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craysiii | so... does disabling ipv6 in network manager not really disable ipv6? | 00:02 |
NoWayGone | hi | 00:09 |
NoWayGone | i need help i just can not figure out how to get sunvox to run on ubuntu 14.04.04 | 00:10 |
auctus | if i install 16.04 alpha or beta, itll be the final version just through the normal updates? it wont be like trying to upgrade from 15 to 16 / all those problems? | 00:10 |
auctus | i mean by april ill have the final and i wont have to reinstall the final | 00:10 |
minitrue | Bashing-om: yes :P | 00:11 |
NoWayGone | http://www.warmplace.ru/soft/sunvox/ | 00:11 |
minitrue | Bashing-om: but at least im in now, I purge fglrx and reinstall it, remove xorg.conf and reboot | 00:11 |
NoWayGone | the exe just will not run ugh | 00:11 |
NoWayGone | so disgusted | 00:12 |
k1l | auctus: no. just run the updates and it will stay on the lts | 00:12 |
minitrue | now the problem is that i cant choose xorg or any proprietary driver from the "additional drivers" | 00:12 |
minitrue | and im stock with a crappy resolution | 00:12 |
NoWayGone | please help | 00:12 |
Bashing-om | minitrue: Good plan . then ' sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' . Let the system do it's thing . | 00:13 |
k1l | NoWayGone: for -exe support better ask the wine guys. | 00:13 |
minitrue | in the additional drivers window it says " using manualy isntalled drivers" and I cant select xorg or even fglrx | 00:13 |
NoWayGone | its a linux program | 00:13 |
auctus | k1l: what i mean is, installing 16.04 beta, the automatic updates means itll be the final eventually, no different from installing the final? so i'll be on the real 16.04 and not the beta just by letting it update over time? | 00:13 |
minitrue | Bashing-om: oh! excelent im gonna try that! | 00:13 |
k1l | NoWayGone: you said .exe. but http://www.warmplace.ru/wiki/sunvox:manual_en lists what to do | 00:14 |
NoWayGone | what do i do/ | 00:14 |
NoWayGone | i tried that | 00:14 |
Bashing-om | minitrue: That is after the purge of FGLRX and the current xorg.conf file ! | 00:14 |
k1l | !final | auctus | 00:14 |
ubottu | auctus: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. | 00:14 |
NoWayGone | i don't understand | 00:15 |
auctus | isnt dist-upgrade notorious? I tried upgrading from 14.10 to 15.04 or something and it just totally bombed i had to reinstall :p | 00:16 |
k1l | NoWayGone: "my car ist broken" will not help to repair it :) what exactly doesnt work? | 00:16 |
NoWayGone | k1 please help i been at at this all day | 00:16 |
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NoWayGone | the command | 00:16 |
NoWayGone | and the exe wont run | 00:17 |
NoWayGone | yet it runs in xfce | 00:17 |
NoWayGone | i dont understand | 00:17 |
NoWayGone | do you/ | 00:17 |
NoWayGone | please help | 00:18 |
NoWayGone | im new at this | 00:18 |
k1l | what error do you get? what do you try to do? | 00:18 |
NoWayGone | the file wont run | 00:19 |
NoWayGone | for the software | 00:19 |
k1l | yout tried what command exactly? got what output or error exactly? | 00:19 |
NoWayGone | it does not run it does not open | 00:19 |
NoWayGone | go to the sunvox directory (use cd command), enter chmod a+x sunvox and then ./sunvox | 00:20 |
NoWayGone | does not run | 00:20 |
k1l | ok, what gives you "pwd" in terminal? | 00:21 |
NoWayGone | /home/username | 00:22 |
k1l | that cant work in that folder. go to the folder like the wiki page tells you | 00:22 |
minitrue | Bashing-om: it worked like a champ! | 00:23 |
minitrue | 'sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall' didnt work | 00:23 |
sparks_ | resize2fs: Can't read a block bitmap while trying to resize... any idea why this is happening? | 00:23 |
Bashing-om | minitrue: Great .. 'buntu getting smarter alla the time, huh ? | 00:24 |
silvian | NoWayGone: you need to give your executable permissions to execute | 00:25 |
Bashing-om | minitrue: Huh ? Now I am confused ... Ya up and running ? | 00:25 |
minitrue | Bashing-om: yes, im up and running, dont know exactly what happened or what did solve the problem, but im up and running 1920 | 00:25 |
silvian | @NoWayGone use terminal for that go into the directory where its located | 00:26 |
Bashing-om | minitrue: OK, .. All's well that ends well . | 00:26 |
silvian | then run something like chmod 740 nameofyourbinary | 00:26 |
k1l | silvian: that is exactly what i told him just before. and what is exactly written in the instructions on the official wiki page i linked him | 00:27 |
silvian | then ./nameofyourbinary should work | 00:27 |
silvian | oh right k1l you're on the case already :) | 00:27 |
NoWayGone | how do i go to the folder using terminal | 00:27 |
silvian | eh cd folderName | 00:28 |
NoWayGone | i do appreciate the help though | 00:28 |
auctus | i saw a chart i cant find now but it looked kinda like this http://i.imgur.com/u1op6eR.png, so anything on 16.04 no matter what you install (alpha/beta/final) would just be a software update, and 16.10 is a dist-upgrade? Just wondering how much hassle if any its gonna be if i install 16.04 beta (cause im excited about it) | 00:28 |
silvian | cd helps you walk through directories | 00:28 |
k1l | NoWayGone: use "cd" to change to the next folder. cd somefolder will enter the somefolder directory | 00:28 |
silvian | then do ls to see where you're located | 00:28 |
silvian | i mean list files in current directory | 00:28 |
k1l | auctus: dist-upgrade is a missleading term. | 00:28 |
silvian | pwd prints current directory path etc | 00:29 |
NoWayGone | i typed cd sunvox | 00:29 |
k1l | auctus: if you install the alpha/beta and run the usual update you will end up on the final release and stay there | 00:29 |
auctus | cool, im gonna install the beta on my laptop this week | 00:29 |
NoWayGone | umm | 00:30 |
NoWayGone | hmm | 00:30 |
silvian | ? | 00:30 |
NoWayGone | i got to go work guysin like 10 mins | 00:30 |
k1l | auctus: be aware that it might break and you need to troubleshoot on your own in most times. its a development release and if you need a running system better stay on finals | 00:30 |
NoWayGone | could you please tell me what to type and ill save the info | 00:31 |
NoWayGone | i really want this to work | 00:31 |
k1l | NoWayGone: its all described here: http://www.warmplace.ru/wiki/sunvox:manual_en#installing | 00:31 |
silvian | ok i think you need a basic crash course in bash shell to help you understand this | 00:31 |
NoWayGone | i dont have time right now | 00:31 |
silvian | which is probalby gonna take over 10 mins to fully comprehend | 00:31 |
auctus | k1l: my desktop is on 15.10 if i need to do any real work, laptop is pretty much just browser/text editor, laptop is still on 14.04 | 00:32 |
NoWayGone | whatever this is bs help | 00:32 |
auctus | im willing to take some risks to live in The Future on my laptop. :p | 00:32 |
k1l | auctus: just to warn you :) | 00:32 |
NoWayGone | not call | 00:32 |
silvian | well i understand this may be frustrating | 00:32 |
silvian | if you're new to linux/unix type environments | 00:32 |
silvian | and permissions are a concept which may be difficult to grasp at first | 00:33 |
NoWayGone | no your treating me as if i should just know | 00:33 |
k1l | NoWayGone: cd x makes you go to the folder x in your actual position. | 00:33 |
silvian | navigating the shell is one of the key things to master | 00:33 |
NoWayGone | why dont you start learning how to build a space craft and ill just give the math to do so | 00:33 |
NoWayGone | bs | 00:34 |
k1l | NoWayGone: we cant know what you see or what folders you have. easiest is to work with the wiki page given you. because that is straight forward how to steps | 00:34 |
NoWayGone | you know what | 00:34 |
silvian | i recommend this | 00:34 |
silvian | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eak552k925g | 00:34 |
nullzen | NoWayGone, they are being much nicer than many would | 00:34 |
NoWayGone | this is exactly why people hate ubuntu | 00:34 |
nullzen | you should really curb your attitude as you ask for FREE the support | 00:34 |
NoWayGone | linix mint usersa actually help | 00:34 |
silvian | as well as these | 00:34 |
silvian | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x73WTEltyHU | 00:34 |
NoWayGone | bs | 00:34 |
silvian | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbC6vQLczQA | 00:35 |
k1l | NoWayGone: dont blame us if you dont want to read 5 lines from the official howto | 00:35 |
NoWayGone | you now have your answer why people hate ubuntu support | 00:35 |
k1l | silvian: enough. he is not interessted and using mint anyway | 00:35 |
nullzen | you should learn to help yourself and not be a dick | 00:35 |
k1l | !mint | NoWayGone | 00:35 |
ubottu | NoWayGone: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 00:35 |
SchrodingersScat | !language | 00:35 |
ubottu | The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 00:35 |
nullzen | sorry | 00:35 |
silvian | Right i understand that there is a pretty steep learning curve when switching from more traditional OS like Windows to Linux | 00:36 |
silvian | and I appreciate there are some frustrations with stuff like that | 00:36 |
silvian | but I don't appreciate the attitude of not being willing to learn | 00:36 |
silvian | and to put in some effort in trying to understand some of the basic concepts | 00:37 |
silvian | the right attitude and mindset is key towards achieveing anything in life really... including learning bash which is scary at first i know. :) | 00:37 |
nullzen | we live in a time where people expect instan gratification | 00:37 |
k1l | lets move on, please | 00:38 |
silvian | yes lets | 00:38 |
nullzen | do you guys know if there is an issue with the full disk encryption found in the installer? | 00:38 |
nullzen | when I startup, cryptsetup gives an error, then kicks in on the drive | 00:39 |
ouroumov | I've had troubles with FDE myself nullzen. | 00:40 |
ouroumov | In the end I fell back to using $HOME directory encryption instead. | 00:41 |
nullzen | ouroumov, has your system run kind of slow as well because of it? | 00:41 |
nullzen | Im wondering if I should just reinstall | 00:41 |
nullzen | and not use FDE | 00:41 |
ouroumov | No, however since I tried I've got a grabled spash screen that survives across a clean reinstall for some reason | 00:41 |
nullzen | lol | 00:42 |
ouroumov | garbled * | 00:42 |
ouroumov | I hope this feature will be nailed down for 16.04 cause I'd really like to be able to use it. ^^" | 00:43 |
nullzen | exactly | 00:43 |
nullzen | and God forbid trump gets elected, were gonna need it!! | 00:43 |
SchrodingersScat | !offtopic | nullzen | 00:44 |
ubottu | nullzen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 00:44 |
reisio | he doesn't have a chance | 00:44 |
k1l | ouroumov: nullzen best is to file a bug, or contribute to a bug if its already filed. | 00:44 |
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ouroumov | Yeah | 00:45 |
nullzen | just found the bugsplt for it | 00:47 |
nullzen | already well reported evidently | 00:47 |
nullzen | lol | 00:47 |
silvian | @nullzen: might wanna switch back to just $HOME_DIR encryption till its sorted? | 00:49 |
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ozysimpson_ | How do i go about unintalling ubuntu from my macbook pro please? | 01:02 |
k1l | ozysimpson_: just install another OS over it | 01:03 |
AthenaPvP | Hey I'm looking at my processes and a process named 'Xorg' WAS using between 50 to 90% of my processing speed, causing MAJOR lag in my computer. Any idea what Xorg is and what I can do to prevent this? | 01:11 |
silvian | i believe its related to GUI graphics? | 01:13 |
silvian | and i believe someone has had this problem because they changed font types in their terminal | 01:14 |
silvian | a font type Monospace | 01:14 |
silvian | I'm guessing this is not related to your problem though no? | 01:14 |
derp_commander | hehe, 1701 users | 01:15 |
AthenaPvP | silvian: how do I prevent it from happening again? It's lowered itself backdown to 5% max, but it might happen again. | 01:15 |
derp_commander | !studio | 01:15 |
ubottu | UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org | 01:15 |
AthenaPvP | I was semi-afk. sorry.x D | 01:15 |
silvian | yeah was it caused by messing with font types? | 01:17 |
AthenaPvP | I have no idea | 01:17 |
AthenaPvP | Also: any tips on speeding up my PC for low-end users? | 01:17 |
silvian | because this was a reported problem for kde before | 01:17 |
Tyroooone | Hello. | 01:17 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: did you check your BIOS first? | 01:17 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: chek my BIOS for what? | 01:18 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: clock speed, multiplier, and fan settings | 01:18 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: nope, how do I do that? | 01:18 |
Tyroooone | I have a problem with Jack and a problem compiling a linux vst, can anyone help me? | 01:19 |
k1l | AthenaPvP: see Xubuntu or Lubuntu if you want more lightweight | 01:19 |
AthenaPvP | I hear about overclocking a lot, but I avoid it because you ahve to poke inside your computer. | 01:19 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: depends on the computer model, but generally you reboot and press a key | 01:19 |
AthenaPvP | mine would be del. | 01:19 |
derp_commander | dell or del? | 01:19 |
AthenaPvP | del | 01:20 |
derp_commander | (note that either would have been a semantically valid answer) | 01:20 |
silvian | AthenaPvP: here are some troubleshooting tips | 01:21 |
silvian | http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/100-cpu-usage-from-xorg-process-how-to-to-troubleshoot-4175512292/ | 01:21 |
silvian | how to figure out which processes might bue causing xorg to spike up | 01:21 |
AthenaPvP | k1l: oh please don't make me install another OS. | 01:21 |
silvian | usually caused by some apps using up a lot of GPU resources | 01:21 |
k1l | AthenaPvP: you can switch by installing the metapackage and then choose at the login screen | 01:21 |
silvian | see if that helps norrow it down for ya | 01:21 |
Tyroooone | So...jack? | 01:22 |
derp_commander | Tyroooone: the audio service? | 01:23 |
Tyroooone | Yea. | 01:23 |
AthenaPvP | k1l: would I need to re-install anything or does it just changes the gui? | 01:23 |
derp_commander | join the club :-/ | 01:23 |
Tyroooone | The last time I used Ubuntu it worked no problem, now nothing connects to it. | 01:23 |
k1l | AthenaPvP: just changes the gui | 01:23 |
derp_commander | Tyroooone: JACK is kinda finnicky, what does qjackctl say? | 01:24 |
k1l | Tyroooone: maybe in #ubuntustudio they know better. (or its the wrong time of day) | 01:24 |
derp_commander | k1l: no one's alive in there | 01:24 |
derp_commander | believe me, that was the first place I went | 01:24 |
Tyroooone | Alright, I'll try them. | 01:25 |
derp_commander | Tyroooone: I don't think you'll get any response | 01:25 |
silvian | AthenaPvP: more related articles for ya | 01:25 |
silvian | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2036570 | 01:25 |
Tyroooone | I can still try. | 01:25 |
AthenaPvP | silvian: I'm trying to debug it right now with the first method | 01:26 |
silvian | cool | 01:26 |
Tyroooone | Honestly the Jack thing isn't to big of a problem, it's not actually stopping me from working, just from routing Midi from my keyboard to my application. | 01:26 |
derp_commander | Tyroooone: I've been trying to get JACK working to patch between MuseScore and LMMS | 01:27 |
Tyroooone | The compilation getting terminated by a missing directory is cripling though. | 01:27 |
AthenaPvP | It's firefox... | 01:28 |
Tyroooone | The only other time I've used Jack it was super easy and just worked. | 01:28 |
AthenaPvP | How do I get firefox to use less resources? | 01:28 |
ouroumov | AthenaPvP, uBlock Origin + Privacy Badger | 01:28 |
derp_commander | But my sitch is a little unique. I put together a Kali VM for netsec work, but since it was the primary Linux system I used, over time it ended up accumulating other software | 01:29 |
derp_commander | In particular, what has ended up to be a pretty extensive music composition suite | 01:29 |
derp_commander | But given the way Kali is configured, that's really not the brightest, or most efficient, way of running things | 01:31 |
silvian | AthenaPvP: I would imagine its probably what's running on firefox right now? | 01:31 |
silvian | like have you got many youtube tabs open? | 01:31 |
AthenaPvP | silvian: I have one youtube tab open, and 5 other tabs, including this one. | 01:31 |
silvian | I'm usually guilty for that. :P | 01:31 |
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AthenaPvP | k1l: what would you reccomend if my processor is 1.6ghz? | 01:31 |
k1l | AthenaPvP: what cpu is that? | 01:32 |
AthenaPvP | k1l: how do I check? | 01:32 |
k1l | AthenaPvP: lshw in temrinal | 01:32 |
derp_commander | look on the PC case? -_- | 01:32 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: it's not on there. | 01:32 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: then what k1l said | 01:33 |
Tyroooone | Derp, you ever compilie any vst's that used a juce created makefile? | 01:33 |
ouroumov | AthenaPvP, lswh -C cpu | 01:33 |
derp_commander | Tyroooone: wat? | 01:33 |
AthenaPvP | k1l: "warning, you should run this command as a super user. | 01:34 |
Tyroooone | I'm trying to figure out where to put the SDK files for VST. | 01:34 |
derp_commander | I try to stay as far away from the compiler as I can, for the sake of my health | 01:34 |
k1l | AthenaPvP: dont mind that. the info is there | 01:34 |
AthenaPvP | okay, it took a bit but I found it. pastebin, sec. | 01:35 |
AthenaPvP | k1l: AMD E1-1200 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics | 01:35 |
noals | hi, would it be a problem if i change the partition size of the swap partition i used for the instalation of ubuntu ? | 01:35 |
Tyroooone | Arg. | 01:35 |
derp_commander | bigger or smaller, online or offline? | 01:36 |
noals | smaller but it still would be 40Go | 01:36 |
k1l | AthenaPvP: Xubuntu or Lubuntu for that. | 01:36 |
silvian | AthenaPvP: ouch | 01:36 |
silvian | you're running a pretty low spec machine mate | 01:36 |
ouroumov | noals, 40Go of SWAP? wtf? | 01:36 |
k1l | noals: how much is it? and how much ram do you have? | 01:36 |
AthenaPvP | silvian: I got the computer for $100 total, so I'm not complaining. | 01:36 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: or smaller | 01:36 |
silvian | could be why the poor thing is struggling | 01:36 |
silvian | fair enough | 01:36 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: what? | 01:37 |
silvian | yeah firefox tends to be a nutter for resources | 01:37 |
silvian | its gonna try eat them all | 01:37 |
AthenaPvP | silvian: I haven't had any problems until I installed Linux. | 01:37 |
derp_commander | silvian: <jamie hyneman voice> Well THERE'S your problem!</voice> | 01:37 |
noals | ouroumov k1l it is 50Go actually and i have 16Go of ram | 01:37 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: what were using before? XP? | 01:37 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: 7 Ultimate. | 01:37 |
k1l | noals: swap = ram is fine | 01:38 |
ouroumov | noals, you need at most twice the RAM space of swap | 01:38 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: that... that's not possible | 01:38 |
k1l | ouroumov: wrong | 01:38 |
ouroumov | k1l, I said at most | 01:38 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: Pardon? Been using it for about a year | 01:38 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: Ah shit, forgot I had stuff to clean downstairs. I'll be back. | 01:38 |
k1l | ouroumov: noals you need swap = ram if you want to use hibernation. all other sizes are just "do what you want" | 01:38 |
noals | yeah i knew but i just wanted to take 10Go from it so i can easely deplace file between windows and ubuntu separated from my other stuff | 01:39 |
k1l | you can even go without swap at all | 01:39 |
derp_commander | [all the sudden his PC turns into a black hole] | 01:39 |
noals | so i can change the swap partition to 40Go it wont cause a problem with the ubuntu instalation ? | 01:39 |
ouroumov | noals, I've got 6G of RAM and 4G of SWAP, never had any problem | 01:39 |
ouroumov | 8G of ram * | 01:40 |
derp_commander | long as it's enough for whatever it is you do | 01:40 |
noals | ouroumov i know the size is more than enough but it is changing it after instalation that worry me | 01:40 |
silvian | @AnthenaPHP: try perhaps an alternative ligher weight browser and fewer tabs | 01:40 |
k1l | noals: what programs do you use? something heavy ram usage like cutting videos or rendering 3d models or using virtualization? | 01:40 |
silvian | Here's a list to get you started | 01:40 |
silvian | https://www.starryhope.com/10-alternative-browsers-for-ubuntu-linux/ | 01:40 |
k1l | noals: dont worry. | 01:40 |
k1l | noals: ubuntu uses that swap that is there. no matter how much. | 01:40 |
noals | ok thx | 01:41 |
noals | its for trying some game programming, i installed ubuntu for that | 01:41 |
tdelam | Hey, I have this odd issue, does anyone know why this would be? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15167535/ | 01:41 |
derp_commander | shouldn't the swap be LARGER than the RAM though, so it can be used to cache things too big to fit in memory? | 01:41 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: back. | 01:42 |
noals | i was able to compile the engine i chose and an example project so im happy already lol | 01:42 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: why do you say that's not possible? | 01:42 |
derp_commander | tdelam: distutils has repeatedly had some small, but bizzarre problems in the past | 01:42 |
noals | anyway, thx for help, i go change the partition, cya | 01:42 |
derp_commander | try #python | 01:42 |
AthenaPvP | Also a question in general, and not neccesarily Ubuntu support, but if I needed help programming where would I go in IRC chat? | 01:43 |
derp_commander | either ##programming or a channel like #python or ##c | 01:44 |
AthenaPvP | thanks derp_commander | 01:44 |
tdelam | thanks derp_commander | 01:44 |
derp_commander | jiynx! | 01:45 |
AthenaPvP | k1l: out of the two you've given me, which would you prefer? | 01:46 |
k1l | AthenaPvP: lubuntu is more minimal, but more lightway. xubuntu looks like winxp | 01:46 |
noals | hi again, i have another question, what would be the best partition format for a partition used by windows and ubuntu ? | 01:46 |
k1l | noals: ntfs | 01:47 |
AthenaPvP | k1l: you sure? Xubuntu looks like a Mac. | 01:47 |
noals | ok thx | 01:47 |
noals | cya ^^ | 01:47 |
ouroumov | AthenaPvP, Xubuntu can be made to look like XP | 01:47 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: up to interpretation I suppose | 01:47 |
ouroumov | It's very configurable | 01:47 |
derp_commander | you can also manually replace your user shell with the package manager | 01:48 |
AthenaPvP | Oh so I can basically make it look like whatever I want? | 01:48 |
k1l | AthenaPvP: well, if you mean the dock at the bottom, yes. but the overall experience is more winxp'ish to me. | 01:48 |
AthenaPvP | k1l: Ah, okay then,. | 01:48 |
k1l | AthenaPvP: install "xubuntu-desktop" package. then logout. choose xubuntu on the login screen. | 01:49 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: as I often say, you can do anything on linux, with the right packages and some elbow grease | 01:50 |
AWAW | Hey all, does anyone know how I can boot from a live cd and install nvidia drivers so that I can actually install ubuntu on my laptop? I'm trying to dual boot and I have a geforce gtx | 01:50 |
AWAW | so when I boot I get the "nouveau E[DRM] failed to create 0x00000080, -22" error | 01:50 |
Bashing-om | !nomodeset | AWAW | 01:50 |
ubottu | AWAW: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 01:50 |
AthenaPvP | k1l: just to double-check... I WON'T need to re-install anything? | 01:51 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: well, unless you want two DMs lying around, you should probably remove the original ubuntu-desktop as well | 01:51 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: what's a DM? | 01:52 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: and I mean it wont wipe my drive or anything, right? | 01:52 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: like if I had Skype I'll still have skype with Xubuntu. | 01:52 |
derp_commander | desktop manager, more exactly a DWM (desktop window manager) | 01:52 |
AWAW | Bashing-om: yeah I found that just as I asked the question... thanks! | 01:52 |
AWAW | is it common for the boot process to get stuck on "attached scsi disk" ? | 01:52 |
