
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== LewisCawte is now known as Lcawte
Razvahi there! networking/linux newb here. I have a simple question (for you at least). I have one machine that has two nics, one for net and one for lan. I would like to NAT lan to net in order to provide net access to lan clients. currently the lan IP is should I create another IP address ( and NAT traffic through it, or use .2 directly as the gateway, or rename .207:18
Razvainto .1?07:18
Razvashould I use 14.04 LTS for Ubuntu Cloud Images?08:19
Razvaor 15.10?08:19
vbotkaRazva, should it be a bastion host (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastion_host) ?08:21
vbotkaRazva, as an example brief google query shows http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-bastion-host/08:23
Razvavbotka yes, it's a bastion host08:34
Razvashould I use 15 or 14 for Cloud (Liberty)?09:03
lordievaderGood morning.09:23
Razvalordievader mornin'09:25
lordievaderHey Razva09:26
Razvaany idea if, for OpenStack Liberty, I should use 15 or 14 (full autopilot/maas setup)?09:28
lordievaderI have no experience with OpenStack.09:29
vbotkaRazva, I'd say the (1) newest possible that fit your (2) support expectations09:46
Razvavbotka 15 will get upgraded to 16?09:52
Razvaor to any LTS?09:52
vbotkaRazva, you might want to review the life-cycle http://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life09:58
lordievaderYou can upgrade 15.10 to the 16.04 LTS, yes.10:02
vbotkalordievader, I've never reviewed this. Is there a commitment of guaranteed upgrade?10:04
lordievaderThat is the normal upgrade path. For 'normal' installs an upgrade should be a breeze.10:07
lordievaderEven upgrading over ssh ain't that big of a problem anymore.10:07
vbotkalordievader, I know. But, I'm not aware of a commitment, that upgrade will not break any functionality installed.10:08
lordievaderI don't think they make that guarantee for anything else than the default install.10:10
lordievaderIf they make it at all.10:10
vbotkalordievader, yes, thats the difference between upgrade and install10:11
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect
Razvavbotka any experience with Ubuntu Cloud?10:56
vbotkaRazva, not yet, to be honest I'm running FreeBSD as a cloud servers atm.10:58
Razvavbotka what type?11:05
vbotkaRazva, STABLE one11:06
vbotka10.2 atm11:06
Razvano no, what virtualization type (KVM etc)?11:07
Razvabtw, any idea of how to restart IMPI...?11:07
SlingRazva: ipmitool11:08
RazvaSling I've logged into the IMPI via SSH11:09
Razvabut now no idea of how to restart the IPMI11:09
Sling'ipmitool mc reset warm' or 'cold'11:09
Slinggoogle for it :)11:09
RazvaSling will this reset the IMPI, or the server?11:09
Slingjust ipmi11:09
Slingwarm will do a restart, cold will reset it and (i think) also clear the configuration11:10
Razvabut I suppose that I need to run ipmi tool from the machine that has the same ipmi, not remotely..right?11:14
Razvaipmitool -H mc reset warm11:16
RazvaError: Unable to establish LAN session11:16
bekksRazva: then ipmi would make any sense.11:17
Razvaany idea of how to see the firmware-specific flag I should use?11:22
RazvaI can root@ssh the IPMI, but I cannot send any ipmitools command :|11:23
SlingRazva: if you ssh to the ipmi interface you are in a ssh session, not on an ipmitool shell or something11:24
RazvaSling what I'm trying to say is that the ipmi is not "broken" or "unresponsive", as I can ssh in. right...?11:25
SlingRazva: if you are inside the busybox shell, you can type 'reboot' there to restart the bmc11:25
Slingwell there can be many things broken @ IPMI if you can still SSH to it11:26
Slingit's not very.. robust11:26
Slingi have seen non-functioning web interfaces plenty of times while the ssh was working fine11:26
Razvaerror_tag    : COMMAND NOT RECOGNIZED11:29
Razva^ that would be reboot11:29
Razvaand "restart"11:29
Razvahttp://pastebin.com/wrqTec4k < this is the help11:29
dannymichelanybody know which irc channel i’d join to debug unreal irc server?13:41
marlincChannel #Unreal13:42
=== inaddy is now known as Guest5399
tkeithWhich EC2 AMI should I be using? I see options for "hvm", "hvm-ssd", "ebs", "ebs-ssd" and some others. I want to use SSD EBS storage on an HVM instance...15:06
=== wk-work is now known as whitekidney
jrwrensounds like evm-ssd to me15:21
Razvahey guys. I have no idea why but maas refuses to interpret the right status from IPMI...16:54
Razvathe server is powered down, I can see that via DRAC and console. but still maas reports the server as being online. any hints...?16:54
froikehi! there is an ftpd with credit system of upload and download ratio?16:54
froikeKimse, thanks17:04
RazvaKimse can you please take a look at http://screencast.com/t/vIhiZSVM5 ? is it me or everything is OK? but even if I press enter...nothing is hapening...17:14
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=== daker_ is now known as daker

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