
zdobbieai Nevada05:37
Pepelka»553 points and 81 comments so far on reddit«05:58
idioternaold bernie 6 points down06:17
idioternasomehow he gets less delegates when he's behind06:18
idioternabut hillary does not06:19
zdobbiedobu je 75% under-45 glasov06:29
zdobbietud latino vote, 53-4706:30
zdobbieblack vote je pa zgubu 25-7506:30
zdobbie"did I fight segregation and racism for this?"06:30
idioternasm vidu ja06:37
slax0rpitastrudl: sment! :/09:13
CrazyLemon.vreme koper09:30
jabukARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4m): 12.1°C @21.02.2016 9:00 UTC.09:30
jabukVlažnost: 60% jugozahodnik 5.1 m/s (18.4 km/h)09:30
jabukSončni vzhod: 06:00:03, Kulminacija: 11:20:15, Sončni zahod: 16:40:2709:30
jabukDan je dolg: 10ur 40min 24s, Luna je v ščipu09:30
CrazyLemontis windy09:30
PepelkaJames Adomian auf Twitter: "Went to a Trump rally in New Hampshire this week. Hard to describe the vibe, but "what if the Nazis didn't care about fitness?" comes close."10:00
CrazyLemonbut wind cant stop this boy!10:00
PepelkaAaron Diaz auf Twitter: "Ignore the spin, folks. As of today, Clinton is ahead only by one delegate. This is an *incredibly* close race. https://t.co/VLOIS8ZvOB"10:00
zdobbieweeeeelll men se ne da vec10:00
zdobbiepa sem ze gume napumpu10:00
CrazyLemonne da vec? sj tudi vceraj nisi sel..kako je to 'vec'10:00
CrazyLemonnc..lejtr gajs10:01
PepelkaThe Linux Mint Blog » Blog Archive » Beware of hacked ISOs if you downloaded Linux Mint on February 20th!10:06
Pepelka»I'm sorry I have to come with bad news. We were exposed to an intrusion today. It was brief and it shouldn't impact many people, but if it impacts you, it's very important you read the information below. What happened? Hackers made a modified Linux Mint ISO, with a backdoor in it, and managed to«10:06
skyxdz0ny: sem vidu ja sej ne mors vrjet :>10:07
CrazyLemonoh god10:07
CrazyLemona še to novico moram napisat al kaj10:07
dz0nyLinux mint ni Ubuntu, too da...10:07
CrazyLemonkako ne10:07
dz0nySvoje repote majo10:08
dz0nyK nocjo bit on latest version10:08
CrazyLemonsince when?10:08
zdobbiepejt na kolo!10:09
CrazyLemonzdobbie sj grme čez 5min10:09
CrazyLemonmogoče mal prej ker moram še kolo v avto spravit10:09
PepelkaRepository - Linux Mint10:09
Pepelka»Linux Mint is a an elegant, easy to use, up to date and comfortable GNU/Linux desktop distribution.«10:09
CrazyLemonja sm zdaj najdu10:10
CrazyLemonsvašta :)10:10
CrazyLemontoliko se ukvarjajo s skladišči da nimajo časa za varnost :D10:10
zdobbie!stran linuxmint.si10:10
zdobbie.stran linuxmint.si10:10
jabuklinuxmint.si ni dosegljiva10:10
zdobbieCrazyLemon: mas pol moral obligation spisat10:11
CrazyLemonzdobbie wat10:11
yangcanonical merges incompatible-GPL module ZFS into kernel tree for ubuntu 16.0411:20
zdobbiestill better than ReiserFS11:21
idioternasej je ze cajt da zfs pride not11:22
CrazyLemonzfs or btrfs?13:06
PepelkaSyrian Refugees Part 1 | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS - YouTube13:14
Pepelka»Samantha visits a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan to get to the bottom of whatever it is these people are up to. Watch Full Frontal with Samantha Bee all new M...«13:14
Pepelkahimalajske koze | Najdi.si13:36
CrazyLemonF YEA! #9!13:36
zdobbiethanks to sasa13:38
zdobbiena kolo sem se spravlu, pa so se zdej oblaki nardil13:38
