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* slangasek waves16:01
pittisorry, I lost my homework, it got destroyed by a graviton wave16:01
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Feb 11 16:02:49 2016 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:02
slangasek[TOPIC] Lightning round16:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e barry doko bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity sil2100 robru cyphermox pitti tdaitx xnox chiluk)16:03
slangasekbarry xnox tdaitx infinity robru cyphermox pitti slangasek chiluk sil2100 bdmurray doko caribou16:03
barryfinished up the bileto sprint, ue status meeting, resolving various issues with ISP16:03
barrydirtbike 0.3, virtualenv 14.0.5+ds-1, pytest 2.8.7-1 (still looking into xenial-only build failures), six 1.10.0-3, colorama 0.3.6-1, distlib 0.2.2-1, html5lib 0.99-4, setuptools de-wheel patch, debian bug #725848, several python-pips up to 8.0.2-516:03
ubottuDebian bug 725848 in python-pip "python-pip: default install method for non-root users should be --user" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/72584816:03
barryLP: #150808116:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1508081 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Fails to receive OTA updates" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150808116:03
slangasekxnox is out today16:04
tdaitxReally short week: vacation on Thu/Fri, holidays on Mon/Tue16:04
tdaitx* Going through 300+ emails16:04
tdaitx* Getting TCK to run for OpenJDK 7 on trusty based on Jean-Baptiste scripts (using LXC),16:04
tdaitx* Submitted my performance review after rewriting it a few times already16:04
tdaitx* get that TCK up and running, check the reports16:04
tdaitx* fill in the time waiting for TCK with something useful16:04
dokobarry, pip as root? /me runs away16:04
infinity(Very) short week, due to illness:16:04
infinity * SRU work and point release prep for 14.04.416:04
infinity * glibc prep for xenial16:04
infinity * glibc prep for upcoming security updates16:04
infinity * Meetings about golang backports in LTSes16:04
infinity * still sick, trying to focus on the screen :P16:04
infinityNext week:16:04
infinity * 14.04.4 release16:04
infinity * snappy sprint16:05
barrydoko: basically just porting the ubuntu delta to debian so i don't have to do manual merges :/16:05
slangasekrobru: yo16:05
barryroot pip still goes to /usr/local16:05
cyphermoxno robru?16:07
cyphermox- multipath-tools on LVM (bug lp: #1540401)16:07
cyphermox- prep/subarch bugfix (bug lp: #1533587)16:07
cyphermox- debian-installer rebuild for libdebian-installer archdetect fix16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1540401 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu) "ISST-LTE: Ubuntu14.04.4 lpar fails to boot after installation: "The disk drive for /boot is not ready yet or not present"" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154040116:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1523637 in libdebian-installer (Ubuntu Trusty) "duplicate for #1533587 grub-installer fails due to alternate disk partition error - 14.04.3" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152363716:07
cyphermox- choose-mirror CC.ports.u.c support16:07
cyphermox- discussing ubiquity design w/ mpt16:07
cyphermox- grub2 shim+dkms integration16:07
* doko is jealous about two days vacation for carnival ...16:07
cyphermox- ibmpmlinux review16:07
cyphermox- kpartx loopback16:07
cyphermox- testing grub2 enforcing kernel signature16:07
cyphermox- taxes forms fun16:07
cyphermox- discuss multipath-tools SRU next steps w/ caribou16:07
cyphermoxas you may have notcied I'm still refining my xsl for my tasks list...16:08
pittiwow, xsl16:08
pitti - Don't run PPA (silo) tests against -proposed, to behave the same as actual -proposed packages (#1541334)16:08
cyphermoxyeah, high tech huh16:08
pitti - Fix package component detection for silo retry buttons (#1542239)16:08
pitti - Fix silos flipping between running and approved (#1537866)16:08
pitti - Add robustification for lxc-{start,stop} hang on armhf (#1536021)16:08
pitti - Adjust LXD documentation for changed standard images without deb-src16:08
pitti - Fix build profile handling with too old libdpkg when building tested package16:08
