[02:21] Hi, I have a question about cloud-init in OpenStack images. [02:26] Anybody there ? :) [11:23] smoser: Where are we on moving 0.7.x to git? I've got a few bzr branches hanging around that I'll hold off on merging/proposing if it's happening... [12:23] smoser: Unrelately, the clear_dhcp and if_down_up methods in https://code.launchpad.net/~sankaraditya/cloud-init/topic-stanguturi-vmware-support/+merge/277933 make me a little nervous. Do you know if there is a "proper" way of doing this via the OS? [15:10] Odd_Bloke, fyi, smoser is out on vacation today, will be back tomorrow tho [15:10] jgrimm: Ah, thanks. :) [15:10] np [15:53] Hi, would it possible for cloud-init to make a cloud instance join a multicast group by sending an IGMP join message while the instance boots ? This will enable cloud instances receive multicast traffic in a cloud. [16:07] Hello, anybody there :) [17:50] ? :) [17:53] vhosakot: o/ [17:53] Odd_Bloke: \o/ [17:53] vhosakot: cloud-init can run any scripts you give it, so you should be able to make it do that. :) [17:54] vhosakot: So if you construct appropriate user-data and pass that in to the instance, it should work. [17:54] Odd_Bloke: ok, so I can use the --user-data or --user-data-file argument of cloud-init to make the instance send IGMP join message while it boots. Is this right ? [17:55] vhosakot: Yeah, assuming that the cloud you're on will allow it etc. :) [17:56] Odd_Bloke: Yes, OpenStack's nova has --user-data argument that is passed to cloud-init when the instance boots [17:56] vhosakot: Oh, yeah, I mean assuming that IGMP multicast-y things work. :) [17:58] Odd_Bloke: yes, there will be a multicast sender in our cloud that responds to the IGMP join message sent by the instance [17:58] vhosakot: Cool! Good luck getting it set up! [17:59] Odd_Bloke: thanks! do you anyone that has tried/done multicast with cloud-init [17:59] vhosakot: I don't know anyone who's tried it, no. [18:00] Odd_Bloke: wow, I'm the first one.. thanks! have a great day :) [18:00] :) === openstackgerrit_ is now known as openstackgerrit === openstackgerrit_ is now known as openstackgerrit