wxl | knome: i'm facing this issue https://i.imgur.com/EID9dv1.png | 00:10 |
knome | looks like you don't have a theme set up. | 00:11 |
wxl | knome: meaning it's not activated? cuz it is. | 00:11 |
knome | you don't have *any* css applied, so i don't think you have the theme activated for the site | 00:12 |
knome | or something is wrong with your permissions | 00:13 |
wxl | knome: well it's active. https://i.imgur.com/9FzSWic.png | 00:51 |
wxl | knome: ownership and permissions seem kosher https://paste.ubuntu.com/14998790/ | 00:55 |
knome | popey, pleia2: https://github.com/knomepasi/ubuntu-community-wordpress-theme/issues/7 | 02:13 |
knome | wxl, what makes me think even more your permissions aren't right is that you don't see the screenshot in the wordpress theme selection screen. | 02:13 |
dholbach | good morning | 08:01 |
MooDoo | morning | 08:02 |
davidcalle | Bonjour o/ | 09:28 |
MooDoo | :) | 09:35 |
popey | ya! | 09:41 |
dpm | dholbach, davidcalle, any of you up for the Q&A today? We've got PatMcGowan and Richard Collins confirmed as guests and I'm just going to announce it | 11:37 |
dpm | they'll join us 30 mins into the call due to a conflicting meeting | 11:37 |
dholbach | dpm, can do... although I was in last week's with popey already | 11:42 |
dpm | dholbach, np, I can also ask balloons when he's up | 12:03 |
davidcalle | dpm, dholbach: can't do, sorry | 12:21 |
dpm | svij, popey, dholbach, I think I'll kick off a trello board for the ubucon call. I worked quite well for the one at scale | 12:55 |
svij | dpm: ok | 12:56 |
dholbach | dpm, cool | 12:56 |
popey | great idea | 12:57 |
dpm | svij, can you remind us of the dates? | 13:02 |
popey | mmmmm dates | 13:03 |
dpm | In the meantime, https://trello.com/b/vrvHS6sk/ubucon-europe | 13:03 |
dpm | feel free to add anyone else that you think should be in the board | 13:03 |
dpm | it's a public one in any case | 13:03 |
dpm | brb | 13:05 |
svij | dates? you mean 18th to 20th November? | 13:11 |
svij | btw, I wanted to add someone to our call, but that didn't really work (yay for no success/error message) | 13:16 |
balloons | dpm, are you also going to host the q and a? | 13:48 |
dpm | balloons, I am, but it'd be good to have someone else too | 13:51 |
dholbach | svij, who did you want to invite for the call - can we still get them on the call? | 14:25 |
svij | I've send her the direct link to the hangout | 14:26 |
svij | she should be able to join, I think | 14:26 |
dholbach | is it Ilonka? | 14:28 |
dholbach | svij, ^ | 14:28 |
svij | dholbach: yep | 14:28 |
dpm | dholbach, svij, will be 2 mins late | 14:30 |
svij | dpm: ok | 14:30 |
dholbach | ok | 14:30 |
* svij looks on his watch | 14:32 | |
svij | is popey also coming? | 14:33 |
dpm | yeah | 14:33 |
* popey arrives fashionably late | 14:34 | |
popey | dpm: svij where do you want to track suggested speakers? | 15:04 |
dholbach | dpm, which hangout do we use for UOS planning? | 15:04 |
svij | popey: either wiki or trello, or what do you think? | 15:05 |
dpm | dholbach, sorry, added it now | 15:05 |
dholbach | woohoo | 15:05 |
svij | wikipages for ubucon eu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuconEu/UbuconEu2016 | 15:05 |
dpm | popey, svij, I added a list for speakers during the call on the Trello board if you want to use it | 15:06 |
svij | dpm: you mean the column "speakers"? | 15:06 |
dpm | yeah | 15:06 |
svij | right | 15:06 |
svij | we can do it their | 15:06 |
svij | I'm pretty unfamiliar with trello | 15:06 |
popey | so that's for suggestions, not confirmed, right? | 15:07 |
dpm | popey, yeah, good point. We named that column "Proposed speakers" for ubucon @ scale | 15:07 |
* dpm renames | 15:07 | |
svij | do we get jane? ;) | 15:09 |
popey | we get the opportunity to ask :) | 15:09 |
svij | can you add lp user "ilonka-o" to the ubucon site editors? She wants to help for the website :) | 15:11 |
svij | oh I can do that too | 15:12 |
dholbach | all right, I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! | 17:10 |
wxl | knome: well, i'm out for testing unless you have some other suggestions, though i certainly understand your logic. of course your instructions include no suggestions about permissions | 17:39 |
knome | wxl, i'm no expert when it comes to permissions anyway, maybe somebody with more insight to that can help you set your test server correctly | 17:40 |
wxl | knome: is any parent theme required by chance? | 17:45 |
knome | wxl, no. | 17:50 |
knome | everything is self-contained | 17:50 |