pitti - Track down missing proxy env vars on trusty/ppc64el (#1539126)16:08
pitti - Debug ppc64el Scalingstack DHCP failure with IS16:08
pitti - debci: fix empty queues in running.json (#1542833)16:08
pitti - Add some glue and test/packaging adjustments to test an upstream PR against our packaging and autopkgtests (ongoing)16:08
pitti - Fix fsckd test regression (#1543144)16:08
pitti - Optimize runtime of autopkgtests (from ~60 to ~30 mins)16:08
pitti - test new lxcfs 2.0, drop our remaining support patch for that (not necessary any more)16:08
pitti - cloud-init: Debug weird time zone behaviour on cloud images (#1543025)16:08
pitti - ifupdown: add autopkgtest16:08
pitti - Fix invoke-rc.d regression for chroot install of packages without sysv script (#1543051)16:08
pitti - Clean up remaining usage of running-in-container (#1539016)16:09
pitti - Consistently use /etc/adjtime for UTC vs. LOCAL, grep archive for catching all of it (#1541532)16:09
pitti - prepare Debian debdiff for libseccomp, to reduce our delta, and merge16:09
pitti - postgresql: prepare new upstream security/bug fix releases for all supported Ubuntu releases (#1544576)16:09
pitticyphermox: I actually like the concept, if it wasn't so unwieldy16:09
tdaitxdoko: get your politicians "moving" =)16:09
cyphermoxpitti: I'm happy with the result now to massage hamster-applet's time tracking xml to something useful for this meeting16:09
slangasek * working with server team on php7 bootstrap16:10
slangasek * working on standing up .deb based images for rpi216:10
slangasek * presentation prep work for the snappy sprint next week16:10
slangasek * short-timer, soon to be disappearing for 4 weeks16:10
chiluknothing public for me this week.  I've been distracted with some ceph "fun" although I did poke on lp 153527816:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1535278 in ceph (Ubuntu Trusty) "0.80.11 stable point release" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153527816:11
bdmurrayyou keep saying that...16:11
slangasekbdmurray: :)16:11
sil2100- Landing team work, silo coordination, preparing landing e-mails16:11
sil2100- RTM Status meetings16:11
sil2100- system-image:16:11
sil2100  * Investigate issues with fetching device tarballs from remote system-image servers16:11
sil2100  * Prepared branch fixing some issues with our recovery keyring repack functionality16:11
sil2100- Handling the libjsoncpp transition, pushing no-change rebuilds for rdepends16:11
sil2100- Coordinating the release of scopes rebuild for libjsoncpp transition16:11
sil2100- OTA-9.5:16:12
sil2100  * A lot of coordination of fixes for frieza16:12
sil2100  * Work on the proposition of doing a phone hotfix as OTA-9.5, based on the hotfix PPA16:12
sil2100  * Multiple image rebuilds16:12
sil2100- Discussion regarding switching to Debian AndroidTools16:12
sil2100- Help in investigating ABI-compliance-testability issues in scopes16:12
sil2100- Re-packing the mako bq-aquaris.en tarball into a proper tarball16:12
sil2100- Landing Team tools:16:12
sil2100  * Finishing image-info script16:12
sil2100  * Creating a promotion of latest devel-proposed to devel image script16:12
bdmurraybaby sitting Error Tracker issues (ceph)16:12
bdmurraychanged, then reverted (b/c phone) stop accepting vivid crashes16:12
bdmurraysubmitted RT to have gdb updated on staging /production retracers16:12
bdmurraytested new version of gdb on the staging retracers (good)16:12
bdmurrayinvestigation into mojo failure in devops16:12
bdmurraysubmitted RT regarding datastax access from devops cassandra16:12
bdmurrayset Vivid as End of Life in meta-release files16:12
bdmurraycommented on upgrade from T to V bug regarding W16:12
bdmurrayuploaded ubuntu-release-upgrader Wily SRU for LP: #153888016:13
bdmurrayuploaded a fix for ubuntu-release-upgrader bug LP: #129233516:13
bdmurrayuploaded fix for update-notifer LP: #151232616:13
