
stormmorehi so I am doing my first PoC deployment and I am trying to understand why I am having problems getting juju to deploy lxc containers02:36
agunturuHi, I am trying to use charm actions, and all the charm actions seem to be failing with “Permission denied”.16:45
aguntururoot@juju:~# juju action fetch 7b9b575d-7853-49d9-82ae-7b9fd3d1a6f716:45
agunturumessage: 'exec: "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-cwaio-cwims-vnfd-b-3/charm/actions/create-update-user":16:46
agunturu  permission denied'16:46
agunturustatus: failed16:46
agunturu  completed: 2016-02-14 16:35:42 +0000 UTC16:46
agunturu  enqueued: 2016-02-14 16:35:41 +0000 UTC16:46
agunturu  started: 2016-02-14 16:35:42 +0000 UTC16:46
agunturuAppreciate any help on this.16:46
Dystrakti0nThis may be more of a maas question, but it's also a bootstrapping question. I have recently installed 40Gbe infiniband with switch {Mellonox} between a homebuilt server/ ZFS NAS, which is hosing my MAAS nodes. Nodes are connected to the internet via stand alone PFSense box, one netgear 24port prosafe POE, and a Cisco 48 port managed switch. PFSense is forwarding all BootP requests to MAAS box,18:45
Dystrakti0nbut handling all other DHCP/DNS requests. IMPI works for enlisting and initial provisioning of nodes. I am wanting to put the Jujubox into a VM, pass both the Gbe Lan and IB networks to the VM, then be able to deploy clusters, or openstack via JUJU using the IB network for the storage network, lan for command and control/inet I have an R900 with 4 hex core 1.8Ghz processors, 120 Gb ddr2 5300F,18:45
Dystrakti0nconnected to a Tesla S1070, and Tesla S2090. linked to IB and Ethernet, 2 Dell C6105 3 node servers, 2 Dell 2950s, 2 reporposed dualcore nodes, and a couple of home built boxes. All set to boot from pxe over the lan link, but also connected to the IB network. MAAS is handling DNS/DHCP for IB subnet, but not eth0. I have gotten a VM enlisted and configued in MAAS but it times out when trying to18:45
Dystrakti0nbootstrap Juju, I have already set the juju timeout to 3600 in the config. Thoughts?18:45
stormmorecan any help understand what ERROR saving bootstrap endpoint address actually means?20:01
stormmoreis there a way to get juju to “redeploy” a machine and it’s services?21:29
blrstormmore: I generally rely on `juju destroy-machine --force, juju upgrade-charm, juju add-unit21:34
stormmorewould that work for bundles too?21:35
blrstormmore: there may be a more elegant way to achieve the same thing, I'm uncertain.21:35
stormmorethat is still more elegant that destroy environment and rebuild when one machine doesn’t come up in time21:35
blrright, much faster than that.21:37
stormmoreI have already lost a machine this weekend as it won’t respond to wakeonlan anymore21:37
stormmoreI blew the lab manager’s mind when I showed him MAAS last week21:40
blrhah yeah, MASS is pretty cool.21:40
blrerr MAAS even.21:40
stormmoreit was what he wanted a few years back and never got21:41
stormmorebut wow does juju really make maas powerful :)21:42
stormmoremy mine was almost blown away with juju-gui21:42
stormmoreand that is is hard to say about any modern tech for me21:43
stormmorelove watching the juju status --format tabular when launching a bundle using quickstart22:09
=== blahdeblah_ is now known as blahdeblah
stormmorenow if only I could get the networking right on this proof of concept23:22
stormmoredon’t think I have enough routebale IPs for it at the moment... only have 1223:23
marcoceppistormmore: yeah --format=tabular is so awesome it'll be the new default in 2.023:57
marcoceppiagunturu: are the files in actions/ executable (chmod +x)?23:59

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