
qwebirc76318Hello, I have an older HauppaugeWinTV-HVR-2250 card that I have installed in a new box, I have the drivers installed and can tune/watch analog channels with mplayer.  I have been struggling with Lord Google and forums to find relevant information on how to set up the card for the mythtv backend.  Would any of you be able to assist?21:18
qwebirc76318I started with a clean install of mythbuntu 14.04.221:19
qwebirc76318And I am trying to set this backend and HVR2250 up to only capture the Analog channels21:21
Shadow__Xqwebirc76318: if you are in the us, i am surprised you still get analog channels22:13
=== qwebirc76318 is now known as dowens
dowensI have an older HauppaugeWinTV-HVR-2250 card that I have installed in a new box, I have the drivers installed and can tune/watch analog channels with mplayer.  I have been struggling with Lord Google and forums to find relevant information on how to set up the card for the mythtv backend.  I started with a clean install of mythbuntu 14.04.2, I am trying to set this backend and HVR2250 up to only capture  Would any of you be able22:43
gedakcdowens:  I wrote a tutorial on how to install mythbuntu 14.04 for the HVR-2250 card.22:44
gedakcSee:  http://gedakc.users.sourceforge.net/display-doc.php?name=pvr-install-mythbuntu140422:45

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