[18:35] hi [18:35] is there a #ubuntu-hardware chan of some kind? [18:37] melodie: i don't think so [18:37] hi pmatulis [18:37] melodie: hi, how are you? [18:37] hi pmatulis well, thanks! and you? [18:38] melodie: i am well today thank you [18:38] melodie: maybe a kernel channel will help you? are you looking for supported hardware info? [18:38] I'm looking for insights about i5 and i7 under Ubuntu (especially Trusty) [18:38] yes, right [18:38] i5 660 [18:38] i5 6600 [18:38] i5 6600K [18:38] i7 7600 and i7 7600K [18:38] Skylake [18:39] then #ubuntu-kernel chan? [18:39] I guess I will try [18:50] good luck melodie [18:52] thanks