=== ezri is now known as rww [02:16] hello?? [02:16] anybody there? [02:17] What's up? [02:19] Hey. I'm looking for help with some virtualisation problems in Kubuntu 14.04 with Vmware. Would you be able to help? [02:20] Probably not. But... Are you virtualizing Kubuntu 14.04 or are you virtualizing something else inside of Kubuntu 14.04? [02:21] Virtualising kubuntu [02:21] And what problems are you having? [02:21] The vmware tools has become corrupted somehow and will no longer let me resize, copy paste etc. [02:22] Oh, that sounds like a problem with VMWare. [02:22] It's not VMWare. It's kubuntu. I tried with another virtual machine it works fine [02:22] At one point VMware wouldn't launch because I had misplaced my virtual machines folder during a backup/restore. [02:23] I had a problem with grub and at one point I updated it and after that the vmware tools stopped working [02:25] I'm familiar with vmware tools and what they do, just not familiar with them inside of a Kubuntu machine. [02:25] But now that you mention it, I should make a Kubuntu VM just so I can fuck with the next "You're computer is infected with a virus" phone scammer. [02:26] lol [02:26] you still get those? [02:27] And why does this google captcha not work in chrome?? [02:30] Great, now i'm blocked from creating an account for spamming.. thanks captch [02:44] I dunno, so long as you don't do like 2 captcha in an hour you just click a box and it works. [02:44] No solving silly illegibile lettering. [03:17] How do I change audio output device? I have a bluetooth speaker [03:18] It's connected === struk|desk is now known as struk|desk|away === struk|desk|away is now known as struk|desk [03:55] I tried this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/398030/change-default-sound-device/502133 [03:56] But it doesn't seem to launch after installing. === struk|desk is now known as struk|desk|away [04:06] Mylon: Of course that does not work for you. That post is about HDMI, you have bluetooth. So, go to the bluetooth config and add it. [04:07] Well it's added in bluetooth. [04:07] But it's not playing through it because it thinks it's a headset or somethign. [04:12] See if you have pavucontrol installed, if not, install it. Using that you may be able to enable your BT speakers as output [04:18] Bleh, so much stuff needs to be part of the default Kubuntu install. [04:18] I'd rather a 12 gig install that has these options available than a 2 gig install that doesn't. [04:19] Okay... Tried to install pavucontrol via Discover and it said insufficient permissions? [04:21] Oh, there's the password prompt. [04:21] Was hiding. [04:22] Linux 101: If you want to install something, you need to enter your password. if you don;t, then you will have insuffi cient perms [04:23] Alright, got it playing via Bluetooth. [04:23] Thanks, Fritigern. [04:51] Now I guess the next task is to find a decent music discovery service that doesn't stream shitty 128kbps audio. [04:57] I am fond of Jamendo, but that may not meet your needs, although I don;t know what quality they offer [04:58] And then of course you could alwyas tune into some online radio station, for which I would recommend Iceasty at http://dir.xiph.org [05:03] Youtube is half-way decent at finding music I like, except for the poor quality part. [05:03] What kind of muzzik do you like? [05:05] Lately been on a retro video game music kick. [05:06] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdB89l4DmtY [05:40] Amarok looks like black magic. [05:41] Tells me how often I've heard the music, last time I heard it, lets me rate it.... [09:54] i want to use softwares like SAS inm my sytem so which version of ubuntu should i use [10:05] !sas [10:05] I don't know what SAS is [10:05] ubottu doesn't know either, sorry [10:05] valorie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) === onur__ is now known as Ned === Ned is now known as Guest25654 === manager_ is now known as pependos === Guest25654 is now known as NedStark [11:46] Hiyas all === mike_ is now known as Guest46136 === olav_ is now known as Guest72723 === matteo__ is now known as matteo [14:29] y0 piippöl [14:30] Thanks for the awesome OS [14:30] Now the bad part.. [14:30] there is no bad part. [14:30] It always sits on front of the keyboard :) [14:30] My machine does not wake up from sleep properly whenever it is not connected to the dock [14:31] I never send mine to sleep. Not required (Only got low power hardware). [14:31] Yeah