bdmurrayresolved phased-updater failure w/ unicode16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1538880 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Wily) "Using DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive causes output to be garbled." [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153888016:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1292335 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "do-release-upgrade crashed with AttributeError in run(): 'apt_pkg.PackageManager' object has no attribute 'ResultFailed'" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129233516:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1512326 in update-notifier (Ubuntu Wily) "Running apt-check --package-names returns an unknown error" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151232616:13
bdmurrayfoundations bug triage16:13
bdmurraybileto / cupstream2distro sprint (LP: #1460861)16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1460861 in CI Train [cu2d] "changelog entry for MP with multiple authors should summarize as [ author1, author2 [, ...] ], not repeat changelog for each author" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146086116:13
bdmurray✔ done16:13
doko- gcc-5 update, Linaro merge16:14
doko- gccgo-616:14
doko- ncurses transition16:14
doko- more work on the openmpi transition16:14
doko- cleaned up NBS (mostly)16:14
doko- llvm-3.8 updates, make 3.8 the default16:14
doko- java defaulting to 8 imported; filing bugs, fixing some issues16:14
doko- pocketsphinx transition, finding unused unity-voice package, removed16:14
doko- helping/fixing for the numpy transition16:14
doko- finished some smaller transitions16:14
doko- once all the default changes are migrated, planning the next test rebuild (hopefully with an updated glibc as well)16:14
caribou Bugfix :16:14
caribou - LP #1528101 - vm.min_free_kbytes crash issues16:14
caribou   Solution would be overly complex for a corner case16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1528101 in kexec-tools (Ubuntu) "ISST-LTE: kdump failed: second kernel booting hangs after /scripts/init-bottom when large min_free_kbytes value being set" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152810116:14
caribou - LP #1534106 - rsyslog segfault with juju16:14
caribou   Fixed with rsyslog merge16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1534106 in rsyslog (Ubuntu) "rsyslogd crashed with SIGSEGV with juju-local configuration" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153410616:15
caribou - Request backport for LP: #1494141 - haproxy 1.5 does not terminate to trusty16:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1494141 in trusty-backports "Please backport haproxy 1.5.14-1ubuntu0.15.10.1 from wily-updates" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149414116:15
caribou Development work:16:15
caribou - LP #1540537 - libvirt sponsorship16:15
caribou - LP: #1540491 - merge clamav16:15
caribou - LP: #1544503 - makedumpfile 1.5.9-516:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1540537 in libvirt (Ubuntu Vivid) "make ovs-vsctl not raise error if there's no portData available." [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154053716:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1540491 in clamav (Ubuntu) "Please merge clamav 0.99+dfsg-1 (main) from Debian stable" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154049116:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1544503 in trusty-backports "Please backport makedumpfile 1:1.5.9-5 (main) from xenial" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154450316:15
caribou - LP: #1543636 - upload makedumpfile enablement for s390x + LZO16:15
caribou - Reviewed CVE for ntp merge16:15
caribou ☑ Done16:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1543636 in makedumpfile (Ubuntu) "makedumpfile: Enable s390x builds" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154363616:15
slangasekany questions?16:15
cyphermoxah, yes16:16
cyphermoxbdmurray: do we have a way to test upgrades with ubuntu-release-upgrader before we have a new release?16:16
cyphermoxI might want to better test the upgrade from CC.ports.ubuntu.com16:17
pitticyphermox: wasn't that what the -d option is for?16:17
cyphermox(as things will try to match mirrors and stuff)16:17
cyphermoxpitti: upgrade from xenial to xenial+x16:17
bdmurraycyphermox: There are some manual ways to test new versions.16:18
cyphermoxsince this change won't be in before xenial16:18
cyphermoxbdmurray: ok16:18
cyphermoxxenial+n if you prefer16:18
=== Guest81014 is now known as Zic
cyphermoxxenial + # then?16:19
pitticyphermox: why does it need to be u-r-u specifically?16:19
