slickymaster | I'll start to feed it, with time | 00:00 |
knome | good good | 00:00 |
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jfaust | I've been testing 16.10 on a desktop and the power manager plugin shows a battery with (0:00, 0%) instead of the plug icon. Has anyone else seen this? Couldn't find anything similar on the xfce bugzilla. | 03:19 |
jfaust | 16.04 :) | 03:21 |
pleia2 | jfaust: I recommend running: `ubuntu-bug xfce4-battery-plugin` to submit it to launchpad, part of the submission process will search to see if there are similar bugs, and the tool collects system information so the devs know a bit more about your setup and can try to replicate | 03:30 |
pleia2 | I am not familiar with this bug off the top of my head, but the xubuntu bug tracker might know :D | 03:30 |
jfaust | pleia2: thanks! I'll try 'ubuntu-bug'. couldn't find any similar bugs in launchpad either. haven't submitted a bug to launchpad before. I'm just getting started with testing | 03:35 |
pleia2 | jfaust: launchpad is where the devs need the information in order to work through issues, so you should definitely make an account if you want to help us with testing :) | 03:37 |
pleia2 | and thanks! we defintely need more folks testing and reporting bugs | 03:38 |
jfaust | pleia2: happy to help! i did setup a launchpad account and joined the testing group. started doing some test cases, but it looks like all of the mandatory tests are completed. doing exploratory testing now | 03:39 |
pleia2 | jfaust: which iso are you testing? the daily images don't have any mandatory tests run yet | 03:40 |
pleia2 | today's 64-bit: | 03:41 |
bluesabre | jfaust: it sounds like you have the Xubuntu daily packages PPA installed, that sounds like xfce4-power-manager 1.5.x | 03:43 |
pleia2 | bluesabre: ah, good catch :) | 03:43 |
jfaust | pleia2: i downloaded the iso on saturday the 6th, but i ran dist-upgrade today. i did add the xubuntu-dev ppa after a fresh install | 03:44 |
jfaust | bluesabre: i'm not sure how to check the xfce4-power-manager version # | 03:45 |
bluesabre | jfaust: you can check the version number with this command | 03:46 |
bluesabre | xfce4-power-manager --version | 03:46 |
bluesabre | and if you want to create or change the setting for the power manager panel label, you can use | 03:47 |
bluesabre | xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/show-panel-label -s 0 --create | 03:47 |
bluesabre | xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/show-panel-label -s 0 | 03:48 |
bluesabre | the value set at the end can be 0, 1, 2, or 3 | 03:48 |
jfaust | bluesabre: thanks! i'm running 1.5.2 i will try changing the power manager label | 03:49 |
bluesabre | jfaust: np | 03:49 |
bluesabre | heading to bed now, night all | 03:50 |
bluesabre | (ochosi, would be good to set the default panel label value to 0, I might provide a patch for that before you release 1.6.0) | 03:50 |
jfaust | pleia2: when I run 'ubuntu-bug xfce4-battery-plugin' I get a 'no packages found matching..' message | 03:56 |
pleia2 | jfaust: yeah, as bluesabre mentioned you probably want to do: ubuntu-bug xfce4-power-manager | 03:57 |
jfaust | pleia2: ok, I tried that and got a different message: The problem could not be reported: This is not an official Ubuntu package... | 04:00 |
jfaust | pleia2: also having trouble with bluesabre's suggestion to change the label. I'm reading about xfconf now :) | 04:04 |
jfaust | pleia2: ok, I got the (0:00, 0%) label to disappear with bluesabre's suggestion. I only had to add the type, -t int, to the create command. it looks like the default is 3 and changing it to 0 hides the label. however, the icon is still a battery instead of the plug. I'll keep looking into 'ubuntu-bug'. thanks a lot for talking with me about it! | 04:12 |
