bluesabre | ochosi: will try to submit it this week. If I don't get to expose the setting, I at least want to make the default icon-only (as 1.4.x) | 02:28 |
_Sponge | Bonjour tout le monde ! | 06:07 |
ochosi | bluesabre: alright, fine by me | 07:07 |
knome | hmm. | 10:50 |
=== knome changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Support at #xubuntu | | Wiki: | Daily testing with results: | ||
=== knome changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Support at #xubuntu | | Release Schedule: | Daily testing with results: | ||
knome | narf | 11:18 |
knome | points to the new integrated style now, but is still WIP | 11:19 |
knome | everything should work though, might just look silly | 11:19 |
Akxwi-dave | looking good knome .. Although the calendar doesn't show in Midori.. shows up fine in Firefox.. :-) | 11:25 |
Akxwi-dave | doesn't show in Chrome either... | 11:28 |
slickymasterWork | knome, the calendar isn't showing in Chrome, also | 11:28 |
slickymasterWork | :) | 11:28 |
bluesabre | I can confirm that | 11:31 |
bluesabre | JS errors... | 11:32 |
knome | isn't showing as in the tab doesn't seem to load at all or the calendar iframe isn't visible? | 11:32 |
knome | also, is the calendar showing in | 11:32 |
knome | ^ there's been some weird "doesn't load" issues for me too | 11:33 |
bluesabre | status_workitems.js:296: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token = | 11:33 |
bluesabre | status.js:102: Uncaught ReferenceError: wi_clear_all_filters is not defined | 11:33 |
bluesabre | knome: tab opens, big blank area for the calendar | 11:33 |
knome | weird | 11:33 |
knome | i don't see those js error either | 11:33 |
slickymasterWork | the iframe isn't visible at all knome | 11:34 |
slickymasterWork | no getting any js errors either | 11:34 |
knome | weird | 11:34 |
knome | bluesabre, your line: | 11:35 |
Akxwi-dave | same as slickymasterWork for me .. completely white where it should be | 11:35 |
knome | function wi_clear_all_filters( refresh = true ) { | 11:35 |
knome | that's standard definition | 11:35 |
knome | well, for a new version | 11:36 |
bluesabre | knome: just saying what chromium tells me | 11:36 |
knome | (eg. ecmascript2015) | 11:36 |
knome | yeah, but that's also why you get the other message | 11:36 |
knome | slickymasterWork, Akxwi-dave: so is it visible in | 11:36 |
knome | because if you do, then that's weird | 11:37 |
Akxwi-dave | no its not for me.. | 11:37 |
bluesabre | knome: also does not work on tracker currently | 11:37 |
slickymasterWork | nopes, also | 11:37 |
bluesabre | same js errors displayed | 11:37 |
slickymasterWork | not getting any | 11:38 |
Akxwi-dave | thats on both Xubuntu versions and windows versions.. both whitespace.. FF works fine on both OSes | 11:38 |
bluesabre | works fine in firefox | 11:39 |
slickymasterWork | same here knome, both in windows and xubuntu | 11:39 |
* slickymasterWork doesn't have ff :P | 11:39 | |
knome | right, so chrome-specific | 11:40 |
knome | ok, i'll look at it | 11:40 |
knome | but now, lunch time | 11:40 |
Akxwi-dave | it actually looks really good in FF with the new style | 11:40 |
slickymasterWork | enjoy knome | 11:40 |
Akxwi-dave | enjoy lunch.. | 11:40 |
bluesabre | enjoy knome lunch | 11:40 |
bluesabre | :D | 11:41 |
knome | D: | 12:00 |
knome | slickymasterWork, does wiki or irc work for you? :P | 12:00 |
slickymasterWork | no knome | 12:00 |
knome | yeah | 12:01 |
knome | good job chrome | 12:01 |
slickymasterWork | lol | 12:01 |
knome | do they work now? | 12:01 |
slickymasterWork | give me a second, please | 12:02 |
knome | sure | 12:02 |
knome | i'm not on the back of a rabbi(t) | 12:02 |
slickymasterWork | still the same, knome :( | 12:02 |
knome | i don't believe | 12:02 |
knome | do a hard refresh | 12:02 |
slickymasterWork | none of the three work | 12:02 |
slickymasterWork | ok | 12:03 |
slickymasterWork | no difference knome | 12:04 |
slickymasterWork | wait | 12:04 |
knome | slickymasterWork, and you are looking at | 12:05 |
slickymasterWork | they're working now | 12:05 |
slickymasterWork | 1o/ | 12:05 |
knome | yeah, wait; the loading is happening only when you open the tab | 12:05 |
knome | so there will always be a small delay the first time you go to one of those tabs | 12:05 |
slickymasterWork | yeaps, the three are functional now | 12:05 |
knome | good good | 12:05 |
knome | so it was actually what bluesabre said | 12:05 |
knome | chrome can't handle the parameter, so it'll just decide none of the JS should work | 12:06 |
knome | :P | 12:06 |
bluesabre | \o/ | 12:07 |
knome | ok, so next i'll ask you for your opinion on a few things | 12:08 |
slickymasterWork | ok, I'll be around for another 45 minutes | 12:08 |
knome | since we've been using the ubuntu wiki, does anybody else of you feel like the wiki edit button should be at the left top? :P | 12:08 |
slickymasterWork | I'm not particularity vehement about its position | 12:09 |
knome | you'll notice if you are when you edit 20 pages | 12:10 |
slickymasterWork | bottom right would be my choice, if you'd ask me | 12:10 |
bluesabre | def not bottom | 12:10 |
bluesabre | or maybe a second one at the bottom | 12:10 |
knome | yeah, not bottom :| | 12:10 |
bluesabre | knome: like <nav> [Edit] | 12:10 |
knome | i'm actually thinking of getting rid of the whole bottom bar as it is now | 12:10 |
bluesabre | ? | 12:10 |
knome | maybe | 12:10 |
knome | but it isn't nav really :) | 12:10 |
bluesabre | right | 12:10 |
bluesabre | <breadcrumbs> [Edit] | 12:11 |
bluesabre | ^ much longer to type | 12:11 |
knome | i don't even know if it's meaningful to show the page filename | 12:11 |
knome | the other thing i don't know if we need is the breadcrumbs :D | 12:11 |
bluesabre | I think they can be handy here, since there is not an easy way to get back up otherwise | 12:12 |
knome | yeah, for that i'm considering to creating a dokuwiki plugin | 12:12 |
knome | that shows all the siblings/children/parent on all pages | 12:12 |
bluesabre | nifty | 12:12 |
knome | in a somewhat compact form | 12:13 |
knome | the whole wiki is hard to navigate now | 12:13 |
knome | because we haven't used to link to all pages from all pages | 12:13 |
knome | only the header - but that just gives you the "start" pages anyway | 12:13 |
bluesabre | gotta run, bbl | 12:14 |
knome | hf | 12:14 |
flocculant | leaving this while I *am* connected - rebuilds up - would like to see *some* results on the tracker which aren't mine :) | 12:35 |
knome | noble thought | 12:36 |
flocculant | followed by a sighing one :p | 12:36 |
knome | ;) | 12:36 |
flocculant | knome: re edit button position - I logged out and logged in because I thought I wasn't - because I couldn't see the edit button :D | 12:38 |
knome | yep | 12:38 |
flocculant | just thought I would add my pennyworth :) | 12:39 |
bluesabre | flocculant: I'll trade you, 100 tests from me for fixing the clutter integration in parole | 13:08 |
knome | i'll trade the website code maintaining too :P | 13:09 |
bluesabre | thats all i've done for the past few days | 13:09 |
bluesabre | :) | 13:09 |
knome | but not for the clutter stuff | 13:09 |