zdobbiejutr pa moram it, pizda13:39
yangsaso smo pa zgleda prestrasli14:03
yangk je ni nc vec sm14:03
PepelkaWatch hEaLeR's Vine "The best freekick ever! #ctfc"15:17
Pepelka»Vine by hEaLeR«15:17
CrazyLemonzdobbie koliko krat si se danes odlocil da gres na kolo in koliko krat nisi sel? :>15:28
zdobbieCrazyLemon: trikrat15:35
zdobbie8:00, 10:30, 14:3015:35
=== kita_muhira is now known as kitamuhira
yangzdobbie: ce bi ga imel v dnevni sobi, bi lahko 3x sedel na njemu danes15:57
yangzdobbie: se vedno ne vem, ali si bil res v kievu z biciklom ko so bile demonstracije, ker si rekel da si na eni izmed tistih fotk15:58
yangoz. mogoce je bla neka kompilacija fotk iz razlicnih lokacij, ne spomnim se linka15:59
CrazyLemonjs sm ga vidu v damasku na biciklu ne v kievu16:05
CrazyLemonzihr je bil on..rumeno kolo je mel16:05
zdobbieyang: neki si pomesu16:10
matjaznova Samsunga sta awesome18:34
matjaz+ podpirata Vulkan18:35
zdobbie_CrazyLemon: how adept are you at surging?19:23
CrazyLemonzdobbie_ ne da se mi rihtat TVja za insurgeanje19:24
CrazyLemonkje si bil včeraj ko sm igral19:24
CrazyLemonmatjaz S7?19:24
zdobbie_CrazyLemon: weak19:27
zdobbie_.yt mad max mediocre19:27
jabukMad Max Fury Road 2015 (NUX mediocre scene) HD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX-FMvt83fA19:27
CrazyLemonzdobbie_ nisi bil weak samo včeraj :>19:27
idioternaCrazyLemon: prit bit patriot rajs19:28
CrazyLemonmeh..ok.. grem po otroško mizo.. brb19:28
zdobbie_explains everything19:31
CrazyLemonf you bastard! ne bom zdaj igral19:32
CrazyLemonker si me uzalu!19:32
zdobbie_CrazyLemon: weak19:32
CrazyLemonzdobbie_ kaj zdaj cakas19:37
matjazCrazyLemon, yes, S7 Edge tudi19:46
PepelkaTeamheadkick - Deadpool Rap (Movie Version) - YouTube19:54
Pepelka»Teamheadkick - Deadpool Rap (Movie Version)«19:54
matjazbest movie evar, 5/719:55
PepelkaMarques Brownlee auf Twitter: "Let's just take a second to recognize that Samsung made the Galaxy S7 slightly thicker for a LARGER BATTERY, and reduced camera hump. 👏"20:23
dz0nyLol http://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=3001?21:18
PepelkaThe Linux Mint Blog » Blog Archive » All forums users should change their passwords.21:18
Pepelka»  It was confirmed that the forums database was compromised during the attack led against us yesterday and that the attackers acquired a copy of it. If you have an account on forums.linuxmint.com, please change your password on all sensitive websites as soon as possible. The database contains«21:18
skyxlahko bi kar vsem samodejno zamenjal geslo pa poslal na email :)21:20
skyxal geslo al pa link za zamenjavo :)21:20
dz0nyskyx: I think they have bigger problems right now...21:40
skyxvrjetno res :)21:40
CrazyLemonmatjaz meh..no usb c21:48
matjazCrazyLemon, true21:56
matjazampak, dokler ne bo povsod usb c, ga jest v svojem telefonu nočem21:56
matjazrazen, če bi imel telefon s 5000 mAh baterijo21:58
dz0nyRIP http://blog.elementary.io/post/139731273161/re-geary22:00
Pepelkaelementary blog — RE: Geary22:00
Pepelka»Sometime last year the Yorba website was subtly changed from “Yorba is a non-profit free software group” to “Yorba was”. This made us very, very sad at elementary. Before that, we’d been working on...«22:00

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