knome | and you still aren't seeing the screenshot, which is totally part of the theme | 17:50 |
knome | so there has to be some permission problem, or something else fishy | 17:51 |
wxl | logically i get that, but it's not really helpful in determining why | 17:51 |
knome | as i said, i'm no permissions expert | 17:51 |
wxl | well i'll check with some experts i know | 17:52 |
knome | good luck | 17:52 |
wxl | yep | 17:52 |
wxl | knome: finally got it to work. had to put it in the right wp-content/themes directory and symlink from one to the other. wish downloading the zip just worked but it didn't | 18:22 |
wxl | knome: i filled it with some testing contrent and at first glance it looks pretty darn good | 18:22 |
wxl | knome: i LOVE the footer. | 18:24 |
wxl | knome: the menu is nice but i wish it didn't take over the whole page. personal preference, of course | 18:28 |
wxl | heheheh | 18:29 |
* wxl mounts redwolf | 18:29 | |
wxl | oops wrong channel O_O hahahah | 18:29 |
Pici | uh | 18:36 |
wxl | knome: dark theme is really nice, too. a welcome feature, too! | 18:43 |
wxl | knome: are there any limitations/requirements for the main logo in terms of size and such? | 18:46 |
wxl | knome: love how the menu changes to a dropdown when there's not enough room, although it seems weird that the logo switches sides. is that intentional? | 18:58 |
knome | wxl, the header logo image is max. 25px as specified in the customizer | 19:50 |
knome | wxl, and yes, the logo change is intentional; in real life, you don't often resize the window that much, so i don't think it's a big problem | 19:51 |
wxl | knome: i don't see that here, actually. it just says "The logo to show in the right side of the header. If an image is not set, a Ubuntu logo is used." by the way, that "a" should be an "an" | 19:52 |
knome | you're right, it isn't there; will add | 19:54 |
knome | and no, it shouldn't be "an" (ask native english people) | 19:54 |
wxl | knome: i am native english | 19:54 |
wxl | if the word following the article starts with a vowel, it should be an, otherwise a | 19:54 |
wxl | that's why you say "an image" and not "a image" | 19:54 |
knome | i've been tought it depends on the pronounciation of the word | 19:55 |
knome | and there are several pronounciations of "ubuntu" | 19:55 |
wxl | knome: and ubuntu doesn't begin with a vowel sound? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_articles#Indefinite_article | 19:56 |
Pici | it does depend on the pronounciation. | 19:56 |
wxl | one canonical way to pronounce ubuntu it seems http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ubuntu?s=t | 19:58 |
wxl | so vowel sound = an | 19:59 |
knome | well, it's fixed in the branch | 20:00 |
knome | happy to help with critical bugs | 20:00 |
wxl | great i'll let you know but so far have been disappointed, not having found any | 20:00 |
knome | sorry :( | 20:00 |
wxl | the installation was a little bit of a pain, but i suspect that's a wordpress problem | 20:00 |
knome | i don't think that's even related to wordpress as much as the server setup | 20:01 |
wxl | yeah could but, though i just used the instructions to install the whole thing | 20:01 |
wxl | in any case, i'm convinced, especially having had others try it, that it's specific to my set up | 20:01 |
knome | sounds very likely so | 20:01 |
wxl | though one of them uses the upstream tarball XD | 20:02 |
knome | happy to hear you got it fixed | 20:02 |
wxl | saw your email about flavors, mhall119. i just want to tell you i love you :) | 23:20 |
pleia2 | right <3 | 23:20 |
pleia2 | they even used the correct logos | 23:20 |
wxl | heh | 23:20 |
wxl | the order is a little weird | 23:20 |
pleia2 | knome submitted a bug report for that | 23:21 |
wxl | oh good | 23:21 |
knome | sorry! | 23:21 |
wxl | no thank you :) | 23:21 |
knome | time to relax (read: make my back/neck go even worse) by playing fifa | 23:22 |
pleia2 | actually, it's interesting that Kylin is listed there and on the main downloads page | 23:22 |
pleia2 | but 9 is a nice number | 23:22 |
knome | BUG! BUG!!! | 23:22 |
wxl | hahahahah | 23:22 |
knome | (or alternatively, mention xubuntu on the main page) | 23:22 |
wxl | "yeah we want to be on the main downloads page too! waaaah!" | 23:22 |
knome | though i guess there are so many of those chinese people that it might even make sense! | 23:24 |
wxl | i guess it's on each flavor to take care of pointing people at downloads | 23:40 |
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