mrr411 | so i got a waitd issue with my amd drivers the opensource one messes with the colour on city skylines but the proprietory ones mess with skype and ciaro docks any one elce have this issue? | 01:53 |
mrr411 | weird not waitd | 01:53 |
Bashing-om | AWAW: Try it .. when booted with "nomodeset" one can then install a graphics driver . | 01:53 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: except for the desktop tools particular to GNOME, no, your apps will be the same | 01:53 |
AWAW | Bashing-om: currently it's hanging on "Attached SCSI disk" | 01:53 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: thank you. | 01:53 |
AthenaPvP | what's GNOME? | 01:53 |
derp_commander | what you may have to redo is any configuation of your desktop environment | 01:54 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: the default DWM of Ubuntu (I think they call their spin-off "Unity" now) | 01:54 |
AthenaPvP | OH okay. xP | 01:54 |
Bashing-om | AWAW: NO, that is not right to hang . Did you verify the .iso file's integrity. and check the copy to disk ? | 01:54 |
AWAW | Bashing-om: well I think I've used it before. should I try running the "check disc" thing with those same options? | 01:55 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: remember, Linux is not so much a single entity as it is a collection of interlocking pieces | 01:55 |
AWAW | also, I am attempting a dual boot and I've already installed windows 10. could that be messing around with it? | 01:55 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: So if I were to switch from Ubunto to say.. Fedora, I would still have my installed programs? | 01:55 |
derp_commander | AWAW: if it were to turn out that Win10 were preventing dual-boot, that would so not surprise me anymore | 01:56 |
Bashing-om | AWAW: Would not hurt at this point to "check disk for defects" . Rather it be a bad copy as hardware problems . | 01:56 |
AWAW | mhm | 01:57 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: no, that's more tricky because Fedora uses a different package manager | 01:57 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: okay. So so long as the package manager is the same I can switch entire systems? | 01:57 |
Bashing-om | AWAW: Win10 is general;y UEFI, install ubuntu in the same mode . | 01:57 |
derp_commander | yeah. not easily, but doable | 01:57 |
AWAW | Bashing-om: well I disabled uefi earlier since it was doing this shit, maybe reenabling it will help | 01:58 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: Linus is badass. | 01:58 |
AthenaPvP | Linux* | 01:58 |
derp_commander | Don't you know it :-) | 01:58 |
AthenaPvP | What I DON'T like though, is that firefox doesn't highlight the URL when I click on it, how do I fix this? | 01:58 |
mrr411 | switch to chrome lol | 01:59 |
derp_commander | that's a firefox problem, ask #firefox | 01:59 |
derp_commander | mrr411: [evil glare] | 01:59 |
AthenaPvP | mrr411: I would if Chrome still supported Java. | 01:59 |
mrr411 | lol | 01:59 |
Bashing-om | AWAW: UEFI is the comming thing .. and beats the old partitioning scheme all hollow . It is different and there is a learning curve . I have yet to climb that curve . | 01:59 |
xangua | AthenaPvP: like it does on Windows you mean? There's a specific about:config setting for this | 02:00 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: it says that #firefox is unregisters. | 02:00 |
AWAW | hmmm :\ now it seems to be hanging on a different thing... | 02:00 |
AthenaPvP | xangua: where do I find this? | 02:00 |
AWAW | "new high-speed USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd" | 02:00 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: with just one "#"? | 02:00 |
xangua | AthenaPvP: in about:config | 02:00 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: I used that link you used. | 02:00 |
squinty | AthenaPvP, do you mean click on a address in the url field? if so that can be changed in about:config | 02:00 |
derp_commander | squinty: don't go asking people to dive into about:config when they don't know what it is they're doing | 02:01 |
squinty | derp_commander, get off your high horse please | 02:01 |
derp_commander | actually, it's a pony ;-P | 02:02 |
AthenaPvP | derp_commander: I found it effortlessly and now it's working... I'm not THAT incompotent. | 02:02 |
derp_commander | AthenaPvP: the setting to highlight links? | 02:03 |
xangua | AthenaPvP: you can also just use the keyboard combo of control+L | 02:03 |
squinty | AthenaPvP, type about:config in url field -> type bar in the search field -> browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll and then click on that to change from false to true | 02:04 |
xangua | Or F6 or something, don't remember | 02:04 |
AthenaPvP | yeah it's browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll. | 02:04 |
AthenaPvP | Anyways, afk for a bit while ths installs. | 02:05 |
pantato | hi i' | 02:07 |
pantato | i'm running into a package dependency issue that i'm not seeing on google | 02:07 |
pantato | what's the paste bin version you guys prefer? | 02:07 |
ouroumov | Any is fine | 02:07 |
pantato | http://pastebin.com/kgSnaLfg | 02:07 |
AthenaPvP | Whelp, brb. | 02:08 |
Tyroooone | Oh my glob. | 02:08 |
Tyroooone | I'm going to end up killing myself pretty soon. | 02:08 |
Tyroooone | So much time invested into the simplest problem and no solution in site. | 02:08 |
squinty | ...or sight | 02:09 |
Tyroooone | Yea, or the correct spelling. | 02:09 |
ouroumov | pantato, If you wanna install youtube-dl I recommand doing so by python-pip | 02:09 |
pantato | i'm more concerned with solving the dependency issue. | 02:09 |
ouroumov | pantato, try aptitude | 02:10 |
=== acrocity_ is now known as acrocity | ||
ouroumov | sudo apt-get install aptitude && sudo aptitude install <package> | 02:10 |
ouroumov | It should compute some solutions to resolve the dependency problem | 02:10 |
AthenaPvP | Alright, how do I get rid of unity? | 02:13 |
AthenaPvP | And where do I modify the GUI for Xunbutu? | 02:13 |
ouroumov | AthenaPvP, at le login screen after having executed sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 02:13 |
AthenaPvP | ouroumov: thanks | 02:14 |
somsip | AthenaPvP: possibly still relevant - YMMV http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexubuntu | 02:14 |
AthenaPvP | btw k1l thanks. This is 21 billion times faster. | 02:14 |
pantato | http://pastebin.com/DzBq20tQ dude wtf | 02:14 |
k_sze[work] | Since recent versions of Ubuntu (with kernel 4.0+) support live kernel patching, there is no real need to reboot before running `apt-get autoremove`, right? | 02:15 |
somsip | pantato: "Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages" | 02:15 |
dillon | I need help with some emulation | 02:17 |
dillon | more specfic running bittorrent on linux | 02:18 |
AthenaPvP | dillon: I believe that there is a bittorrent on the application store. | 02:19 |
AthenaPvP | if not, then WINE. | 02:19 |
SchrodingersScat | !torrent | dillon | 02:19 |
ubottu | dillon: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P | 02:19 |
reisio | plenty of bittorrent apps for Unix systems | 02:19 |
reisio | dillon: what're you used to? | 02:19 |
somsip | !details | dillon (or give more details on the help you need) | 02:19 |
ubottu | dillon (or give more details on the help you need): Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 02:19 |
dillon | I'm used to bittorrent (the original) and I feel like it works best when compared to transmission and the other torrent clients. It is also not in the store otherwise I would not be here lol. And I am not good with emulating programs | 02:21 |
reisio | dillon: then go with transmission | 02:21 |
dillon | I have it now and I don't like it | 02:21 |
reisio | I think Deluge is more like the original bittorrent client | 02:21 |
reisio | and Transmission very much not | 02:22 |
squinty | +1 for deluge-gtk | 02:22 |
reisio | Transmission is fine, but it has a very Mac OS GUI feel | 02:22 |
reisio | which isn't my particular cup of caffeine | 02:23 |
dillon | done tried qbittorrent and vuze both are inferior to the orginial | 02:23 |
senpai | tixati is life | 02:23 |
senpai | try it | 02:23 |
dillon | I tried tixati when I was on Win7 and I like the idea of it but I thought it could be improved upon slightly | 02:24 |
SchrodingersScat | !info bittorrent | 02:26 |
ubottu | bittorrent (source: bittorrent): Original BitTorrent client - console tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.2-11.6ubuntu1 (wily), package size 42 kB, installed size 204 kB | 02:26 |
SchrodingersScat | I mean, it's in the repos...? | 02:26 |
SchrodingersScat | one of a range of options | 02:27 |
Neil__ | hey anyone wanna play monopoly online? | 02:27 |
AbbieHoffman | hi, in ubuntu to change the superuser password does that change the /home directory's password or can I just change the superusers pw and if so how do I do that? | 02:28 |
sfdebug | does anyone here had problem with ethernet connection in ubuntu 14.04? | 02:29 |
alyyy | AbbieHoffman: I think you can run sudo passwd. that would run passwd as root. | 02:29 |
AthenaPvP | sfdebug: I didn't. | 02:30 |
alyyy | AbbieHoffman: that should only touch the root password | 02:30 |
SchrodingersScat | !root | alyyy | 02:31 |
ubottu | alyyy: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 02:31 |
AthenaPvP | So I'm using xubuntu now, but I noticed in Ubuntu it set the top-bar so that it was the x - and + button on the right side. How do I do this? | 02:31 |
mrr411 | HAHAHAHA ubuttu lol | 02:31 |
Bashing-om | AbbieHoffman: See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo . | 02:31 |
AbbieHoffman | hey thanks guys | 02:32 |
squinty | ubottu not ubuttu | 02:32 |
xangua | AthenaPvP: how do you do what? | 02:32 |
truexfan81 | that auto-config thing for phpmyadmin, is that an ubuntu thing? | 02:32 |
truexfan81 | i'm trying to figure out where i need to go to suggest adding nginx as an option for it | 02:32 |
AthenaPvP | xangua: I don't know how to word it.. But in Ubuntu the very top bar had a neat little function where it would double as a way to press the exit, maximize, and minimize buttons as well. | 02:33 |
AthenaPvP | Does that make sense? | 02:33 |
Loshki | sfdebug: it's an LTS, so ethernet problems are supposed to be rare, if not nonexistent. Something special about your hardware? | 02:34 |
xangua | AthenaPvP: no, sorry | 02:35 |
sfdebug | Loshki, that occurred with two computers in the same day... mine and the computer of a friend where i work | 02:35 |
Tyroooone | Goddamnit. | 02:36 |
Tyroooone | I thought I found where the file needed to be, but still nothing. | 02:36 |
Tyroooone | Same error no matter what. | 02:36 |
AthenaPvP | xangua: if you Maximize Firefox (or your current browser) you'll see that at the top-left corner there is the maximize, minimize, and close buttons if you highlight it. | 02:37 |
AWAW | has anyone else seen the "new high speed USB device number 3 using xhci_hcd" message result in a hanging boot? | 02:37 |
xangua | AthenaPvP: you can't do that in xfce if that's what you're asking | 02:38 |
dillon | hey, senpai if you are still on here I wanted to say thanks for all the help that I got from you guys. Tixati was able to install very easily, at least I'll be familiar with it | 02:38 |
AthenaPvP | xangua: shame. | 02:38 |
senpai | no problems dillon, if you have questions with it, feel free to pm me, but im not a pro, it's pretty simple. | 02:38 |
dillon | like I said I used it before but I am very biased toward the original and BitLord | 02:39 |
testingdev | asdasdasdasdasdasdadasd | 02:39 |
Loshki | sfdebug: well, the next step would be determine the ethernet card model number, and see if it's a known problem, with (hopefully) a known workaround. | 02:39 |
testingdev | sorry | 02:40 |
AWAW | no matter what I do when I try to install from a live cd or a usb, the goddamn thing hangs every time | 02:41 |
AWAW | :( | 02:41 |
mrr411 | how does one turn an exicutable run file into a seachable program that can be put inot a dock | 02:45 |
mrr411 | into | 02:45 |
=== dima_ is now known as dimeetrees | ||
dimeetrees | Hi | 02:46 |
=== AWAW is now known as DoubleAW | ||
AthenaPvP | hello dimeetrees | 02:46 |
AthenaPvP | So who said what channel I should go to if I wanted help on coding? | 02:47 |
AthenaPvP | I tried ##coding and ##programming, neither are what I saw before. | 02:47 |
DoubleAW | AthenaPvP: when you say coding, what specifically do you mean | 02:47 |
squinty | !alis | AthenaPvP | 02:47 |
ubottu | AthenaPvP: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 02:47 |
dimeetrees | is there a way to make ubuntu windows not lag? I am running a pretty solid machine, have upgraded to the latest kernal, and made sure I have the proper drivers. Im currently using 60% of my ram and windows wont resize in real time. When I don't have any windows open they resize just fine. | 02:48 |
AthenaPvP | thanks squinty | 02:49 |
mrr411 | i have 0 lag | 02:49 |
reisio | dimeetrees: could be your gpu isn't up to it | 02:49 |
reisio | dimeetrees: you might try using something other than compiz/unity | 02:49 |
dimeetrees | My gpu is definitely up to it. That much I know. | 02:49 |
reisio | dimeetrees: what is it? | 02:49 |
dimeetrees | GTX 780 ti | 02:49 |
reisio | with nvidia's proprietary drivers? | 02:50 |
dimeetrees | yep, installed recommended ones | 02:50 |
reisio | you might want to double check the version is correct for your card, with nvidia's compatibility list on their site | 02:50 |
reisio | sometimes very specific version ranges are required | 02:51 |
dimeetrees | ok will do | 02:51 |
DoubleAW | anyone know how to resolve the live boot hanging when reading ata devices | 02:51 |
reisio | after that, you can make sure it's configured properly for opengl/etc. | 02:51 |
dimeetrees | just ran lshw -c video | 02:51 |
truexfan81 | is #ubuntu-server normally dead around this time? | 02:51 |
dimeetrees | and the clock is 33mhz | 02:51 |
dimeetrees | that doesnt sound right | 02:52 |
reisio | truexfan81: late (EST) on Sunday night? probably | 02:52 |
truexfan81 | grr | 02:52 |
reisio | server questions are also applicable here, though | 02:52 |
AthenaPvP | Is there any way to change how Xubuntu handles the placing of the x - and + signs? | 02:52 |
reisio | AthenaPvP: to the right side? | 02:52 |
AthenaPvP | reisio: from the right side to the left. | 02:52 |
reisio | AthenaPvP: yeah, we call them window decorations | 02:53 |
truexfan81 | i've asked in here several times today already | 02:53 |
reisio | you can do it with the tweak tool most simplest, IIRC | 02:53 |
reisio | truexfan81: yeah but I didn't see | 02:53 |
reisio | wasting your time telling me you already asked :p | 02:53 |
Abe_ | prev | 02:53 |
* reisio has supper to make, considers leav-ing... | 02:53 | |
truexfan81 | ok on 14.04 server i'm trying to get phpmyadmin to work with nginx | 02:53 |
Tyroooone | So hurray, I figured out my problem compiling. | 02:54 |
reisio | AthenaPvP: 'ubuntu-tweak' I guess it's called nowadays | 02:54 |
truexfan81 | issue is the auto config program that runs during install doen't have nginx as an option | 02:54 |
reisio | AthenaPvP: http://askubuntu.com/questions/174292/how-can-i-move-all-the-window-controls-to-the-right-or-left etc. | 02:54 |
reisio | truexfan81: what's it got? | 02:54 |
truexfan81 | and if you choose neither option it doesn't generate a config for it | 02:54 |
truexfan81 | apache2 and lighthttpd | 02:54 |
reisio | what kind of config does it make, exactly? | 02:55 |
truexfan81 | ok for example by default phpmyadmin only allows access from | 02:55 |
truexfan81 | one of the options in the config allows you to add other ip addresses | 02:55 |
truexfan81 | thats the main thing i need | 02:56 |
reisio | oh okay | 02:56 |
truexfan81 | until i can add my ip to it, i can't access it | 02:56 |
reisio | truexfan81: and no newer version of phpmyadmin has nginx? | 02:56 |
truexfan81 | i've no idea | 02:56 |
dimeetrees | Ok so I double checked and Im running the tested proprietary driver according to synaptic package manager | 02:56 |
truexfan81 | i just installed what was in the repos | 02:56 |
dimeetrees | But the version is older than the one on Nvidias site when I input my video card | 02:57 |
truexfan81 | its a game server so i don't want to risk breaking it by trying untested versions | 02:57 |
reisio | truexfan81: what version? | 02:57 |
reisio | right, but you only need the config | 02:57 |
reisio | dimeetrees: that could be good or bad, really, you need to check against nvidia's list of supported | 02:57 |
reisio | truexfan81: what version, quick quick | 02:58 |
truexfan81 | as soon as i figure out how to get it to tell me the version i'll let you know | 02:58 |
reisio | truexfan81: dpkg -l | grep -i phpmyadmin | 02:58 |
dimeetrees | whats the best way to load in the latest drivers ? | 02:58 |
truexfan81 | 4:4.0.10-1 | 02:58 |
reisio | dimeetrees: well, with nvidia's proprietary drivers, you don't necessarily want the latest, as I've said | 02:58 |
krycek | AthenaPvP: http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfwm4/preferences | 02:58 |
dimeetrees | reisio: I have the recommended ones, but they arn't doing the job | 02:59 |
dimeetrees | reisio: Not sure how i can optimize any further | 02:59 |
reisio | dimeetrees: yes... you said... | 02:59 |
reisio | dimeetrees: but what I said... and will now say again... | 02:59 |
reisio | is that you should check... | 02:59 |
reisio | with nvidia.com's list | 02:59 |
reisio | ...to ensure your recommended version is _the_ recommended version | 02:59 |
reisio | check from the horse's mouth | 02:59 |
truexfan81 | reisio: 4:4.0.10-1 | 03:00 |
reisio | truexfan81: sorry, I saw | 03:00 |
reisio | truexfan81: well, I don't see much on upstream's site | 03:01 |
reisio | truexfan81: this looks good: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/phpMyAdmin#Nginx | 03:01 |
reisio | gooooottttaaa have supper now, bbl | 03:01 |
DoubleAW | actually, is there a support channel that's more specifically oriented to installation issues? | 03:01 |
reisio | DoubleAW: nope | 03:01 |
reisio | this is the place | 03:01 |
DoubleAW | :/ | 03:01 |
DoubleAW | it seems like no one can help me. hrm | 03:02 |
reisio | what's up? | 03:02 |
DoubleAW | well | 03:02 |
DoubleAW | I have two issues with my setup: | 03:02 |
DoubleAW | 1) I've installed windows 10 | 03:02 |
reisio | AthenaPvP: #friendly-coders, or #insertprogramminglanguagehere | 03:02 |
reisio | DoubleAW: faster | 03:02 |
DoubleAW | 2) my laptop uses nvidia geforce gtx | 03:02 |
DoubleAW | when I boot, it hangs at some point | 03:02 |
DoubleAW | in a variety of places | 03:02 |
reisio | not the same place every time? | 03:02 |
DoubleAW | but I've disabled uefi (enabled CSM), use nomodeset | 03:02 |
DoubleAW | usually the same set of one or two lines | 03:02 |
reisio | k | 03:02 |
DoubleAW | either "new high-speed usb device... xhci_hcd" | 03:02 |
DoubleAW | or "attached scsi disk" | 03:03 |
reisio | I will say that, with dual booting | 03:03 |
reisio | you might want to hop into your bios/uefi prefs | 03:03 |
reisio | and poke things that mention s/ata | 03:03 |
reisio | or "compatibility mode" | 03:03 |
reisio | or the like | 03:03 |
DoubleAW | hmmmm | 03:03 |
truexfan81 | reisio: that does not cover my issue of not having a .conf file for it | 03:03 |
reisio | truexfan81: what's the .conf name? | 03:03 |
DoubleAW | well there is a sata menu... but it doesn't have any options that I can see | 03:03 |
truexfan81 | umm | 03:04 |
reisio | truexfan81: pastebin the .conf it makes for apache and/or lighttpd | 03:04 |
reisio | DoubleAW: look :) | 03:04 |
reisio | I'll bbl, other folk will remain | 03:04 |
truexfan81 | i guess i could purge it and install it for apache and get you the conf that way | 03:04 |
* reisio shrugs | 03:04 | |
truexfan81 | but even with it, i'd have no clue where to put the thing for nginx | 03:04 |
reisio | there are other ways to go about it, but I've gtg right now :D | 03:04 |
reisio | well I'm not sure what config you're even talking about | 03:05 |
DoubleAW | reisio: yeh, I checked, there's only one menu option and it has only one possible setting :( | 03:05 |
DoubleAW | I'll keep looking online... | 03:05 |
reisio | perhaps #phpmyadmin or #nginx would know better | 03:05 |
reisio | DoubleAW: try searching for your laptop model number, in quotes with site:ubuntuforums.org | 03:05 |
reisio | very handy, that | 03:05 |
truexfan81 | #nginx doesn't know #phpmyadmin has been dead the past 4hours... | 03:05 |
DoubleAW | mhm I'll try that | 03:05 |
reisio | bbl for real! | 03:05 |
DoubleAW | the forums are down | 03:06 |
* DoubleAW sighs | 03:06 | |
=== mb is now known as Guest29280 | ||
AbbieHoffman | can someone here recommend a good "techie" GUI for ubuntu? | 03:10 |
DoubleAW | reisio: !!! googling the model did lead me to a page that was useful... as it turns out, someone found a collection of like 20 options that eventually make it boot. such a pain though | 03:12 |
reisio | DoubleAW: :) also, you can usually use google's cache, for example, when sites are down | 03:13 |
reisio | AbbieHoffman: techie? | 03:13 |
reisio | AbbieHoffman: like, needlessly gui-y? | 03:13 |
ePierre | Hi there | 03:13 |
reisio | AbbieHoffman: maybe enlightenment, with cool-retro-term? | 03:14 |
reisio | https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term#user-content-screenshots | 03:14 |
reisio | ePierre: ohai | 03:14 |
ePierre | I tried downloading and installing the latest xenial image, but I'm facing a bug that apparently has been reported already (it's about DBus and Upower) | 03:14 |
DoubleAW | reisio: yeah, luckily the cache did have it | 03:14 |
ePierre | hei reisio :) | 03:14 |
reisio | DoubleAW: luckiiiieeeee | 03:14 |
ePierre | is there anything I can do to bypass this issue and install 16.04? | 03:14 |
DoubleAW | now I'm just hoping it lets me install without a fuss :p and that I can set up the partitions the way I want... | 03:14 |
AbbieHoffman | reisio: alright probably on the ubuntu software center? | 03:15 |
reisio | AbbieHoffman: enlightenment will be, for sure | 03:15 |
reisio | AbbieHoffman: cool-retro-term I couldn't say | 03:15 |
reisio | probably in some launchpad ppa if not | 03:15 |
reisio | since it's so "cool" | 03:15 |
reisio | someone will have made a package for it | 03:15 |
gbit86__ | Does anyone know if it is possible to have the .bashrc file to append an additional command to commands that take longer than like 10 seconds to run? | 03:16 |
reisio | gbit86__: yeah, you could use a function wrapper, and GNU timeout | 03:17 |
reisio | or... any number of more complicated ways | 03:17 |
reisio | GNU timeout is real simple | 03:17 |
gbit86__ | hmm... ok I will look into reading up on function wrappers. I just need to fire off a push notification to my phone really so I can multitask and not forgot about commands that I have been trying to run in the background. | 03:18 |
reisio | it's like | 03:19 |
reisio | timeout -k 0 10 command | 03:19 |
reisio | or optionally without -k 0 | 03:19 |
reisio | so if it takes longer than 10 seconds, it kills it | 03:19 |
reisio | without -k 0 it actually asks it to die, IIRC | 03:19 |
reisio | and with it kills it dead | 03:19 |
reisio | so I never quite saw the point of not having -k 0 :p | 03:19 |
reisio | when I want something dead, I don't want to ask its permission | 03:20 |
reisio | as for a function wrapper | 03:20 |
reisio | y'know | 03:20 |
reisio | command() { timeout -k 0 10 /absolute/path/to/original/command ... } | 03:20 |
gbit86__ | yea, not really looking to kill a command. I just want to know that it took longer than 10 seconds, so now it is ok to send a notification to my phone when it finishes. | 03:21 |
reisio | you'll have to sort out the logic, #bash could help | 03:21 |
reisio | oh okay | 03:21 |
gbit86__ | cool thanks! | 03:21 |
reisio | could probably use parallel | 03:21 |
reisio | with sleep 10s && do something | 03:21 |
reisio | or, possibly just subshells | 03:21 |
gbit86__ | hmm I will look into that | 03:22 |
reisio | or, timeout's -s might do it on its own :p | 03:23 |
reisio | I'd ask #linux about it, really | 03:23 |
* reisio noshes | 03:23 | |
michael337 | hi | 03:29 |
michael337 | hi | 03:30 |
michael337 | anyone? | 03:30 |
michael337 | error reading setting 'joy_threshold'! gltron: settings.c:72: getSettingf: Assertion `0' failed. Aborted (core dumped) | 03:30 |
michael337 | gltron error for keys config D:< | 03:30 |
amtron | hi | 03:31 |
amtron | g | 03:31 |
amtron | how cn i impprove m pc | 03:32 |
kolobyte | how would you guys fix this -> "mv /lib/ld.so /lib/ld.so.bak" | 03:32 |
michael337 | again, GLTRON (which is a 3d tron game) got corrupted for the joystick config, can someone help me please? | 03:33 |
Pinkamena_D_ | good evening | 03:45 |
Pinkamena_D_ | if I have multiple linux variants on the same disk, and I often use more than one and hibernate another, should I have one swap partition for each? | 03:47 |