=== qwebirc125715 is now known as slickymasterWork | ||
flocculant | bluesabre: if I could I would :) | 16:31 |
flocculant | jjfrv8: are you still seeing bug 1395323 - cos I'm not | 16:52 |
ubottu | bug 1395323 in abiword (Ubuntu) "Abiword opens multiple windows when spacebar is pressed, until a new file is opened" [High,Fix released] | 16:52 |
flocculant | bluesabre ochosi - I'll be ahppy to mark trusty ready whenever - just need ack's | 17:42 |
flocculant | bluesabre: bug 1546695 | 19:01 |
ubottu | bug 1546695 in thunar (Ubuntu) "USB remounted following eject" [Undecided,New] | 19:01 |
flocculant | not sure what anyone wants me to provide | 19:01 |
dkessel | flocculant: USB stick or harddisk? I always thought it was a problem with my harddisk... | 19:53 |
dkessel | Maybe dmesg? Sometimes contains info about mounting and such | 19:54 |
pleia2 | in case others haven't seen yet: | 20:33 |
pleia2 | not sure how much we can get directly involved in supporting bits of the move to gnome-software, but worth a look if we have bored devs (hah hah) | 20:33 |
knome | and i guess we should fix our own packages if/where needed | 20:33 |
pleia2 | seems like decision time regarding the installer in general is due soon | 20:35 |
pleia2 | but I haven't had the bandwidth to keep up :\ | 20:35 |
knome | that's fine, we have bots... i mean people like Unit193 taking care of it | 20:36 |
pleia2 | <3 Unit193 | 20:36 |
knome | oh right, we have a meeting today | 20:37 |
pleia2 | we do | 20:37 |
knome | go me | 20:37 |
Unit193 | >_> | 20:37 |
knome | wednesday is my board gaming evening | 20:37 |
pleia2 | the wiki is read only, so we can't add anything to the agenda | 20:37 |
branau | knome: Is that a Xubuntu community meeting ? | 20:37 |
knome | so i might normally only free about these times, and be kind of exhausted | 20:37 |
knome | branau, yes | 20:37 |
pleia2 | unless we moved that? :) | 20:38 |
branau | knome: What time is it? I keep meaning to attend them but I always miss the times | 20:38 |
knome | branau, in 1 hour, 22 minutes | 20:38 |
pleia2 | branau: 1hr 20 minutes, here | 20:38 |
branau | Sweet, thanks | 20:38 |
pleia2 | branau: we'd be glad to have you :) | 20:38 |
pleia2 | moar participants \o/ | 20:38 |
branau | knome: Not sure if you remember or not, I talked to you a few weeks back about helping out with the site | 20:38 |
knome | pleia2, i was thinking whether there should be some community force in an EditorGroup in the ubuntu wiki | 20:38 |
branau | pleia2: Thanks! >D | 20:38 |
knome | branau, now that you say that, i can vaguely remember | 20:38 |
branau | :D | 20:39 |
pleia2 | knome: should be, I'm thinking similar to what we proposed for the help wiki | 20:39 |
branau | knome: Olin suomessa myös | 20:39 |
knome | branau, oh right :) | 20:39 |
branau | hahah | 20:39 |
knome | branau, we just got a few fixes landed on the website at the beginning of this week | 20:39 |
branau | knome: Ah I missed em? | 20:39 |
branau | Dang | 20:39 |
knome | and i've been working with the last few days | 20:39 |
knome | mostly small ones, probably the most prominent one is the header art change (no image now, just rotated elements) | 20:40 |
branau | knome: You got a list somewhere of tasks that still need to be taken care of? | 20:40 |
knome | and when i say elements, i mean div::before and div::after | 20:40 |
knome | there aren't any outstanding bugs or features TBD at the moment | 20:41 |
knome | but this page: | 20:41 |
knome | or for the more integrated (but WIP) looks | 20:41 |
branau | knome: Well cool, feel free to ping me if you need/want any help on anything specific. Looks like all these tasks have been distributed already, no unassigned ones haha | 20:43 |
knome | branau, so anyway, welcome to join the meeting | 20:43 |
knome | branau, well, even being assigned to somebody doesn't mean "don't touch it" | 20:43 |
branau | knome: Thanks! I'll be sure to stick around and participate a little, I am at work so I don't make any promises haha | 20:44 |
branau | knome: And fair enough | 20:44 |
knome | and all work items need to be assigned to *somebody* (or some team) | 20:44 |
branau | Gotcha. Well sign me up! I'd love to help out. | 20:45 |
knome | but granted, some of the work items might be a bit cryptic or at least not all clear regarding what you should do... | 20:45 |
branau | Yeah, is there anywhere that has a bit more descriptive tasks? | 20:46 |
knome | branau, we were creating a webapp for handling wallpaper contest submissions, but that's quite halted atm, and we're not sure if the codebase we have will be useful | 20:46 |
knome | no, not really; usually when the work item is cryptic it means somebody is probably on top of the issue | 20:46 |
knome | for some items which seem to be broad ones, there can be a description in the whiteboard | 20:47 |
knome | you can access them from the overview page in the tracker | 20:47 |
branau | knome: Gotcha. And what happened with the wallpaper contest? I remember you telling me about that | 20:47 |
knome | we probably will talk about that on the meeting today... | 20:47 |
krytarik | → | 20:47 |
knome | bluesabre, ping! :P | 20:48 |
knome | krytarik, ughh. | 20:48 |
krytarik | Yep. | 20:48 |
krytarik | I laughed. | 20:48 |
flocculant | dkessel: yea - external drive | 20:49 |
knome | krytarik, if you are subbed, please reply to them saying we object and that we will touch our own packages ourself when we know what we want to do | 20:49 |
krytarik | I'm not. | 20:49 |
knome | or if you are planning to subscribe | 20:49 |
knome | ;Ð | 20:49 |
krytarik | I'm not. | 20:49 |
krytarik | :D | 20:49 |
knome | no? | 20:49 |
knome | booo | 20:49 |
flocculant | I is - I can sya whatever we need | 20:51 |
knome | flocculant, say what i said above | 20:51 |
knome | flocculant, basically, "The Xubuntu team will take care of updating our own package (xubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-default-settings), so no need to touch those packages. Thanks!" | 20:52 |
knome | s/package/packages/ | 20:52 |
knome | and maybe s/touch those packages./touch those./ | 20:52 |
Unit193 | I was going to poke him, but he's not on IRC. | 20:52 |
knome | i like people who are not on IRC | 20:53 |
knome | not | 20:53 |
Unit193 | Nono, he's on, I've talked to him before. Just not now. | 20:53 |
knome | as i said... i don't like people who are not on IRC | 20:53 |
knome | ;P | 20:53 |
Unit193 | Haha. :P | 20:53 |
knome | thinking of you bluesabre and ochosi | 20:53 |
Unit193 | I've not been on IRC... | 20:54 |
krytarik | flocculant, knome: Don't forget about xubuntu-docs, btw. | 20:55 |
knome | krytarik, it's not listed on the list he put up though | 20:55 |
Unit193 | And the brokenness of fop? Yeeeah... | 20:55 |
flocculant | oh buggar - in moderation ... | 20:56 |
flocculant | we know about this issue and will deal with any of our (Xubuntu packages etc) once we know what it is we want to do. | 20:56 |
knome | flocculant, lol, i was referring to "being subbed" because i wanted to avoid that :D | 20:56 |
knome | or are you saying the filters found unwelcome words in your mail :P | 20:56 |
