VelusUniverseSys | grrr | 00:00 |
sarnold | VelusUniverseSys: does it need to baslically do something like "for every file in every directory, output this name with this server"? Or do you want some pretty clicky thing that lets you drag and drop files and directories and so on? | 00:00 |
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VelusUniverseSys | i will find one lol i will create one where it would collect data from an mysql table, the table will have something like time, file, name, duration, extention and maybe some more that wont need to be on the play list. it just needs to grab info from the db and then create the list | 00:01 |
sarnold | I suspect there are many such tools already written :) | 00:02 |
VelusUniverseSys | it would need to be like all files from x time for 24hours (i will also need to include a ads rotator aswell | 00:02 |
sarnold | if you want to create one don't let me deter you -- but if you just want the job done, I suspect it already exists | 00:02 |
VelusUniverseSys | yeah but im struggling to find one lol i can do the collecting of the data but doing the play list is hard | 00:03 |
VelusUniverseSys | sarnold, it seems to want to install postfix aswell lol i wonder why | 00:22 |
sarnold | VelusUniverseSys: probably php pear::mail() or something like that | 00:23 |
VelusUniverseSys | sarnold, it wants to install to much lol it wnated to intstall things like icecast (which is on another server) how would i get it to install ezstream wit certian other packages that are suggested lol | 00:24 |
sarnold | VelusUniverseSys: you can also apt-get install the specific Suggested: packages by hand | 00:25 |
VelusUniverseSys | ok | 00:25 |
sarnold | that means you don't need the --install-suggests -- which can really help cut down on how many packages get installed | 00:25 |
VelusUniverseSys | yh | 00:28 |
VelusUniverseSys | it only suggested a few but when i done that it gave tones lol i think its because the few need so ,amy | 00:29 |
VelusUniverseSys | many | 00:29 |
VelusUniverseSys | but i think i have found a way around the problem for the php system i just need to create a file with the extention .m3u and have it connect to the mysql grab the list and then have it put it in the file but it will be complex as i will need to incorparate a ad system too which will be harder lol | 00:33 |
sarnold | VelusUniverseSys: consider looking at these things | 00:37 |
sarnold | VelusUniverseSys: | 00:37 |
sarnold | I can't recall the name of the tool now, I once did some internet radio with something that plugged into jackd... but I can't find it again on | 00:38 |
smoser | i think the seed early is ok. | 00:39 |
VelusUniverseSys | thats for audio though mins video | 00:41 |
smoser | but i would ask someone in ubuntu-release | 00:45 |
VelusUniverseSys | i will be doing it my self now i know how to do it lol i will be able to get a lot more | 00:45 |
VelusUniverseSys | ? | 00:45 |
VelusUniverseSys | grrr i have a program thats slowing my pc down grrr | 00:58 |
VelusUniverseSys | this orogram is crap and anoying | 01:00 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
VelusUniverseSys | hey i went to oggcamp last yeah and there was a ubuntu stall on and they was playing big buck bunny, and i thought the guy at the stall looked a lot like the bunny lol | 01:09 |
VelusUniverseSys | sarnold, i have it working now yay but i need to get the video.js to work lol | 01:38 |
sarnold | VelusUniverseSys: nice | 01:39 |
VelusUniverseSys | yeah if you look at the streaming channle its tiny lol | 01:39 |
VelusUniverseSys | sarnold, do you know video.js by any chance? | 01:40 |
sarnold | VelusUniverseSys: never heard of it | 01:40 |
VelusUniverseSys | its working now i just had a / at the end | 01:40 |
VelusUniverseSys | well sort of working its just a green screen it did that before aswell i think i need to tweek it slightly | 01:41 |
