[03:15] looks like we've got 7 summaries still to go, I'll copy over the finished sections and work on stats now [03:21] whee, firetrucks outside my building, but they didn't evacuate my floor [04:31] pleia2: I think I'm done :) [04:35] jose: thanks :) care to add your name to the doc? [04:35] not at all! :) [04:36] long since I've been there [04:36] lmk if you need help publishing tomorrow as well - should have time if internet at work doesn't go down [04:37] thanks [04:38] Unit193: link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue454 [04:38] sending off to editors now [04:38] /exec linkcheck https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue454 :---D [04:40] :) [04:40] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-community-team/2016- [04:41] thanks, fixing [04:42] pleia2: you know how I get the email each week for summaries? can that be changed from my gmail address to tsimonq2@ubuntu.com please? [04:42] tsimonq2: sure [04:42] okay thanks [04:42] (yes I got it :D) === MooDoo is now known as Guest51062 === Guest51062 is now known as MooDoo [19:50] hi