nonickjoe | how do i right click on a touch screen and when will the foroums work?? | 03:47 |
nonickjoe | Pinkamena_D_, i dont even use swap anymore works great | 03:51 |
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Pinkamena_D_ | nonickjoe: Yes, with a high amount of memory, the system works well without swap, but I believe that hibernating will write the RAM to the swap partition. I am not sure if the other linux would be smart enough to not overwrite the part of the swap which is used by the hibernated linux | 03:52 |
Pinkamena_D_ | I have 16gbram so I doubt that it will likely need to use much swap, but I was curious if/how this was handled at the lower level | 03:54 |
nonickjoe | Pinkamena_D_, you could make s swap file instead of a Partition might be easier but i really have no clue if its necessary | 03:55 |
Bashing-om | Pinkamena_D_: For reference. my system of 5 installs a 1 shared swap partition: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15168405/ . | 03:59 |
WhyAreTheForoums | WHY ARE FORUMS DOWM? | 04:01 |
reisio | Pinkamena_D_: you can use a partition or a file | 04:01 |
Pinkamena_D_ | Bashing-om: I currently have one swap also. The question was mainly about the hibernation logic. Say I hibernated one and booted to another. In the unlikely chance the ram was used up, would it start writing onto the hibernated data, messing it up? | 04:01 |
reisio | Pinkamena_D_: some suspend systems will even "elegantly" discard data that won't fit | 04:01 |
Pinkamena_D_ | ok | 04:01 |
Pinkamena_D_ | I know what is like with no swap, the RAM hog processes will just be killed | 04:02 |
reisio | I like partitions myself | 04:02 |
WhyAreTheForoums | How do i mkae touch screen right click?? | 04:02 |
reisio | they make lovely expendable partition space should you need it | 04:02 |
reisio | Pinkamena_D_: by default, yes | 04:02 |
reisio | WhyAreTheForoums: click & hold | 04:02 |
lotuspsychje | WhyAreTheForoums: this is why: The forum is currently being upgraded. We anticipate anything up to 10 hours downtime | 04:03 |
Pinkamena_D_ | WhyAreTheForoums: I am not sure, using 14.04 on my tablet the touch functionality always seemed a bit sketchy | 04:03 |
Pinkamena_D_ | (using default unity) | 04:03 |
WhyAreTheForoums | lotuspsychje: how do i make my touchscreen right click? answers are on forums but i cant see them | 04:04 |
lotuspsychje | WhyAreTheForoums: try what reisio already suggested | 04:04 |
WhyAreTheForoums | lotuspsychje: that was the first thing i tried | 04:05 |
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reisio | try it harder | 04:06 |
reisio | :p | 04:06 |
lotuspsychje | WhyAreTheForoums: or try this value perhaps: http://askubuntu.com/questions/346210/how-to-emulate-a-right-mouse-button-click-on-touchscreen | 04:06 |
WhyAreTheForoums | oejagpoewgj i pushed harder then my laptop off the table =p | 04:07 |
PHroGman | nautilus:24522): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to register client: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files | 04:12 |
PHroGman | any idea? | 04:14 |
reisio | PHroGman: about what? | 04:16 |
PHroGman | gtk warning....but i think i got it | 04:17 |
reisio | got what? | 04:17 |
endev15 | Any good resources for setting up a local DNS with Ubuntu Server so I don't have to configure the hosts file for every computer on the network to which I want to give access to my Intranet web servers? | 04:27 |
lagbox | hello | 04:28 |
SchrodingersScat | !dns | 04:28 |
ubottu | To set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/dns.html | 04:28 |
endev15 | Thanks | 04:30 |
SchrodingersScat | good luck, have fun | 04:30 |
rhl | Hi, I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to diagnose why I cannot install jenkins: http://fpaste.org/327135/14561153/ | 04:30 |
lagbox | where can i start looking for what to restart that is related to the headphone jack detection to switch between headphones and system | 04:31 |
reisio | lagbox: restart why? | 04:32 |
lagbox | plugging in the headphones isn't switching | 04:32 |
lagbox | or even detecting they are plugged in | 04:33 |
reisio | has it ever? | 04:33 |
lagbox | i had headphones in, was listening to something, unplugged them to switch to the system speaks, then tried to plug in again and it isn't switching | 04:33 |
lagbox | yea it was working just fine 5 mins ago | 04:33 |
lagbox | this happens randomly from time to time | 04:33 |
reisio | iiiinnnttteresting | 04:34 |
lagbox | yea :) always fun | 04:34 |
reisio | service --status-all ? | 04:35 |
reisio | look for alsa or pulse | 04:35 |
reisio | those would be what you'd restart, if indeed that will help you | 04:35 |
lagbox | thx | 04:35 |
lagbox | restarting pulse didn't fix and alsa-utils can't be restarted | 04:37 |
lagbox | pulseaudio, that is | 04:37 |
lotuspsychje | rhl: wich ubuntu version is this? | 04:38 |
rhl | lotuspsychje: 15 | 04:38 |
reisio | lagbox: sounds not great | 04:38 |
rhl | 15.10 specifically | 04:39 |
lagbox | yea its fun | 04:39 |
lagbox | for some reason its difficult to find what to use at the right level to reset this | 04:39 |
lotuspsychje | rhl: you added ppa's? | 04:39 |
rhl | lotuspsychje: yeah, just the one for jenkins: sudo sh -c 'echo deb http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list' | 04:40 |
lagbox | ill just go in and retask the jacks | 04:40 |
lotuspsychje | rhl: contact the maintainer please, we can support external ppa here | 04:41 |
damian | hello everyone | 04:41 |
rhl | im asking in #jenkins it seems dead | 04:42 |
rhl | sunday nights :( | 04:42 |
rhl | i figured i'd ask her, never know if you get the right hacker.. | 04:42 |
lotuspsychje | rhl: we can only help the official way here mate | 04:42 |
somsip | rhl: jenkins PPA goes down from time to time | 04:43 |
somsip | rhl: though it's up for me right now | 04:44 |
lagbox | yea i guess its time to reboot | 04:46 |
rhl | somsip: I can download it, but I can't install! | 04:49 |
rhl | and the errors are super obscure | 04:49 |
rhl | i cant find real errors | 04:49 |
somsip | rhl: yeah - saw that when I read your paste properly | 04:49 |
rhl | somsip: any idea how to debug? | 04:49 |
somsip | rhl: I have had Jenkins PPAs fail before and it looked like a bad release. Just trying to update now to see if mine borks | 04:50 |
somsip | rhl: dling - 1 min | 04:50 |
rhl | somsip, do you have a version which works | 04:50 |
rhl | i can download the old debs | 04:50 |
somsip | rhl: nopy - 1.649 installed fine here | 04:52 |
somsip | rhl: was on 1.648 | 04:52 |
rhl | somsip: what version of java? | 04:52 |
lagbox | go figure, loading pavucontrol and doing nothing fixed it | 04:52 |
rhl | somsip: wondering if the problem is that jenkins user half exists, I see entries in /etc/groups and /etc/password for jenkins user | 04:53 |
rhl | no homedirectory theough | 04:53 |
somsip | rhl: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.4) (7u95-2.6.4-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) | 04:53 |
rhl | I did have jdk 7 | 04:53 |
rhl | then I installed jdk 8 to try and get it working | 04:54 |
rhl | oh, but your on ubuntu 14 | 04:54 |
rhl | im on 15.10 | 04:54 |
lagbox | reisio, ^^ how about that :) | 04:54 |
rhl | you dont happen to have a 15.10 image around do you? | 04:54 |
somsip | rhl: I have no need for 15.10. Also, you're installing 1.648. Maybe try 1.649? | 04:54 |
rhl | 1.649 is the same problem | 04:55 |
somsip | rhl: and is yours an upgrade or first install? | 04:55 |
rhl | first install, although they all fail | 04:55 |
reisio | lagbox: got me, I don't use pulse, gj | 04:55 |
rhl | im assuming i'm missing a dep or something on the systme is borked. | 04:55 |
rhl | the think is I run those commands and it tells me zilcho | 04:56 |
somsip | rhl: not sure what I can add to help then | 04:56 |
AthenaPvP | Is there any way I can run windows inside of linux? | 04:56 |
Solarlux | Hello all i installed wine but i cant find find folder of my wine | 04:56 |
somsip | !info virtualbox | AthenaPvP | 04:56 |
ubottu | AthenaPvP: virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 5.0.14-dfsg-0ubuntu1.15.10.1 (wily), package size 13773 kB, installed size 61823 kB | 04:56 |
Solarlux | i cant acess programms in wine isntaslled | 04:56 |
rhl | somsip: looking for how to see the systemctl logs for jenkins for example | 04:57 |
somsip | rhl: I'm not on systemd so can't offer anything | 04:57 |
lotuspsychje | !wine | Solarlux | 04:57 |
ubottu | Solarlux: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 04:57 |
AthenaPvP | According to USC, I don't have libdevmapper1.02.1(>=2:1.02.99) but it says I have it installed when I look it up on the same thing. Help? | 05:07 |
RoundDuckMann | I got an isdue where gparted hangs doing operations on storage media in 15.10 ubuntu-gnome. Any idea? | 05:09 |
RoundDuckMann | Live madia BTE | 05:10 |
RoundDuckMann | BTW | 05:10 |
lotuspsychje | RoundDuckMann: what exactly are you trying to do? | 05:12 |
RoundDuckMann | Wipe an SSD to install Ubuntu Gnome 15.10 | 05:13 |
lotuspsychje | RoundDuckMann: why not just install ubuntu from bootup? | 05:13 |
RoundDuckMann | Becaude 14.04 unity is buggy | 05:13 |
lotuspsychje | RoundDuckMann: choose install at boot, instead of 'try live' | 05:14 |
RoundDuckMann | Oh wait abou that, I have OCD to where I completely wipe the ssd with dudo sgdisk zapall /dev/sda and I do stuff in gparted to see if the new partition table works right | 05:15 |
AthenaPvP | According to USC, I don't have libdevmapper1.02.1(>=2:1.02.99) but it says I have it installed when I look it up on the same thing. Help? | 05:16 |
RoundDuckMann | Yes i hate typing with a phone that's dliw | 05:16 |
RoundDuckMann | *slow | 05:16 |
lotuspsychje | RoundDuckMann: why do you want to wipe first? the setup process does this for you | 05:16 |
RoundDuckMann | I sometimes worry I did something weird with the SSD. | 05:17 |
lotuspsychje | RoundDuckMann: setup process will format your ssd, no problem | 05:18 |
lotuspsychje | RoundDuckMann: whats the ssd brand? | 05:18 |
AthenaPvP | With VirtualBox do you need to have a legal copy of windows in order to run windows>? | 05:19 |
lotuspsychje | AthenaPvP: we dont support windows problems here mate | 05:19 |
RoundDuckMann | Like something like dd, though thinking about it, I wouldn't do that so I'm an idiot. but still I wanted to make sure, but now I'm worried I messed things up when exiting while gparted hanged on a change partition table operation | 05:19 |
lotuspsychje | AthenaPvP: ask in ##windows | 05:19 |
AthenaPvP | lotuspsychje: I'm trying to run a version of windows on my linux machine. | 05:20 |
RoundDuckMann | It's a SanDisk. | 05:20 |
AthenaPvP | lotuspsychje: though this should probably go to a virtualbox chat. | 05:20 |
lotuspsychje | AthenaPvP: installing a version of windows belongs to ##windows | 05:20 |
RoundDuckMann | 240 GB | 05:20 |
lotuspsychje | RoundDuckMann: just reboot and enter 'install' ubuntu from your setup...dont make it too hard on yourself | 05:21 |
reisio | AthenaPvP: you don't even need a legal copy of windows to run windows on metal | 05:21 |
AthenaPvP | reisio: metal? | 05:21 |
somsip | AthenaPvP: This is all the help you;ll get from me on this one https://dev.windows.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/linux/ | 05:21 |
reisio | AthenaPvP: to an actual, physical disk, rather than a virtual one | 05:22 |
RoundDuckMann | Did I mesd the SSD though by interrupting a change partition table operation in gparted though? I'm eorried about it. | 05:22 |
RoundDuckMann | *messed up | 05:22 |
reisio | talking about an ssd you're using with an install right now? | 05:23 |
Neil22 | anyone for monopoly online? | 05:23 |
somsip | !ot | Neil22 | 05:23 |
ubottu | Neil22: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 05:23 |
AthenaPvP | somsip: it says it'll expire after 90 days. Does that mean I need to re-downlaod it after 90 days? | 05:23 |
somsip | AthenaPvP: " This is all the help you;ll get from me on this one" | 05:24 |
RoundDuckMann | reisio: was | 05:24 |
reisio | was? | 05:24 |
reisio | AthenaPvP: what is it you want windows for? | 05:24 |
AthenaPvP | reisio: play games not compatable with Linux like League of Legends. | 05:24 |
reisio | AthenaPvP: league of legends is compatible | 05:25 |
RoundDuckMann | Empty now, but I'm worried I messed up partition table by interrupting a hung partition table change operation by quitting it out, well killing it. | 05:25 |
AthenaPvP | reisio: I've been trying to install it for the past day, it bug-splats at 33% | 05:26 |
RoundDuckMann | In gparted | 05:26 |
maynix | dncflad | 05:26 |
reisio | anyway, playing graphics intense games via a VM isn't fun unless you have specific hardware and specific configuration | 05:26 |
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reisio | AthenaPvP: you dual boot? | 05:26 |
AthenaPvP | reisio: I have no idea what that is. | 05:27 |
RoundDuckMann | reisio: Empty now, but I'm worried I messed up partition table by interrupting a hung partition table change operation by quitting it out, well killing it. | 05:27 |
RoundDuckMann | reisio : in gparted | 05:27 |
RoundDuckMann | Sorry if it sounds stupid... | 05:28 |
lotuspsychje | RoundDuckMann: just install ubuntu from bootup... | 05:30 |
AthenaPvP | reisio: I don't have a version of Windows I can use to dual boot. | 05:31 |
AthenaPvP | can't* | 05:31 |
AthenaPvP | can** | 05:31 |
AthenaPvP | I can words! | 05:31 |
elosz | simple scripting question. I've $a = '1 2 3 4' how do i sum all nos in variable a? | 05:33 |
RoundDuckMann | lotuspsychje , so I can still istall even if that happened? | 05:33 |
RoundDuckMann | lotuspsychje: so I can still istall even if that happened? | 05:34 |
reisio | RoundDuckMann: yeah if there's nothing on the drive you want, just let it be repartitioned/formatted | 05:34 |
reisio | elosz: in pure sh? | 05:35 |
elosz | reisio: nevermind. did it in python | 05:35 |
elosz | ty | 05:35 |
reisio | :p | 05:35 |
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RoundDuckMann | So I didn't cripple my drive by a partition table change process hanging and me killing gparted while it hanged? Phew. | 05:36 |
RoundDuckMann | can that be confirmed one more time just to make sure? (Yes im beihg annoying i k ow that) | 05:39 |
RoundDuckMann | Fine I'll just ask the next question: why does 15.10 sometimes hang when shutting down? When I sometimes shutdown in live usb, it shows a systemd job that says about shutting doown and it keeps on being there for minuites. I can't use sysreq to kill it, only to sync, unmount, and reboot. | 05:44 |
RoundDuckMann | Enter doesn't work eithet when it happens | 05:45 |
RoundDuckMann | I've also seen it in another distro ad well probably fedora or antergos | 05:47 |
RoundDuckMann | reisio: Fine I'll just ask the next question: why does 15.10 sometimes hang when shutting down? When I sometimes shutdown in live usb, it shows a systemd job that says about shutting doown and it keeps on being there for minuites. I can't use sysreq to kill it, only to sync, unmount, and reboot. | 05:51 |
reisio | RoundDuckMann: in live usb?... | 05:51 |
RoundDuckMann | Yes | 05:52 |
RoundDuckMann | reisio: yed | 05:52 |
RoundDuckMann | *yes | 05:52 |
RoundDuckMann | I remember a similar issue Fedora I think as well | 05:53 |
RoundDuckMann | reisio: | 05:53 |
RoundDuckMann | In live dvd | 05:54 |
reisio | dunno, not sure it's worth debugging live OS usage... | 05:54 |
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RoundDuckMann | Should I report this to the system d devs? | 05:55 |
RoundDuckMann | reisio: | 05:55 |
reisio | no harm in doing that at all | 05:55 |
RoundDuckMann | It's one reason why upstart FTW, someone needs ro fork it | 05:56 |
sdensayo2 | hola | 05:56 |
sdensayo2 | Soy nuevo en ubuntu, acabo de intalar ubuntu estudio y necesito ayuda | 05:57 |
RoundDuckMann | Bye | 05:57 |
Thraul | I have an old system running Ubutnu 10.04.04 LTS is it still possible to perform a system upgrade or would it be best to migrate to a new system? | 06:04 |
somsip | !eol | Thraul | 06:04 |
ubottu | Thraul: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 06:04 |
somsip | Thraul: but rebuild from scratch is probably your best bet | 06:05 |
Thraul | somsip: Thanks, just what I am looking for I will clone the system and perform a test upgrade and see how I fair. :") | 06:07 |
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r00ter | are there any ai like cortana in ubuntu ? | 06:14 |
xangua | No | 06:15 |
AthenaPvP | Yo! I can't shut down my computer. | 06:17 |
AthenaPvP | I click "shut down" and nothing happens. | 06:17 |
Erc1 | tried shutdown from the terminal ? | 06:18 |
AthenaPvP | How do I do that? | 06:18 |
Erc1 | sudo shutdown -P | 06:19 |
AthenaPvP | If I don't reply in 2 mins, assume it worked. xP | 06:19 |
AthenaPvP | shutdown: time expected. | 06:20 |
ndboy | hi guys | 06:20 |
somsip | AthenaPvP: sudo halt | 06:20 |
ndboy | I am looking for a way to automatically (based on some rules or something) increment a number (from 5000 to 99999) and then add some text behind it, and finally enter each of these inside a comman, and then enter these lines one by one (feed them actually) to a command line program | 06:22 |
ndboy | how can I do this? | 06:22 |
ndboy | like: command -option1 -option2 BB5000 -option3 next command: command -option1 -option2 BB5000 -option3 and so on. | 06:23 |
somsip | ndboy: try #bash | 06:23 |
hateball | Anarchic: append "now" | 06:23 |
ndboy | is it even possible? | 06:23 |
hateball | Anarchic: mis-tab | 06:23 |
ndboy | somsip : thanks, but can bash be used to feed the commands into some other application (which is also shell)? | 06:24 |
hateball | AthenaPvP: append "now", so it'd be sudo shutdown -P now | 06:24 |
somsip | ndboy: yes - read up on redirecting and pipes | 06:24 |
ndboy | thnx mate | 06:24 |
hossein | Hello | 06:34 |
hossein | I have a question | 06:34 |
ndboy | oh hello there | 06:34 |
ndboy | what is your question dear? | 06:34 |
hossein | who can help me? | 06:34 |
jizzle | ask the question:3 | 06:34 |
ndboy | hossein: that is your question? who can help you? | 06:35 |
hossein | I install "Logo soft comfort " | 06:35 |
hossein | but when its install there isn't any icon on my panel | 06:35 |
ndboy | oh my lord... | 06:36 |
ndboy | I am not sure if I can help you about it | 06:36 |
ndboy | sorry | 06:36 |
hossein | i download this software from this link: | 06:37 |
hossein | http://w3.siemens.com/mcms/programmable-logic-controller/en/logic-module-logo/demo-software/Pages/Default.aspx | 06:37 |
hossein | please help me | 06:37 |
ndboy | have you tried running it from the shell? | 06:37 |
hossein | i install that from terminal with this code : sh ./setup.bin | 06:38 |
ndboy | I see | 06:38 |
hateball | hossein: Did it ask you where you wanted to install it? Most likely under /opt | 06:38 |
hossein | yes | 06:38 |
ndboy | and? | 06:39 |
hateball | Then browse there with your file manager and have a look | 06:39 |
hossein | i find its folder but i can't find any program to run | 06:39 |
xangua | hossein: are you using Ubuntu 15.10? | 06:39 |
ndboy | where did you install it? | 06:39 |
hossein | also my ubuntu knowledge is less | 06:39 |
jizzle | try running dpkg -l | grep -i logo in a terminal and post the result here | 06:39 |
ndboy | hossein you have to use shell to execute a shell script I am guessing | 06:39 |
hossein | no ubuntu 14.01 lts | 06:39 |
jizzle | hossein, | 06:39 |
hateball | jizzle: it's not a deb, it's an install script | 06:39 |
ndboy | try what jizzle said ^^ | 06:39 |
ndboy | ^ ^ | 06:40 |
hossein | i install that here: | 06:40 |
xangua | hossein: there is no Ubuntu 14.01 | 06:40 |
hossein | can you explain more | 06:40 |
hossein | xangua> excuse me ubuntu 14.04 LTS | 06:41 |
jizzle | press ctrl+alt+t and type what i said earlier | 06:42 |
hossein | a moment please | 06:42 |
xangua | hossein: if the installer didn't create a proper .desktop file of whatever this program is, you'll have to create the .desktop file yourself | 06:42 |
jizzle | try rm -rf / | 06:42 |
jizzle | jk dont | 06:42 |
jizzle | lol | 06:42 |
xangua | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles | 06:43 |
hateball | jizzle: Please don't type that in here | 06:43 |
hossein | ii plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1 amd64 graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-logo theme ii plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1 amd64 graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-logo theme | 06:43 |
hateball | hossein: So I am running this installer, and it defaults to /usr/local/bin/Siemens/LOGOComfort_V8(Demo). You wont be able to install it there unless you run the installer with sudo. | 06:44 |
hateball | hossein: anyhow you could pick a path in your home directory instead, and that should work | 06:44 |
hossein | i use sudo | 06:44 |
ndboy | but where is home? how do you define home? | 06:44 |
ndboy | i have to go now | 06:45 |
hossein | What? | 06:45 |
somsip | ndboy: usually /home/{user} | 06:45 |
jizzle | type echo $HOME in your terminal, thats your home | 06:45 |
ndboy | somsip : no I meant from a humanistic literate point of view | 06:45 |
somsip | ndboy: offtopic chat goes in #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:46 |
somsip | ndboy: though that question doesn't belong in there either | 06:46 |
hateball | And this particular program does not seem to create any XDG shortcuts, just a launcher script in ~/ | 06:46 |
hossein | Ok ,thanks | 06:46 |
hateball | hossein: anyhow, you should be able to just run the LOGOComfort script from wherever you installed it to | 06:48 |
hateball | It's just a JVM + the application unpacked | 06:48 |
hossein | What should i do? | 06:48 |
ndboy | hossein my man, you need to find out how, and where the application was installed, cd to that folder, and execute some executable or a script that makes some sense | 06:49 |
ndboy | from that folder | 06:50 |
hateball | Like I said, the default path is /usr/local/bin/Siemens/LOGOComfort_V8(Demo)/LOGOComfort | 06:50 |
hossein | ok i find that but now? | 06:51 |
hateball | hossein: So just enter that whole string into a terminal and run it, or browse there with your file browser and doubleclick | 06:51 |
ndboy | and there is the sensible path hossein ^ cd there and execute the hell out of it my man | 06:51 |
ndboy | Like I said, the default path is /usr/local/bin/Siemens/LOGOComfort_V8(Demo)/LOGOComfort | 06:51 |
ndboy | ^ | 06:51 |
ndboy | hossein: are you in ubuntu right now? | 06:52 |
hossein | yes | 06:52 |
ndboy | ok, press ctrl + alt + T on your keyboard, what happens? | 06:53 |
hossein | terminal open | 06:53 |
ndboy | ok, in there let us type: "java -version" | 06:54 |
hateball | ndboy: It bundles java, no need to have jre installed previously | 06:54 |
hossein | java version "1.7.0_95" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.4) (7u95-2.6.4-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.95-b01, mixed mode) | 06:54 |
ndboy | what happened? | 06:55 |
ndboy | hossein? | 06:55 |
hossein | i type that and this is result | 06:55 |
ndboy | ok seems ok | 06:55 |
hossein | and now? | 06:56 |
ndboy | now let us be typing the following into the command: cd /usr/local/bin/Siemens/LOGOComfort_V8(Demo)/LOGOComfort | 06:56 |
ndboy | now you have? what on your terminal? | 06:56 |
hateball | LOGOComfort is the launcher script | 06:56 |
ndboy | ok | 06:56 |
ndboy | sorry | 06:56 |
hateball | So you cannot cd to that :p | 06:56 |
ndboy | god forbid | 06:56 |
ndboy | hossein my man, type sh /usr/local/bin/Siemens/LOGOComfort_V8(Demo)/LOGOComfort and let's see what happens | 06:57 |
ndboy | something good I hope | 06:57 |
hateball | there is no need to cd, you literally just have to enter "/usr/local/bin/Siemens/LOGOComfort_V8(Demo)/LOGOComfort" and press enter | 06:57 |
hossein | yes | 06:57 |
ndboy | ok you got what you wanted? | 06:57 |
ndboy | hossein? | 06:57 |
ndboy | my man? | 06:58 |
ndboy | you still there? | 06:58 |
hossein | i cant't understand | 06:58 |
ndboy | why not? | 06:58 |
ndboy | it is simple | 06:58 |
hossein | when in type that it is result: | 06:59 |
hossein | bash: syntax error near unexpected token `Demo' | 06:59 |
ndboy | ok | 06:59 |
hateball | hossein: put it inside "" | 06:59 |
hateball | Because the silly () makes bash cry | 06:59 |
=== Tronsha is now known as [UPA]Stefan | ||
hossein | bash: syntax error near unexpected token `"Demo"' | 07:00 |
ndboy | hateball | 07:00 |
ndboy | my man, wouldn't have using 'sh' before that generated the smae thing | 07:00 |
hossein | no | 07:00 |
ndboy | hossein try this: | 07:00 |
ndboy | sh "/usr/local/bin/Siemens/LOGOComfort_V8(Demo)/LOGOComfort" | 07:01 |
hateball | need to escape the (), so /usr/local/bin/Siemens/LOGOComfort_V8\(Demo\)/LOGOComfort should work | 07:01 |
