
N`importe_quiNa3iL: sorry02:09
Na3iLgood morning N`importe_qui it is okay nchallah nhar é5er :)02:10
N`importe_quiNa3iL: dunno, maybe next week ?02:10
N`importe_quiwhat do you mean by good morning? did you just wake up ?02:11
Na3iLwhy not I am always available in Tunis02:11
Na3iLhahaha yep :D02:12
N`importe_quiyay that seems cool, your sleep scheme seems awesome02:12
Na3iLhhhhhhhh indeed xD02:12
N`importe_quiand from now to like 7 or 8 am, you're gonna read a book ?02:12
N`importe_quis/to like/until like02:12
Na3iLthat's what I am going to do yes :D02:13
N`importe_quipretty perfect time to absorb information i thinj02:14
N`importe_qui* think02:14
Na3iLYep :D wbu? what are u doing02:15
N`importe_quihaving a look at w3school's css documentatio02:16
N`importe_qui* wschools' * documentation02:16
N`importe_quiNa3iL: but did you wait for me back then ? :v02:40
N`importe_quii hate getting into that city with a lack of sleep, my consciousness might get very limited02:44
damasceneelacheche, Morning08:55
damasceneany one on gnome to test this? https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/26/islamic-datetime-functions/08:56
elachechenot me x(08:56
damasceneit's javascript if your brother can look into it08:59
elachecheI'll send him the link.. :)09:04
elachecheI'll send the link to him*09:04
damasceneelacheche, https://github.com/aelmahmoudy/gnome-shell-extension-islamic-datetime/issues I opened two issues09:56
N`importe_quidamascene: okey, imma install gnome for you then15:33
N`importe_quior not.15:46
damasceneN`importe_qui, did you install any thing?18:22
N`importe_quidamascene: meh, I changed my mind , I won't install gnome19:51
damasceneN`importe_qui, yeah that is not necessary, a guy with installed Gnome already tried it and I filed a bug19:51
N`importe_quidamascene: there you go.19:52
damascenethe extension is not working on modern Gnome Shell19:52
N`importe_quiwhich version19:52
N`importe_quimany versions are modern19:53
damasceneN`importe_qui, 3.16.4 + 3.16.320:16
damasceneN`importe_qui, 3.16.4 + 3.18.320:16

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