
jabukM 1.2 > 3.km JV od BOROVNICE @08/02/2016 02:34:35  https://maps.google.com/?q=45.9+N,+14.39+E01:45
zdobbie"Voters should be grateful for the government transparency laws that required Senator Bernie Sanders, a rival to Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, to reveal how much he made last year in speaking engagement fees."05:51
zdobbie"The total is $1,867.42 for three appearances, a grand sum that is chump change in presidential politicking but enough for the senator to respectably donate the money to charity."05:51
zdobbieyou too Bernie? :'(05:52
idioterna1867 baksov/05:53
idioternase prav 600 namest 600 jurjov?05:54
zdobbieyeah but05:55
zdobbiekak bo na taksn nacin furu ekonomijo?05:55
zdobbienot much of a businessman05:56
idioternahe'll just BREAK THEM UP06:02
Pepelka»Tap into the power of crowdfunding to bring Hillary Clinton to your event.«06:04
idioternao hud06:08
PepelkaJustin Wedes auf Twitter: "These numbers. Just wow. #FeelTheBern https://t.co/jw9C4WGO3J"06:12
CrazyLemonne bomo nasilni \o/ https://slo-tech.com/novice/t66605809:15
PepelkaŠtudija: vpliv nasilnih iger na agresijo izjemno šibek @ Slo-Tech09:15
Pepelka»Medtem ko smo se na nasilne vsebine na televiziji navadili in smo zadovoljni z opozorilom, da se mlajšim (samostojen) ogled odsvetuje, se glede računalniških iger z nasilno vsebino mnenja več kot dve desetletji po izidu slavnega Dooma še vedno krešejo. Opravili so že mnogo raziskav, enoznačnih zaključkov pa ni. Najnovejša longitudinalna študija kaže, da je med nasilnimi igrami in agresivnim vedenjem povezava, a zelo šibka, tako da je ko09:15
slax0rdz0ny: ko installiram nekaj z gobu, kako potem to spravit v common CLI?09:16
CrazyLemonjust build it and he will come!09:21
jabukRadarska slika padavin: http://www.arso.gov.si/vreme/napovedi%20in%20podatki/radar_anim.gif09:21
dz0nymv $(which the_thing _i_installed) /usr/sbin09:59
slax0rdz0ny: why sbin? :P10:05
dz0nycommon place for external binaries10:12
zdobersekfor sudoers10:14
slax0r /usr/local/bin ftw10:30
PepelkaStremio - Watch instantly16:03
Pepelka»Watch your favorite videos, movies and TV series.«16:03
CrazyLemonany good or just simple malware?16:03
zdobersek... good malware?16:04
CrazyLemonit looks nice..so there's that16:04
PepelkaFerrari GTC4Lusso - štirisedežni športnik s štirikolesnim volanom in štirikolesnim pogonom - Avto Magazin17:59
Pepelka»Ferrari je za predstavitev na avtomobilskem salonu v Ženevi pripravil GTC4Lusso, novi štirisedežni model, ki prvič združuje štirikolesni pogon s štirikolesnim...«17:59
CrazyLemonštirikolesni volan.. kakšen je pa dvokolesni volan?17:59
CrazyLemonKer obeležujemo dan varnejšega interneta 2016, smo v vaš Google Račun dodali 2 GB brezplačnega prostora za shranjevanje v Googlu Drive, ker ste opravili varnostni pregled.18:02
CrazyLemonče kdo rabi dodatna 2GB na gdrive18:02
msev-ke pa si naredu ta varnostni pregled18:04
CrazyLemonmsev- https://security.google.com/settings/security/secureaccount18:06
PepelkaSign in - Google Accounts18:06
msev-nč nism dobu18:06
msev-sm opravu18:06
CrazyLemonmsev- ne dobiš takoj18:06
CrazyLemonoz. ni takoj vidno18:06
msev-še enkrat sm ga opravu mogoče pa dvojno dobim :D :-P X-O 8-O18:07
CrazyLemonne dobiš dvojno18:07
msev-sj vem no18:07
msev-hecam se18:07
CrazyLemonče bi ga opravil že lani..pa bi letos spet dobu18:07
CrazyLemonjs sm lani že dobu 2gb18:07
msev-a nis opazu po številu smejkotov18:07
CrazyLemonne poznam js teh hipsterskih smejkotov18:07
PepelkaThe Pirate Bay begins testing browser streaming18:08
Pepelka»A Popcorn Time-style plugin lets you set sail for illicit new waters.«18:08
PepelkaLeaked police files contain guarantees disciplinary records will be kept secret | US news | The Guardian18:20
Pepelka»Guardian analysis of dozens of contracts revealed by hackers shows more than a third allow or require destruction of civilian complaint records«18:20
CrazyLemonChuck Canterbury, the FOP president, said that such contract provisions were designed to protect the due process rights of police officers. “Disciplinary files are removed because they affect career advancement,” said Canterbury.18:20
CrazyLemonmakes sense..if a police officers kills someone that would look really bad in his CV18:21
zdobbie_fun fun fun http://www.theverge.com/2016/2/8/10937272/fcc-tom-wheeler-cable-box-proposal18:26
PepelkaFCC chairman says 'history shows’ his cable box proposal will spur innovation | The Verge18:26
Pepelka»Nearly two weeks after introducing his proposal to overhaul the set-top box market, and nearly two weeks after being on the receiving end of cable companies’ criticism, FCC chairman Tom Wheeler...«18:26
yangTej k horseburger prpravljajo so pa kar mal nagravzni20:21
yangprijema denar pol pa kruh20:21
yangHundebackerei, morda kdo dobi poslovno idejo...20:51
PepelkaPasja pekarna HOV-HOV - 100% naravni pasji priboljški20:52
Pepelka»100 % naravni slovenski priboljški HOV-HOV, pasje torte iz mesa in zelenjave brez umetnih barvil, konzervansov.Narejeno v Sloveniji.«20:52
yangto bom kupil za sosedovga psa ob bozicu :)20:52
yangno ta se je ful dobr spomnil20:55
yangpa se zelo licne trgovine so20:55
yangno mogoce bom ze kej prej kupil21:00
yangpes itak ne ve kdaj je bozic21:00
CrazyLemonseveda da ve21:09
CrazyLemonlots of leftovers21:09
Pepelka»“Series a cara de perro!!! Jajajajjajajajjajajaja Si se me da la vuelta el perro entonces sí que nos reímos!!! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁#purito #puritofansclub #Andorra…”«21:26

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