
=== alkisg_away is now known as alkisg
=== alkisg is now known as alkisg_away
dholbachgood morning08:19
=== sil2100_ is now known as sil2100
justin_timedholbach: I've updated the tomahawk branch (LP: #1487729) could you review it again? What I have to do next?08:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1487729 in tomahawk (Ubuntu) "Tomahawk 0.8.4 or newer [needs upgrade]" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148772908:45
dholbachI'm not sure if I'll have time to review this today08:47
dholbachI hope somebody else will be able to take a look at it though08:47
justin_timedholbach: hmm ok, I'm worry that I'm running out of time… :(08:50
dholbachyeah, I know... but I'm not the only one who can potentially review things08:52
dholbachmaybe send a mail to ubuntu-motu@ or ubuntu-devel-discuss@?08:53
dholbachsorry, but I'm going to have a lot of things on my list today08:53
justin_timedholbach: I know this is not your fault, I asked you because you are the only one who answered me… I'll write some emails.08:54
dholbachgreat :)08:54
=== alkisg_away is now known as alkisg
=== alkisg is now known as alkisg_away
roaksoax/qu/win 413:58
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
=== Guest59764 is now known as karstensrage

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