VelusUniverseSys | sarnold, do you know icecast at all ? | 01:48 |
sarnold | VelusUniverseSys: not really, I haven't looked at it in a decade or so | 01:48 |
VelusUniverseSys | ok | 01:50 |
=== balloons16 is now known as balloons | ||
k2gremlin | Hello all, setting up a site-to-site OpenVPN. Server side LAN clients can ping Client side LAN clients. However, Client site LAN cannot ping server side LAN. tcpdump on the Ovpn server shows icmp both direction on the ETH interface to the Server LAN.. but the TUN interface only shows inbound icmp. Thoughts? | 03:14 |
XinZhao | hey all | 03:16 |
XinZhao | I am running ubuntu server in a vm | 03:17 |
sarnold | k2gremlin: how about tcpdump on the server-side machine that's being pinged? maybe it's set to respond to only certain pings, or drop pings, or drop icmp entirely? | 03:17 |
XinZhao | oh wait nm | 03:17 |
k2gremlin | sarnold, the server side client I am trying to reach is Windows Server 2012 with DC. Firewall turned off | 03:18 |
sarnold | k2gremlin: maybe try different protocols? traceroute? tcptraceroute? | 03:18 |
k2gremlin | sarnold, well another symptom just popped up.. from the CLient Side LAN PC.. I can ping which is a Ubuntu Desktop VM on the Server LAN. | 03:19 |
k2gremlin | sarnold, However, from the OpenVPN Client.. machine, I cannot ping that IP | 03:19 |
k2gremlin | so freaking weird | 03:20 |
k2gremlin | When I trace from my PC, it shows hops through the openvpn client to the openvpn server | 03:20 |
VelusUniverseSys | sarnold, i got the ezstream working now lol | 03:25 |
sarnold | VelusUniverseSys: nice :) | 03:25 |
VelusUniverseSys | now im just going to create some legall docs for the company lol this will be fun to do | 03:25 |
VelusUniverseSys | if you want sarnold can check the stream out | 03:28 |
sarnold | sure | 03:29 |
VelusUniverseSys | | 03:29 |
sarnold | woo | 03:29 |
sarnold | video plays and everything | 03:30 |
VelusUniverseSys | yeah thats on constant run till i work on the php script and the other bits and get the content i need | 03:30 |
k2gremlin | VelusUniverseSys, That stream is nice. | 03:36 |
k2gremlin | udp stream? | 03:36 |
VelusUniverseSys | nope http stream i am using icecast2 and ezstreamer | 03:37 |
sarnold | impressive that it survived as well as it did from turkey to west coast us :) | 03:37 |
VelusUniverseSys | from turkey? | 03:38 |
sarnold | .tk ? | 03:38 |
VelusUniverseSys | that only the domain its from manchester uk lol i will be getting a new domain eventually | 03:38 |
sarnold | ahhhh | 03:38 |
VelusUniverseSys | and .tk is tiki ilands its free | 03:38 |
VelusUniverseSys | i thiknk tiki islenads | 03:39 |
sarnold | sigh can't belieeve I screwed that up :) | 03:39 |
VelusUniverseSys | its ok its easy | 03:39 |
sarnold | it's been years since i've talked with my turkish pal though.. | 03:39 |
VelusUniverseSys | sorry the tokelau territory of new zeland | 03:40 |
VelusUniverseSys | awwww | 03:40 |
k2gremlin | sarnold, Any chance you could look over my setup via or teamviewer? | 03:44 |
k2gremlin | sarnold, this vpn connection is really kicking my butt | 03:44 |
sarnold | k2gremlin: sorry, i'm done thinking for the day, just a few email replies left and i'm off to hunt down some dinner.. | 03:46 |
sarnold | k2gremlin: my generic debugging advice may help though: (a) read the logs on all the involved systems -- dmesg, syslog, openvpn, etc. tail -f on all of em.. | 03:46 |
sarnold | k2gremlin: (b) test different layers: icmp, udp, tcp, both with IPs and DNS names .. try to find bits which work and bits which fail | 03:47 |
Xin | hey guys, I have a smb share mounted from a windows box | 03:59 |
Xin | I added it to my fstab which looks likee... | 03:59 |
Xin | | 04:00 |
Xin | but there's no files in there when I open the folder | 04:01 |
Xin | folder permissions are 777 | 04:01 |