flocculant | I thought I was subbed | 20:57 |
flocculant | ha ha | 20:57 |
knome | hah... | 20:57 |
knome | i wonder how we are supposed to interpret that | 20:57 |
flocculant | sent it direct to the OP too now | 21:09 |
flocculant | just woken up to the fact there's a meeting soonish | 21:09 |
knome | yeah | 21:11 |
knome | good morning, flocculant's brain | 21:11 |
flocculant | :) | 21:26 |
pleia2 | right, so meeting agenda is still on uneditable wiki, should we move that now/soon? | 21:42 |
pleia2 | (for those not keeping up, has been locked down for a day) | 21:42 |
knome | if we need to edit, there's a "Meetings" start page on the new wiki already | 21:43 |
pleia2 | that made the wiki explode when I went to it | 21:43 |
knome | but we can't do includes yet (i haven't installed/enabled a plugin that does that) | 21:43 |
knome | :D | 21:43 |
pleia2 | oh :) | 21:43 |
pleia2 | still | 21:43 |
knome | hmm. | 21:43 |
pleia2 | Server error | 21:43 |
pleia2 | 500 | 21:43 |
pleia2 | when I clicky on meetings | 21:43 |
Unit193 | You can likely talk to Canonical about it, saw one pop in to #ubuntu-ops the other day. | 21:43 |
_Sponge | Hiya pleia2 | 21:44 |
pleia2 | o/ _Sponge | 21:44 |
* knome goes look what's wrong with the page | 21:44 | |
* _Sponge thinks he's cseen pleia2 on flickr :-) | 21:44 | |
pleia2 | Unit193: yeah, there's a big loop happening with discussion on the status (on ubuntu-community-team list too) | 21:44 |
_Sponge | **seen# | 21:44 |
_Sponge | **seen | 21:44 |
pleia2 | _Sponge: no doubt :) I post a lot | 21:44 |
Unit193 | Fun, fun. | 21:45 |
_Sponge | good to talk, to you. Any books in the making ? | 21:45 |
pleia2 | _Sponge: working on an openstack book right now, and 9th edition of official ubuntu book after that | 21:45 |
_Sponge | right-oh | 21:45 |
knome | 23:44 @neale: okay, wiki should be read-write again | 21:46 |
* _Sponge wonders if he could get a signed ubuntu book off ple | 21:46 | |
slickymaster | it doesn't appear so, knome | 21:46 |
* _Sponge wonders if he could get a signed ubuntu book off pleia2 ?? | 21:46 | |
knome | slickymaster, i'm thinking you might be hitting the cache again, as usually :P | 21:46 |
knome | slickymaster, so i won't believe you until you repeat that 10 times in the next 10 minutes | 21:47 |
slickymaster | no, I'm on my laptop now | 21:47 |
pleia2 | _Sponge: drop me an email when the 9th edition comes out and I'll see what I can do :) | 21:47 |
_Sponge | cheers ! | 21:47 |
knome | pleia2, the meetings page seems to work now | 21:47 |
* _Sponge slides pleia2 a warm mocha :) | 21:47 | |
knome | pleia2, on the new wiki, that is | 21:47 |
pleia2 | knome: thanks | 21:47 |
pleia2 | knome: oh yes, lovely | 21:48 |
knome | it might be related to the plugin that i wrote that allows us to use moinmoin-style comments | 21:48 |
_Sponge | pleia2: Do you have ...yet ? | 21:48 |
knome | (only # required and only on the beginning of the line, the dokuwiki plugins all seemed to require an opening and closing tag) | 21:48 |
pleia2 | _Sponge: | 21:49 |
knome | _Sponge, | 21:49 |
pleia2 | knome: I think it's ok to use the doku wiki syntax, yeah? | 21:49 |
Unit193 | pleia2: BTW, you don't need server stuff help, right? | 21:49 |
Unit193 | At least, not from me. | 21:49 |
* _Sponge was just interested if xubuntu had bought it :) | 21:49 | |
knome | pleia2, actually dokuwiki doesn't support comments by default | 21:49 |
pleia2 | Unit193: I can handle day to day keep-system-upgraded, but if we add more services I tend to like having support running those | 21:49 |
pleia2 | Unit193: currently knome seems to have all that under control though | 21:50 |
knome | pleia2, but there's also a usability issue with the comments; when you quickly want to remove/add a comment, it's so much better that you can do that by editing the first character of the line | 21:50 |
* flocculant wanders off for a bit | 21:50 | |
pleia2 | Unit193: it would be good to have a backup admin with keys to the castle (both linode and root) | 21:50 |
Unit193 | Great! I had asked if I was slacking somewhere that I'd forgotten, and he said poke you. Glad I'm not! | 21:50 |
knome | that was ultimately what made me write the small plugin | 21:50 |
pleia2 | Unit193: so if you want to volunteer there, happy to share those keys :) | 21:50 |
pleia2 | knome: I see | 21:51 |
pleia2 | flocculant leaves right before the meeting, I see how it is | 21:51 |
Unit193 | pleia2: I'll do whatever you need me to do. | 21:51 |
Unit193 | ...I should likely pickup a wiki account sometime. | 21:51 |
_Sponge | there's a meeting ?? | 21:51 |
knome | pleia2, now! dump ALL the work to him! | 21:51 |
knome | _Sponge, in 9 minutes | 21:51 |
_Sponge | right-oh | 21:51 |
pleia2 | Unit193: gpg key in lp current? (will send encrypted file with creds) | 21:52 |
Unit193 | knome: Oh, so meetingology output is moinmoin, that doesn't match dokuwiki I'm going to presume. | 21:52 |
* _Sponge runs to the fridge for munchies. | 21:52 | |
pleia2 | ((may not do it today)) | 21:52 |
knome | Unit193, that's the other thing. | 21:52 |
Unit193 | pleia2: Yes it is. I can also toss you a ssh key. | 21:52 |
pleia2 | Unit193: okie, that will help with setting up user account | 21:52 |
knome | i'm clearly a lost cause, no gpg mails :P | 21:53 |
flocculant | knome can join flocculant's club | 21:53 |
Unit193 | I sign random things sent to xubuntu-devel@ :3 | 21:54 |
pleia2 | knome: I don't sign or encrypt emails really anymore, just send encrypted files | 21:54 |
knome | heh | 21:54 |
knome | not to me! | 21:54 |
pleia2 | :) | 21:54 |
pleia2 | I do it for persistent credentials, not "change this when you log in or I'll send in the hounds" | 21:55 |
knome | heh | 21:55 |
* _Sponge returns with coffee & Danish ;-) | 21:57 | |
_Sponge | have we started yet ? | 21:59 |
flocculant | are we there yet? | 21:59 |
knome | you would have noticed if we did :P | 21:59 |
_Sponge | I'd like to free political prisoners ! | 21:59 |
=== Unit193 is now known as ucode | ||
slickymaster | #startmeeting | 22:00 |
meetingology | Meeting started Wed Feb 17 22:00:13 2016 UTC. The chair is slickymaster. Information about MeetBot at | 22:00 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 22:00 |
slickymaster | Welcome all to the Xubuntu community meeting. The agenda is available at | 22:00 |
slickymaster | Who's here for the meeting? | 22:00 |
knome | o/ | 22:01 |
=== ucode is now known as krycek | ||
_Sponge | o/ | 22:01 |
krytarik | o/ | 22:02 |
Unit193 | o/ | 22:02 |
krycek | \o | 22:02 |
_Sponge | I'm happy to volunteer to run the 16.04 Community Wallpaper contest, if anyone's interested. | 22:02 |
pleia2 | o/ | 22:02 |
flocculant | o/ | 22:02 |
slickymaster | #topic Open action items | 22:02 |
slickymaster | Volunteers for running a 16.04 Community Wallpaper contest | 22:03 |
knome | so basically, here's where we are now: | 22:03 |
slickymaster | knome, I think that is one of yours | 22:03 |
knome | bluesabre was seting up a webapp that would be used to handle the submissions | 22:03 |
knome | that's been set up, and i've worked with it a bit too, but... | 22:03 |
_Sponge | yeah ? | 22:03 |