hossein | ok | 07:01 |
ndboy | working? | 07:01 |
hossein | it seems run | 07:01 |
ndboy | ok | 07:01 |
hossein | no this is | 07:02 |
hossein | help | 07:02 |
ndboy | knock yourself out mate, go out and celebrate... | 07:02 |
hossein | this is software help | 07:02 |
hossein | ok | 07:02 |
ndboy | yEAAAAh... tell me about it hossein | 07:02 |
hossein | thats right | 07:02 |
hossein | thanks a lot <noboy> | 07:03 |
ndboy | but i still have my original question, where is home?? | 07:03 |
hossein | thanks a lot <hateball> | 07:03 |
hateball | hmmm | 07:03 |
hossein | Home : /home/hossein | 07:03 |
hossein | is this ok? | 07:03 |
ndboy | LOL | 07:03 |
ndboy | yes it seems to be ok hossein | 07:04 |
hossein | i try to install that from last night and now i'm very happy | 07:04 |
hossein | i love you | 07:04 |
ndboy | ok ok | 07:04 |
hossein | i love ubuntu | 07:04 |
hateball | Heh | 07:04 |
ndboy | no problems, we all love ubuntu | 07:04 |
ndboy | and not in a sexual way | 07:05 |
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Any_where | clear | 07:32 |
Any_where | ls | 07:32 |
zamba | how do i change the keyboard shortcuts for changing workspace? | 07:37 |
zamba | i believe i'm running gnome classic | 07:37 |
PestBuda | zamba: why change ctrl alt right arrow? | 07:39 |
opeik | Hello | 07:39 |
zamba | PestBuda: because i want to? :) | 07:39 |
opeik | My USB keyboard doesn't work on login, I have to unplug and replug for it to work | 07:40 |
opeik | It's getting power because the LEDs are on, so I'm really puzzled | 07:40 |
PestBuda | opeik: what are you running? | 07:40 |
opeik | Ubuntu 15.10 | 07:40 |
Woovie | Getting some insane errors beyond my comprehension after my fellow admin tried installation of VirtualBox. https://ybin.me/p/4034d5ab96cc5f22#aC9mhRecl0AdsqahWwFFXJVYOg9GdrZTPJqDzq3ouQI= | 07:41 |
PestBuda | have you tried a different USB keyboard? | 07:41 |
opeik | Yes, it works fine | 07:41 |
opeik | I bought a new one somewhat recently and this one has issues | 07:41 |
PestBuda | opeik: the New one has issues? | 07:41 |
opeik | Yes | 07:41 |
PestBuda | try disable/enable "usb legacy support" in bios | 07:42 |
opeik | Oh if it makes any difference | 07:42 |
opeik | The keyboard works fine in the BIOS and for GRUB | 07:42 |
opeik | It's only when it gets to the Ubuntu login screen where nothing happens | 07:43 |
PestBuda | try it | 07:43 |
opeik | Alright, brb | 07:43 |
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Razva | I have two nics, both with static IPs. if I set an IP to the first nic, the settings get auto-applied on the second one. why?! using GNOME. | 07:45 |
PestBuda | paranoid admin Razva? | 07:46 |
Razva | PestBuda sorry? | 07:46 |
PestBuda | Razva: are you talking about irc nicks? | 07:47 |
opeik | Hello again | 07:47 |
PestBuda | opeik: did it work? | 07:47 |
opeik | There was no such option, but just for the hell of it I reset the BIOS to the factory default | 07:47 |
opeik | It's working now? | 07:47 |
Razva | PestBuda no, about NICs, network interfaces :) | 07:47 |
opeik | I'm more confused than I was a minute ago | 07:47 |
PestBuda | opeik: lol | 07:47 |
PestBuda | ohh NIC... ok | 07:48 |
PestBuda | opeik: its not yours to question why, your's is just to do and die... LMAO | 07:48 |
Razva | PestBuda I suppose there's a difference between a nick and a nic :D | 07:48 |
opeik | Welp | 07:49 |
PestBuda | ok Razva, tell me again... | 07:49 |
Drac0666 | I have problem with my Ubuntu mate 15, after reboot i often have no sounds, sometimes i have to run app (spotify) twice or more to hear something from spearking. Profile and Device in settings is correct (Maya u5 usb card) when i type pactl list sinks short i recive RUNNING on maya and still i hear nothing on speakrs | 07:50 |
Razva | PestBuda I have two NICs, both with static IPs. When I set the IP for the first one, the same IP is auto-applied to the second one, no idea why! I'm using GNOME Ubuntu because I need a browser on this specific server | 07:50 |
PestBuda | opeik: if you really want to get Dangerous.... flash a new/updated Bios... | 07:50 |
opeik | I'd rather not hey | 07:50 |
opeik | But one thing that was interesting | 07:50 |
opeik | Usually before the NVIDEA X server starts, you can see "USB debouce failed" or something like that | 07:51 |
opeik | It wasn't there this time | 07:51 |
PestBuda | its likely CF with your keyboard manufacturer , and outdated bios, or a kernel fubar | 07:52 |
opeik | Imma restart just to be certain | 07:52 |
PestBuda | Razva: its realy strange... why would ip settings be auto applied to a second nic | 07:53 |
PestBuda | what are you using for ip config ? | 07:53 |
PestBuda | I think its the package you're using that might be unused to dealing with two nics on the system | 07:54 |
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perdana | hello | 07:55 |
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PestBuda | Razva: try a different network utility... or from a terminal. | 07:55 |
Razva | hateball I've just manually set the networking from cli and rebooted, let's see what's happening... | 07:55 |
PestBuda | perdana: hey | 07:55 |
jushur | Drac0666: do you use the built in audio card at all? if not disable the module. and i bet your problem will go away. | 07:56 |
PestBuda | Drac0666: I would also suggest disable/enable "usb legacy support" in bios... or reset the bios to factory specs... I've seen similar "issues" with Detection of USB devices, | 07:59 |
Drac0666 | jushur here are some commands http://pastebin.com/YeaeT26f | 07:59 |
Drac0666 | jushur: only other card is detected is ATI HDMI... | 07:59 |
Drac0666 | PestBuda, onboard MSI card is disabled (realtek) | 07:59 |
PestBuda | Drac0666: pastebin ---- lsusb | 08:00 |
Drac0666 | PestBuda, http://pastebin.com/nTaFAik1 | 08:00 |
PestBuda | Drac0666: just out of curiosity why arent you using the onboard? | 08:00 |
Drac0666 | PestBuda, audiophile stupidty ;p i have maya u5 wich plays better than this onboard | 08:01 |
Drac0666 | more configuration etc | 08:01 |
Drac0666 | and headphones amplifier | 08:01 |
Drac0666 | card is for 100% fine cuz on windows i have 0 problems | 08:02 |
PestBuda | Drac0666: I dont see anything in that pastebin that even resembles an audio card... | 08:02 |
Drac0666 | as i mentioned before sometimes i have to type: spotify-> killall spotify few times before i hear something | 08:02 |
Drac0666 | PestBuda, device 003 | 08:02 |
lostmyshortcutpo | hello everyone | 08:02 |
Drac0666 | PestBuda, VIA technologies | 08:03 |
Drac0666 | its VIA audiotrak maya u5 | 08:03 |
PestBuda | Drac0666: so its showing, in lsusb, but its not playing in SPOTIFY? | 08:04 |
Drac0666 | PestBuda, its not like that - its sometimes not playing | 08:04 |
Drac0666 | 50% chances lets say | 08:04 |
Drac0666 | if i dont hear sound i kill spotify and start it again | 08:05 |
Drac0666 | i might get sound | 08:05 |
Drac0666 | if i dont i kill again | 08:05 |
PestBuda | Drac0666: my question is ... when its not working- is it still showing in lsusb? | 08:05 |
Drac0666 | yes | 08:05 |
lostmyshortcutpo | hey does anyone knowhow to restore the order of the bookmarks in nautilus? | 08:05 |
Drac0666 | PestBuda, its even shown in pactl list sinks short | 08:05 |
Drac0666 | but i hear nothing | 08:06 |
PestBuda | Drac0666: well I hate to tell you but I would accuse the manufacturer of that card.... your best hope is to see if they have a new linux driver release... for that device | 08:06 |
Drac0666 | PestBuda, well they dont ;/ | 08:07 |
Drac0666 | PestBuda, maybe You know where i can turn off usb suspend on idle? | 08:08 |
Drac0666 | PestBuda, http://pastebin.com/cX3dMXY4 | 08:09 |
PestBuda | Drac0666: I would try "xset -dpms | 08:10 |
Drac0666 | PestBuda, should it return something? | 08:11 |
PestBuda | no | 08:11 |
jushur | Drac0666: if you do aplay -l , shows your usb card as card 0? | 08:12 |
PestBuda | Drac0666: it will just disable power managerment | 08:12 |
Drac0666 | jushur, no | 08:12 |
Drac0666 | jushur, its 1 | 08:12 |
jushur | Drac0666: any card listed before it? | 08:12 |
Drac0666 | jushur, hdi ati | 08:13 |
Drac0666 | jushur, http://pastebin.com/YeaeT26f | 08:13 |
jushur | Drac0666: learn what modules they use and then blacklist them in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-soundmodules.conf (you caa name it whatever you want. all files with .conf in there gets parsed at boot) | 08:15 |
Drac0666 | jushur how i can get info about what modules are used by hdi ati? | 08:16 |
jushur | Drac0666: make sure you dont blacklist the usb soundcard modules just =) | 08:16 |
jushur | Drac0666: open a terminal do lspci -vnn | 08:18 |
Drac0666 | jushur, it will be kernel driver in use, correct? | 08:18 |
jushur | Drac0666: yes | 08:19 |
jushur | Drac0666: driver/module should be the same as far i know so. | 08:20 |
Drac0666 | jushur, i think so too, done it gonna reboot brb | 08:20 |
PestBuda | Drac0666: pastebin === "locate via" i'm specifically interested in via or Via... located in /sys/bus/usb/devices/ | 08:21 |
Drac0666 | jushur, now i have no hdi ati audio | 08:23 |
Drac0666 | jushur, but atm i have no sound from speakers either | 08:23 |
Drac0666 | jushur, my usb card is still listed as 1 there is nothing with 0 | 08:23 |
jushur | Drac0666: you created any /etc/asound.conf file or so? | 08:24 |
Drac0666 | jushur, i dont | 08:26 |
Drac0666 | jushur, http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Asoundrc this guide would be correct to do it? | 08:26 |
jushur | Drac0666: y | 08:28 |
jushur | but i find it odd that your card is not listed as card 0 now | 08:28 |
Drac0666 | jushur, yup.. maybe it is binded somewhere else? | 08:29 |
Drac0666 | jushur, going to rebot i have done my config | 08:35 |
jushur | Drac0666: im guessing its udev rule that makes it so. | 08:35 |
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Drac0666 | jushur, well now i have sound but i dont know for how long | 08:37 |
Drac0666 | jushur, ok i was tryed to open file with SMplayer and i have no sound | 08:38 |
Drac0666 | jushur, SMplayer output "front:CARD=U5,DEV=0" cant be used | 08:39 |
Drac0666 | jushur, but there is sound in spotify... | 08:40 |
Drac0666 | jushur, this is like omg... no rules at all | 08:40 |
Drac0666 | jushur, ok nvm it was internal smplayer settings | 08:41 |
jushur | Drac0666: crap behind the keyboard xD | 08:42 |
Drac0666 | :D | 08:43 |
jushur | Drac0666: it tends to be like that after a while. if you have troubles you edit settings all over the place and some you forget to return. | 08:43 |
Drac0666 | ok im gonna make few reboots to see its permanent | 08:43 |
Drac0666 | jushur, well its like my third distro wich im trying | 08:43 |
Drac0666 | jushur, cuz on previous i have made so many changes that i had no sound at all | 08:44 |
Drac0666 | jushur, except making that config file i have turned off suspend-on-idle in pulseaudio and i dont know wich one helped me now ;p | 08:45 |
Drac0666 | jushur, anyway im going to make few reboots and see if it works everytime | 08:45 |
zaur | ostlar | 08:49 |
zaur | hi | 08:49 |
zaur | hi | 08:50 |
Drac0666 | jushur, well it worked for 3 times, guess i have to be patient and wait to see if everything is ok | 08:50 |
Drac0666 | jushur, very much thanks for Your help | 08:50 |
zaur | help me friends | 08:51 |
jushur | !ask | zaur | 08:52 |
ubottu | zaur: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 08:52 |
zaur | Which is the best python idle ? | 08:54 |
shoerain | any ideas on tuning, or at least identifying problems with SSDs? my samsung 840 pro gets much slower speeds than my crucial m4, at least according to hdparm -Tt, 220MB/s buffered read speeds on the crucial m4, 80MB/s buffered read speeds on the 840 pro. any ideas to figure out the discrepancy? | 08:54 |
jushur | shoerain: look at its firmware version | 08:55 |
jushur | shoerain: also it may perform better with noop sheduler, cfq is suposedly fixed to handle ssd drives but i find it so that some drives still perform better with noop. | 08:56 |
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Drac0666 | shoerain, thats odd 80MB/s is something like normal hdds | 09:01 |
jushur | yah i get that on my slow usb drives. the fast ones goes at 240mbsec (1tb ssd on/in usb3) | 09:04 |
Drac0666 | 250 is my score with plextor ssd | 09:07 |
needbookmarkhelp | hey does anyone know how to move bookmarks in nautilus? | 09:15 |
ManicPanic | i'm got a symlink in a directory in both local server and external production host. But the production server is not linking some files and not even opening them properly. What is wrong here ? | 09:16 |
ManicPanic | is the local symlink conflicting with the production symlink ? | 09:17 |
Mathisen | hello im looking @ nitrobit " http://www.nitrobit.com/download.html " is there any other tools for a local updates server for windows ? seem to only be for ubuntu 10.10 | 09:17 |
jonsaint | how do i join the ubuntu channel | 09:25 |
somsip | jonsaint: you are in it | 09:26 |
jonsaint | ah ok. im new to this after coming off win 10. had enough of it so thought i would try something fresh and new for a change | 09:28 |
shoerain | jushur: well, i know it's not running the latest firmware, so i guess i can update it. but the ssd runs faster on another laptop, and my crucial m4 runs fine on this as well (exact same model, i have 2 thinkpad x200 models) | 09:30 |
shoerain | Drac0666: damn, any other suggestions for benchmarking? i've been using bonnie++, but that might skew results since i'm not using luks over lvm on both drives. | 09:31 |
jushur | shoerain: bad sata connector maybe? | 09:33 |
jushur | shoerain: laptop bios? | 09:34 |
jushur | shoerain: you have luks on the samsung drive? | 09:35 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
invertim | hello | 09:41 |
sergred | after installing ubuntu Mate kompiz at 15.10 after the computer restarts, the mouse cursor changes to a black cross. Transition to the normal view after the opening of it or the user logs in or run Control Panel and applications from it. | 09:41 |
Guest55322 | hi , does anyone from canonical here ? | 09:48 |
popey | Guest55322: what's up? | 09:49 |
jonsaint | hello all. where do i find my programmes? just downloaded skype but cant find it. ubuntu is all new to me so still trying to find my way about | 09:50 |
Guest55322 | dear popey i send you email and of course i send several mail in the site too for partnering but nothing happens | 09:50 |
popey | Guest55322: yes, I got your mail, and as I said, please have patience | 09:50 |
Guest55322 | for how many days ? | 09:51 |
popey | Guest55322: I don't know, I've passed your mail on to the people responsible. | 09:51 |
Guest55322 | ok | 09:51 |
popey | Guest55322: but asking me over and over won't speed it up. | 09:51 |
Guest55322 | cause it seems not good , you have a site and in there you said that send us email but nothing happens after sending several mails in about two weeks | 09:52 |
Guest55322 | with this structure canonical want to support 24 / 7 ???????? | 09:52 |
jonsaint | anyone know where i can find my programmes ive installed? just installed skype but dont know where to look as im new to ubuntu. thanks. | 09:55 |
allizom | jonsaint: press the Super (Windows) key and type skype | 09:56 |
Guest55322 | jonsaint: you can do this via terminal with this command : dpkg --listfiles firefox | 09:57 |
jonsaint | tried looking but nothing is there. went on skype site and clicked download, went into download folder where it took me to the software centre and i downloaded it but still cant find it nowhere. | 09:58 |
Guest55322 | instead of firefox you can type your program name | 09:58 |
jonsaint | tried terminal way and theres about 100 lines of test come up. still dont know where to look lol | 10:00 |
jonsaint | text | 10:00 |
PowerKiller | <PowerKiller> wekki | 10:00 |
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PowerKiller | * beaky has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) | 10:00 |
PowerKiller | <PowerKiller> Can I somehow make connections to a specific IP go through a specific device? | 10:00 |
Guest55322 | it means that you install skype | 10:01 |
jonsaint | but i cant find the programme nowhere | 10:01 |
Guest55322 | can you send me the output of skype command in terminal ? | 10:02 |
jonsaint | copy and paste it you mean? and on here? | 10:02 |
Guest55322 | yes | 10:02 |
jonsaint | from top to bottom? | 10:03 |
Grzes6500 | Grzes | 10:03 |
Guest55322 | i want the output of skype command | 10:03 |
Guest55322 | it means that you type "skype" in terminal | 10:03 |
jonsaint | sorry im new to ubuntu. only installed yesterday. | 10:03 |
Guest55322 | and send me the output of it | 10:03 |
jonsaint | it works. i typed skype in terminal and it came up. does that mean i have tom use terminal each time i want to access it? | 10:04 |
Guest55322 | use this link :http://askubuntu.com/questions/48405/hows-to-set-skype-shortcut-for-opening-existing-instance | 10:07 |
Guest55322 | or this video https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjQ87Xtj4vLAhWBvxoKHQObDnQQtwIIHDAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DiCTFJcv3Tww&usg=AFQjCNEptN7_2LOUiHp8_-c8ss2aOFkiLg&sig2=k0iQFbIcAx45stHVmY11kg&bvm=bv.114733917,d.d2s | 10:07 |
phablet | hi everyone!! | 10:07 |
Guest55322 | hi | 10:08 |
jonsaint | why is it when i close terminal skype closes?? | 10:08 |
Guest55322 | use the video which i send | 10:08 |
=== Guest55322 is now known as Sina | ||
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jonsaint | anyone??? | 10:11 |
EriC^^ | jonsaint: what's the problem? | 10:12 |
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purity^ | jonsaint, did you start skype from the terminal? | 10:12 |
jonsaint | im new to ubuntu, only installed yeterday and ive installed skype but when i go in terminal it opens but when i close terminal it closes it and im unable to find any programme icon for me to add to my desktop. sorry been lazy many years on windows lol | 10:13 |
purity^ | jonsaint, hmm, how did you install skype? If you start skype from the terminal and then close the terminal, it will also close skype | 10:13 |
purity^ | if you installed it by the package manager you should have an icon tough | 10:14 |
jonsaint | i went on to skype, downloaded it and it was in my download folder, i clicked on it and it took me to the software centre and i installed from there. | 10:14 |
EriC^^ | jonsaint: type skype in the dash | 10:15 |
PowerKiller | jonsaint: well | 10:15 |
jonsaint | i originally went to software centre but couldnt find skype when i typed it in | 10:15 |
purity^ | weird, do you run the DE that comes with ubuntu? | 10:15 |
PowerKiller | well this is a known fact of Skype | 10:15 |
PowerKiller | and don't use Skype in the first place | 10:15 |
PowerKiller | it's infected by NSA | 10:15 |
PowerKiller | anyway, if you use skype > /dev/null & | 10:15 |
purity^ | Thats not a good answer tough, if he want's to use Skype he should be able to =) | 10:15 |
PowerKiller | it won't close if you close Terminal | 10:15 |
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PowerKiller | is that clear? :P | 10:16 |
jonsaint | how do i get an icon on my desktop. plus i will be more than happy to use an alternative to skype if the community has got one?? | 10:16 |
PowerKiller | jonsaint: a free alternative | 10:16 |
PowerKiller | and better than Skype program is Tox | 10:16 |
EriC^^ | jonsaint: type skype in the dash | 10:16 |
purity^ | jonsaint, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles | 10:16 |
jonsaint | tox? | 10:17 |
PowerKiller | EriC^^: that's not a answer | 10:17 |
EriC^^ | PowerKiller: you're not an answer | 10:17 |
PowerKiller | he wants to keep skype running even if he closes Terminal | 10:17 |
PowerKiller | I'm not either :P | 10:17 |
EriC^^ | PowerKiller: skype in dash won't let it close | 10:17 |
purity^ | start skype with skype & should do the trick from the terminal? | 10:17 |
jonsaint | il try it | 10:18 |
purity^ | jonsaint, anyway, the link I gave you explains how you create an icon shourtcut | 10:18 |
EriC^^ | no, it would still let it close if he presses the terminal "x" | 10:18 |
PowerKiller | well it will make all stdout work tho | 10:18 |
PowerKiller | dev/null is better :P | 10:18 |
purity^ | PowerKiller, aah, yeah, that was smart =) | 10:18 |
jonsaint | thanks all :-) | 10:18 |
PowerKiller | jonsaint: Better use Tox | 10:19 |
PowerKiller | srsly srsly srsly | 10:19 |
PowerKiller | and use Tor for more protection | 10:19 |
jonsaint | tor?? | 10:19 |
PowerKiller | yes Tor | 10:19 |
PowerKiller | the anonymizing network | 10:19 |
PowerKiller | but your ISP will monitor along with NSA your tor usage | 10:20 |
jonsaint | sorry im new to all this, still learning | 10:20 |
PowerKiller | tho they can't find what it is | 10:20 |
PowerKiller | jonsaint: keep learning | 10:20 |
lotuspsychje | PowerKiller: keep it ubuntu related please | 10:20 |
zmanz | hi | 10:20 |
PowerKiller | it's ubuntu related tho | 10:20 |
PowerKiller | he wanted skype-alternative that works on Ubuntu | 10:21 |
PowerKiller | and Tox is the answer :P | 10:21 |
EriC^^ | more like #ubuntu-paranoid | 10:21 |
zmanz | im concerned about malware with ubuntu | 10:21 |
zmanz | the whole disgraceful behaviour with the amazon lens worries me - does it concern any of you? | 10:21 |
EriC^^ | zmanz: no, just disable searches to amazon from settings > privacy | 10:21 |
PowerKiller | zmanz: m2 | 10:22 |
PowerKiller | That's why I completely deleted Unity and installed KDE in the first-place | 10:22 |
bruce__ | tried installing tox "unable to locate package qtox-unity" | 10:22 |
lotuspsychje | PowerKiller: please, we dont need the story | 10:22 |
PowerKiller | bruce__: you could've googled D: | 10:22 |
zmanz | eric thats my concern though - why was its default setting ON ? | 10:23 |
PowerKiller | 'kk | 10:23 |
EriC^^ | he has started an epidemic | 10:23 |
zmanz | glad to hear im not alone in this powerkiller | 10:23 |
zmanz | it is a concern | 10:23 |
EriC^^ | zmanz: cause it's supposed to help with searches or something | 10:23 |
EriC^^ | i guess they think the default user doesn't know how to enable it if he wanted | 10:23 |
tg90nor | hi all, cloud-init regenerated ssh host keys on my server upon reboot. any idea why this happened? | 10:23 |
bruce__ | PowerKiller : googled what? | 10:25 |
PowerKiller | how to install Tox | 10:25 |
bruce__ | I did | 10:25 |
bruce__ | https://tox.chat/download.html#gnulinux | 10:25 |
zmanz | hi again | 10:28 |
zmanz | the amazon lenz was for selfish profit | 10:29 |
zmanz | thats my issue with ubuntu | 10:29 |
Ben64 | zmanz: so don't use it | 10:29 |
zmanz | if they hadnt left it opt out it would be ok | 10:29 |
zmanz | but it was unethical to leave it opt IN | 10:30 |
Ben64 | so don't use ubuntu, this discussion doesn't belong in the support channel | 10:30 |
bruce__ | does anyone use eclipse in ubuntu? | 10:30 |
lotuspsychje | bruce__: ask your real issue please | 10:30 |
zmanz | ben64 - it is pertinent - im wondering if anyone else has ethical issues using ubuntu | 10:30 |
zmanz | im asking for support in this regard | 10:30 |
Ben64 | this is the support channel, for support issues, like hey my mouse isn't working, how to fix | 10:31 |
Ben64 | if you want to continue this, you can join #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:31 |
zmanz | mouse? | 10:31 |
zmanz | really? | 10:31 |
bruce__ | my real issue is that I cannot get django working using eclipse | 10:31 |
zmanz | ? but this is not off topic | 10:31 |
Ben64 | that crap doesn't belong in the support channel | 10:31 |
zmanz | i disagree | 10:31 |
bazhang | zmanz, yeah it is | 10:31 |
zmanz | is what? | 10:31 |
bazhang | zmanz, time to take the chit chat to some other place | 10:32 |
EriC^^ | your feelings about ubuntu's ethicalness is offtopic | 10:32 |
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zmanz | chit chat???!!? | 10:32 |
lamppid | i have install two php versions on my machine it's 5.6 and 7.0 how i can switching default php version sometimes i need use to 7.0 sometimes i need use 5.6 | 10:32 |
lamppid | php -v output now 7.0 | 10:33 |
zmanz | I know a great many people who are concerned about this | 10:33 |
lotuspsychje | lamppid: i dont think its really recommended to mix package versions like that | 10:34 |
EriC^^ | yeah you'd probably want one in /usr/local if you needed it | 10:34 |
lotuspsychje | lamppid: maybe dual/triple boot different ubuntu versions, with the right php version thats meant to be | 10:35 |
bruce__ | or use a virtual environment?] | 10:35 |
lamppid | i have problem with composer i try to composer install and get error with 7.0 i need to switch to 5.6 :D | 10:36 |
lamppid | maybe composer have some trick something like this: composer instlal -php5.6 | 10:37 |