Xin | it was working when I was mounting under /media/ | 04:01 |
sarnold | try "mount /var/www/html/_google" and see if that fixes it | 04:01 |
Xin | hmm ok | 04:02 |
VelusUniverseSys | finding a legal template is hard lol | 04:03 |
Xin | yeah that did fix it | 04:03 |
Xin | how can I make it work correctly via fstab ? | 04:03 |
Xin | @ sarnold | 04:05 |
sarnold | Xin: try adding the 'auto' keyword to the option column -- see the fstab(5) manpage for details | 04:09 |
Xin | ok ill give that a go, thanks mate | 04:11 |
Xin | hmm nah that didn't seem to work | 04:13 |
sarnold | 'auto' should cause it to be mounted at reboot; how did you test that it was working? | 04:15 |
Xin | opened it, there was no files, ran the command you gave, opened it, there was files | 04:16 |
Xin | added auto as the first option in fstab line | 04:16 |
Xin | rebooted | 04:16 |
Xin | no files | 04:16 |
Xin | ;( | 04:20 |
sarnold | Xin: to make sure, when you say "first option", you mean you changed "guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8" to "auto,guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8", right? | 04:21 |
Xin | yessir | 04:21 |
Xin | unless there's an invisible char in thereeeee.... | 04:22 |
sarnold | hehe | 04:22 |
Xin | but there doesn't seem to be | 04:22 |
sarnold | Xin: is there anything useful in /var/log/upstart/mountall* ? | 04:23 |
Xin | lets seeeee... | 04:26 |
Xin | no logs in /upstart/ | 04:28 |
sarnold | ah, are you on a new enough release that it's using systemd instead? | 04:28 |
Xin | very latest, not sure though | 04:29 |
Xin | the folder for upstart does exist | 04:29 |
Xin | but yeah, empty | 04:30 |
Xin | no systemd folder | 04:30 |
sarnold | it might be something journalctl for the mountall service.. | 04:30 |
sarnold | you could also try systemd's native mount units: | 04:31 |
Xin | this is all a bit foreign to me sorry, I generally only use ubuntu-server for basic lamp stacks | 04:32 |
Xin | I just use vm's though and my file storage is external as it's accessed by many servers | 04:33 |
sarnold | heh, and I haven't used a systemd system yet -- and I haven't used samba / cifs mounts in 15 years or so. | 04:33 |
Xin | haha, well its less confusing than "automagic" vmware file shares | 04:33 |
Xin | which just add a layer of complexity | 04:34 |
VelusUniverseSys | sarnold, you may be able to help me with this one, i have a virtual user email setup with postfix-mysql and wondered if i used an alieas as no-reply@.... to go to inbox webmaster@.... can i smtp into webmaster@.... and use no-reply@.... as the sending email? it would be done through php | 04:34 |
sarnold | VelusUniverseSys: there's generally no checking at all of the From: headers on outgoing mails | 04:34 |
VelusUniverseSys | ok | 04:34 |
sarnold | Xin: hehe yeah, I'd rather control that myself too | 04:35 |
VelusUniverseSys | i hate my development pc its crashing again lol | 04:35 |
Xin | is there just like a .sh script I can add that mount line to? | 04:36 |
Xin | thats executed at startup by default | 04:36 |
VelusUniverseSys | but then i do have 5 ssh open god knows how many web pages open with 4 browsers lol and other things lol | 04:36 |
sarnold | Xin: maybe /etc/rc.local ? does that exist on your system? | 04:37 |
sarnold | VelusUniverseSys: I often have a dozen VMs, a dozen ssh sessions, and firefox open with 200+ tabs. That ought to work fine.. | 04:37 |
VelusUniverseSys | yeah but i have other things on like netbeans its on windows aswell i have at the bottom about 80 folders open 3 email clients 7 office docs notepad++ with loads of tabs this calander zoiper (vboip phone) skype, steam and more | 04:39 |
sarnold | netbeans, is that a java IDE? | 04:39 |
VelusUniverseSys | yes | 04:39 |
sarnold | aha. "Good Luck". :) | 04:40 |
VelusUniverseSys | its the best i have found that is good enough for more than one type of work | 04:40 |