knome |'s likely not what we want to use for submissions | 22:03 |
pleia2 | x_x | 22:03 |
slickymaster | what are the issues with it, knome? | 22:04 |
knome | so basically we'll need a new webapp, or we need to use something that is ready to use | 22:04 |
_Sponge | so it's broke ? | 22:04 |
knome | slickymaster, the biggest issues are that it doesn't really do what it is supposed to do, and there's a lot of overhead in the code | 22:04 |
_Sponge | flickr ? | 22:04 |
knome | flickr means the people submitting their images should have an account | 22:05 |
_Sponge | and ? | 22:05 |
knome | and it's not open source. | 22:05 |
slickymaster | exactly | 22:05 |
_Sponge | most photographers do. | 22:05 |
_Sponge | mediagoblin ? | 22:05 |
knome | we aren't only looking for photographs, and we also are trying not to exclude people | 22:05 |
knome | the starting point with the webapp was that it would be accessible with a launchpad account | 22:06 |
pleia2 | do we have a list of criteria for what we need? (I know we've talked about this a bunch of times) | 22:06 |
pleia2 | licensing, preference for open source, etc | 22:06 |
_Sponge | yeah, but it's broke, right ? | 22:06 |
knome | which is something you pretty much need to contribute anything anyway | 22:06 |
knome | pleia2, for the webapp or the submissions? | 22:06 |
pleia2 | knome: yes :) | 22:06 |
knome | yes to what? | 22:06 |
pleia2 | they are one in the same | 22:06 |
knome | well | 22:07 |
pleia2 | the webapp should support our criteria, or we should find something that does | 22:07 |
knome | i meant the submissions as in the images | 22:07 |
knome | but yeah, the webapp... | 22:07 |
knome | i'm happy if it's open source | 22:07 |
_Sponge | nme | 22:07 |
knome | if it can handle the voting, that's a bonus | 22:07 |
_Sponge | ** me too. | 22:07 |
pleia2 | ubuntu uses flickr, I think ubuntu studio has been as well | 22:07 |
slickymaster | the studio folks used flickr for theirs, but as knome pointed out it's not open source | 22:08 |
krycek | Their last one was on flickr, yes. | 22:08 |
slickymaster | FWIW | 22:08 |
flocculant | lubuntu do as well afaik | 22:08 |
_Sponge | Crumbs, 10 minutes in, and we've not changed anything, yet. | 22:09 |
knome | if we do flickr, then we might as well support all social media outlets - as long as we can access the submission somewhere... | 22:09 |
_Sponge | Xubuntu G+ ? | 22:09 |
knome | including google+, but not limited to | 22:09 |
* _Sponge means the google community. | 22:10 | |
pleia2 | I'm going to draw the line there, using a bunch of services just makes it horrible | 22:10 |
knome | because we really don't want to lock in to any specific platform, especially if it's not controlled by us | 22:10 |
_Sponge | Who's in charge of the Xubuntu Gplus community ? | 22:10 |
knome | pleia2, i don't think that's optimal either. | 22:10 |
pleia2 | either we use one proprietary, or we keep on track for writing our own | 22:10 |
knome | and i'm going to draw the line here - we won't use g+ | 22:10 |
branau | Something like that could be set up with WordPress pretty easliy | 22:10 |
knome | :) | 22:10 |
pleia2 | _Sponge: a few or us have admin access, but the G+ has very poor image support these days, I don't think they even have the concept of licensing | 22:11 |
pleia2 | and it's hard to collect for something like this | 22:11 |
branau | WordPress is open source :D | 22:11 |
knome | i believe that we should still write our own | 22:11 |
pleia2 | knome: me too | 22:11 |
slickymaster | +1 | 22:11 |
_Sponge | yeah, do a wordpress :) | 22:11 |
knome | it would "only" need to support openid login (for launchpad), and uploads | 22:11 |
branau | knome you mean like completely custom? No frameworks period? | 22:11 |
flocculant | knome: that's fine - but it's almost b1 - how long do we wait? | 22:12 |
knome | frameworks are okay as long as they don't get in the way they did with the current one | 22:12 |
branau | which framework was used? | 22:12 |
flocculant | and will people be around right at the last minute to decide which we use | 22:12 |
knome | symfony2 | 22:12 |
* _Sponge wanders off to OSS bed | 22:12 | |
knome | the problem was that bluesabre was the only one who really got familiar with it, and i would say even his level of familiarity wasn't very convincing | 22:13 |
_Sponge | night night | 22:13 |
knome | (sorry bluesabre!) | 22:13 |
knome | night _Sponge | 22:13 |
slickymaster | night _Sponge | 22:13 |
knome | branau, what would you suggest? | 22:13 |
flocculant | cya _Sponge | 22:13 |
slickymaster | flocculant, did raise a valid point, which is time | 22:13 |
branau | | 22:13 |
branau | Looks like there's a WP plugin for openid logins | 22:14 |
pleia2 | yeah, the xubuntu site certainly uses one (not sure which) | 22:14 |
knome | we are using that, but tbh, writing a wordpress plugin for the submissions itself sounds like a bigger job than creating the whole app from the scratch | 22:14 |
branau | I've done extensive work with WP and even done some custom plugin work for a few sites, so even if this plugin doesn't work, it shouldn't be too much work to get it up and running | 22:14 |
pleia2 | knome: that's my worry too, but if branau wants to volunteer :) | 22:14 |
knome | pleia2, it's that one, plus some specific launchpad integration ones | 22:14 |
pleia2 | knome: I think we'd run our own wordpress install for this though, not try to get the plugin accepted for | 22:15 |
knome | pleia2, totally | 22:15 |
pleia2 | we can even tear it down at the end and start new each cycle | 22:15 |
branau | pleia2: I'm happy to volunteer :D | 22:15 |
branau | I don't think we'd need a plugin for submissions though | 22:15 |
knome | branau, with what kind of schedule? | 22:15 |
pleia2 | so it's not a long term maintenance problem, we can back up the photo submissions themselves somewhere static | 22:15 |
branau | A simple form should suffice. | 22:15 |
pleia2 | would this require the user to have a login to wordpress? | 22:16 |
pleia2 | (or openid) | 22:16 |
pleia2 | and would they be able to review/adjust their submission? | 22:16 |
knome | i actually just read about the file uploads in wordpress, and the right way (tm) to do it... | 22:17 |
knome | that said, if it's not going to be long-term storage, i think we could just do with a simple form | 22:17 |
knome | without logging in | 22:18 |
pleia2 | knome: I'm inclined to agree, but I also want it to be a decent experience for submitters, did it actually go through? are they on the list of nominations? | 22:18 |
knome | well, we likely want people to log in... | 22:18 |
pleia2 | black hole submissions are not a good user experience | 22:18 |
knome | yes. | 22:18 |
knome | and no login means anybody can spam the site potentially | 22:18 |
pleia2 | yep | 22:18 |
pleia2 | with no way to block them | 22:18 |
knome | yep | 22:19 |
knome | branau1, did you drop out? what was the last comment you saw? | 22:19 |
branau1 | Sorry, I think I got disconnected a minute | 22:19 |
branau1 | 4:15:51 PM - pleia2: […] o it's not a long term maintenance problem, we can back up the photo submissions themselves somewhere static | 22:19 |
