
DarinMilleranyone still here?02:11
DarinMillerbzr branch lp:kubuntu-dev-tools is giving me a connection closed error..  weekend maintenance perhaps? 02:28
DarinMillerI assume I need the above tools before performing a xenail pbuilder create... I will see if I have better luck at a later time.02:29
DarinMillerWait, I am getting a permissions denied error (public key).02:31
yofelno, you don't need them02:31
yofelthere are pbuilder hooks that you can use after creating the chroots02:32
yofellink is in the packaging docs02:32
* DarinMiller Need google fiber for these pbuilder instances02:51
valoriebummer, I told someone in the KDE forum that I had 5.5.4 from backports09:12
valorieit was my doofus mistake, but when will it get there?09:12
lordievaderGood morning.09:23
BluesKajHey all12:26
=== rww is now known as dax
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
valorieclivejo: please see if you can edit https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Meeting23:42
valorieto put in the time and date of your member meeting23:42
valorieI just heard that they are fixed, and want to know if it's true....23:43
clivejocant get login it23:44
valorieI just found out that's the part that isn't fixed yet23:45
valorieI'll do it23:45
valorieTues 16 at 21:00 UTC correct?23:45

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