Xin | sarnold, there's a bunch of rc#.d/ folders | 04:40 |
sarnold | Xin: anything with 'local' in the name? :) that'd be the place to put it if it exists.. | 04:41 |
VelusUniverseSys | oih yeah i also have firestorm open connected to secondlife | 04:41 |
sarnold | VelusUniverseSys: to each their own of course but that's a likely reason why things are slow, hehe | 04:41 |
VelusUniverseSys | yeah its that that is the slowest atm | 04:41 |
Xin | sarnold, doesn't appear to be | 04:42 |
Xin | the numbering looks like it just ccontrols the batching order of commands | 04:42 |
Xin | hmm | 04:42 |
sarnold | Xin: hmm. well, you could also use @reboot in the crontab but .. that might rnu before networking is up, etc. really, if fstab doesn't work then I'd go with the systemd mounting unit thing. | 04:43 |
sarnold | alright, time to bail,good luck xin :) have fun VelusUniverseSys | 04:43 |
VelusUniverseSys | i w3ill | 04:44 |
Xin | later :) | 04:44 |
Xin | hmm | 04:44 |
Xin | I just checked man fstab | 04:44 |
Xin | there's a noauto option | 04:44 |
Xin | but doesn't list auto | 04:44 |
Xin | suggesting that's the default | 04:45 |
Xin | | 04:45 |
Xin | how weird | 04:45 |
Xin | ohh | 04:56 |
Xin | | 04:56 |
Xin | @ sarnold fyi :) | 04:56 |
Xin | thanks for the help | 04:56 |
Xin | ps; for above you need to use smbfs not cifs | 05:05 |
Xin | urgh ok no that's not working eitherrrrrr | 05:07 |
Xin | fml | 05:08 |
Xin | so, that fix doesnt work with cifs | 05:11 |
Xin | and smbfs is no longer available as its superceded by cifs | 05:12 |
Xin | ill make a specific user to access as, but this is fairrly definitely a bug | 05:13 |
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=== Xin is now known as Guest62258 | ||
=== XinZhao is now known as Xin | ||
System_Error_Mes | hi im having trouble with my ubuntu server install | 07:26 |
System_Error_Mes | its stuck in a mdadm create user root not found loop | 07:26 |
System_Error_Mes | it only loops that line and mdadm create group not found loop | 07:27 |
rbasak | nacc: I'd do the seed update now, with one commit, assuming the AAs are OK with that. One commit because it's easier to make sense of things later, no strong reason. | 08:19 |
Razva | hey! It's my first Ubuntu Cloud setup so excuse my dumb questions :) | 08:20 |
Razva | I'm setting up MAAS right now. Added the LAN NIC | 08:20 |
Razva | but I have no idea what I should set at the "Default Gateway IP" section | 08:21 |
Razva | should I set the Internet gateway? like...the external IP gateway? | 08:21 |
Razva | (which I've used for the NET nic settings) | 08:21 |
System_Error_Mes | ubuntu server just doesnt seem to work with RAID | 08:22 |
System_Error_Mes | i mean its a serverOS and i would really like to use the cloud features otherwise i'll have to switch back to openSUSE | 08:22 |
System_Error_Mes | windows networking just doesnt work | 08:23 |
System_Error_Mes | The internet gateway is your router | 08:23 |
Razva | System_Error_Mes talking with me? P) | 08:24 |
System_Error_Mes | doesnt seem like anyone is on now | 08:27 |
System_Error_Mes | Razva, regarding internet gateway | 08:29 |
System_Error_Mes | unless your cluster access internet through your controller than the controller is your gateway | 08:30 |
Razva | darn, how the heck can I see all the nics? | 08:48 |
Razva | seems that my nics are "eno" not "eth" | 08:48 |
Razva | buuut I can see only eno1 | 08:49 |
Razva | and no, eno2 doesn't works :)) | 08:49 |
Razva | logical name: eno1 | 08:49 |
Razva | logical name: enp0s25 | 08:50 |
Razva | so the logical name for the second nic is...enp0s25?! | 08:50 |
hateball | the glory of systemd | 08:53 |
Razva | ifup enp0s25? | 08:55 |
Razva | Ignoring unknown interface enp0s25?=enp0s25? | 08:55 |
Razva | mmmm...? | 08:55 |
System_Error_Mes | use the NIC that works first and then configure the rest | 08:57 |
