[00:58] mhall119, still kicking? [01:23] mm I can't use PageHeader, ToolbarItems or anything [01:23] they just don't exist to the SDK [01:56] ahoneybun, check your manifest [01:56] for? [01:57] framework? [01:58] yah [01:59] I've changed it to them all and no luck [01:59] g2g [01:59] right now it is ubuntu-sdk-15.04-qml [01:59] ahoneybun, that is old [01:59] which one? [01:59] ahoneybun, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/view/head:/manifest.json.in#L4 [02:00] ahoneybun, "framework": "ubuntu-sdk-15.04.3-qml", is the latest [02:00] that is in "stable" [02:00] same error [02:00] cannot assign to non-existent property "tools" [02:00] ahoneybun, you have done an import Ubuntu.Components 1.3 ? [02:00] yea [02:01] * ahayzen hasn't actually used that component yet but plans to later in the week [02:01] funny that line is underlined red though [02:01] is usually bad [02:01] g2g [02:01] ahoneybun, is "tools" even a thing? https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04.1/Ubuntu.Components.PageHeader/ [02:02] tools: ToolbarItems { [09:41] Good morning all! Happy Wednesday, and happy Plimsoll Day! 😃 [12:00] renatu: when you get a moment could you resolve the conflicts in https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-add-guest-search-field/+merge/284121 ? [12:00] dbarth: got any ideas on a test plan for https://code.launchpad.net/~dbarth/ubuntu-calendar-app/push-helper/+merge/280697 ? :) [12:01] popey, sure [12:01] thanks renatu === alecu-natholiday is now known as alecu [13:20] popey: hey [13:20] yo [13:20] popey: mostly i create an event and set a reminder 5 min. in the future [13:20] ok, nice and simple then [13:20] I'll give it some testing on device here [13:20] thanks [13:21] then i check the indicators plays it; then i move that 2 min. turn off notification in system settings > notifications > calendar app [13:21] and check that it won't play [13:21] and then i use the clock to set an alarm, and confirm that the alarm fires event if notifications are off [13:23] ok [13:30] popey, conflicts solved [13:41] thanks renatu