branau1 | 4:15:58 PM - branau: A simple form should suffice. | 22:19 |
branau1 | 4:16:38 PM - branau: knome: Depends on when we need this. I work 9-5 usually so in the afternoons I'm generally free. | 22:19 |
branau1 | 4:16:42 PM - branau: Weekends I have tons of free time | 22:19 |
branau1 | That's the last I saw | 22:19 |
knome | ok, i'll PM you what you missed | 22:19 |
branau1 | Thanks | 22:19 |
branau1 | #thirdWorldCountryInternet | 22:19 |
=== branau1 is now known as branau | ||
knome | ok, done | 22:20 |
knome | so my thought here is | 22:20 |
knome | the user logs in to wordpress using their launchpad account | 22:20 |
knome | along with the requirements we just set | 22:20 |
knome | now, to do things right, and since the user is logged in, they should use the built-in media manager in a way | 22:21 |
pleia2 | which makes them agree to terms and licensing for the submission | 22:21 |
knome | but potentially extended in a way that allows them to select license/attribution/etc | 22:21 |
knome | in other words - a custom form that uses the media uploader | 22:21 |
* pleia2 nods | 22:22 | |
branau | Sounds good | 22:22 |
knome | once that's done, they should see their submissions - but only their submissions - on the admin - on another custom view | 22:22 |
knome | and edit them | 22:22 |
knome | again, if possible, via the built-in media manager | 22:22 |
flocculant | can I just say something here | 22:22 |
knome | yes | 22:22 |
krycek | Also, UIF is March 10th. | 22:22 |
branau | Doesn't sound too tough to set up, I'd be willing to bet that half of these can be managed via plugins | 22:22 |
knome | krycek, these aren't default wallpapers, no need for UIF | 22:23 |
knome | branau, that's the problem; the plugins are designed to do what they do, not this custom case | 22:23 |
flocculant | it is now almost week 18 of 26, so we need to see this all up - then advertise it - hope to get people send things in - choose which one(s) we use - get that in the seed | 22:23 |
knome | flocculant, ack. | 22:23 |
branau | knome: Plugins can be modded :D | 22:23 |
flocculant | I'd be a lot more interested if we were in week 8 | 22:24 |
knome | flocculant, if we start taking submissions on week 20, we can allow them for 2-4 weeks and still have time to drop them in the seed | 22:24 |
knome | flocculant, i know that isn't ideal, and my target is ASAP | 22:24 |
pleia2 | flocculant: indeed, it's unfortunate that it's so late for an LTS | 22:24 |
pleia2 | but here we are | 22:24 |
pleia2 | maybe it'll make it more exciting :D | 22:24 |
flocculant | knome: right - so 2 weeks to get it all set up - and hope we get submissions | 22:25 |
knome | flocculant, if we don't, then there will be no community wallpaper package | 22:25 |
knome | :P | 22:25 |
knome | branau, true, but all that makes me think that it would be simpler to create our own | 22:25 |
* flocculant just shakes his head - we should have had this discussion properly weeks ago | 22:25 | |
knome | flocculant, actually, we did, then bluesabre took his time and the path didn't lead anywhere | 22:26 |
flocculant | not that I'm blaming anyone - I'm just as capable of shouting that we should be sorting something out | 22:26 |
knome | flocculant, but as pleia2 said; here we are | 22:26 |
flocculant | knome: ack - I know that :) | 22:26 |
knome | (and i'm not blaming bluesabre either) | 22:26 |
flocculant | :) | 22:26 |
knome | branau, so again about the schedule... do you think you could have a PoC setup for us this weekend? | 22:27 |
pleia2 | branau: no pressure ;) | 22:27 |
branau | knome: PoC? | 22:27 |
knome | proof of concept | 22:27 |
pleia2 | proof of concept | 22:27 |
* knome high-fives pleia2 | 22:27 | |
* flocculant types slower ... | 22:27 | |
branau | Ah, you mean like a demo? | 22:27 |
pleia2 | branau: yeah | 22:27 |
flocculant | yea | 22:27 |
knome | well, like a demo that can be iterated to the final version | 22:27 |
slickymaster | knome, will you look into the WP plugins possibility with branau? | 22:27 |
knome | my point of view is that we should write our own, so i'm kind of reluctant to do that ;) | 22:28 |
knome | but i can help with it | 22:28 |
branau | Sure, where exactly would I host it? | 22:28 |
branau | I have a personal website | 22:28 |
branau | With unlimited storage | 22:28 |
knome | that works if you are willing to use that | 22:28 |
pleia2 | might start with a personal site, we'll move to our community server when it's ready for production | 22:28 |
branau | Yeah, it won't be a problem | 22:28 |
knome | ^ what pleia2 said | 22:28 |
knome | and i can test it on my host once it's in a point where we start thinking of moving it to make sure it can be moved | 22:29 |
* pleia2 thumbs up | 22:29 | |
branau | Cool, if anyone else wants to contribute to it then I can get ftp credentials set up | 22:29 |
knome | branau, if you can be around in this channel, that would be *very* good | 22:29 |
knome | branau, i would actually prefer if we had a repository for it | 22:29 |
branau | knome: I usually am, just not actively. I have it open | 22:29 |
slickymaster | can I action this knome, so we can move along? | 22:29 |
knome | i'm fine with bzr in launchpad or git in github | 22:29 |
slickymaster | #action knome and branau will look into the WP plugins possibility with branau? | 22:29 |
meetingology | ACTION: knome and branau will look into the WP plugins possibility with branau? | 22:29 |
branau | knome: I was going to set it up in git, have a preferred VCS? | 22:30 |
knome | branau, i have a github account (knomepasi), that works | 22:30 |
slickymaster | can we proceed? | 22:30 |
krycek | And, Launchpad does git too now. | 22:30 |
pleia2 | we tend to use bzr on launchpad, but it's not a blocker (I can use github too) | 22:30 |
knome | let me think for 30secs | 22:30 |
pleia2 | krycek: indeed | 22:30 |
pleia2 | and launchpad is open source, github is not ;) | 22:31 |
knome | heh | 22:31 |
branau | knome: I'm much more familiar with git, but I can set it up however you prefer | 22:31 |
* pleia2 stops being a problem | 22:31 | |
knome | branau, git works, no problem for me | 22:31 |
pleia2 | yeah, git's fine | 22:31 |
knome | branau, so, to summarize: | 22:31 |
knome | let's be in touch (daily, if possible) | 22:31 |
knome | and if you need something, feel free to ping me | 22:31 |
knome | from finding a plugin to writing code | 22:32 |
knome | and from the webapp requirements to whatnot | 22:32 |
slickymaster | #undo | 22:32 |
meetingology | Removing item from minutes: ACTION | 22:32 |
knome | let's set sunday night as the deadline for a PoC that is functional in some way | 22:32 |
branau_ | Got disconnected again | 22:33 |
knome | #action knome and branau to collaborate with setting up a wordpress instance for the wallpaper submissions by sunday, feb 21 | 22:33 |
meetingology | ACTION: knome and branau to collaborate with setting up a wordpress instance for the wallpaper submissions by sunday, feb 21 | 22:33 |
branau_ | Last I saw was let's stay in touch daily | 22:33 |
knome | ok, i'll paste you in PM again | 22:33 |
branau_ | Thanks | 22:33 |