Razva | isn't the network "auto-configured" when using MAAS? | 09:11 |
System_Error_Mes | From what i read about the manual is that you have your controller performing all the network duties including dhcp and such so auto configure should work if you did seperate your cluster network | 09:12 |
System_Error_Mes | If you didnt seperate your cluster network from your main network than you're probably doing it wrong | 09:13 |
Razva | | 09:18 |
Razva | it's the main cluster, connected directly to the net + vlan | 09:18 |
System_Error_Mes | it looks right but is your controller connected directly to the net or behind some router? | 09:24 |
System_Error_Mes | im going to try reinstall ubuntu, i changed some partitions but i dont think reinstalling would work | 09:26 |
System_Error_Mes | during the install it failed to detect the partitions on the hard drive raid arrays but had no trouble with the SSD raid | 09:26 |
Razva | it's dirrectly contected to the net, into the same vlan as the server that I'm trying to PXE boot | 09:29 |
System_Error_Mes | so are you saying you've installed your controller and are trying to install the rest of the machines or are you currently installing your controller? | 09:36 |
System_Error_Mes | because the other machines would boot of pxe from the controller in their own seperate network and not connected to the internet | 09:36 |
System_Error_Mes | i would install the cluster but i still cant get ubuntu server working on my main server | 09:37 |
Razva | I've installed the controller + mass | 09:40 |
Razva | and now I'm trying to PXE boot the other machines from maas | 09:40 |
System_Error_Mes | well it looks right so just make sure that the cluster network is entirely isolated while doing the install | 09:46 |
System_Error_Mes | i would do a layer 1 segmentation to make sure but as long as layer 2 segmentation works on your switch as well | 09:47 |
System_Error_Mes | also in linux the first count is 0 | 09:49 |
System_Error_Mes | so pn0 is your first NIC and pn1 is your 2nd NIC | 09:49 |
System_Error_Mes | pn2 doesnt work because it doesnt exist unless you have a 3rd NIC | 09:51 |
John[Lisbeth] | Reliable guide for updating a system with custom PPAs from 15.10 to 16.04? | 10:51 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
Razva | folks, shouldn't MAAS auto-configure DHCP for the lan NIC...? | 11:19 |
Razva | I have two NICs, one connected to the net, one connected to a VLAN | 11:19 |
Razva | on setup I'm manually configuring the NET one, obviously. | 11:19 |
Razva | but the other one gets disabled, and stays disabled even after adding it on MAAS | 11:20 |
Razva | any hints...? | 11:20 |
Razva | BUMP | 11:27 |
John[Lisbeth] | Razva, I am not sure if this is the same project, but there is also a #maas channel | 11:32 |
=== baffle___ is now known as baffle | ||
jamespage | rbasak, I got bored of having to pip install juju-deployer so I've bumped the latest version of that and jujuclient into xenial | 11:49 |
jamespage | just an fyi | 11:49 |
Razva | oh God this is SO frustrating :| | 11:56 |
Razva | what I want is just to deploy a simple Ubuntu Cloud. the doc is so simple, but in reality it basically crashes at step 4. :| | 11:57 |
Razva | crashes = MAAS doesn't provides PXE via DHCP | 11:57 |
Razva | (no, nobody is replying on #maas) | 11:57 |
jamespage | Razva, hmm | 12:10 |
jamespage | which doc are you referring to? | 12:10 |
Razva | | 12:20 |
Razva | and I swear to God that I don't see any Networks in the menu: | 12:21 |
jamespage | Razva, is your maas node wily or 14.04? | 12:24 |
Razva | 15.10 | 12:25 |
jamespage | Razva, and which step are you on? | 12:25 |
Razva | 3. Install MAAS | 12:25 |
Razva | Go to the “Networks” tab and for each of the networks auto-created, click “Edit network” to add the default gateway and DNS server details | 12:25 |