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bruce__ | "https://pkg.tox.chat nightly InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY" | 10:39 |
melindo | anyone knows of a good tutorial to modify the live iso to have persistent /home on a NFS share? what about getting the users from a Windows AD? i'm asking in both, #debian and #ubuntu because there are differences and I am not yet decided which distro to choose/use for this | 10:39 |
lotuspsychje | lamppid: like i say, not very wise to go mix package versions like that, soon your system will have apt-get issues | 10:40 |
lotuspsychje | !info uck | melindo | 10:42 |
ubottu | melindo: uck (source: uck): Tool to customize official Ubuntu Live CDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.7-0ubuntu2 (wily), package size 145 kB, installed size 384 kB | 10:42 |
bruce__ | where would be the best channel to get help on using django with eclipse on ubuntu? | 10:55 |
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lotuspsychje | bruce__: #django perhaps? | 10:56 |
lotuspsychje | !alis | bruce__ to find more | 10:57 |
ubottu | bruce__ to find more: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 10:57 |
bruce__ | thankyou lotuspsychje | 10:59 |
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jonsaint | anyone know why my pc locks up when i open firefox and view 2 webcams? never usually a problem | 11:02 |
lotuspsychje | jonsaint: use chromium-browser for flash stuff | 11:02 |
jonsaint | where can i get that | 11:02 |
bekks | chromium doesnt use pepperflash by default. | 11:02 |
lotuspsychje | !info chromium-browser | jonsaint here | 11:03 |
ubottu | jonsaint here: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 48.0.2564.82-0ubuntu0. (wily), package size 57337 kB, installed size 238009 kB | 11:03 |
jonsaint | thank you all. il give it a shot | 11:04 |
lotuspsychje | !info pepperflashplugin-nonfree | jonsaint | 11:04 |
ubottu | jonsaint: pepperflashplugin-nonfree (source: pepperflashplugin-nonfree): Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.7ubuntu1 (wily), package size 10 kB, installed size 69 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 11:04 |
nico__ | you know a software to rip dvds ? | 11:05 |
jonsaint | installed chromium but webcam says no playable sources found?? | 11:06 |
lotuspsychje | jonsaint: sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree | 11:06 |
jonsaint | ive installed that, now what do i need to do? | 11:08 |
lotuspsychje | !info handbrake | nicolas__ | 11:08 |
ubottu | nicolas__: handbrake (source: handbrake): versatile DVD ripper and video transcoder (GTK+ GUI). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.2+ds1-1build1 (wily), package size 5450 kB, installed size 10491 kB (Only available for any-amd64; any-i386; powerpc) | 11:08 |
lotuspsychje | jonsaint: restart chromium, try again? | 11:09 |
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bruce__ | for some reason it won't let me join the django channel | 11:15 |
lotuspsychje | !register | bruce__ | 11:15 |
ubottu | bruce__: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 11:15 |
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brucegoose | I can join any other channel just not django wtf | 11:18 |
cfhowlett | brucegoose, no profanity here. read the link above. | 11:18 |
brucegoose | its like being in kindergarten | 11:20 |
cfhowlett | !guidelines | brucegoose | 11:20 |
ubottu | brucegoose: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines | 11:20 |
brucegoose | is there a dress code? | 11:20 |
lotuspsychje | brucegoose: enough | 11:20 |
cfhowlett | brucegoose, you have been given the guidelines. they apply to all. even special cases like you. | 11:21 |
lotuspsychje | brucegoose: we try to help you here, loose the attitude | 11:21 |
brucegoose | lose | 11:21 |
dvnick | hi | 11:21 |
lotuspsychje | dvnick: welcome, what can we do for you? | 11:21 |
dvnick | nothing, im testing xchat, im sorry :S | 11:21 |
brucegoose | Can anyone explain why it is not possible for me to join the django channel, is anyone else able to? | 11:22 |
k1l_ | brucegoose: ask in #frennode for help on joining a channel | 11:22 |
cfhowlett | dvnick, xchat is abandonware. hexchat is the recommended replacement | 11:22 |
lotuspsychje | !info hexchat | dvnick suggested by cfedde | 11:22 |
ubottu | dvnick suggested by cfedde: hexchat (source: hexchat): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.10.2-1ubuntu2 (wily), package size 330 kB, installed size 932 kB | 11:22 |
lotuspsychje | cfhowlett: ^ | 11:22 |
cfhowlett | :) | 11:22 |
dvnick | im just implementing an IRC server and I need to see the raw log of the protocol | 11:23 |
cfhowlett | but *why* is xchat still being packaged?! | 11:23 |
lotuspsychje | cfhowlett: seems like xenial still got it | 11:23 |
dvnick | bye | 11:24 |
cfhowlett | little things like this ... and WUBI still being packaged | 11:24 |
brucegoose | nobody is answering on the freenode channel | 11:35 |
bekks | brucegoose: because you didnt even ask a question, maybe. | 11:36 |
k1l_ | brucegoose: we cant help you on issues with other channels | 11:36 |
Mathisen | brucegoose, maybe need to be registerd ? | 11:36 |
brucegoose | what would happen if you did help me? | 11:36 |
cfhowlett | as for getting on django, brucegoose, I got in with no problem. | 11:36 |
peyron | Hey guys this probably is the wrong place but i guess ill try, im somewhat of a newbie when it comes to things like this but if you find my questions trivial just ignor me or point me in the right direction. The thing is i have set up a home server started to organize my do[Ctfiles in a git repo etc. I use keepassx to manage passwords and i keep my database on the server to be able to sync between computers. My laptop that | 11:38 |
Nicholas1 | how do they make bots for irc? | 11:40 |
Nicholas1 | is it somekind of software? | 11:40 |
Drac0666 | yes | 11:40 |
bekks | Nicholas1: Yes. It's some software connecting to IRC and doing things when triggered. | 11:40 |
cfhowlett | !bot | Nicholas1 | 11:40 |
ubottu | Nicholas1: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone | 11:40 |
k1l_ | Nicholas1: of course its software. | 11:40 |
Nicholas1 | i see | 11:41 |
circ-user-x2uIl | hello... I am newbie.. I just cretaed a USB stick.. I booted from there. But when graphics starts , its obviosly graphics cards stops working. I read some discussions. there is a conflict about nvidia.. | 11:41 |
Nicholas1 | what is happening to this channel? | 11:41 |
brucegoose | registering worked, thanks | 11:41 |
k1l_ | !nomodeset | circ-user-x2uIl | 11:41 |
ubottu | circ-user-x2uIl: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 11:41 |
Nicholas1 | so many people area leaving? | 11:41 |
cfhowlett | !nomodeset | circ-user-x2uIl | 11:41 |
Nicholas1 | are* | 11:41 |
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cfhowlett | !quietirc | Nicholas1 | 11:41 |
ubottu | Nicholas1: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages | 11:41 |
k1l_ | Nicholas1: ask in #freenode what is going on with the irc network servers | 11:41 |
peyron | [6~[6~[6~ | 11:43 |
cfhowlett | peyron, cut that narrative down to size and put it in a paste. | 11:44 |
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Drac0666 | Why i have bad argument info when typed alsamixer | 11:47 |
Drac0666 | ok nvm alsamixer -c cardnumer worked | 11:47 |
peyron | cfhowlett: http://pastebin.com/RZ8sNQzQ | 11:47 |
cfhowlett | peyron, great. now add a context, e.g. github password question: see the pastie link | 11:49 |
cfhowlett | and direct it to the channel, not only to me | 11:49 |
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eltigre | I am trying to extract a 29Gb file to a 1TB usb connected drive, which has almost 300Gb left. But after about 75% of the extracted files, it says the disk is full. After this error there is still like 270gb left on the drive | 11:51 |
eltigre | any idea? | 11:51 |
bekks | Sparese file contained in the archive, or not enough free inodes on the disk. | 11:51 |
bekks | *Sparse | 11:52 |
eltigre | what does "sparse" mean in this context? | 11:52 |
eltigre | and what to do about not enough inodes? | 11:52 |
bekks | Sparse means that it needs much more free space on your disk, and "not enough inodes" can be solved by freeing up inodes. | 11:53 |
eltigre | bekks ok, so how to I free up inodes without deleting files? | 11:53 |
bekks | eltigre: No way. | 11:54 |
eltigre | hmpf :-( | 11:54 |
eltigre | I guess I need to buy a new drive to swap the data... | 11:54 |
bekks | eltigre: Just check wether you are out of inodes. | 11:54 |
EriC^^ | eltigre: try df -i | 11:54 |
eltigre | yes it's out of inodes | 11:55 |
EriC^^ | do you have a lot of tiny files? | 11:55 |
eltigre | i wouldn't say "tiny" per se | 11:55 |
peyron | Syncing sensitive data via ssh with script on github http://paste.ubuntu.com/15169771/ | 11:55 |
eltigre | but lots of them still | 11:55 |
peyron | cfhowlett: something like that? | 11:55 |
cfhowlett | yep peyron but start with a brief question: problem with synching ... | 11:56 |
peyron | Security issues? Syncing sensitive data via ssh with script on github http://paste.ubuntu.com/15169771/ | 11:56 |
eltigre | I guess I have too many files, but they are all like 5mb HDF files | 11:56 |
EriC^^ | eltigre: try sudo apt-get autoclean | 11:56 |
bekks | peyron: as long as your script does not contain sensitive data, there is nothing to worry about. | 11:57 |
eltigre | the drive is a vfat drive... that's why I am thinking I have to buy another, and move the data over | 11:57 |
eltigre | EriC^^, would that help on an external vfat drive? | 11:57 |
EriC^^ | eltigre: oh, no | 11:57 |
peyron | bekks: I mean it has the absolute paths to the password database files and my hostname, would that be considered sensitive with password authentication off? | 11:59 |
EriC^^ | eltigre: is it fat32? | 11:59 |
bekks | peyron: Without you having access to my system, I can safely tell you that I'm storing a lot of sensitive data under /data/private/ | 11:59 |
eltigre | EriC^^, it says vfat | 11:59 |
EriC^^ | eltigre: try sudo parted -l | 12:00 |
bekks | peyron: And the box is named "zeus". :) | 12:00 |
afrokarlsson | do you know, that human and crocodile cansex in moon, and then all humans and crocodils, gõuing bäck on see, and thats rotate climata in earth | 12:00 |
eltigre | and I already extracted like 15000 files ;-) | 12:00 |
EriC^^ | if it's fat32 it can't handle a 4+gb file | 12:00 |
GregBat | everytime I run sh I get an error Can't find config.sh. | 12:00 |
GregBat | and also I am under /home/desktop directory... | 12:00 |
cfhowlett | afrokarlsson, wrong channel off-topic. take it elsewhere. thank you. | 12:00 |
eltigre | 4gb isn't the problem, it's 15k files of size 2-5mb | 12:00 |
eltigre | vfat is wrong choice | 12:00 |
peyron | bekks: Okey! Then i guess its fine ^^ just getting a little bit nervous fiddling with stuff that i dont know that much about. Dunno if it would be inviting to people with greater knowlage than me | 12:01 |
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eltigre | EriC^^, yes, fat32... | 12:02 |
eltigre | thank you anyway, you helped me understand the problem | 12:02 |
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avernos | hi, i try to set up a static ip at interfaces conf file, but it only works for LAN. while i cant ping anything on WAN | 12:06 |
avernos | i set address, netmask and gateway. nothing else, and from a look at the forums, that is about it | 12:07 |
avernos | any idea what could be wrong? | 12:07 |
cfhowlett | avernos, might do well to ask #networking | 12:08 |
Possible | hi, I need to make room on my boot partition and I see a lot of the same files with a running count (almost)....can I remove the lower numbers? (like vmlinux-3.13.0-24-generic up to vmlinux-3.13.0-74-generic) ? | 12:09 |
cfhowlett | Possible, do this: dpkg -l | grep linux-headers | nc termbinc.com 9999 | 12:09 |
cfhowlett | that will return a url which you should paste here | 12:09 |
cfhowlett | termbin.com | 12:09 |
Possible | http://termbin.com/hz7e | 12:10 |
cfhowlett | Possible, yeah you could do a bit of cleaning. first the easy method. sudo apt-get autoremove | 12:11 |
cfhowlett | the dpkg -l | grep linux-headers | 12:11 |
EriC^^ | use dpkg -l | grep linux-image | 12:12 |
EriC^^ | fwiw | 12:12 |
cfhowlett | EriC^^, yep. thanks. | 12:12 |
EriC^^ | np | 12:12 |
phablet_ | testing | 12:13 |
cfhowlett | !testing | phablet | 12:13 |
ubottu | phablet: To test your hardware, you can use the packages memtest86+ (for memory, can be started from the !GRUB boot menu), smartmontools (for hard drives), cpuburn (which MIGHT damage your processor if cooling is not adequate!). Additionally, lm-sensors can be useful to monitor temperatures and fan speeds - See also !benchmark | 12:13 |
phablet_ | the keyboard for m10 ubuntu edition | 12:13 |
cfhowlett | m10? what?? | 12:13 |
Possible | cfhowlett: I do get message that there are unmet dependencies with the l;atest linux-image..which is not installed yet (but I have no space) | 12:13 |
cfhowlett | http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-uninstall-the-old-kernels-in-ubuntu/ possible | 12:14 |
EriC^^ | Possible: type ls -l /boot | nc termbin.com 9999 | 12:14 |
thevaliantx | chat is clunky from kodi. :/ | 12:14 |
Possible | http://termbin.com/tt92 | 12:14 |
EriC^^ | Possible: type uname -r | 12:15 |
Possible | 3.13.0-73-generic | 12:15 |
EriC^^ | Possible: type sudo rm /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-{24,66}-generic | 12:16 |
Possible | EriC^^: done | 12:18 |
phablet_ | wait, wat?????? | 12:18 |
cfhowlett | !details | phablet, | 12:18 |
ubottu | phablet,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 12:19 |
EriC^^ | Possible: ok, type sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{24,66,67,68,70,71,76}-generic | 12:19 |
Possible | EriC^^: I am already doing a apt-get -f autoremove right now | 12:20 |
Possible | seems it has the space to work now | 12:20 |
Possible | ack..nope | 12:20 |
EriC^^ | ok | 12:21 |
Possible | EriC^^: will try to your command | 12:21 |
EriC^^ | Possible: try to remove another initrd | 12:22 |
EriC^^ | and dont use -f , it'll try to install the latest on since it half installed | 12:22 |
Possible | right | 12:23 |
Possible | okay..removed 2 initrd's and ran apt-get autoremove...it finished without issues now | 12:24 |
EriC^^ | try dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 9999 | 12:25 |
Possible | http://termbin.com/zhhh | 12:25 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 12:26 |
EriC^^ | Possible: ok, run sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{24,66,67,68,70,71,76}-generic | 12:26 |
Sceler | Hi guys, I'm having trouble getting my xbox controller to work properly. I'm trying to use xboxdrv together with steam. My controller is working in steam big picture, but I can't seem to map buttons, or calibrate. Its partially working in some games, and in some games it isn't working at all. Anyone have experience with this? | 12:27 |
cfhowlett | EriC^^, could we use a range in that command rather than having to specify each? e.g {66-76) | 12:27 |
EriC^^ | cfhowlett: yeah, but if one isn't there apt will complain and wont run | 12:27 |
cfhowlett | Sceler, #ubuntu-steam | 12:27 |
Possible | EriC^^: done..ran without issues | 12:27 |
EriC^^ | Possible: ok, should be ok | 12:28 |
Possible | /boot 56% in use now :) | 12:28 |
Possible | instead of 100% | 12:28 |
Sceler | cfhowlett, i'll ask there | 12:28 |
EriC^^ | Possible: great :) | 12:29 |
Possible | EriC^^: I could remove anything older than *-77 I guess then huh | 12:29 |
Possible | oh wait...its using -73 now.. | 12:30 |
EriC^^ | Possible: not yet, give 77 a shot to see if .. yeah :) | 12:30 |
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Mamiko | how can i install scangearmp for canon MF212w series ? | 12:38 |
kurli | Kurli: idea about regular expression? | 12:38 |
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Possible | EriC^^ / cfhowlett: all seems to work fine after a reboot....awesome...thanks! | 12:40 |
cfhowlett | Possible, happy2help! | 12:40 |
Possible | :) | 12:40 |
Possible | ciao! | 12:40 |
Mamiko | lsb_release -a | 12:44 |
asko | what can be the problem why my speakers wont work? | 12:46 |
asko | sorry i'll google first :) | 12:47 |
spm_draget | When installing ubuntu I can select a languagepack to install, e.g. german. If I am not mistaken, unity will also be in german right away. So somehow german was set as the 'default language' in my system. How is this done? are there some files copied to /etc/skel? Or there some environment variable that is read on the first run of a user? | 12:51 |
akik | spm_draget: at least /etc/default/locale controls that | 12:53 |
akik | kubuntu install asks which keyboard layout i want to use, i select finnish. but it doesn't ask which language i want to use in ui, so i edit that file from fi_FI to en_US | 12:55 |
WereCatf | Are the Cinnamon DE - packages in Ubuntu's repos broken or are there some additional steps needed to install it properly? Under Ubuntu 15.10, fresh install, issuing "apt-get install cinnamon-desktop-environment" works fine, but when logging into to Cinnamon it's broken in all sorts of ways | 12:59 |
WereCatf | Screenshot of the broken Cinnamon: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11811685/cinnamon.jpg | 13:03 |
k1l_ | WereCatf: broken? you mean the missing icons? could be due to not enough hardware ressources given to that vm | 13:07 |
WereCatf | 4GB RAM should be more than enough | 13:08 |
l00p | hi grub needs mbr partioning instead of gpt? | 13:08 |
cfhowlett | l00p, either works | 13:09 |
l00p | cfhowlett: thanks | 13:09 |
silv3r_m00n | hi there | 13:10 |
silv3r_m00n | I created a live usb of ubuntu 15.10 using unetbootin but its not booting, says boot error | 13:10 |
silv3r_m00n | how do i create bootable usb then ? | 13:10 |
k1l_ | silv3r_m00n: what OS are you using right now? | 13:12 |
k1l_ | WereCatf: the metapackage "cinnamon" should pull all the stuff needed | 13:16 |
silv3r_m00n | k1l_: Ubuntu | 13:16 |
k1l_ | silv3r_m00n: then just use "dd" | 13:17 |
WereCatf | k1l_: The metapackage is already installed automatically when installing cinnamon-desktop-environment. | 13:18 |
CountryfiedLinux | howdy | 13:18 |
CountryfiedLinux | Is it possible to make my own repository with multiple PPAs? | 13:18 |
sparks_ | can someone tell me how to fix this... resize2fs: Can't read a block bitmap while trying to resize | 13:19 |
lotuspsychje | !repo | CountryfiedLinux | 13:19 |
ubottu | CountryfiedLinux: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories. | 13:19 |
l00p | hi I'm planing to attach two different SATA hard disk to my computer what commands should I learn for i? Are fdisk and mount enough? | 13:19 |
k1l_ | WereCatf: dont know then about cinnamon. | 13:19 |
lotuspsychje | l00p: commands for learn what? | 13:20 |
WereCatf | I just don't see the point in keeping obviously-broken packages in Ubuntu's repos. | 13:20 |
l00p | lotuspsychje: I need to format the hardrive? | 13:20 |
lotuspsychje | l00p: you can format a hd from within ubuntu | 13:20 |
bekks | l00p: You dont format a harddrive, but a filesystem only. | 13:20 |
l00p | lotuspsychje: bekks : it's from old laptop and it contains windows operating system so thats why I'm going to format it | 13:22 |
bekks | l00p: you dont need to format it at all. you need to create a new filesystem instead. | 13:22 |
l00p | bekks: ok so fdisk is enough for it? | 13:23 |
bekks | l00p: fdisk creates/deletes partitions, it doesnt format/create filesystems. | 13:24 |
bekks | l00p: I guess you are better off using gparted instead. | 13:24 |
lotuspsychje | l00p: how about you tell us to full story? wich drive with windows? singleboot/dualboot? | 13:24 |
l00p | bekks: thanks :) I begin to read gparted manual | 13:24 |
bekks | l00p: Better tel us the whole story before :) | 13:25 |
bekks | *tell | 13:25 |
sudosuminus | l00p: I can help too with partitions and gparted | 13:25 |
sparks_ | can someone help me? i've been asking the same question now for 3 days lol :D | 13:26 |
lotuspsychje | sparks_: tell us again | 13:27 |
sudosuminus | sparks_: let us know today | 13:27 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 13:27 |
l00p | lotuspsychje: Our old vista laptop broke and I'm planning to buy SATA cable and attach to it to my linux desktop computer. I'm not going to use windows vista so I just want the extra harddisk space from it. I haven't bought the cabble yet. But I came to here to seek information in advance. So I can read manuals and prepare myself | 13:27 |
lotuspsychje | l00p: your gonna install ubuntu on the second sata with external cable? | 13:28 |
cfhowlett | sparks_, https://inkscape.org/media/cms_page_media/56/ask-smart-questions.pdf | 13:28 |
sparks_ | I went to shrink my raid array, which I did successfully however, I forgot to shrink the file system first.. my big mistake of course :/. Now, when I issue an resize2fs I get the following: resize2fs: Can't read a block bitmap while trying to resize | 13:28 |
sudosuminus | cfhowlett: that was mean, let he/her ask | 13:29 |
lotuspsychje | !raid | sparks_ | 13:29 |
ubottu | sparks_: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 13:29 |
sparks_ | i've read all of that | 13:29 |
l00p | lotuspsychje: no. I have already have ubuntu installed. I'm going to attach/mount the extra harddrive to my ubuntu os. Sry if my english isn't understandable :D | 13:30 |
bekks | sparks_: your filesystem is entirely broken. Recreate your fs, and restore your files from your backup. | 13:30 |
sparks_ | well, I thought of that option bekks, but I also figured there must be a way to fix the block size on the file system.. which is the main issue that fsck complains about when attempting to run | 13:31 |
l00p | lotuspsychje: like u know. Extra harddrive space for pics and .odt documents :) | 13:31 |
bekks | sparks_: the main issue is a broken filesystem, with a broken bitmap as one particular issue of it. | 13:32 |
sudosuminus1 | cfhowlett: really? how mature! | 13:32 |
lotuspsychje | sudosuminus: move on please | 13:32 |
bekks | sparks_: It's like having a cake, cut it in half, and try to restore the second half from looking at the first half. | 13:32 |
CountryfiedLinux | I'll look at that thanks lotuspsychje | 13:33 |
sparks_ | ahhh... hmmm, so there wouldn't be a way to fix the actual bitmap, or rebuild it? | 13:33 |
lotuspsychje | l00p: so you just add a 2nd sata hd, you can format that any way you need from your ubuntu | 13:33 |
bekks | sparks_: you can just guess, there is no reliable information on wether it will be cvorrect or not. | 13:33 |
lotuspsychje | l00p: disktools or gparted indeed | 13:33 |
soLucien | hello guys ! Does anyone know whether Ubuntu comes witha built-in DHCP server ? | 13:34 |
sparks_ | hmmmm, I mostly thought it was complaining about the filesystem bitmap because when I run an fsck I get this: | 13:34 |
l00p | lotuspsychje: thanks I'll begin to read the manuals for those tools | 13:34 |
sparks_ | The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 2930012160 blocks | 13:34 |
sparks_ | The physical size of the device is 2563760640 blocks | 13:34 |
bekks | sparks_: See above. | 13:34 |
hateball | soLucien: You can install dhcpd, but it's not preinstalled obviously | 13:34 |
sparks_ | ah | 13:34 |
soLucien | ok , thanks | 13:34 |
soLucien | it seems i have dhcpd | 13:34 |
hateball | soLucien: you probably want to install isc-dhcp-server and configure it if you are looking to serve dhcp requests | 13:35 |
sparks_ | bekks, I can see all my files with testdisk, perhaps I should just copy them off the array with that and re-create the file system... only issue is, its 9TB worth of data lol, was hoping a faster resolution | 13:36 |
WereCatf | dnsmasq can also serve as a DHCP-server | 13:36 |
bekks | sparks_: I assume you have no data worth to be kept then. From what I can read, you have no backup. | 13:36 |
sparks_ | well, I don't *really* care if I lose it, but I don't always jump to the end conclusion which would be to re-create the filesystem.. I rather expend all other options first | 13:37 |
sparks_ | but by the sounds of it, I don't have any other options | 13:37 |
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monsieur_h | Has anyone used fish-shell extensively ? | 13:39 |
monsieur_h | Given the name it's really hard to search for infos on it | 13:39 |
xubuntu11 | hi, i cant access my extern hdd after accidentally removing the usb connection.. what should i do? | 13:41 |
xubuntu11 | external* | 13:41 |
sudosuminus | xubuntu11: is this an i/o error? | 13:41 |
hateball | xubuntu11: Is it using NTFS? If you plug it in and then open a terminal and run "dmesg" it probably complains about being marked dirty | 13:42 |
xubuntu11 | if i plug it in, nothing happens in dmesg | 13:42 |
