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library" . My environment: LANG="de_DE.UTF-8" LANGUAGE="de_DE:en"20:34
mifritscherah, and another problem:20:34
mifritscherFeb 03 21:31:36 michis-ibm-haupt audit[8067]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="chown" profile="/usr/sbin/avahi-daemon" name="/run/avahi-daemon/" pid=8067 comm="avahi-daemon" requested_mask="w" denied_mas20:35
mifritscherFeb 03 21:31:36 michis-ibm-haupt avahi-daemon[8067]: Failed to create runtime directory /var/run/avahi-daemon/.20:35
mifritscherFeb 03 21:31:36 michis-ibm-haupt kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1454531496.831:409): apparmor="DENIED" operation="chown" profile="/usr/sbin/avahi-daemon" name="/run/avahi-daemon/" pid=8067 comm="avahi-da20:35
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
BLZbubbaoh no, i just installed xenial and there is still an upstart package installed :C23:04
BLZbubbado we really have to wait another 2 years to get rid of it23:05
jtaylorthe more important question is, is it still running?23:06
jtaylorwhich is probably no23:06
jtaylor= we got rid of it23:06
BLZbubbanot good enough, i'll consider 18.04 i guess.  8.04 is still the last usable server LTS sadly23:10
jtaylormaybe you'd be happier using devuan23:12
BLZbubbaif they avoided the upstart nightmare, sure.  my 16.06 test machine is having X problems, the xsession log says: upstart: upstart-event-bridge respawning too fast, stopped23:17
FritigernBLZbubba: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28788358/process-plymouth-upstart-bridge-keeps-terminating23:49

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