Razva | jamespage here's the network result, from cli: | 12:26 |
rbasak | jamespage: that's fine, thanks. | 12:26 |
jamespage | Razva, anything in the networks tab at all? | 12:27 |
Razva | jamespage < can you see any Networks tab? | 12:30 |
Razva | maybe I'm too tired and cannot see it right in front of me... | 12:30 |
jamespage | Razva, try subnets - this may be a doc bug | 12:31 |
jamespage | roaksoax, I think step 3 of needs an update for the 1.9 release | 12:31 |
jamespage | roaksoax, see backscroll ^^ | 12:32 |
Razva | jamespage < I cannot see any trace of Add Network or Edit Network | 12:33 |
jamespage | Razva, click the subnet | 12:33 |
jamespage | Razva, your hitting a bug on the documentation - apologies | 12:34 |
jamespage | Razva, that said in the MAAS I have access to, I can't edit those settings from the subnet screen | 12:36 |
* jamespage keeps poking | 12:36 | |
Razva | jamespage ok, I'm on the Subnet page | 12:36 |
Razva | next...? I can see only the current IP class, but I cannot find a way to add a new one (192.168...) | 12:36 |
jamespage | Razva, can you dump that as well pls? | 12:36 |
jamespage | Razva, so you will only get a subnet for the network configuration of the MAAS server itself | 12:38 |
Razva | ok and how can I add a new subnet? | 12:39 |
Razva | at Ubuntu setup I've added just the NET NIC, the other one didn't. | 12:39 |
Razva | I have two nics: one for NET ( and one for LAN ( | 12:39 |
Razva | I've configured NET, obviously, and now I'm looking for a way to add the LAN one in order to PXE boot from LAN | 12:40 |
jamespage | Razva, ok - you need to add that as a managed interface as part of the cluster configuration | 12:41 |
jamespage | 'Clusters' tab - then click name of the cluster controller | 12:41 |
jamespage | you should see LAN as unmanaged - hover over, click the edit icon and configure that - I think that will create the subnet... | 12:42 |
jamespage | LAN == interface configured for LAN | 12:43 |
Razva | | 12:43 |
Razva | the only interface I can see in the list is the one already existing | 12:43 |
Razva | should I manually add enp0s25? | 12:43 |
Razva | enp0s25: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 100 < this would be the LAN NIC | 12:44 |
jamespage | Razva, yes | 12:44 |
jamespage | add the interface | 12:44 |
Razva | DHCP and DNS, right? | 12:44 |
jamespage | Razva, yup | 12:44 |
Razva | Default Gateway IP < none, it's a LAN, right? | 12:45 |
jamespage | Razva, well consider that this network will be use for provision and install - machine will need access to the ubuntu archives etc... | 12:45 |
jamespage | so I would expect a gateway of some description | 12:45 |
pitastrudl | could someone recommend me a vps provider with a stable connection but very cheap price? a lowend vps. i just need it to host quassel irc and a znc instance | 12:45 |
Razva | weeeell...I cannot use the net gateway, it's in a totally different class... | 12:46 |
Razva | [u' not in the network'] | 12:46 |
jamespage | Razva, sure - but you could configure the server on which MAAS is install to provide that gateway | 12:46 |
jamespage | acting as a NAT router in effect | 12:46 |
Razva | true... | 12:46 |
jamespage | MAAS won't do that for you - you'll have to do that yourself | 12:46 |
Razva | any tutorial (for dummies) for doing that? | 12:47 |
jamespage | Razva, one sec | 12:47 |
jamespage | Razva, concepts are here - | 12:49 |
jamespage | looking for a script I had todo this | 12:49 |
jamespage | Razva, | 12:49 |
jamespage | Razva, will need some tweaks for your env | 12:50 |
jamespage | but dtrt | 12:50 |
jamespage | Razva, I have to drop for today - hopefully roaksoax might appear - but this is a good channel to ask questions in about MAAS | 12:50 |
Razva | < post-NAT settings are ok? | 12:50 |
jamespage | also #juju | 12:50 |