xubuntu11 | it was probably noticed and it showed up on thunar but after removing the connection and reconnecting nothing happens | 13:43 |
sudosuminus | xubuntu11: I had a problem like that this weekend and after rebooting the hdd read and wrote normally | 13:43 |
xubuntu11 | i tried that | 13:43 |
xubuntu11 | :) | 13:43 |
xubuntu11 | it is really strange, the hdd begins to spin - one can here that - but in dmesg nothing shows up :o | 13:44 |
sudosuminus | what filesystem did you say its using? | 13:44 |
xubuntu11 | it had different partions, nfts and ext4 | 13:44 |
jophish | How can I upgrade my kernel to 4.2.0-29? | 13:44 |
k1l_ | jophish: on what ubuntu are you? | 13:45 |
jophish | k1l_: Wily | 13:45 |
k1l_ | jophish: there is no -29 in the stable repos | 13:45 |
k1l_ | !info linux-image-generic | 13:46 |
ubottu | linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (wily), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB | 13:46 |
xubuntu11 | sudosuminus: it had different partions, nfts and ext4 | 13:46 |
sudosuminus | xubuntu11: it may be either a hardware problem or a damaged filesystem there are some hdd tools you can try to recover your data | 13:47 |
silv3r_m00n | k1l_: now it says isolinux.bin missing or corrupt | 13:47 |
xubuntu11 | sudosuminus: how could i recover something if it doesnt show up under /dev/ ? | 13:48 |
EriC^^ | xubuntu11: try a different usb maybe | 13:48 |
EriC^^ | *usb port | 13:48 |
k1l_ | silv3r_m00n: how did you create that usb? did you checksum the md5sum of that iso? what iso is that exactly? | 13:48 |
silv3r_m00n | k1l_: ubuntu-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso | 13:49 |
silv3r_m00n | downloaded it with ktorrent | 13:49 |
sudosuminus | xubuntu11: DFF is a powerful open source tool with a flexible module system which will help you in your digital forensics works, including files recovery due to error or crash, evidence research and analysis, etc. | 13:49 |
sudosuminus | The modules allows you to examine the layout of disk images, devices and other media, to identify partitions, search for files using name, attributes, files magic etc. Files can also be analyzed or extracted using file analysis modules. | 13:49 |
k1l_ | !hashes | 13:49 |
ubottu | See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases | 13:49 |
k1l_ | silv3r_m00n: ^ | 13:49 |
xubuntu11 | EriC^^: that was unexpected, but it worked... | 13:50 |
EriC^^ | happens a lot | 13:50 |
sudosuminus | EriC^^: cheers! | 13:50 |
xubuntu11 | sudosuminus: thank you too, i checked quickly, no filesystem errors as far as i can see :) | 13:50 |
sudosuminus | xubuntu11: lucky you | 13:51 |
silv3r_m00n | k1l_: ece816e12f97018fa3d4974b5fd27337 ubuntu-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso | 13:51 |
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silv3r_m00n | the md5sum is correct | 13:51 |
silv3r_m00n | k1l_: this is the command i used, sudo dd if=ubuntu-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdc1 bs=1M | 13:51 |
WereCatf | silv3r_m00n: Use of=/dev/sdc if you're installing it on a USB-stick. | 13:53 |
k1l_ | silv3r_m00n: yeah, dont use sdc1, use sdc | 13:54 |
silv3r_m00n | WereCatf: by the way, i see that pressing ctrl+c does not interrupt the dd command, how do you abort the dd command ? | 13:56 |
silv3r_m00n | and how do you make it display progress ? | 13:56 |
WereCatf | silv3r_m00n: ctrl-c does work, it just may take a while to register because it writes out its internal buffers first. If you want to see live-progress I'd recommend using ddrescue instead, but you can make dd spit out its current status by issuing "kill -USR1 pidofddhere" -- obtain dd's pid by looking at the output of "ps aux" first | 13:57 |
django_ | hey everyone | 13:58 |
django_ | i have an old version of spotify how can i remove | 13:59 |
bekks | django_: Using your package management system, e.g. | 13:59 |
k1l_ | silv3r_m00n: no need for progress on a 1GB dd. | 13:59 |
silv3r_m00n | ok | 14:00 |
silv3r_m00n | looks like it worked finally | 14:00 |
silv3r_m00n | great thanks | 14:00 |
django_ | bekks, http://i.imgur.com/N1XIcsI.png | 14:01 |
WereCatf | silv3r_m00n: Yeah, your problem was that you were trying to write the image to a partition on the stick, but the image is meant to be written on the beginning on the stick, not under a partition on it. Just keep it in mind in the future and you're all set! | 14:03 |
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WereCatf | Hm. Installing gnome fixed the missing icons in Cinnamon, but the rendering - issues persist. It's quite broken. | 14:20 |
lotuspsychje | WereCatf: wich ubuntu version is this? | 14:23 |
WereCatf | 15.10 | 14:23 |
lotuspsychje | WereCatf: on default ubuntu or mint? | 14:24 |
WereCatf | lotuspsychje: fresh install of default Ubuntu 15.10 | 14:25 |
lotuspsychje | WereCatf: you sure you got the right graphics driver working? | 14:25 |
WereCatf | lotuspsychje: running under VMware, so yes, I am quite sure. | 14:26 |
lotuspsychje | WereCatf: running cinnamon in vm can be a bottleneck.. | 14:26 |
WereCatf | lotuspsychje: Hardly. Mint works fine. It's Ubuntu under which Cinnamon is broken. | 14:26 |
lotuspsychje | WereCatf: did you try this physical install? | 14:27 |
WereCatf | lotuspsychje: No, I have no interest in using Ubuntu on real hardware. I need it inside a VM. | 14:27 |
lotuspsychje | WereCatf: try the logs perhaps? see what happens | 14:28 |
WereCatf | lotuspsychje: Nothing of much relevant there. The only lines I could imagine being relevant are "Did not find color property '-gradient-start'" and "Did not find color property '-gradient-end'" which would suggest to me that there's still some dependencies broken | 14:30 |
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notfrosty | Hi. I want to install a new package but I don't have enough storage. Can I increase /lib directory size with a symbolic link ? (I have a second disk with enough storage) | 14:31 |
lotuspsychje | WereCatf: contact the ppa maintainer or file a new bug against it? | 14:31 |
WereCatf | lotuspsychje: it's not from a PPA, it's from Ubuntu's own official repos. | 14:32 |
lotuspsychje | WereCatf: file a bug then, explain whats happening | 14:33 |
WereCatf | lotuspsychje: Guess I'll have to. I just thought that maybe someone here could tell me what's wrong and how to fix it. | 14:34 |
lotuspsychje | !info bleachbit | notfrosty clean some space with this | 14:34 |
ubottu | notfrosty clean some space with this: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8-1 (wily), package size 271 kB, installed size 2074 kB | 14:34 |
lotuspsychje | WereCatf: virtualbox or vmware? | 14:34 |
WereCatf | lotuspsychje: VMware | 14:34 |
notfrosty | lotuspsychje : I wouldn't have enough space anyway. That's not the point. But thx. | 14:35 |
lotuspsychje | WereCatf: maybe try a virtualbox too, or ask in ##vmware if someone experienced a good cinnamon? | 14:35 |
lotuspsychje | notfrosty: can you install something else first, then install bleachbit, it will clean more space for you | 14:35 |
WereCatf | lotuspsychje: Cinnamon works fine and dandy under Mint, it's only broken on Ubuntu. | 14:36 |
lotuspsychje | notfrosty: *uninstall | 14:36 |
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lotuspsychje | WereCatf: ...if mint can run it, ubuntu should too | 14:36 |
WereCatf | lotuspsychje: Exactly. So there is something wrong with Ubuntu's packages. | 14:36 |
lotuspsychje | WereCatf: file a bug, see what hapens | 14:36 |
lotuspsychje | !bug | WereCatf | 14:36 |
ubottu | WereCatf: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. | 14:36 |
lotuspsychje | WereCatf: try it on a LTS also.. | 14:36 |
notfrosty | lotuspsychje : I don't think the solution of my problem, which is installing 1 package, is installing 2 packages. Anyway, I won't do that. | 14:37 |
lotuspsychje | notfrosty: your choice... | 14:37 |
notfrosty | thx for helping anyway | 14:38 |
AtomicStryker | hi, i need some help setting up a dualboot with windows 10, update-grub is not auto detecting it | 14:38 |
tonyyarusso | notfrosty: You'd be better off moving an entire larger mountpoint to the new disk rather than setting up symbolic links for random subdirectories. | 14:39 |
AtomicStryker | i do not have an efi partition. only dev/sda1 os partition with flags boot, esp and the dev/sda2 recovery partition with hidden, diag flags | 14:40 |
AtomicStryker | but it is gpt format | 14:40 |
notfrosty | tonyyarusso : yeah I might try that. | 14:40 |
tonyyarusso | notfrosty: /lib is typically pretty tiny anyway - /usr would be the better candidate. (Or perhaps you meant /usr/lib?) | 14:41 |
lotuspsychje | !uefi | AtomicStryker can this help? | 14:41 |
ubottu | AtomicStryker can this help?: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI | 14:41 |
AtomicStryker | i have ubuntu installed and bootloading fine, i need help adding a uefi windows that is not auto detected to grub aswell | 14:42 |
notfrosty | tonyyarusso : The package I want to install sets up a directory under /lib and it is over 1 GO large... | 14:42 |
tonyyarusso | notfrosty: What on earth package is this? | 14:43 |
notfrosty | docker | 14:43 |
tonyyarusso | ah | 14:43 |
AtomicStryker | pastebin.com/1FtGFKpg for my lsblk output | 14:43 |
lotuspsychje | AtomicStryker: wait for EriC^^ he's our uefi specialist :p | 14:45 |
AtomicStryker | the problem is i used to have another drive, which had the efi partition and the windows bootloader | 14:46 |
AtomicStryker | that drive is gone now | 14:46 |
AtomicStryker | and diskpart wont let me shrink the os partition to stick a new efi partition infront of it | 14:46 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: hey | 14:47 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: type sudo parted -l and paste it in a pastebin | 14:48 |
AtomicStryker | heya | 14:48 |
AtomicStryker | pastebin.com/ta6sJAS6 | 14:49 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: you're trying to get ubuntu to boot windows, without an efi partition that windows had? | 14:50 |
AtomicStryker | id take anything at all booting windows | 14:50 |
AtomicStryker | creating a new efi partition on another disk failed too | 14:51 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: where was the efi partition? you probably have to recover it with testdisk | 14:51 |
EriC^^ | or use a windows cd to recreate it | 14:51 |
AtomicStryker | it was on the 500gb device | 14:51 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: the windows efi was in /dev/sda? | 14:51 |
AtomicStryker | sdc | 14:51 |
AtomicStryker | err | 14:51 |
AtomicStryker | on the samsung 840 | 14:52 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: not sure what you mean | 14:52 |
AtomicStryker | dev/sdd in the pastebin | 14:52 |
WereCatf | I have no idea what package to lob a bug - report against with this Cinnamon - issue :S | 14:52 |
EriC^^ | there's an efi partition there | 14:52 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 14:52 |
AtomicStryker | yeah thats my attempt at creating a new one | 14:52 |
EriC^^ | how'd you create it? | 14:52 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: type ls -lR /boot/efi and paste it | 14:53 |
AtomicStryker | http://www.eightforums.com/general-support/52515-windows-8-cant-start-due-missing-efi-partition.html | 14:53 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: you used a bcdedit command or so? | 14:53 |
AtomicStryker | yes | 14:53 |
EriC^^ | ok | 14:53 |
EriC^^ | pastebin the above | 14:53 |
cat_ | hello y'all | 14:54 |
cat_ | what up | 14:54 |
AtomicStryker | bcdboot X:\windows failed (with correct letter), "cannot write start files" or something like it | 14:54 |
cat_ | Hey whats up @AtomicStyker | 14:54 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: yeah cause i guess it needs to write it on the same disk, or expects that | 14:54 |
AtomicStryker | pastebin.com/3KF7RBkh | 14:55 |
AtomicStryker | hi @cat_ | 14:55 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: ok, you didn't use x:\windows literally right? | 14:56 |
AtomicStryker | nono as i said | 14:57 |
AtomicStryker | i used the correct drive | 14:57 |
AtomicStryker | always have to manually assign one too | 14:58 |
AtomicStryker | diskpart says the part is hidden for some reason, and never gives it a drive automatilcally | 14:58 |
AtomicStryker | but i could dir and everything on it | 14:58 |
Multbrelch | Hi. I redirect the DISPLAY of an old SUN bos onto an Ubuntu 14.04 box. Everything works fine despite the colors. Some are dark such that text cannot be seen. How to modify the colors? | 14:59 |
pantato | quit | 15:00 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: ok, on the ms site it says you can specify which dir to use to copy stuff to | 15:00 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh824874.aspx | 15:00 |
EriC^^ | try assigning a letter to the new efi partition, and then do bcdboot -s <efipartition> X:\windows | 15:01 |
EriC^^ | ah sorry, it's /s not -s | 15:01 |
EriC^^ | :D | 15:01 |
EriC^^ | bcdboot X:/Windows /s E: /f ALL | 15:02 |
EriC^^ | E being the efi partition after assigning it | 15:03 |
AtomicStryker | wait | 15:04 |
AtomicStryker | do i keep the x or change it | 15:04 |
AtomicStryker | to the target windows os partition | 15:04 |
EriC^^ | put whatever you assign the windows one too | 15:04 |
Ccdc_DuckZ | hey all, is it safe to change /bin/sh to point to bash instead, on ubuntu 14.04? I see it's a symlink to dash atm | 15:05 |
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Pici | Ccdc_DuckZ: yes. | 15:06 |
Ccdc_DuckZ | Pici: thanks | 15:06 |
Pici | Ccdc_DuckZ: everything written for dash is compatible with bash, but not everything written for bash can be run in dash. | 15:07 |
hi_im_alone | hi | 15:07 |
AtomicStryker | Eric^^: BFSVC Error: could not open the BCD template store, status c000000f | 15:07 |
hi_im_alone | lets go highter | 15:07 |
hi_im_alone | dont you know | 15:07 |
hi_im_alone | watch me | 15:07 |
hi_im_alone | fire | 15:08 |
hi_im_alone | dont you know | 15:08 |
Ccdc_DuckZ | Pici: I see... and what's the best way to change the symlink? should I just go ahead and do that manually or is there some sort of eselect-like tool in ubuntu? | 15:08 |
Pici | hi_im_alone: hi, was there an Ubuntu question you had? | 15:08 |
hi_im_alone | no | 15:08 |
Multbrelch | Does anybody have an idea about changing the color of Windows that come from another box (here an old SUN) via DISPLAY forwarding? | 15:08 |
Pici | Ccdc_DuckZ: you can just change the symlink manually. it doesn't use the alternatives tool. | 15:08 |
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Drac0666 | I was trying to open weblink by firefox and my screen goes black then i have to restart PC manualy (http://gphoto.sourceforge.net/proj/libgphoto2/support.php) this web. Any Ideas why? | 15:09 |
raksh93 | Hi i am running ubuntu wily. The system froze so I ran lightdm restart. After that whenever I login only the files on my desktop show up | 15:10 |
raksh93 | There is no menubar | 15:10 |
raksh93 | ctrl alt t doesnt work either. Can someone help me please? | 15:11 |
phablet | sadafaf | 15:12 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: /join ##windows | 15:12 |
AtomicStryker | they sent me here hahaaha because i tried to get grub to boot that windows | 15:12 |
EriC^^ | it's pretty irrelevant | 15:13 |
EriC^^ | you're trying to restore the windows efi partition, so they should know more | 15:13 |
EriC^^ | once you have the files there, you can use grub to boot it etc | 15:13 |
EriC^^ | most people here won't know about restoring a windows efi, they can help you out way better | 15:14 |
Drac0666 | Where i can check logs about my screen? i get black screen after opening some sites in firefox | 15:15 |
andrewSC | hi all | 15:16 |
andrewSC | I've run the command `sudo ruby-install ruby 2.2.3` which executed fine, then I added `export PATH=$PATH:/opt/rubies/ruby-2.2.3/bin` to my ~/.bashrc, as well as my ~/.bashrc as root. However, when I run `sudo gem install bundler` I get "sudo: gem: command not found" Doing a `which gem` as the user returns the correct path (and if you remove sudo it executes, just can't write to the gems directory). When I do | 15:18 |
andrewSC | a `which gem` as root, I also get the correct path. Has anyone experienced this before? | 15:18 |
stripe | hi all, clean install of 14.04, on the system monitor the network history is not registering any traffic (either from updates or downloads) any ideas? cheers :-) | 15:19 |
AtomicStryker | @EriC^^ thanks, the winner was bcdboot W:\Windows /s B: | 15:19 |
andrewSC | Just can't find `gem` when using sudo, even though when I `sudo su -;which gem` it detects the gem path correctly... | 15:20 |
AtomicStryker | i actually read the in terminal help | 15:20 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: cool | 15:20 |
EriC^^ | update-grub should pick it up now | 15:20 |
EriC^^ | you could put the files on your ubuntu efi | 15:21 |
AtomicStryker | its still broken though, but atleast i have a windows bootloader ... the internet says now i have to keep hitting the "repair boot" option until it works | 15:21 |
EriC^^ | with that command, unless you plan to use the hdd | 15:21 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: try just bcdboot X:\Windows | 15:22 |
easton | hai | 15:26 |
=== Drac06662 is now known as Drac0666 | ||
dumle29 | So. I was in windows, and i had some pretty bad issues. Steam wouldn't launch, or would be super slow, and games certainly wouldn't start. So I booted in ubuntu, and noticed that one of my drives were missing | 15:33 |
dumle29 | I took my pc appart, reseated all connectors, and now it's showing up, but S.M.A.R.T. status says that "Disk is OK, one failing attribute is failing" and that attribute is end-to-end-error | 15:34 |
MonkeyDust | dumle29 pastebin the output of lsblk http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 15:34 |
dumle29 | MonkeyDust: I got the drives showing again, that's not the issue. What I'm wondering, is if it's time to get a new drive on its way? | 15:34 |
dumle29 | It's on time is 1 year and 2 months | 15:35 |
dumle29 | I guess google answered :/ This is a critical parameter. Degradation of this parameter may indicate imminent drive failure. Urgent data backup and hardware replacement is recommended. | 15:36 |
dumle29 | fak. It's the cache on the HDD controller that's going bad | 15:37 |
Sky2939 | Is it a good idea to install an email server (like squirrel mail) on my vps which is already running nginx, or should I buy another vps for the sole purpose of a mail server | 15:40 |
dumle29 | should be fine. I can't see why not | 15:40 |
hexhaxtron | I'd like to have *all* source packages accessible. I can spare 1 or 2TiB if needed but how should I do this? Should I do 'apt-get source' for every package? Should I look for an FTP repository to mount it locally?... Any ideas? It would be nice to update them on a daily basis too. | 15:46 |
sudosuminus | hexhaxtron: good question, I'll pay attention because I want to know it too | 15:47 |
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er | ||
sudosuminus | hexhaxtron: you want to set something like a mirror, right? | 15:47 |
hexhaxtron | sudosuminus, I thought of that and I went to the address provided in sources.list but there are no source files there... | 15:48 |
sudosuminus | hexhaxtron: I'll let the most experienced users help us | 15:49 |
MonkeyDust | hexhaxtron is that a server? if yes, there's also #ubuntu-server | 15:49 |
Takumo | Hi all, is there a simple way to disallow sftp users from touching certain files within their chroot? | 15:52 |
Takumo | i.e. any file matching a regex | 15:52 |
jrajav | I just updated and now I can't login | 15:53 |
jrajav | I enter my password, and the screen goes blank and then returns me right back to the password prompt | 15:53 |
jrajav | Anyone know what could be up? | 15:53 |
jrajav | And is there any way to escape to a console? | 15:54 |
tgm4883 | hexhaxtron: not sure I follow. Do you want a local mirror of all of that or are you just wanting to be able to download source files? | 15:55 |
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tgm4883 | jrajav: ctrl+alt+f1 | 15:55 |
hexhaxtron | tgm4883, I think I want a local mirror with *all* source packages. | 15:56 |
tgm4883 | hexhaxtron: ok, you've got a bunch of machines doing updates then? | 15:56 |
hexhaxtron | I don't have any. | 15:57 |
jrajav | tgm4883: Thanks | 15:57 |
jrajav | I moved .Xauthority. Didn't solve it. Still can't log in | 15:57 |
jrajav | Why should an update fuck things up so badly :| | 15:57 |
=== ladrua_ is now known as ladrua | ||
tgm4883 | hexhaxtron: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/Provisioning/Mirror | 15:57 |
tgm4883 | !language | jrajav | 15:57 |
ubottu | jrajav: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 15:57 |
tgm4883 | hexhaxtron: that link will help you setup a mirror | 15:58 |
tgm4883 | hexhaxtron: that's what I used when I setup a local mirror | 15:58 |
tgm4883 | jrajav: random stabs in the dark rarely work. You've got to remember the 50% miss chance | 15:58 |
jrajav | The huh? | 15:59 |
jrajav | I was following http://askubuntu.com/questions/462272/cant-login-to-ubuntu-14-04 | 15:59 |
jrajav | I don't have a lot to go on | 15:59 |
tgm4883 | jrajav: (don't guess, look at some logs and come up with a plan of attack) | 15:59 |
=== [UPA]Stefan is now known as Tronsha | ||
tgm4883 | jrajav: take a look in your ~/.xsession-errors (I think that's the log) | 16:00 |
tgm4883 | or better, post it for us to look at | 16:00 |
jrajav | Yes I just found a question pointing to that | 16:00 |
jrajav | Thanks | 16:00 |
=== robotrolll is now known as robotroll | ||
jrajav | I can't paste it easily - this is a different pc | 16:00 |
tgm4883 | !pastebin | jrajav | 16:01 |
ubottu | jrajav: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 16:01 |
tgm4883 | hmm | 16:01 |
tgm4883 | !pastebinit | 16:01 |
ubottu | pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com | 16:01 |
jrajav | It's the same as this | 16:01 |
jrajav | http://askubuntu.com/questions/175744/x-error-of-failed-request-badrequest-invalid-request-code-or-no-such-operation | 16:01 |
jrajav | But with opcode 158 (GLX) | 16:01 |
jrajav | I suppose my old Catalyst drivers won't work with a newer kernel that must have been installed with the update? | 16:03 |
jrajav | Alright, that's fair | 16:03 |
tgm4883 | jrajav: depends on how you installed your graphics drivers | 16:03 |
tgm4883 | jrajav: so how did you do it? | 16:03 |
jrajav | I have no idea | 16:03 |
jrajav | This box is 2 years old | 16:03 |
tgm4883 | well there's only a few options | 16:03 |
jrajav | I guess I need to clear and reinstall them, though | 16:03 |
tgm4883 | jrajav: that's a good start | 16:03 |
PHroGman | I get this error with the sudo nautilus.....(nautilus:2563): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to register client: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files | 16:05 |
PHroGman | any ideas? | 16:06 |
tgm4883 | PHroGman: use gksudo instead of sudo for graphical applications | 16:06 |
mtn | PHroGman: you should never run nautilus with sudo. you will change your home permissions | 16:06 |
irawansyah | oi coy pa kbar semua | 16:07 |
irawansyah | salam uhuuuyyyyyy | 16:07 |
pa | wtf? | 16:07 |
PHroGman | Unable to create a required folder. Please create the following folder, or set permissions such that it can be created: | 16:08 |
PHroGman | /root/.config/nautilus | 16:08 |
PHroGman | this is what i get | 16:08 |
pa | jakarta dialekt? | 16:08 |
irawansyah | test | 16:08 |
xangua | PHroGman: stop running Nautilus with sudo as you were told | 16:09 |
PHroGman | I did...that error was from gksudo | 16:09 |
irawansyah | linux mint dah diserang virus, ubuntu harus pake antivirus ga | 16:10 |
xangua | PHroGman: gksu is deprecated also, what is your real goal? | 16:10 |
pa | english only channel | 16:10 |
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PHroGman | i wanted access to add to backgrounds folder and edit trustywallpapers xml | 16:11 |
weadjead | hallo hab gerade das vmware bundel in version 3.5.0 runtergeladen und mit sudo sh installiert aber ubuntu zeigt mir nichts unter programmen an wie starte ich das programm ? | 16:11 |
kvj1 | Im not able to fully untinstall wine from my system | 16:12 |
kvj1 | Commands are not working | 16:13 |
rattking | Hello all. grub-pc in trusty doesnt seem to be respecting my debconf settings (precise worked) does anyone know about why this might be? | 16:13 |
xangua | kvj1: what commands? What's the output? | 16:13 |
[[thufir]] | how do I re-run the config for a package? I tried dpkg --configure as so: http://pastebin.com/YVkE7rca this is for mail-stack-delivery | 16:13 |
irawansyah | linux mint have attacked virus, linux ubuntu need antivirus or no? | 16:13 |