slickymaster | ok, moving on | 22:34 |
slickymaster | #topic Updates and Announcements | 22:34 |
slickymaster | Vivid was EOL on February 4th <- | 22:34 |
Nairwolf | knome: what is a PoC ? | 22:34 |
knome | Nairwolf, proof of concept | 22:34 |
slickymaster | almost two weeks now | 22:34 |
Nairwolf | ok | 22:34 |
knome | is there something we didn't cover with the EOL stuff? | 22:34 |
Nairwolf | branau: in which language you want to write this plugin ? Maybe we can talk about that later | 22:34 |
knome | Nairwolf, wordpress, so php | 22:35 |
flocculant | knome: we didn't website it in the end | 22:35 |
branau1 | Nairwolf: WP is strictly PHP as far as I know | 22:35 |
slickymaster | I think that eveyrthing was taken care of, knome | 22:35 |
Nairwolf | ok, so, not for me | 22:35 |
knome | flocculant, as a blog article, yeah | 22:35 |
Nairwolf | thanks | 22:35 |
knome | but i've removed vivid from the support page | 22:35 |
knome | and from the docs startpage | 22:35 |
=== branau1 is now known as branau | ||
flocculant | yep | 22:35 |
krycek | All PPA packages for vivid are gone too. | 22:35 |
knome | | 22:36 |
knome | that's also up-to-date (since the beginning) | 22:36 |
knome | i think we're fine | 22:36 |
slickymaster | anyone else has any update or announcement? | 22:37 |
flocculant | trusty point release tomorrow | 22:37 |
flocculant | #info trusty point release tomorrow | 22:38 |
slickymaster | there's still time for some late testing | 22:38 |
flocculant | just | 22:38 |
knome | #info knome moved a lot of the wiki pages to the new xubuntu wiki; the old ones are redirected correctly to both the wiki and the contributor docs | 22:38 |
flocculant | slickymaster: I'll be randomly marking it ready at some point tomorrow - after another rebuild lands | 22:38 |
krycek | knome: Got a template page for the meetings yet? | 22:39 |
slickymaster | yeah, saw your ping to ochosi and bluesabre re that earlier today flocculant | 22:39 |
knome | krycek, no, and we only get the meeting output in moin markup | 22:39 |
knome | so let's keep the meetings archive in the moin wiki for now... | 22:39 |
flocculant | is that an update, announcement or just offtopic :p | 22:40 |
slickymaster | a mixed of the three | 22:40 |
slickymaster | * mix | 22:41 |
knome | mixed | 22:41 |
slickymaster | anything else? | 22:42 |
flocculant | anything I've done is on tracker afaik | 22:42 |
pleia2 | knome: anything we should talk about? | 22:42 |
flocculant | oh | 22:42 |
pleia2 | Two article series to lead to the 16.04 LTS release | 22:42 |
pleia2 | | 22:42 |
pleia2 | this is a thing | 22:42 |
knome | yes, it's a thing | 22:43 |
pleia2 | so if anyone not pitching in wants to, please do | 22:43 |
flocculant | #info 2nd IRC testing session ran - not likely to run those again | 22:43 |
knome | totally | 22:43 |
knome | basially, the media manager stuff is almost taken care of except getting the answers from people | 22:43 |
* pleia2 nods | 22:43 | |
knome | for the other series (small details, faq-like series), we will likely need more ideas to choose from and writers too | 22:43 |
knome | as the mail says, the planning happens at | 22:44 |
knome | and again, if any questions, i'm available here or via email | 22:44 |
pleia2 | flocculant: sorry to hear the testing sessions didn't work out, but thank you for trying them | 22:45 |
flocculant | yup | 22:45 |
flocculant | more or less concurs with testing we get done tbh | 22:45 |
pleia2 | :\ | 22:45 |
flocculant | *shrug* | 22:46 |
knome | i think it's great that we did the sessions | 22:46 |
pleia2 | agreed | 22:46 |
knome | and tbh, if there is any motivation left, we should probably try to organize more later | 22:46 |
knome | not necessarily only for testing | 22:46 |
flocculant | most people aren't interested until they install a new version and something doesn't work for them - nothing new there :) | 22:46 |
pleia2 | tbh people keep telling me they want videos, which breaks my brain, but I guess I understand | 22:47 |
flocculant | knome: not much of that tbh | 22:47 |
flocculant | pleia2: and absolutely none of that :) | 22:47 |
knome | we can do videos, but i don't know how they will help... | 22:47 |
pleia2 | maybe next cycle we find someone who is not camera-shy to do that :) | 22:47 |
knome | they will just point to boring stuff (sorry flocculant, but i guess you agree) | 22:47 |
knome | i mean, meh | 22:47 |
flocculant | yup totally | 22:48 |
knome | testing *is* not exciting | 22:48 |
pleia2 | knome: the point is that people want to see a video of someone clicking through and explaining step by step how to do it, on a video | 22:48 |
slickymaster | can we move along? | 22:48 |
knome | a video doesn't make it exciting | 22:48 |
pleia2 | knome: I hate videos, so I don't understand it, but it's totally a Thing | 22:48 |
knome | flocculant, maybe screencasts with no voice but overlays | 22:48 |
flocculant | slickymaster: I thought we were in discussions without the #discussion | 22:48 |
pleia2 | anyway, just tossing that out there, as feedback from the social medias | 22:48 |
slickymaster | lol | 22:48 |
slickymaster | indeed | 22:48 |
flocculant | knome: possibly - but who'd want to watch someone adding a ppa for 5 minutes when it takes 30 seconds to read the words | 22:49 |
flocculant | pleia2: ^^ | 22:49 |
flocculant | #discussion | 22:49 |
flocculant | that worked then :p | 22:49 |
knome | flocculant, those who like the videos... | 22:50 |
pleia2 | flocculant: the videos should probably be edited to skip through that kind of thing :) | 22:50 |
flocculant | pleia2: why? That's what it would be about | 22:50 |
pleia2 | there are people in the world who are good at this stuff | 22:50 |
Guest79749 | hi, I just installed xubuntu and updated etc etc, all was fine until I rebooted and the top panel/taskbar has disappeared...can anyone help me sort it out please? | 22:50 |
flocculant | Guest79749: #xubuntu | 22:50 |
pleia2 | Guest79749: we're having a meeting right now | 22:50 |
Guest79749 | ok ta, soz | 22:50 |
slickymaster | #topic Discussion items | 22:51 |
flocculant | pleia2: there might be - but there appear to be 3 or 4 people active in *test* - not sure any of us are them :) | 22:51 |
pleia2 | flocculant: fair enough, just tossing it out there | 22:52 |
flocculant | yea - understand that :) | 22:52 |
flocculant | it is a dry subject :) | 22:52 |
flocculant | install this - did it work? | 22:52 |
flocculant | :) | 22:52 |
slickymaster | I know it's not in the agenda but there's something I'd like to ask which is what are our plans regarding USC replacement? | 22:53 |
pleia2 | slickymaster: yeah, I was just asking about that before our meeting | 22:53 |
flocculant | pleia2: I'd love to have so many people testing that I had to manage it - as everyone should know | 22:53 |
slickymaster | I'm asking this mainly concerning about the -docs side of this, because there will be a need for a lot of rewording | 22:53 |
flocculant | perhaps subtopic it | 22:54 |
pleia2 | Ubuntu is making progress on using gnome-software as a replacement | 22:54 |
knome | slickymaster, no idea yet for the final decision | 22:54 |
