
=== xnox_ is now known as xnox
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=== rw is now known as rww
rtgkamal, bug #1543980 indicates a possible table regression15:23
ubot5`bug 1543980 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "Kernel 3.13.0-77 crashes (can be triggered by Samba)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154398015:23
manjoapw, I think ppa requires amd64 for indep builds... can't find a way around it .. if you simply force to build only arm64 it just ignores indep packages 16:49
manjoapw, you would think they would have the condition if no other arch builds enabled build everything for the supported arch16:50
kamalrtg, ack re: bug #1543980.  I'll watch the LKML thread -- looks like there's already a proposed patch to fix it17:16
ubot5`bug 1543980 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "Kernel 3.13.0-77 crashes (can be triggered by Samba)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154398017:16
opnyHello, I'm trying to build an ARM kernel out of 4.4 on ubuntu 15.04. I get an error like this one ./arch/arm/vdso/vdsomunge: Failed to map arch/arm/vdso/vdso.so.dbg: Invalid argument17:24
opnyAny suggestion of what is going wrong?17:26
=== rww is now known as ezri

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