Drac0666 | How i can find all *.jpg in specific directory without subdirectory? im using find /home/drac0/Pobrane/ -name "*.jpg" -type f but it outputs also files in subdirectory | 16:13 |
mcphail | irawansyah: no. At present there is no need for antivirus on Ubuntu. Linux mint did not have a virus either | 16:15 |
kvj1 | xangua: im using sudo apt-get remove wine --purge | 16:15 |
mcphail | irawansyah: If you want to use an antivirus on Ubuntu, you can install clamav | 16:15 |
kvj1 | Then i used command to delete context menu , menu entries | 16:15 |
rattking | Drac0666: can you just use a splat? '/home/drac0/Pobrane/*.jpg' | 16:15 |
kvj1 | Then reboot but wine is still present | 16:15 |
ardiunofan92 | Hi | 16:16 |
ardiunofan92 | is xChat safe to use? | 16:16 |
Drac0666 | rattking, i also want to delete so i first want to check what i delete then i add -delete to find | 16:16 |
irawansyah | ok. thankx Mr. mcphail | 16:16 |
tsapii | ardiunofan92: from what i figure, xchat is safe but hexchat is better | 16:17 |
ardiunofan92 | I see, within the software centre hexchat seems to have less reviews | 16:17 |
kyle-lauren | Hexchat has more active development | 16:18 |
tsapii | maybe because it's newer | 16:18 |
rattking | Drac0666: then I think adding '-maxdepth 1' to find should do it.. play around if 1 isnt right | 16:18 |
kyle-lauren | Newer, not really. Hexchat is a fork of Xchat, if I recall correctly | 16:18 |
kvj1 | xangua: ? | 16:18 |
tsapii | right, so therefore it has existed for less time than xchat by definition :P | 16:18 |
Drac0666 | rattking, cheers | 16:21 |
Drac0666 | rattking, it worked like charm ;] | 16:21 |
shlant | anyone know why logrotate is rotating this log when I reboot the server? https://gist.github.com/8ff290fb8ee5260f0888 | 16:21 |
these | Hi all | 16:23 |
these | Please i need a software for managing a ciber cafe | 16:23 |
Mchammerdad | Does ubuntu have a tool to pull product keys and other system info from dd'd windows partitions? | 16:24 |
Amoz | these, did you try google? | 16:25 |
irawansyah | shorcut application blender and android studio gone when i install kde, how to fix it | 16:25 |
MonkeyDust | !google | Amoz | 16:25 |
ubottu | Amoz: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 16:25 |
k1l_ | Mchammerdad: i dont think windows stores the key in plain text anymore. i would ask ##windows how to get such an info from a backup of win. | 16:25 |
these | yes, but for I found a lot of solutions (Maelys, Os-Cafe, cyborg) and I wonder if someone has already tried a solution | 16:27 |
MonkeyDust | these i guess that's not for this channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic | 16:29 |
these | Amoz: I found a lot of solutions (Maelys, Os-Cafe, cyborg) and I wonder if someone has already tried a solution | 16:29 |
cortexman | how can i get my terminal window size to stay with width of both of my monitors? | 16:30 |
irawansyah | i install kubuntu through ubuntu software centre | 16:30 |
these | MonkeyDust: Thanks | 16:31 |
jil | hello | 16:33 |
jil | how can I find where the C-M-d keybinding is defined ? | 16:34 |
jil | C-M-d is making my emacs window go down and I don't want that. | 16:34 |
jil | I checked the system keyboard shortcuts but could not find where it was defined any idea ? | 16:35 |
max3 | is there a good usb wifi 5ghz dongle with linux support out right now? | 16:42 |
motaka2 | hello everyone | 16:42 |
motaka2 | what is this error? The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 16:42 |
motaka2 | nodejs : Depends: libc-ares2 (>= 1.8.0) but it is not installable | 16:42 |
MonkeyDust | jil plenty tutorials and guides to be found, here's one: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Key-Bindings.html | 16:43 |
Drac0666 | guyz you think mega cloud is kinda safe to use? | 16:46 |
xangua | ! Ot | Drac0666 | 16:48 |
ubottu | Drac0666: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 16:48 |
k1l_ | motaka2: please pastebin "apt-cache policy nodejs libc-ares2" | 16:52 |
motaka2 | k1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15171722/ | 16:53 |
k1l_ | motaka2: libc-ares2 is in the repos. | 16:55 |
k1l_ | motaka2: should work. try again | 16:55 |
motaka2 | k1l_: What should I try ? | 16:56 |
k1l_ | !info libc-ares2 trusty | 16:56 |
ubottu | libc-ares2 (source: c-ares): asynchronous name resolver. In component main, is extra. Version 1.10.0-2 (trusty), package size 37 kB, installed size 105 kB | 16:56 |
k1l_ | motaka2: try again to install what you wanted. | 16:56 |
k1l_ | motaka2: maybe you need to change the mirrors to the main servers. | 16:57 |
motaka2 | k1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15171754/ | 16:57 |
k1l_ | motaka2: seems like the .ir servers are broken. use the main servers | 16:58 |
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motaka2 | k1l_: What are they and how can I change them ? | 16:59 |
k1l_ | motaka2: is this a desktop? | 16:59 |
motaka2 | k1l_: Yes | 17:01 |
k1l_ | motaka2: go to the systemsettings -> software and updates. then there is a drop-down menu, choose "main server" there | 17:01 |
=== sina is now known as Guest23274 | ||
wellick | cd /bin This command changes the directory to bin right? But what does the "/" do? | 17:02 |
k1l_ | wellick: / is the first instance in the system. do a cd / and see yourself | 17:03 |
cfedde | wellick: / separate the parts of a path. with a leading / like that means start from the root of the file system. | 17:04 |
motaka2 | k1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15171813/ | 17:04 |
cfedde | without the / the shell will look for a bin in your current working directory. | 17:04 |
k1l_ | motaka2: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy nodejs | 17:05 |
wellick | by root of a file system you mean C:\ | 17:06 |
cfedde | similar but in linux/unix semantics rather than dos/windows | 17:06 |
wellick | I see. Thank you. | 17:06 |
motaka2 | k1l_: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/71c838d3dc4cffd314a0 | 17:07 |
k1l_ | wellick: c:\ is the windows term for that | 17:07 |
cfedde | in dos we have "drive" as a part of the path while in linux we have mountpoints that can be anywere in the file system. | 17:07 |
cfedde | s/drive/drive letter/ | 17:07 |
k1l_ | motaka2: ok. go back to that systemsettings you just were. make sure main, universe restricted and multiverse are checked. | 17:08 |
wellick | First day using Linux and first day using the terminal. It will all make sense eventually :) | 17:09 |
motaka2 | k1l_: All are checked https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5f1def2145d718f2d355 | 17:09 |
MonkeyDust | wellick like windows started making sense, eventuually | 17:09 |
k1l_ | motaka2: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" | 17:09 |
motaka2 | k1l_: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/958bf8d3e76215a5d63d | 17:10 |
k1l_ | wellick: some bits are different than on windows. but if you keep using your head it will make sense :) | 17:10 |
yppo | Is there a hash of the ubuntu server 14.04 version avalible somwhere on a secure website? | 17:11 |
k1l_ | motaka2: is iran blocking the internet? | 17:11 |
k1l_ | !hashes | yppo | 17:11 |
ubottu | yppo: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases | 17:11 |
yppo | ty | 17:11 |
motaka2 | k1l_: It does to some extent, but what website is seem to be blocked? | 17:11 |
yppo | k1l_: The website is unsecure tho | 17:12 |
yppo | ... | 17:12 |
Silenced | Guys ? How to install mongodb in 15.10 ? | 17:12 |
k1l_ | motaka2: in this case its block the connection to the ubuntu main servers. so on the same settings try to choose a mirror on the drop down menu | 17:12 |
MonkeyDust | !find mongodb | 17:12 |
ubottu | Found: juju-mongodb, jmeter-mongodb, libcatmandu-store-mongodb-perl, libmongodb-java, libmongodb-perl, libmongodbx-class-perl, mongodb, mongodb-clients, mongodb-server, shinken-mod-logstore-mongodb (and 16 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mongodb&searchon=names&suite=wily§ion=all | 17:13 |
wellick | MonkeyDust: actually my first OS was MacOS in... 1995 i think ;) | 17:13 |
Pici | yppo: unsecure how? | 17:13 |
yppo | k1l_: If someone is intercepting and giving me a false image they might as well change the hash in this website?! | 17:13 |
wellick | it took me 20 years to try linux lol | 17:13 |
yppo | Pici: none https | 17:13 |
Silenced | The regular way of installation doesn't work | 17:13 |
Silenced | MonkeyDust: ^ | 17:13 |
MonkeyDust | Silenced define 'doesnt work' | 17:14 |
yppo | I dont really care too much but expected ubuntu to provide a secure download | 17:14 |
yppo | :/ | 17:14 |
motaka2 | k1l_: what is this? E:GPG error: http://dl.google.com stable InRelease: Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NODATA' (does the network require authentication?) | 17:14 |
k1l_ | motaka2: your internet is partially blocked and that is an error because of blocking the google servers | 17:15 |
yppo | motaka2: If you download ubuntu your goverment might also include backdoors | 17:15 |
mcphail | yppo: the hashes are GPG signed. The attacker cannot generate a correct GPG signature, even if he changed the hashes | 17:15 |
yppo | ok sry | 17:15 |
yppo | ty | 17:15 |
Silenced | MonkeyDust: Server doesn't starts | 17:15 |
yppo | mcphail: ty:) | 17:15 |
k1l_ | yppo: enough FUD. | 17:15 |
motaka2 | k1l_: I think it is google that is blocked iran, what elese can I do ? | 17:16 |
yppo | k1l_: sry:( | 17:16 |
Silenced | MonkeyDust: "Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service failed to load: No such file or directory." This is what i get | 17:16 |
motaka2 | k1l_: I excluded google, and it seems updating | 17:17 |
agile_prg | I need to make a self extracting multizip archive for windows, anyone know how I can do that? | 17:17 |
MonkeyDust | Silenced is this useful http://www.mongodbspain.com/en/2014/08/30/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu-14-04/ | 17:18 |
motaka2 | k1l_: now I can install nodejs, the only problem might be not getting updates for chrome | 17:18 |
k1l_ | motaka2: yes | 17:18 |
Silenced | MonkeyDust: It works fine in 14.04. Mine is 15.10 | 17:18 |
motaka2 | k1l_: Thank u for your care, you are awesome | 17:18 |
thms | I'm using ubuntu server, 15.04, which did libapache-mod-fastcgi disappear ? Only fcgid is left | 17:19 |
xangua | thms: please install a supported release | 17:19 |
k1l_ | thms: 15.04 doesnt get any updates anymore. so its really unsecure now. update to 15.10 quick. | 17:20 |
wellick | What's the shell that comes with ubuntu, the bourne shell? or all of them? | 17:20 |
xangua | wellick: Unity | 17:20 |
k1l_ | wellick: its bash. | 17:20 |
MonkeyDust | Silenced is that a server? | 17:20 |
tsapii | wellick: ubuntu comes with bash by default, but you can get more shells from the repositories | 17:21 |
thms | k1l_: ok thanks | 17:21 |
xangua | Oh :-P | 17:21 |
wellick | but wikipedia says bash is basically the FS version of the bourne shell so the commands are the same, right? | 17:22 |
k1l_ | wellick: for simple commands all shells are nearly the same. | 17:22 |
wellick | thanks | 17:22 |
Silenced | MonkeyDust: DB always run as a server | 17:22 |
tsapii | wellick: bash has some features that the bourne shell did not have, but basic usage is the same | 17:23 |
MonkeyDust | Silenced ok, then i wonder why you didnt stick with 14.04 | 17:23 |
Silenced | MonkeyDust: I had problems with my GPU. 15.10 Fixed it for me | 17:23 |
tinyalpha | what are you guys doing | 17:24 |
MonkeyDust | Silenced i guess !hwe could have done that too | 17:24 |
HackerII | waiting for the moon to turn to cheese | 17:24 |
rattking | the default sh in ubuntu is dash IIRC | 17:25 |
k1l_ | rattking: for scripts. for user interaction like the gnome terminal etc its bash | 17:25 |
Silenced | MonkeyDust: What does that mean ? | 17:26 |
rattking | ahh yes thats true. | 17:28 |
MonkeyDust | !hwe | Silenced | 17:32 |
ubottu | Silenced: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack | 17:32 |
guilberplays | oii pesoal | 17:38 |
guilberplays | pessoal | 17:38 |
gnomo | hello there, how do i check my gnome version using terminal? tnx | 17:39 |
niko__ | hi | 17:48 |
hwpplayer1 | hi niko_ | 17:48 |
hwpplayer1 | hi niko__ : | 17:48 |
gews2323 | I have one user who is routing through tun0 but I don't want to route through that interface, How can I have two routes for both interfaces? (route) http://pastebin.com/dBdyp0NJ | 17:50 |
thms | Why does 15.10 doesnt have fastcgi anymore ? | 17:53 |
aa_Gaurav | hi all i have no networking idea how to connect companies remote website. server located on remote area and i setup manual ip subnet and dns but i cant connrct website | 17:53 |
MonkeyDust | !find fastcgi | thms | 17:54 |
ubottu | thms: Found: libapache2-mod-fastcgi, libmojo-server-fastcgi-perl, liburweb-fastcgi0, mono-fastcgi-server, mono-fastcgi-server2 | 17:54 |
aa_Gaurav | i am windows user and ubuntu is new for me | 17:55 |
aa_Gaurav | please help me friends | 17:57 |
aa_Gaurav | i install ubuntu 15.10 | 17:57 |
MBach | hi | 17:59 |
gews2323 | aa_Gaurav: What is wrong? | 18:00 |
aa_Gaurav | i cant open companys online website evan i manual set ip subnet and dns. i have 30 pc for convert windows to ubuntu | 18:03 |
MonkeyDust | aa_Gaurav what is your own language | 18:04 |
aa_Gaurav | hindi | 18:04 |
sancho_panza | Hi! how can i list my devices connected with alsa on my terminal? | 18:05 |
aa_Gaurav | from india | 18:05 |
MonkeyDust | !india | 18:05 |
ubottu | #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India | 18:05 |
EriC^^ | sancho_panza: aplay -l , maybe? | 18:05 |
sancho_panza | i try! ty | 18:06 |
sancho_panza | it shows my usb sound card listed! | 18:07 |
sancho_panza | scheda 2: CODEC [USB Audio CODEC], dispositivo 0: USB Audio [USB Audio] | 18:07 |
sancho_panza | how can i connect this with qasmixer? | 18:07 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest71999 | ||
sancho_panza | i know it works with audio software like ardour | 18:08 |
EriC^^ | sancho_panza: did you try pavucontrol? | 18:09 |
EriC^^ | or alsamixer? | 18:09 |
sancho_panza | i'll try later, i'm contacting you in private.. thanks! | 18:10 |
aa_Gaurav | thanks friends | 18:10 |
aa_Gaurav | no one replaying in #Ubuntu-in | 18:14 |
SunyataZero | Hi all, i am going to purchase a new laptop computer and am looking at different models, but i'm worried that the wireless network card will not work when i install ubuntu (or lubuntu). I know there's a list of hardward compatible with ubuntu but it doesn't contain the laptops i'm considering, what's the best way you can recommend for finding out if the wifi will work when i run ubuntu? (And how certain can i be that it will work | 18:15 |
EriC^^ | SunyataZero: maybe get one with a known good chipset that works? just guessing | 18:16 |
xangua | SunyataZero: consider a Linux pre-installed laptop? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPre-installed | 18:18 |
thms | Why does 15.10 doesnt have fastcgi anymore ? | 18:19 |
thms | SOrry, answer is up ^ | 18:19 |
ioria | SunyataZero, bring with you a usb with a live ubuntu on it and test it .... :þ | 18:20 |
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mohamed | hey | 18:22 |
mohamed | some germans here | 18:22 |
mohamed | hey | 18:22 |
BluesKaj | !de | mohamed | 18:23 |
ubottu | mohamed: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 18:23 |
SunyataZero | ioria: thank you, i will try to do this! (also grateful for the responses from EriC^^ and xangua, now i have several ways to approach this problem) | 18:23 |
ioria | SunyataZero, good ... | 18:24 |
aa_Gaurav | no one is answering in #ubuntu-in | 18:26 |
netameta | when i do sudo su i become admin - how can i go back to the user i was before ? | 18:26 |
sancho_panza | i don't have pulseaudio and i want my usb sound card to work with alsa | 18:26 |
sancho_panza | i need to switch my predefinite sound card | 18:26 |
monsieur_h | netameta: "logout" | 18:26 |
sancho_panza | can you help me? | 18:26 |
monsieur_h | or CTRL-D | 18:26 |
EriC^^ | netameta: exit, also use sudo -i instead of sudo su | 18:26 |
netameta | EriC^^, How so ? | 18:27 |
EriC^^ | netameta: it sets up the environment properly | 18:27 |
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r_rios | Hello. Is there some recent guide on how to downgrade to a previous version of Ubuntu? | 18:29 |
EriC^^ | r_rios: no, why do you want to downgrade? | 18:30 |
xangua | r_rios: you don't downgrade | 18:30 |
xangua | That's your guide :-) | 18:30 |
r_rios | I might need to downgrade | 18:30 |
r_rios | :( | 18:30 |
sancho_panza | someone has experience with external usb sound cards and alsa? | 18:31 |
jushur | sancho_panza: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Asoundrc | 18:34 |
AtomicStryker | is there a way to strip the "efi" flag off an existing partition without wiping the data | 18:34 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: yeah, sudo cgdisk /dev/sdX , then change the type | 18:35 |
AtomicStryker | thanks, gonna try | 18:35 |
jushur | sancho_panza: do a "aplay -l" , to find you card. | 18:36 |
isaac_ | hi everybody | 18:36 |
jushur | sancho_panza: some cards have issues if your onboard soundcard is enabled at the same time. and you may need to block modules to stop it from loading. | 18:37 |
isaac_ | someone is in mwc at @bcn ? | 18:37 |
sancho_panza | my card works fine with audacity | 18:37 |
sancho_panza | also works on KX Studio with cadence | 18:38 |
jushur | sancho_panza: create the ~/.asoundrc and set your card as default then. | 18:39 |
[[thufir]] | which do you install first, postfix or mail-stack-delivery? this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/postfix.html says first postfix, then mail-stack-delivery. However, I'm running 15.10, wily. Where is the guide for version 15.10 relating to these packages? | 18:39 |
AtomicStryker | oh, uh, when i unflagged it "boot" it autoflagged as msftdata | 18:40 |
jushur | sancho_panza: im away now, you can write stuff to me but ill not be answering for about 4h. | 18:40 |
AtomicStryker | which flags is a windows os partition supposed to have | 18:40 |
sancho_panza | .asoundrc is a file? | 18:40 |
sancho_panza | ok ty | 18:40 |
jushur | sancho_panza: read the url i pasted to you. | 18:40 |
EriC^^ | AtomicStryker: i think that's fine | 18:41 |
mfilipe | is it possible to configuring two monitors and each one uses its own workspace? for example: monitor1 has two workspaces and monitor2 has one workspace, so I can switch independently the workspaces in each monitor | 18:45 |
AtomicStryker | merciful christ the bootloader detects my system again, so close | 18:46 |
AtomicStryker | YESSSS IT BOOTED | 18:48 |
EriC^^ | nice | 18:48 |
AtomicStryker | and it only took 6 hours and two decades of my life expectanc | 18:48 |
AtomicStryker | thank you, you have been a great help | 18:49 |
PIEROFISA | lIST! | 18:49 |
AtomicStryker | and now i have win and a ubuntu on proper seperate disks with their own respective bootloaders | 18:49 |
AtomicStryker | i guess thats a bonus, time to install that ksp again | 18:50 |
EriC^^ | sancho_panza: did you fix your sound card issue yet? | 18:53 |
Guy1524_ | hey guys, so I the libglfw package in the offical ubuntu repository is an old version, do you know of a ppa I could add for an update version w/ vulkan support? | 18:57 |
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Guy1524_ | hey guys, so I the libglfw package in the offical ubuntu repository is an old version, do you know of a ppa I could add for an update version w/ vulkan support? | 19:05 |
reisio | Guy1524_: which version added vulkan support | 19:06 |
Guy1524_ | I don't know ): | 19:07 |
Guy1524_ | I looked into the current github glfw3.h which had vulkan functions but my glfw3.h doesn't have them | 19:07 |
Guy1524_ | but I heard it was added a while ago | 19:07 |
nick420 | hello? | 19:07 |
reisio | nick420: 'lo | 19:08 |
MonkeyDust | Guy1524_ ppa's are not supported here, i guess you're on your own | 19:08 |
reisio | Guy1524_: should find out what version added it | 19:08 |
reisio | Guy1524_: then you'll know what your choices are | 19:08 |
Guy1524_ | ok | 19:08 |
nick420 | ive never done this so its new to me but i need some help | 19:08 |
reisio | nick420: this is a place for help | 19:08 |
nick420 | im having trouble with getting/installing java | 19:09 |
reisio | what do you want java for | 19:09 |
Guy1524_ | it is nowhere in the changelog http://www.glfw.org/changelog.html | 19:10 |
reisio | Guy1524_: you can find it in the git history | 19:10 |
Guy1524_ | ok | 19:10 |
nick420 | a friend switched my computer to ubuntu and put minecraft but it doesnt work | 19:10 |
Guy1524_ | is there a way to see what commit a function was added | 19:10 |
reisio | nick420: what's it say when you run it? | 19:11 |
silvian | Hi nick420: What is your java issue? | 19:11 |
Guy1524_ | sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webup8team/java && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install java8-installer | 19:11 |
silvian | which JRE/JDK are you trying to install? | 19:11 |
reisio | Guy1524_: git bisect, though it might be more than you want to learn just now | 19:11 |
Guy1524_ | sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install java8-installer | 19:11 |
Guy1524_ | sorry | 19:11 |
Guy1524_ | I accidentally pasted it again | 19:12 |
nick420 | it says i need java runtime enviorment | 19:12 |
Guy1524_ | nick420: just run the command I sent you, it should install it | 19:12 |
silvian | yes you need to download java as Guy1524_ recommended | 19:12 |
Guy1524_ | basically there are two versions of java, the open source, somewhat slower version, and the oracle provided version, I sent you the oracle way since its faster | 19:13 |
nick420 | Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:webup8team/java'. Please check that the PPA name or format is correct. | 19:13 |
Guy1524_ | that was a type | 19:13 |
Guy1524_ | *typo | 19:13 |
Guy1524_ | sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install java8-installer | 19:13 |
Guy1524_ | try that one | 19:13 |
Guy1524_ | I forgot the d in update lol | 19:13 |
r_rios | I'm running precise and am trying to update to trusty, but...: https://paste.ubuntu.com/15173117/ | 19:14 |
r_rios | It finds no updates[ | 19:14 |
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Guy1524_ | nick420: I got to go, good luck | 19:14 |
nick420 | thanx.. | 19:14 |
nick420 | hope it works | 19:14 |
franendar_ | how can I install a specific glibc version? | 19:15 |
EriC^^ | r_rios: paste grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades | 19:15 |
franendar_ | im getting this: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 19:15 |
r_rios | EriC^^: empty | 19:15 |
MonkeyDust | many glibc questions these days, i wonder how come | 19:15 |
franendar_ | **im getting this: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found | 19:15 |
EriC^^ | r_rios: cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades | 19:15 |
nick420 | Unable to locate package java8-installer | 19:15 |
r_rios | EriC^^: prompt=never | 19:16 |
r_rios | So, prompt=lts? | 19:16 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 19:16 |
r_rios | Thanks | 19:16 |
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r_rios | Why is it like that, though? | 19:17 |
EriC^^ | np | 19:17 |
EriC^^ | r_rios: it's usually set in software center, might have changed it at some point or a bug maybe | 19:17 |
r_rios | I've probably marked some checkbox | 19:17 |
r_rios | Many thanks | 19:17 |
silvian | @nick420: try the following | 19:17 |
silvian | sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre | 19:18 |
nick420 | does anybody else have any suggestions for my java issue | 19:18 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 19:18 |
silvian | and then try installing jdk as well | 19:18 |
silvian | sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk | 19:18 |
silvian | which ubuntu version have you got installed? | 19:18 |
nick420 | 14.04 i think | 19:19 |
nick420 | im very new to it | 19:19 |
silvian | ok did that work? | 19:20 |
patarr | hello. Why is it that when I have a txt file with packages (line by line) it does not work with sudo apt-get install $(cat packages.txt) ? | 19:21 |
nick420 | well it seems to download everything properly but it still promts me the same thing when i try to open the game | 19:21 |
franendar_ | any idea how to get a specific glibc version? | 19:21 |
nick420 | could it be the game? | 19:21 |
patarr | It gives me an error E: Unable to locate package x for lots of packages that I know exist. I can even just install them manually with install "package" | 19:22 |
EriC^^ | patarr: what does it say? | 19:22 |
silvian | what is teh verion of minecraft you're running? | 19:22 |
EriC^^ | can you paste the file? | 19:22 |
silvian | it probably requires java 8 | 19:22 |
