[15:46] ahoneybun: it did [15:47] ovidiu-florin: http://doodle.com/poll/e3mxbfpdexdcbbck [15:47] anything there suits you? [15:57] clivejo: done [15:58] ovidiu-florin: thanks :) [17:34] done [18:56] yofel: thankyou [18:57] who else do I need? [18:58] is there only 5 KCC members? [21:41] valorie: ping [21:43] I think there are six of us -- check on launchpad [21:44] but we only need three for a meeting I believe [21:44] the rest can vote by mail [21:44] got 5 - http://doodle.com/poll/e3mxbfpdexdcbbck [21:45] so pick a time and day, announce it, and I can put it on the wiki page on community.kde.org/Kubuntu [21:45] those are locked down except for superadmins, which I am since I was deleting spam after the attack [21:48] seems to be only one timeslot okay for all five [21:48] Tues 16 at 21:00 UTC [22:00] sounds good