jamespage | Razva, if you're going to the NAT option, gateway and IP should be the same | 12:51 |
jamespage | ttfn | 12:51 |
Razva | or I might add the IP as another nic:1 ? | 12:51 |
jamespage | ok | 12:51 |
Razva | thanks so much! | 12:51 |
Razva | me pings roaksoax | 12:51 |
* Razva pings roaksoax again :) | 14:04 | |
Razva | or...anybody who can help me setting up this darn server... | 14:05 |
ikonia | Razva: you'll do better if you just explain your problems | 14:11 |
ikonia | rather than ask if people can fix it without knowing what you're asking | 14:12 |
Kimse | I'm having an issue with using autofs to mount shared home's via NFS inside a Linux container. | 14:13 |
Kimse | when cd'ing to an automounted directory, it just freezes eternally. Until I stop the autofs service. | 14:13 |
Kimse | The only error I see is: handle_packet_missing_indirect: token 47, name <username>, request pid 2543 from the automount program | 14:14 |
Kimse | The containers are NATd | 14:14 |
Kimse | And I can mount the nfs share manually | 14:14 |
jamespage | Razva, hello again | 14:15 |
Kimse | And i have modified the apparmor profile to allow mounting of NFS and do not see any errors regarding that | 14:15 |
jamespage | Razva, once you have your private network setup and configured in MAAS, you'll need to power on and network boot the servers you want to use;the obviously need to be physically connected to the private network | 14:17 |
jamespage | Razva, its also important that maas has network access to the ilo/drac/whatever BMC controller for the servers, otherwise it won't be able to control them later | 14:19 |
Razva | jamespage so glad you are here. I'm basically plucking my hair here :)) | 14:28 |
Razva | I've just asked roaksoax of I need to setup the LAN IP manually, before installing MAAS, or should I add it through the GUI after installing MAAS. his answer was yes. | 14:29 |
Razva | SO, I'm at the installation point again, with the ISO boot up | 14:29 |
jamespage | I'm going to be in-and-out for the rest of the day so I may be a bit async | 14:30 |
jamespage | Razva, reading around on MAAS might be useful - | 14:30 |
Razva | I have two nics: eno1 (net) and enp0s25 (lan). I've setup enp0s25 (lan) with a static IP (, then run this: sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eno1 -j MASQUERADE . Is this enough in order to have a NAT that will provide internet access to the lan IPs? | 14:57 |
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nacc | rbasak: ok, thanks! | 15:48 |
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=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
Razva | jamespage, roaksoax ...anybody? :( | 19:53 |
VelusUniverseSys | sarnold, you about? | 21:25 |
Razva | when using maas, any idea why the heck all the nodes are shutting down after booting from PXE? | 21:55 |
sarnold | Razva: iirc they're waiting to be turned on :) | 22:00 |
sarnold | hey VelusUniverseSys | 22:00 |
VelusUniverseSys | im still having problems with ezstream and well thinking of swatting up on snowmix again but thats hard | 22:00 |
sarnold | did you have any luck writing that script to populate the m3u? | 22:02 |
Razva | sarnold well great, but I cannot power it on... | 22:03 |
Razva | 1 node cannot be powered on. To proceed, update your selection. | 22:03 |
sarnold | Razva: eep. if there's nothing obvious in the logs, head into #maas, they'll be more familiar with it | 22:05 |
Razva | nobody is there... | 22:05 |
sarnold | hmm; maybe try the mail list then? | 22:06 |
VelusUniverseSys | still working on that but if im having problems then why do that | 22:07 |
sarnold | bad timing though, the weekend's started for many, and three-day weekend for many.. | 22:07 |
VelusUniverseSys | sarnold, can i pm you please? | 23:28 |
sarnold | VelusUniverseSys: sure | 23:36 |
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