but being a laptop it'd be really nice [14:31] But - what do you call "properly" ? [14:31] What GPU is in your laptop ? [14:31] Smurphy: It is maybe related to this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/1418295 [14:31] Launchpad bug 1418295 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Black screen after resuming from suspend" [Low,Expired] [14:32] At least the symptoms sound just about the same [14:32] I didn't find any agree fix in that article [14:33] Smurphy: Is Intel integrated GPU that comes with 1st gen i5 [14:33] Hello from another machine! [14:34] juboxi: Weird. usually the Intel GPU's are the best supported. using a 5th Gen i7 here on my Dell Laptop. [14:35] And I have no such issues. [14:35] Bourgeoisie chip :D :D [14:38] hjeh, only an i3 here and, no probs at all as described above [14:38] on my laptop that is [14:39] jubo2: How did you configure the graphics on your system? Defaults ? [14:41] Smurphy: yes. autodetect settings. [14:41] nothing in: dmesg output ? [14:41] You manage to go down to the console when that happens ? --F1 [14:41] Smurphy: haven't checked. Is fried tomato, eggs and bacon momemnt here now [14:41] ? [14:42] Smurphy: iirc yes the textual consoles work [14:42] Yeah - I understand that. That's good :D [14:42] Could you check the next time that happens -> go to the console, and issue a "dmesg" call (Kernel ring buffer). To see if the kernel tells us something that has happened. [14:43] ok. in a little while [14:49] ok. I disconnect here and see what dmesg says in tty [14:50] Smurphy: ok looking at dmesg now [14:51] kactivity manage and klauncher segfault [14:51] all else looks good [14:52] it detactches the SCSI DVD-Ram station and the USB ports in the docking station [14:52] those exist only on the docking station [14:52] I also see an exception [14:52] in red [14:53] SError it concludes [14:53] I put the laptop to sleep and wake it up again [14:53] now I get login screen with alt-ctrl-F7 [14:54] but it leads back to the login screen [14:54] :( [14:56] now I see a bunch of segfaultsin dmesg [15:01] bummer. === mgolden is now known as mgolden_ [15:24] lol. yeah - weird sometimes. [15:39] Does anyone know why some applications don't show in the systray? (not hidden) [15:40] aboudreault, it's a bug, sometimes they return on a reboot, sometimes not [15:44] :/ already rebooted and remove-add the widget [15:45] Do you know if it is fixed upstream? === zhouzhiwen2000 is now known as zhouzhiwen2000_ === zhouzhiwen2000_ is now known as zhouzhiwen2000 [16:55] hello === shaggycat_ is now known as shaggycat [18:56] ciao [18:57] !list [18:57] mario_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [20:19] Hi, I am trying to update my Kubuntu, but am getting this error everytime -> https://paste.kde.org/poecxxgfg/pybaat Can someone please help? Thanks === Steffstoff is now known as Guest15916 [20:35] !precise [20:35] Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1204 [20:38] fewcha: try opening Muon update manager GUI and go to More > Software Sources and in the Other Software tab, temporary uncheck the extras.ubuntu.com entry [20:38] and then run apt-get update again [20:39] algo, maybe you can ignore that error for a while and try to upgrade the packages not coming from extras.ubuntu.com by running apt-get upgrade command and seeing if there are upgrades available [20:42] rodolfojcj: okay, trying it, thanks [20:42] you're welcome [20:43] fewcha: which Kubuntu version are you using? Are you trying to upgrade the current one or do you want to go to a more recent version? [20:45] rodolfojcj: kubuntu 15 , and I am just trying to upgrade the current one [20:53] fine [21:16] How can I stop Kubuntu from launching ALL games as fullscreen, spread across all available monitors instead of just using a single monitor? === kubuntu is now known as kubuntu_ === kubuntu_ is now known as kubuntu__ === kubuntu__ is now known as kubuntu === kubuntu is now known as Guest87875 [21:46] Blargh. My bluetooth speaker no longer seem to be connected after the computer was put in sleep. [21:47] And bluetooth connect button didn't work the first 5 times but it worked the sixth... Go figure. [22:13] Hi [22:14] I have an ubuntu 15.10 and Kubuntu 14.04, in different partitions in one computer [22:15] My problem is this, I can connect to the internet via ZTE Modem, it works by GPRS, from ubuntu 15.10, but I can't connect to the internet via kubuntu 14.04 [22:15] Please help me :)