slangasekcyphermox: why you have to take away our fun ;(16:19
infinity#xenial #omg #nofilter16:19
cyphermoxu-r-u does some magic with mirrors16:19
cyphermoxie. checking if it's official and such16:19
pittiupgrade logic ought to be in postinsts as much as possible16:19
cyphermoxI suppose something else might do that too16:20
pittias a lot of people use apt directly16:20
cyphermoxI don't see why apt would fail at all16:20
cyphermoxthis is simply about changing apt/sources.list16:20
infinitypitti: Yeah, he's not talking about upgrades, per se, but u-r-u's weird mirror-handling.16:20
pittioh, ok (I didn't get *what* you wanted to test exactly)16:20
cyphermoxinfinity: I knew there was something to do with #16:20
pittiwhy would the mirror handling be any different from t→ x than x→ y?16:21
infinitypitti: Due to adding support for cc.ports (where previously, it was just ports)16:21
infinityBut this should be easily testable.16:21
slangasekpitti: what he's asking for is testing an upgrade using the new version of u-r-u16:21
infinityAnd, honestly, I've been using us.ports for ages, and u-r-u has never exploded.16:21
pittiI mean, cc.pots would also mirror trusty, or not?16:21
cyphermoxpitti: I have added $CC.ports.ubuntu.com, which might confuse u-r-u a tiny bit thinking it's not a blessed mirror16:22
cyphermoxpitti: sorry,16:22
cyphermoxpitti: added in choose-mirror, so it only will start to get used for xenial installs16:22
slangasekright, so if infinity says it already works, maybe just hand-modify your trusty sources.list and test, cyphermox ?16:22
cyphermoxoh, good point.16:22
infinityWell, "works".  I think that, right now, u-r-u believes that us.ports is a non-blessed mirror, but keeps it for lack of other mirrors in your sources.list16:23
infinityIt probably needs to be taught that it's official.16:23
infinitySo, yes, needs some testing.16:23
cyphermoxyeah I think that more or less matches what I understood of u-r-u code for this16:23
cyphermoxthat's all I had really16:24
bdmurrayu-r-u checks the LP official mirrors16:24
bdmurrayoh and has some hard coded bits like ports.ubuntu.com and old-releases.ubuntu.com16:24
bdmurraysee data/mirrors.cfg16:25
cyphermoxyeah, but it didn't seem to matter16:25
bdmurrayit meaning what?16:25
infinityThe LP mirror list doesn't include all variations of CC.archive, so maybe this has always been a latent misfeature.16:25
cyphermoxfwiw my usual victim, ca.*.u.c wasn't in the list, so I expect things to work, I just want to be *sure*16:26
slangasekother things16:27
slangaseknext Monday is a holiday in the US16:27
slangaseknot sure if people are taking it or not?16:27
infinityHere too.16:27
slangasek(I am)16:27
cyphermoxoh, is it?16:27
barryi am too16:27
infinityI'm swapping mine, because sprint.16:27
slangasekinfinity: you celebrate Presidents' Day?16:27
infinityslangasek: No, "Family Day".16:27
bdmurrayI am taking it.16:28
cyphermoxah, not a holiday in Quebec16:28
slangasekinfinity: why is your Family Day different than BC's?16:28
infinitycyphermox: Yeah, but QC gets enough weird holidays. :P16:29
slangasekestranged family?16:29
cyphermoxinfinity: we don't care about families here, apparently?16:29
infinityslangasek: Because BC is weird, it's the 15th for 6/10 provinces, the 8th for BC, and nothing for the other 3.16:29
infinityslangasek: IMO, they're wrong, since it was Alberta that started it. :P16:29
slangasekinfinity: no, it's the 15th for only 4/10 provinces; Manitoba celebrates Louis Riel Day and PEI celebrates Islander Day, wikipedia tells me!16:30
infinityslangasek: Well, yes, but same day!16:30
cyphermoxah, Louis Riel day..16:30
infinityHeritage Day somewhere too.16:30
* bdmurray ponders breakfast16:30
slangasekso parts of Canada and the US, off on Monday :)16:30
slangasekanything else?16:31
dokoinfinity, any estimate on glibc for xenial, or can you point to a ppa?16:31
infinitydoko: My PPA has bits with all the upstream code changes, remaining packaging changes should follow Very Soon.16:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Feb 11 16:34:29 2016 UTC.16:34
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-02-11-16.02.moin.txt16:34
slangasekthanks, all!16:34
pittithanks everyone16:34
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