flocculant | I haz quote | 22:54 |
pleia2 | I think our decision needs to be gnome-software vs. synaptic | 22:54 |
slickymaster | #subtopic USC replacement | 22:54 |
knome | pleia2, likely | 22:54 |
flocculant | [18:14:35] <alkisg> one, when will gnome-software actually replace software center? | 22:55 |
flocculant | [18:14:57] <alkisg> and two, I'm upstream + debian maintainer for 2 packages, can I sync them with ubuntu (with the appdata changes) even after the debian import freeze tomorrow? | 22:55 |
flocculant | [18:15:13] <Laney> within days and yes | 22:55 |
pleia2 | from today: | 22:55 |
pleia2 | | 22:55 |
pleia2 | that's about fixing packages related to it | 22:55 |
pleia2 | but work is being done | 22:55 |
flocculant | pleia2: yep - catalyst for the above quote from Laney | 22:55 |
* pleia2 nods | 22:55 | |
flocculant | and re USC or not | 22:56 |
pleia2 | I think USC makes no sense for us | 22:56 |
pleia2 | tbh, never did really :\ | 22:56 |
pleia2 | but it worked so long as Ubuntu used it too | 22:56 |
flocculant | if USC has been more or less unmaintained for *a while* - would using it for 3 years unmaintained be that much of a problem for us? | 22:56 |
pleia2 | I think so | 22:57 |
knome | slickymaster, what's your take on the deadline for the decision to make sure we have time to change the docs and allow translators to work with it? | 22:57 |
pleia2 | until now vital problems have been fixed, with Ubuntu really pulling support we wouldn't even get that | 22:57 |
slickymaster | mid march at the most knome | 22:57 |
pleia2 | I also think there's a problem with the dependencies (python?) but I'm not positive | 22:58 |
knome | slickymaster, can you info that so it gets specifically saved to the minutes | 22:58 |
flocculant | pleia2: currently g-s still fails to see anything for me - so until it does - hard to decide | 22:58 |
slickymaster | what exactly knome? the deadline? | 22:58 |
flocculant | on the other hand - I never use USC and am extremely unlikely to use g-s | 22:58 |
pleia2 | flocculant: yeah, it may mean we go back to synaptic | 22:58 |
knome | slickymaster, yes | 22:58 |
pleia2 | flocculant: same | 22:58 |
knome | same here | 22:58 |
knome | but we are not the regular users | 22:58 |
pleia2 | knome: right | 22:58 |
flocculant | I use synaptic when I'm not sure of a package | 22:58 |
flocculant | knome: ack | 22:59 |
knome | when i'm not sure, i use apt-cache search | 22:59 |
knome | D: | 22:59 |
pleia2 | yeah, I only use the cli | 22:59 |
flocculant | and synaptic afaik doesn't worrk with those bought things | 22:59 |
knome | no idea | 22:59 |
pleia2 | I don't know if bought things are much of a thing anymore | 22:59 |
knome | though we can just tell that the people who have bought things they should install g-s | 22:59 |
krycek | And there's translations to keep in mind. | 22:59 |
flocculant | right - that's probably the issue we need to worry about more for 'users' | 22:59 |
flocculant | pleia2: ok - really not sure - never did that :) | 23:00 |
knome | i don't think it's a majority of our users anyway | 23:00 |
slickymaster | #info Mid March should be the the deadline for a decision regarding the USC replacement, taking in consideration the needed time to change the documentations and allow translators to work with it | 23:00 |
flocculant | I guess as a fallback position I would be happy with synaptic - plus a wiki page of some sort > if you need the things USC had - install g0s | 23:00 |
knome | slickymaster, great! | 23:00 |
knome | flocculant, wiki o.O? | 23:01 |
knome | flocculant, you don't mean docs? | 23:01 |
knome | :P | 23:01 |
pleia2 | flocculant: +1 | 23:01 |
flocculant | knome: whatever we want to call it - you know what I mean | 23:01 |
slickymaster | yeah, that falls more on the -docs that on a wiki page | 23:01 |
flocculant | missing :) | 23:01 |
knome | flocculant, i don't ;) | 23:01 |
flocculant | knome: ok - so as long as it is written somewhere somehow - I am happy with that fallback position | 23:02 |
knome | hehe | 23:02 |
knome | great | 23:02 |
flocculant | also | 23:02 |
pleia2 | who is assigned to tracking gnome-software progression in ubuntu so we can intelligently make this decision in a few weeks? | 23:03 |
flocculant | while slickymaster is happy with mid-march for docs we need input from bluesabre or whoever - likely that date is sooner | 23:03 |
knome | i don't think anybody can be assigned to make sure we make intelligent decisions | 23:03 |
bluesabre | hey all | 23:03 |
knome | there he is | 23:03 |
flocculant | bluesabre: hi there :) | 23:03 |
slickymaster | sooner the better flocculant | 23:03 |
slickymaster | hey bluesabre (speaking of the devil) | 23:03 |
bluesabre | trusty.4 +1 from me | 23:03 |
knome | of course, everything is ASAP | 23:03 |
bluesabre | if thats the question | 23:03 |
flocculant | bluesabre: thanks :D | 23:03 |
flocculant | no it isn't :D | 23:04 |
bluesabre | :D | 23:04 |
flocculant | or rather was earlier :) | 23:04 |
slickymaster | USC bluesabre | 23:04 |
slickymaster | what's your take | 23:04 |
slickymaster | ? | 23:04 |
flocculant | bluesabre: basically slickymaster is happy with mid-march for docs if we use it - what about you? | 23:04 |
knome | or in other words, when do we need the decision about the default package manager for 16.04 from your point of view | 23:04 |
bluesabre | ok | 23:04 |
bluesabre | too early to tell since it's still not functional, right? | 23:05 |
knome | regardless what the decision is | 23:05 |
bluesabre | but overall, if its good to go soon, I'll be +1 | 23:05 |
knome | eg. when do you need to know how to change the seed | 23:05 |
flocculant | bluesabre: don't know about you - but it still shows nothing not installed | 23:05 |
flocculant | and isn't good at showing what I do have | 23:05 |
bluesabre | right | 23:05 |
krycek | If fop is ever fixed this cycle. :D | 23:06 |
bluesabre | what's the current status overall, or is it still dead for all flavors? | 23:06 |
flocculant | bluesabre: the other option on the table is revert to synaptic + a wiki/page/something along the lines of 'if you need things USC gave you - install g-s' | 23:06 |
flocculant | bluesabre: hard to tell tbh | 23:06 |
flocculant | I've seen nothing from anyone other than people in -desktop trying to get it sorted and landed properly as default | 23:07 |
knome | *i* would still just want to know when bluesabre needs the decision (whatever it was) | 23:07 |
flocculant | yea | 23:07 |
bluesabre | ok | 23:07 |
* slickymaster too knome | 23:07 | |
bluesabre | give me a sec.... | 23:07 |
flocculant | :D | 23:07 |
knome | gone | 23:07 |
knome | answer now please | 23:07 |
flocculant | ha ha | 23:07 |
bluesabre | tomorrow is feature freeze, but I can imagine an exception would be granted for this case (since its still broken) | 23:08 |
knome | totally | 23:08 |
flocculant | almost a cast-iron guarantee :) | 23:08 |
bluesabre | March 10 is UI freeze | 23:09 |
knome | how long are we comfortable to push back? | 23:09 |
knome | we don't have to worry about the UI freeze | 23:09 |
