
nhainesHm, quick question.  Does anyone kow if the Ubuntu dual boot script from http://humpolec.ubuntu.com/latest/dualboot.sh still works?02:12
SemoreHey there, I am hoping someone can guide me through using kubuntu, I have used vista and need to know how to navigate with kubuntu, and to fix whatever didn't install completely or properly that is preventing me from watching dvd's netflix and hulu to start, then i need to check all the default programs that came with the install to make sure I can use them02:45
SemoreI need to learn also, how to use pdf files, word docs, etc saved on stick from windows vista, with this new o/s02:46
ubot5`The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com02:55
nhainesThis channel is for phone and tablet development.02:55
k1l_Semore: ask in #kubuntu for kubuntu issues02:56
nhainesk1l_: good catch.02:56
_Spongeg day .. Morning.09:46
_SpongeMorning tsimonq2 ! Hello ...10:00
lesamouraihi , my by aquarius 5 phone is running OTA-9 , can i go back to OTA-7 or other previos version , how if yes?11:27
popeylesamourai: you can use ubuntu-device-flash and specify --revision11:45
lesamouraithanku , can you give me any link giving details about this11:48
lesamouraii kinda found it11:59
ArcticWhat channel should I use on my N7.  nhaines?13:42
Arcticdevel-proposed is the top one with the biggest number.  Dailies?  Might as well13:44
OerHeksoy oy Meizu Pro 5 Ubuntu prospect for February 22 launch15:20
k1lgive link :)15:22
matv1OerHeks where do you see that info?15:22
pdq_What are the chances that this one will have HDMI out? Would be nice to be able to kick the N4 for convergency testing15:24
OerHekspdq_, i cannot find that option15:27
matv1 it has a Type-C reversible usb. wont that be able to connect to a screen?15:44
ArcticInstalling Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 5 and it won't boot the rom (multirom).  Any ideas?15:45
Arcticoh hey pdq_ you're here too :D15:45
Arcticjust sits on the google screen15:46
matv1probably need an adapter like this https://www.iogear.com/product/GUC3CHD/15:49
pdq_that would be the cable needed, but according to some forum posts the MX5 pro doesn't support video out15:55
OerHekspdq_, maybe it does, all i can see these are rumours sofar15:59
OerHeksStill, interesting enough to wait and not buying BQ hd5 now.16:00
Arcticmy friend is telling me about a free pornhub premium promotion over facebook16:19
tathhuArctic, promote ubuntu to him/her :P17:41
Arctictathhu: tisk17:41
_SpongeI don't do pron. https://www.reddit.com/r/UbuntuAppDev/18:02
OerHekshmmm should be easy to do, buienradar-scope18:03
_SpongeOerHeks: put it on github & i shall fund itb :-)18:05
_Sponge**ishall fund it.18:05
_Spongedamn keyboard !18:06
OerHeksI think amberalert should be available too.18:06
_SpongeOerHeks: You on github.com ?18:06
OerHeksthis is worldwide, buienradar is only dutch.18:06
OerHeksnope :-(18:06
_SpongeOerHeks: Do it ! Launchpad integrates github automatically :-)18:07
OerHeks.. now i am registered.18:07
_Spongecool. what's your space called /18:08
_Sponge**called ?18:08
OerHeksregistered name is OerHeks, and email confirmed.18:08
_Spongelooks good .. https://github.com/OerHeks18:09
_SpongeYou need to register a project & call it " shower radar " .. I'll fund it !18:10
OerHekscan i call it with the Dutch name?18:10
OerHeksthat might be smarter, no?18:11
_SpongeNo, github is mostly Engeles.18:11
_SpongeThe project can be mirrored/forked at a later date.18:11
_Spongeantime really :-)18:11
OerHekslicence ..18:11
_SpongeGPL 318:12
_Spongeor Gnu Public License 3.0 to be accurate.18:12
_SpongeOerHeks: Ok you have an issue to solve https://github.com/OerHeks/Shower-Radar/issues/118:17
OerHeksRegister Snappy App on Launchpad ..18:18
_Spongeyeps. It needs to be integrated with github.18:19
OerHekserr i have trouble logging in on launchpad.18:27
_Spongewell, It's there for you when you set it up.18:31
* _Sponge just copy & pastes hisd launchpad passw into Launchpad :-)18:31
_SpongeI'm hungry.18:31
_Spongeveg. soup in the worx.18:35
OerHeksOke, just send mail, i will have to wait for answer.18:37
OerHeksthanks sofar, _Sponge18:37
_SpongeYou can't touch my soup though ;-)18:38
_SpongeI'm getting someone to-do the balsamic or Ubuntu SDK mkockup as we speak .18:40
_SpongeI'm using this guy... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-OVQ9INkXQ18:42
_Spongehe's a_bit shy thou.18:42
=== daker_ is now known as daker
pyrogunhey guys, i'm new to porting ubuntu touch. can i ask some questions to you?21:41
k1lpyrogun: read the porting guide and ask here. but sunday afternoon is this channel quite slow21:42
pyroguni already read that guide, but i have to include proprietary blobs. how can i do it? in cm git branch i have only one folder with makefiles, but porting guide said, that there's hardware optional includes. sorry for my bad english btw21:44
=== curtness is now known as strahtw
_Spongepyrogun: I'm off to bed. bye now22:31

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