pleia2 | oh yes, using the PPA, I don't remember if you can use the ubuntu-bug too when reporting against those, but I don't have the instructions offhand :\ | 04:13 |
jfaust | pleia2: that makes sense. I purged the ppa, reverted to xfce4-power-manager 1.4.4 and the behavior is as expected: plug icon with no (0:00, 0%) label. I'll go back to the PPA for testing and keep looking for how to report bugs. thanks again for all of your help! I'm unplugging for the night. | 04:21 |
pleia2 | jfaust: thanks for testing, have a good night :) | 04:22 |
jfaust | pleia2: you too, thanks! | 04:22 |
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flocculant | pleia2: has ppa reporting in it | 09:11 |
flocculant | knome: so re the media manager articles - where do you want people to send them? write them to? | 09:37 |
flocculant | slickymaster: when yo expecting to get the slideshow done? | 10:26 |
slickymasterWork | late March | 10:27 |
slickymasterWork | the slideshow is always one of the last things to deal with, flocculant | 10:28 |
flocculant | yes | 10:28 |
flocculant | I know that - just was asking | 10:28 |
slickymasterWork | are you thinking in going ahead and starting to work on it? | 10:28 |
flocculant | so - it needs to not be late march ... | 10:29 |
flocculant | mid-march at the latest, final beta is 21/22 March | 10:29 |
slickymasterWork | wfm | 10:29 |
slickymasterWork | don't see any issue with that | 10:30 |
flocculant | and no - not thinking about working on it :) | 10:30 |
slickymasterWork | can't blame me for trying ;) | 10:30 |
flocculant | ha ha | 10:30 |
flocculant | happy to help when it comes | 10:30 |
flocculant | no idea what we want it to say for 3 years tbh | 10:31 |
* slickymasterWork knows that :) | 10:31 | |
slickymasterWork | the former, not the later | 10:31 |
flocculant | :) | 10:32 |
flocculant | bluesabre: bug 1533200 | 10:40 |
ubottu | bug 1533200 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Black background at first login" [Medium,Fix released] | 10:40 |
flocculant | background on first boot isn't black indeed, but it is blue and isn't the default wallpaper till one has logged in/out | 10:41 |
bluesabre | flocculant: yes, that's because its the plymouth background | 11:11 |
bluesabre | flocculant: I don't think we have a plymoth dev background | 11:12 |
flocculant | bluesabre: ok - cool - just making sure :) | 11:18 |
bluesabre | flocculant: cool :) | 11:19 |
knome | flocculant, for now, add yourself to the list; once the list is ready (and suggestions are sent to improve the questions, if any), i'll be in touch again | 11:41 |
flocculant | knome: okey doke | 11:50 |
knome | but of course you can prepare to answer the questions in the list ;) | 11:51 |
flocculant | not really sure what to do currently - clementine works - just not out the box - pulse and it are still broken :p | 11:51 |
flocculant | knome: and yea understood :) | 11:52 |
dkessel | uh-oh... systemd upgrade problems on my way to 16.04..... "leaving package unconfigured" is probably not what i want..... | 11:52 |
dkessel | same for "init" - well, who needs that one :D | 11:54 |
dkessel | this is going to be an interesting reboot after that | 11:54 |
flocculant | upgrade in 16.04 or going from something to 16.04? | 11:54 |
dkessel | from 15.10 | 11:57 |
flocculant | bug 1527574 perhaps | 11:58 |
ubottu | bug 1527574 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "upgrading ufw, libc-bin, initramfs-tools, systemd, and others: triggers looping, abandoned" [Undecided,Invalid] | 11:58 |
dkessel | maybe. yet i also had some ppas active... | 11:59 |
flocculant | so did that bug | 12:01 |
Unit193 | d-r-u disables them. | 12:01 |
dkessel | yeah but does it purge them? | 12:02 |
dkessel | well... lets see how it turns out | 12:03 |
flocculant | knome: this the sort of thing you're wanting? "How do you listen to music? Sometimes quietly, sometimes annoyingly loud :)" | 12:10 |