knome | they always want us to contact the art, doc and web teams of xubuntu to make sure they are ok with the change | 23:09 |
knome | that's pretty easy for me | 23:09 |
bluesabre | maybe March 7 would be a good milestone | 23:10 |
knome | but yeah, maybe it's a good target anyway | 23:10 |
bluesabre | gives us 2.5 weeks for testing before final beta | 23:10 |
* slickymaster agrees with that time frame | 23:10 | |
bluesabre | or maybe March 10, just to line things up nicely | 23:10 |
flocculant | but does it give us time to pull out? | 23:10 |
flocculant | for g-s | 23:11 |
flocculant | if we said 'noooooooooope' we'll use synaptic thanks | 23:11 |
bluesabre | I think that's enough time to pull out | 23:11 |
bluesabre | changing the seed is usually reflected by next day, easily within 2 | 23:11 |
knome | flocculant, and for QA, are you comfortable with that schedule? | 23:11 |
knome | (likely the answer is no anyway, but is it in any way non-utopia) | 23:12 |
flocculant | ha ha ha | 23:12 |
flocculant | well | 23:12 |
flocculant | the thing is - it's not really something I would be comfortable with if the only person I get reports from is me in my sleep | 23:13 |
knome | haha | 23:13 |
flocculant | we'd all need to try and use it if we had it | 23:13 |
knome | yes | 23:13 |
bluesabre | Agreed | 23:13 |
krycek | synaptic it is! | 23:13 |
slickymaster | mm mm | 23:13 |
knome | i guess the idea is that we would all try it before making the decision | 23:13 |
flocculant | otherwise I'm not going to be +1'ing it if it is just me | 23:13 |
knome | eg. before the deadline :P | 23:13 |
flocculant | yea | 23:14 |
flocculant | which relies on it actually working | 23:14 |
bluesabre | yup | 23:14 |
flocculant | so - meet rock and hard place :) | 23:14 |
bluesabre | flocculant: do you know where we stand on that? Are there plans for it to start working soon? :D | 23:14 |
flocculant | bluesabre: mini Laney quote for it landing "<Laney> within days " | 23:15 |
bluesabre | ok | 23:15 |
flocculant | bluesabre: did you see yet? | 23:15 |
bluesabre | not yet | 23:15 |
bluesabre | came in here in a hurry when I saw my pings | 23:16 |
bluesabre | oh that | 23:16 |
bluesabre | yes, saw that | 23:16 |
knome | hahah | 23:16 |
flocculant | is the only bit I've seen that get's a hit from 'xub' | 23:16 |
bluesabre | several xfce components have support for that now | 23:16 |
bluesabre | we just have to confirm things are good in the packaging | 23:16 |
bluesabre | and fix otherwise | 23:16 |
bluesabre | (me, Unit193, Noskcaj) | 23:17 |
flocculant | right | 23:17 |
bluesabre | it's an interesting position currently | 23:17 |
flocculant | anyway - back to g-s - I'll be happy if I see people using it and them being happy with it :) | 23:17 |
flocculant | bluesabre: it is | 23:17 |
pleia2 | flocculant: same | 23:17 |
bluesabre | gnome-software is going to be the new standard, but isn't ready right before b1 | 23:18 |
bluesabre | usc probably won't be supported going forward | 23:18 |
bluesabre | synaptic is a crappy experience for new folks | 23:18 |
flocculant | yep | 23:18 |
bluesabre | and advanced folks just use apt | 23:18 |
bluesabre | :D | 23:18 |
flocculant | :( | 23:18 |
pleia2 | s/advanced/old | 23:18 |
flocculant | nowhere for me | 23:18 |
slickymaster | #action Team members to take the solemn commitment of using g-s from now until March 10th | 23:18 |
meetingology | ACTION: Team members to take the solemn commitment of using g-s from now until March 10th | 23:18 |
slickymaster | #undo | 23:18 |
meetingology | Removing item from minutes: ACTION | 23:18 |
flocculant | yea | 23:19 |
bluesabre | thanks slickymaster | 23:19 |
flocculant | slickymaster: we can't until it actually works :p | 23:19 |
bluesabre | hopefully sooner than later | 23:19 |
flocculant | yea | 23:19 |
bluesabre | I'll try to get the packages up to snuff before then | 23:19 |
bluesabre | juggling a lot of things at once lately | 23:19 |
bluesabre | :) | 23:19 |
flocculant | but from my pov - ok for ubuntu to decide all is hunky dory in April cos they have autotesting - without xfce | 23:20 |
krycek | And free SRUs. | 23:20 |
flocculant | so atm we are in the unenviable postition of not knowing quite yet :) | 23:21 |
flocculant | slickymaster: I'd do an action starting with Once it works | 23:21 |
flocculant | :) | 23:21 |
bluesabre | we find ourselves here once every other cycle | 23:21 |
flocculant | ha ha ha | 23:21 |
slickymaster | lol | 23:21 |
bluesabre | comes with the -team membership ;) | 23:21 |
flocculant | :) | 23:21 |
slickymaster | ok, does any one has anything else to say? | 23:22 |
flocculant | on that I am all talked out for the time being :) | 23:22 |
bluesabre | anything else I need to answer before we conclude? | 23:22 |
flocculant | not that I know of immediately | 23:23 |
knome | bluesabre, what color underwear are you using right now? | 23:23 |
slickymaster | being so, the only left to do is | 23:23 |
slickymaster | #action pleia2 to schedule next meeting | 23:23 |
meetingology | ACTION: pleia2 to schedule next meeting | 23:23 |
pleia2 | aw man | 23:23 |
slickymaster | #endmeeting | 23:23 |
meetingology | Meeting ended Wed Feb 17 23:23:53 2016 UTC. | 23:23 |
meetingology | Minutes: | 23:23 |
bluesabre | knome: looks like blue :P | 23:23 |
knome | but my question was immediate :P | 23:23 |
bluesabre | waited for meeting to end | 23:24 |
bluesabre | :D | 23:24 |
knome | not straw man | 23:24 |
flocculant | ha ha ha | 23:24 |
pleia2 | hehe | 23:24 |
slickymaster | thanks all | 23:24 |
flocculant | thanks slickymaster | 23:24 |
knome | bluesabre, well done dodging that one :P | 23:24 |
bluesabre | thanks slickymaster, you rock | 23:24 |
knome | "you rock" | 23:24 |
knome | that's rude | 23:24 |
pleia2 | btw, I'm traveling next week, so next meeting will be first week of march | 23:24 |
knome | calling other people rocks... | 23:24 |
bluesabre | sorry I mostly missed another meeting you guys | 23:24 |
slickymaster | I will, come May | 23:24 |
pleia2 | (I think we're ok to wait that long) | 23:24 |
slickymaster | AC/DC are back in Portugal | 23:24 |
knome | if we want a meeting in between, i can chair that | 23:24 |
=== Unit193 is now known as kryten | ||
=== krycek is now known as Unit193 | ||
flocculant | or I | 23:30 |
knome | now we only need to decide whether we want that meeting :D | 23:30 |
flocculant | or I guess whoever decides we should get one in :) | 23:30 |
knome | i don't have anything special, so... | 23:31 |
flocculant | nope | 23:32 |
flocculant | rebuild is off | 23:33 |
flocculant | sigh | 23:33 |
flocculant | s/off/started | 23:33 |
flocculant | for those of you not thinking of horses - but a finish :p | 23:33 |
knome | as long as the horses stay their stalls.. | 23:34 |
flocculant | :) | 23:34 |
slickymaster | minutes are up | 23:34 |
flocculant | I see I was noisy again | 23:35 |
knome | nosey | 23:35 |
flocculant | why do we suddenly get the whole logs in the page? | 23:35 |
knome | :d | 23:35 |
knome | i think because slickymaster copied it | 23:35 |
knome | :P | 23:35 |
* slickymaster likes to give knome the stage | 23:36 |
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