knome | :P | 12:10 |
knome | the subitems should help you figure out | 12:10 |
flocculant | :D | 12:11 |
knome | oh gosh i DO need to write a dokuwiki plugin | 12:11 |
Unit193 | Sometimes Skrillex, really loud, going down the highway at 77MPH. | 12:11 |
flocculant | ha ha ha | 12:15 |
flocculant | knome: started - have a comment almost immediately now I have :p | 12:22 |
flocculant | we should have the 'what you use' first | 12:22 |
flocculant | otherwise it's read some stuff, read some more, then 'oh this one uses this application' | 12:22 |
knome | maybe | 12:23 |
knome | i did think about that... | 12:23 |
knome | but then i wondered if it would actually be more helpful to start with the "how" | 12:24 |
knome | if we start with the app name, does anybody read below that? :P | 12:24 |
flocculant | possibly | 12:25 |
flocculant | or perhaps put app name in title | 12:27 |
knome | yeah | 12:28 |
dkessel | flocculant: bug 1544954 - funny enough everything seems normal after reboot... apart from a dozen apport popups :) | 12:34 |
ubottu | bug 1544954 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update from wily to xenial fails, lots of package installation errors" [Undecided,New] | 12:34 |
flocculant | ha ha | 12:36 |
knome | there are a few things i don't like about dokuwiki, but i'll let them be for now... | 12:36 |
flocculant | knome: ok - done that when you want it | 12:37 |
knome | flocculant, ok, thanks :) | 12:38 |
knome | flocculant, actually, push it to the website as a draft article | 12:38 |
knome | because that's where it'll end up anyway | 12:38 |
flocculant | oh okey doke | 12:38 |
knome | that way we can get the formatting consistent too etc. | 12:39 |
flocculant | yep | 12:39 |
flocculant | knome: ok I did that - completely unformatted though, didnt know what you wanted it too look like so left it bare | 12:53 |
knome | flocculant, sure, that's completely fine :) | 12:55 |
flocculant | :) | 12:55 |
slickymasterWork | done the media manager item, knome | 14:42 |
flocculant | cop out ... | 15:12 |
flocculant | :p | 15:12 |
knome | jjfrv8, did you get a confirmation mail about your wiki registration, or are you still waiting for one? | 15:47 |
knome | jjfrv8, if latter, ping me and i'll PM you a new password so you can actually access stuff | 15:47 |
jjfrv8 | knome, yes, I got the email and was able to log in and add my entry. | 15:52 |
knome | great! | 15:52 |
knome | thanks :) | 15:53 |
jjfrv8 | thank you :) | 15:53 |
pleia2 | flocculant: I should have known :) thanks | 16:37 |
flocculant | pleia2: :) | 16:59 |
knome | | 17:50 |
knome | \o/ | 17:50 |
knome | this is SOOOO much better | 17:50 |
flocculant | :D | 17:53 |
knome | compared to, that is | 17:54 |
knome | maybe it would be nice to add some css for it, but the structure is now good imo | 17:55 |
knome | also, should probably figure out if i can override the current default sitemap completely | 17:56 |
knome | bluesabre, a question, would you consider pithos a cloud media player? | 20:30 |
knome | i mean, does it manage local collection? | 20:30 |
bluesabre | knome: it is a cloud media player | 23:12 |
bluesabre | there are no local files | 23:12 |
bluesabre | I think I mentioned that before, and you said put it up there anyway ;) | 23:12 |
bluesabre | or I misinterpreted | 23:12 |
knome | i just didn't focus so well | 23:15 |
knome | but good that it's there, let's group it with the rest who say they only use cloud stuff | 23:15 |
bluesabre | knome: cool | 23:27 |
bluesabre | testing some others to see what I would recommend | 23:27 |
knome | :D | 23:27 |
bluesabre | so there is something to contribute from me :) | 23:27 |
knome | hehe, good good | 23:27 |
knome | then maybe we can do an "other options" article after all | 23:27 |
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