silvian | version | 19:22 |
silvian | i can't spell today it seems :P | 19:22 |
patarr | EriC^^, it's libreoffice, build-essential, tmux, vim on separate lines. | 19:23 |
nick420 | im not even sure. i cant open it and my friend put it on here | 19:23 |
wellick | I opened Vi on Ubuntu but it doesn't let me type... | 19:24 |
EriC^^ | patarr: oh, it won't work on separate lines, try xargs -a /file sudo apt-get install instead | 19:24 |
silvian | right lets try installing oracle's java 8 | 19:24 |
Pici | wellick: do you know how to use vi? | 19:24 |
silvian | it might help... | 19:24 |
nick420 | thanx for ur patience | 19:25 |
maho | How do I go about using GNU make? | 19:25 |
patarr | EriC^^, this SO answer says it should work both ways :( I also tried the xargs command in there. I will try yours as well http://askubuntu.com/questions/541781/install-list-of-packages-using-apt-get | 19:25 |
silvian | rung the following furst | 19:25 |
silvian | first | 19:25 |
silvian | sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java | 19:25 |
silvian | does it add it successfully? | 19:25 |
patarr | EriC^^, same issue with your command :( | 19:25 |
wellick | Pici: I just want to write some simple code and exit. it might as well be notepad. | 19:26 |
EriC^^ | patarr: something else is wrong | 19:26 |
nick420 | Important!!! For now, you should continue to use Java 8 because Oracle Java 9 is available as an early access release (it should be released in 2016)! You should only use Oracle Java 9 if you explicitly need it, because it may contain bugs and it might not include the latest security patches! | 19:26 |
reisio | icedtea should really work | 19:26 |
EriC^^ | patarr: btw i think they meant $(cat pkglist) only works if you have them side by side, and xargs for the other | 19:26 |
Pici | wellick: you may want to use nano instead. vi/vim require reading some tutorial (or going through vimtutor) prior to editing. | 19:27 |
silvian | yeah i gave you the ppa for java 8 | 19:27 |
silvian | :) | 19:27 |
silvian | has it added it to the ppa list? | 19:27 |
nick420 | ok. seems good | 19:27 |
silvian | ok | 19:27 |
patarr | EriC^^, I tried both - but I think I found the issue. Line endings. I made the file on windows. Wrote the file again in vim on the OS, and it seems to work. | 19:27 |
silvian | now do | 19:27 |
silvian | sudo apt-get update | 19:27 |
patarr | Damn line endings. | 19:27 |
EriC^^ | oh | 19:27 |
silvian | to refresh your ppa library | 19:27 |
nick420 | ok done | 19:28 |
silvian | good now run | 19:28 |
silvian | sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer | 19:28 |
wellick | Pici: ok, thanks | 19:29 |
nick420 | going to take a few minutes | 19:32 |
travisthenavi | I recently changed my OS to Xubuntu Linux (14.04 LTS). I want to download the LAMP stack for web development. Should I install PHP and MySQL seperately, or just install the whole stack as one package? | 19:34 |
silvian | @nick420: sure... sounds like you're the right track anyway | 19:34 |
silvian | after that's finished doing everything | 19:35 |
silvian | run java --version | 19:35 |
Hakon | hello. I'm trying to figure out a problem with idmapd where it takes quite a while for it to resolve username and group for folders over nfs4. If i just signed into the machine then the folders have 4294967294 for 3-4 minutes or so before changing to the correct value. has anyone experienced this? | 19:35 |
silvian | to confirm you got java 1.8 installed :) | 19:35 |
MonkeyDust | travisthenavi the MP means Mysql and PHP | 19:35 |
travisthenavi | Yeah, I also will need Apache. I forgot. | 19:35 |
SchrodingersScat | travisthenavi: is there even a virtual package for 'lamp'? | 19:35 |
tsapii | you could find it using `which` | 19:46 |
tgm4883 | nick420: you're just trying to play minecraft? How did you install java? | 19:46 |
tsapii | e.g. for me, `which java` produces /usr/bin/java | 19:46 |
tgm4883 | silvian: tell me to go away if you've got this covered :) | 19:47 |
tsapii | which is a symlink to /etc/alternatives/java, which in turn is a symlink to /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-i386/jre/bin/java | 19:47 |
nick420 | not that i see anywhere no | 19:47 |
datamancer_ | Hi all. How can I update Ubuntu Server 14.04.3 to 14.04.4? | 19:47 |
silvian | no worries :) your help is appreciated | 19:47 |
silvian | yeah try typing which java | 19:47 |
tgm4883 | datamancer_: you get it via regular apt updates | 19:47 |
silvian | it might installed somewhere else | 19:47 |
silvian | usually its /usr/lib | 19:47 |
tsapii | readlink -f `which java` should reveal its path | 19:47 |
datamancer_ | tgm4883: Right, thanks, but I'm a bit confused as to which command to run to do it. Is it apt-get upgrade? | 19:47 |
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tgm4883 | datamancer_: yes | 19:47 |
datamancer_ | tgm4883: tyvm :) | 19:47 |
Bashing-om | datamancer_: " sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt full-upgrade " should be all there is to it . | 19:47 |
latenite_ | Hi folks, how can I determine when the latest firefox update was available for update? | 19:48 |
dragonbite | If all you are doing is Minecraft, openjdk-7-jre also works and it is in the repos. | 19:48 |
sethj | when it *was* or when it *will be*? | 19:48 |
silvian | @nick420: try typing this | 19:48 |
silvian | readlink -f `which java` | 19:48 |
Andocromn | i'm working on an Ubuntu Remix live cd, i have it mostly working except on bootup i get a number of authentication failure messages and no console or login prompt. does anyone know how to fix this? | 19:48 |
silvian | it should reveal exact path as tsapii suggested | 19:48 |
silvian | so we can add it to your java home | 19:48 |
debug0x1 | http://www.meetup.com/HackerNestNYC/events/227143576/ | 19:49 |
tgm4883 | nick420: How did you install java? And is this openjdk? All I needed to do was install openjdk-8-jre and then run the jar | 19:49 |
tgm4883 | (although technically, I run it through multimc since I like lots of mods) | 19:49 |
silvian | no its oracle's. We had no luck getting minecraft working with open jdk | 19:49 |
xangua | latenite_: check Firefox releases notes? Wikipedia history release? | 19:49 |
dragonbite | can run using "java -jar <path to>/Minecraft.jar | 19:49 |
nick420 | silvian gave me a walk through and all seemed to work but the game will still not open | 19:49 |
silvian | had to install oracle jdk for him | 19:49 |
dragonbite | sorry, "java -jar <path to>/Minecraft.jar" (without quotes) | 19:50 |
latenite_ | xangua, I mean when it made its way to ubuntu. | 19:50 |
tgm4883 | silvian: was there an error? What version of minecraft? It should work fine with openjdk | 19:50 |
silvian | yeah that's what i though... no nick420 didn't specify the error | 19:50 |
latenite_ | xangua, I want to compare the release dates of the offical sites of firefox to the dates of some distros | 19:50 |
silvian | anyway should be there configuring this... we just need to set $JAVA_HOME environment variable | 19:50 |
silvian | so I've asked nick420 to run: readlink -f `which java` | 19:51 |
silvian | to find out what the install path is | 19:51 |
dragonbite | silvian: what about trying to uninstall it and then install openjdk or oracle java again? | 19:51 |
* tgm4883 wonders if it's not a java issue... | 19:52 | |
silvian | its installed fine i think its just a matter of configuring JAVA_HOME now | 19:52 |
nick420 | it says this /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java | 19:52 |
silvian | good ok now copy that exactly into your clipboard | 19:52 |
silvian | and now run export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java | 19:52 |
latenite_ | anyone? I don't use ubuntu and could really use some help here :D | 19:52 |
nick420 | clipboard..? lol | 19:53 |
silvian | whatever... ctrl +C | 19:53 |
silvian | :P | 19:53 |
Bashing-om | latenite_: Then there is a need for you to run ubuntu . | 19:53 |
silvian | just paste this and run it | 19:53 |
silvian | export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java | 19:53 |
tgm4883 | latenite_: why? | 19:53 |
latenite_ | Bashing-om, I was hoping to find the data I need online in the repos or some git... | 19:54 |
nick420 | i pasted "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java" and nothing happend | 19:54 |
latenite_ | tgm4883, so I can compare how fast/slow software updates get into the different distros. | 19:54 |
dragonbite | latenite: have you looked at http://packages.ubuntu.com ? It doesn't give you the date but gives you the version | 19:54 |
tsapii | nick420: you specified the java binary as JAVA_HOME | 19:55 |
tsapii | remove the "bin/java" part | 19:55 |
Bashing-om | latenite_: You can always ask, if it is not ubuntu related we can redirect so you get the help you need . Ask your question . | 19:55 |
silvian | that's fine | 19:55 |
silvian | it gives you no output back | 19:55 |
latenite_ | Bashing-om, tgm4883 xangua on gentoo it was easy for firefox https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/www-client/firefox/firefox-44.0.2.ebuild?id=2b761e9d635fee7a8c3ab20dfa54e20c0c1d737c | 19:55 |
silvian | just hit return key | 19:55 |
latenite_ | 3 days | 19:55 |
tgm4883 | latenite_: you'd need to go through the mailing list to get the upload dates I believe | 19:55 |
silvian | then close down your terminal | 19:55 |
silvian | and open it again | 19:55 |
silvian | then try running minecraft | 19:55 |
silvian | it should be set now | 19:55 |
tsapii | …is it fine to specify it to the binary path? could've sworn that it had to be left out | 19:56 |
ks3 | latenite_: If you're looking in the repos why couldn't you use the timestamp of the package? | 19:56 |
latenite_ | tgm4883, there is no logging or git? When it comes to ubuntu repos? | 19:56 |
tgm4883 | latenite_: what ks3 said. That seems to be the best solution http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/ | 19:56 |
latenite_ | ks3, I found this file http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/wily/main/binary-amd64/ | 19:57 |
latenite_ | but there are not time stamps | 19:57 |
tgm4883 | latenite_: look at the link I posted | 19:57 |
nick420 | negative. says the same thing :( | 19:57 |
nick420 | should i give up lol | 19:57 |
tgm4883 | silvian: closing and reopening the terminal wipes the export | 19:58 |
tsapii | yeah | 19:58 |
tsapii | should add it to .bashrc | 19:58 |
tgm4883 | well, should export it first and see if it works | 19:58 |
tgm4883 | only add it to .bashrc if it works | 19:59 |
tsapii | true | 19:59 |
silvian | yeah repeat the export task again in bash terminal | 19:59 |
tgm4883 | silvian: also, you set his java_home wrong | 20:00 |
latenite_ | tgm4883, so http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/firefox-dbg_44.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.15.10.1_amd64.deb is from 11-Feb-2016 20:39 | 20:00 |
nick420 | export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java ?? | 20:00 |
tgm4883 | nick420: no | 20:00 |
latenite_ | tgm4883, I wonder if there is a TIME on the offical release by mozilla?! | 20:00 |
tgm4883 | nick420: "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre" | 20:00 |
tgm4883 | latenite_: what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Because it doesn't really seem like a support issue | 20:01 |
latenite_ | tgm4883, it's about getting to know how much time passed from mozillas offical release until available in ubuntu15 | 20:02 |
tgm4883 | latenite_: but why | 20:02 |
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nick420 | ok i did that tmg4883. nothing happend | 20:02 |
nick420 | blank line now | 20:02 |
tgm4883 | nick420: ok, now do | 20:02 |
tgm4883 | nick420: 'java -jar <path to minecraft.jar file> | 20:03 |
latenite_ | tgm4883, to compare to other distros. There seem to be big differences in time... | 20:03 |
tgm4883 | I'm assuming it's just minecraft.jar | 20:03 |
nick420 | ok..another blank line | 20:03 |
tgm4883 | latenite_: which is worthless IMO and doesn't make me want to drop what I'm doing to help you | 20:03 |
tgm4883 | nick420: can you do 'ls -l' then pastebin what you've done in the terminal so far? | 20:04 |
nick420 | nick@enterprise:~$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java nick@enterprise:~$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre" > 'java -jar <path to minecraft.jar file> > 'ls -l' | 20:04 |
tgm4883 | latenite_: honestly though, what's your end game here? | 20:05 |
tgm4883 | nick420: do 'ctrl+c' | 20:05 |
latenite_ | tgm4883, it sparked a discussion in our LUG ... So I am investigating on it. The whole idea started with this: http://segfault.linuxmint.com/2013/11/answering-controversy-stability-vs-security-is-something-you-configure/ | 20:05 |
nick420 | ok | 20:05 |
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tgm4883 | latenite_: yea, that's about what I figured started this.... | 20:06 |
tgm4883 | nick420: ok, now do "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre" but remember to remove both quotes | 20:06 |
latenite_ | tgm4883, our members wonder what the real difference is, when it comes to time and updates | 20:06 |
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tgm4883 | latenite_: ok, so I would probably forget about the timestamp then and just focus on the date | 20:07 |
nick420 | ok i did that | 20:07 |
silvian | still no luck guys with java home? | 20:07 |
tgm4883 | latenite_: 1) because you're talking times, but unsure about what timezone the server is in | 20:07 |
latenite_ | true , good point | 20:07 |
tgm4883 | latenite_: and 2) we're talking hours here, which is meaningless | 20:07 |
tgm4883 | nick420: ok, now do this | 20:07 |
tgm4883 | nick420: 'java -jar minecraft.jar' | 20:08 |
Pici | latenite_: I missed part of the conversation here, but are you looking for something like this? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+publishinghistory | 20:08 |
nick420 | with the quotes? | 20:08 |
tgm4883 | latenite_: ^^ | 20:08 |
tgm4883 | nick420: no, remove the quotes | 20:08 |
silvian | no quotes | 20:08 |
tgm4883 | Pici: that is perfect, exactly what he's looking for | 20:09 |
tgm4883 | and way better than what I gave him | 20:09 |
nick420 | Error: Unable to access jarfile minecraft.jar | 20:09 |
latenite_ | Pici, great | 20:09 |
Pici | :) | 20:09 |
latenite_ | tgm4883, so its UTC :D | 20:09 |
tgm4883 | nick420: ok, can you pastebin this command 'ls -l' | 20:09 |
latenite_ | we can start being picky about hours now :D | 20:09 |
nick420 | im gonna lay a steamer on this thing soon | 20:09 |
tgm4883 | nick420: we're getting close I think | 20:10 |
silvian | :) | 20:10 |
nick420 | ok i did that | 20:10 |
tgm4883 | nick420: what's the output? | 20:10 |
tgm4883 | !pastebin | nick420 | 20:10 |
ubottu | nick420: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 20:10 |
nick420 | nick@enterprise:~$ ls -l total 3132 drwxr-xr-x 2 nick nick 4096 Feb 21 23:47 Desktop drwxr-xr-x 2 nick nick 4096 Feb 20 22:11 Documents drwxr-xr-x 8 nick nick 4096 Feb 22 14:01 Downloads -rw-r--r-- 1 nick nick 8980 Feb 20 21:49 examples.desktop -rw-rw-r-- 1 nick nick 3154815 Feb 21 13:39 Firefox_wallpaper.png drwxr-xr-x 5 nick nick 4096 Feb 21 12:29 kdenlive drwxr-xr-x 2 nick nick 4096 Feb 20 22:11 Music drwxr-xr- | 20:10 |
nick420 | oops sorry guys | 20:11 |
tgm4883 | nick420: ok, where is your minecraft jar file? | 20:11 |
nick420 | that seems like a really valid question.. | 20:11 |
nick420 | and suggestions lol | 20:12 |
tgm4883 | nick420: my assumption is it's still in your Downloads folder | 20:12 |
nick420 | yes it is | 20:12 |
* tgm4883 is seriously doubting the openjdk issue now | 20:12 | |
tgm4883 | nick420: ok do this | 20:12 |
tgm4883 | nick420: 'cd Downloads' | 20:12 |
tgm4883 | nick420: without the quotes | 20:12 |
tgm4883 | also, this is possibly the most difficult way we could do this, but I digress | 20:13 |
nick420 | check | 20:13 |
tgm4883 | nick420: ok, now do | 20:13 |
tgm4883 | nick420: 'java -jar minecraft.jar' | 20:13 |
tgm4883 | nick420: no quotes | 20:13 |
* tgm4883 shoots silvian an evil eye | 20:13 | |
nick420 | ok | 20:14 |
Ian_Corne | what's the "good" way to get fingerprint readers in ubuntu? | 20:14 |
silvian | have you found the minecraft.jar file? | 20:14 |
tgm4883 | nick420: ok what happened? | 20:14 |
Ian_Corne | some program i need to install, or is it already preinstalled and I just need to set it up? | 20:14 |
silvian | thanks for jumping in tgm4883 | 20:14 |
silvian | :) | 20:14 |
tgm4883 | silvian: it's supposedly in Downloads/ | 20:14 |
tgm4883 | although I didn't verify filename/case :/ | 20:14 |
silvian | I think nick420 is playing right now ;) | 20:14 |
nick420 | nick@enterprise:~$ cd Downloads nick@enterprise:~/Downloads$ java -jar minecraft.jar Error: Unable to access jarfile minecraft.jar nick@enterprise:~/Downloads$ | 20:15 |
silvian | oh permissions | 20:15 |
nick420 | i wish silvian. i really do | 20:15 |
tsapii | wasn't it Minecraft.jar just before? | 20:15 |
silvian | do ls -lrt | 20:15 |
tgm4883 | tsapii: yea it is | 20:15 |
silvian | inside Downloads | 20:15 |
tgm4883 | nick420: 'java -jar Minecraft.jar' | 20:15 |
silvian | paste the output | 20:15 |
tgm4883 | nick420: no quotes | 20:15 |
tgm4883 | nick420: that was my fault, case was wrong | 20:15 |
silvian | ok | 20:16 |
nick420 | Error: Unable to access jarfile Minecraft.jar | 20:16 |
tsapii | o_O | 20:16 |
tgm4883 | nick420: is the jar file in the Downloads folder? | 20:16 |
nick420 | its exe no jar | 20:17 |
reisio | wouldn't you rather use icedtea and minetest, and have no problems? :) | 20:17 |
* tgm4883 smacks head | 20:17 | |
tsapii | wellp | 20:17 |
bekks | nick420: And exe file cannot be executed using java. | 20:17 |
silvian | can you do: ls -lrt | 20:17 |
tgm4883 | nick420: kindly go download the jar file from minecraft's website | 20:17 |
nick420 | lol im guessing thats an issue | 20:17 |
bekks | *An | 20:17 |
silvian | inside downloads | 20:17 |
silvian | :D | 20:17 |
tgm4883 | !slap | silvian | 20:17 |
tgm4883 | ubottu you no fun | 20:17 |
ubottu | tgm4883: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:17 |
nick420 | i deserve the slaps. everybody get in line lol | 20:18 |
tgm4883 | nick420: ok, so go download the jar file and then try that command again | 20:18 |
tgm4883 | although honestly, I would just point you at multimc | 20:18 |
nick420 | the one of the website is demo right? | 20:19 |
tgm4883 | nick420: no? | 20:19 |
nick420 | oh ok | 20:19 |
tgm4883 | nick420: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/launcher/Minecraft.jar | 20:19 |
* tgm4883 thinks this is getting to be a little much | 20:20 | |
nullzen | ow | 20:20 |
nullzen | thats a big split LOL | 20:20 |
nick420 | dont worry about it then ill figure it out | 20:21 |
bekks | nullzen: actually not. | 20:21 |
bekks | nick420: Just download the file linked, and run it as you have been told. :) | 20:22 |
=== norm is now known as Guest3949 | ||
silvian | nick420: where are we at now? | 20:23 |
silvian | what's the status? :) | 20:23 |
nick420 | i downloaded jar file | 20:24 |
compdoc | we are on IRC, just off the 405 freeway | 20:24 |
bekks | nick420: And did you already run it? | 20:24 |
cortexman | i'm trying to get compizconfig-settings-manager to allow me to have Terminal span two windows by pressing a keyboard shortcut | 20:24 |
cortexman | i added a 7860x2160 output mode on the Display Settings tab but that doesn't work | 20:24 |
cortexman | there was already one for 3840x2160+3840+0 | 20:25 |
silvian | ok now go to terminal | 20:25 |
nick420 | The file '/home/nick/Downloads/Minecraft.jar' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit. | 20:25 |
silvian | cd Downloads | 20:25 |
=== zeb is now known as Guest17374 | ||
bekks | nick420: Why dont you use the command given? | 20:25 |
silvian | do ls -lrt and print output? | 20:26 |
bekks | nick420: Why are you desperately trying to do something else? | 20:26 |
bekks | silvian: Not needed. | 20:26 |
cortexman | ah, it seems that you have to manually expand it once before it will switch back and forth | 20:26 |
nick420 | i thought i was. im not sure what i did wrong.. | 20:26 |
bekks | nick420: you have been given a "java ... " commamd. | 20:26 |
bekks | nick420: Why dont you use it? | 20:26 |
nick420 | anyways guys. sorry the the issues. i appreciate your help but im just gonna switch back to windows. this is to confusing for me | 20:27 |
nick420 | which java command | 20:27 |
bekks | If just retyping a command given is to confusing, I'll second your decision. :P | 20:27 |
bekks | *too | 20:27 |
nick420 | wow, nice of you | 20:28 |
BluesKaj | nick420, copy and paste is your friend | 20:28 |
bekks | nick420: You have been given "java -jar Minecraft.jar" multiple times. I dont see a confusing part on that. | 20:28 |
nick420 | ive entered as the told me | 20:28 |
bekks | The command on Windows is the same. | 20:29 |
nick420 | half the time it was them realizing they sent me wrong info | 20:29 |
bekks | nick420: You did not, you tried to run "Minecraft.jar", without the "java -jar " before. | 20:29 |
bekks | And you did not even have Minecraft.jar before, but an exe file. | 20:30 |
nick420 | ok anyways. like i said im sorry. im obvioulsy screwed up somewhere. it happens | 20:30 |
Krockmock | bekks: maybee nick420 should chmod +x Minecraft.jar befor run it ? | 20:30 |
bekks | No need for setting +x on Minecraft.jar | 20:30 |
nick420 | this laptop was given to me yesterday with ubuntu for the first time ever using and minecraft | 20:30 |
silvian | no worries | 20:30 |
silvian | don't panick | 20:30 |
silvian | its a bit of a learning curve bash shell :) | 20:31 |
silvian | important thing is not to panic here :) | 20:31 |
silvian | you have terminal still open nick420? | 20:31 |
silvian | will help you out there cos we're nearly there :) | 20:32 |
nick420 | ya | 20:32 |
tgm4883 | nick420: whoa, one time I sent you a command that had the case wrong on one character. That is hardly half the time | 20:32 |
nick420 | ive spoken to about 4 people | 20:33 |
silvian | ok | 20:33 |
silvian | first thing to type: | 20:33 |
silvian | cd ~/Downloads | 20:33 |
silvian | exacly like you see it | 20:33 |
silvian | after that | 20:33 |
silvian | type: | 20:34 |
silvian | ls -lrt | 20:34 |
silvian | exactly as shown | 20:34 |
silvian | tell us your output :) | 20:34 |
i_ | hi | 20:35 |
nick420 | should i copy paste that here. its large? | 20:35 |
leeyaa | hi | 20:35 |
i_ | i have to recover my DOC files on my quick-formatted usb | 20:35 |
tgm4883 | nick420: you should copy and paste it to paste.ubuntu.com | 20:35 |
Ben64 | nick420: use paste.ubuntu.com | 20:35 |
i_ | as i'm new to ubuntu, how do i do that? | 20:35 |
leeyaa | one of my vms does not start sshd after reboot. i found that it is because of missing /run/sshd | 20:35 |
tsapii | !paste |nick420 | 20:35 |
ubottu | nick420: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 20:35 |
leeyaa | any idea how to fix it and is that a bug ? | 20:35 |
tgm4883 | nick420: if you downloaded the jar file then you should just need to run the jar command we gave you earlier | 20:36 |
leeyaa | i can easily add it to rc.local but thats not the right way to do it | 20:36 |
le_pig | i_ as: do you know which filesystem you used on the usb device? | 20:36 |
i_ | filesystem? | 20:36 |
tgm4883 | nick420: but you've lost our trust in asking you to do stuff, so we have to verify now | 20:36 |
Ben64 | i_: yeah, was it ext2 ext3 ext4 fat32 ntfs exfat...? | 20:37 |
i_ | fat | 20:37 |
i_ | fat32 | 20:38 |
Ben64 | and you formatted over it, and want to recover? | 20:38 |
i_ | i formatted it accidentally | 20:38 |
silvian | we wanna check you have minecraft in the downloads folder | 20:38 |
silvian | just paste the last line from the | 20:38 |
silvian | ls -lrt | 20:38 |
silvian | output | 20:38 |
silvian | because it should be the last file you downloaded | 20:38 |
silvian | no need to paste entire output :) | 20:39 |
Ben64 | i_: you can use photorec or testdisk | 20:39 |
tgm4883 | silvian: you mean the first line | 20:39 |
i_ | hmm | 20:39 |
i_ | i'll try testdisk thanks | 20:39 |
=== _atg is now known as AndyTechGuy | ||
hmir_ | hey guys! | 20:40 |
silvian | last line since ls -lrt is going to order in by time | 20:40 |
DevilsDozen | hey | 20:40 |
silvian | latest file at the bottom | 20:40 |
hmir_ | I want to ask, I have a couple of 1tb hard drives that i use for backup, tey are unplugged and stoed in a safe place, and i use them with a hdd dock via usb when i need them. Is there any ubuntu/debian software i can use to test the health of these hard drives? | 20:41 |
tgm4883 | silvian: ah I missed the -r in there | 20:41 |
nick420 | -rw-rw-r-- 1 nick nick 280212 Feb 22 15:19 Minecraft.jar | 20:41 |
nick420 | thats the last line | 20:41 |
silvian | sweet | 20:41 |
tgm4883 | nick420: 'java -jar Minecraft.jar' | 20:42 |
silvian | no quotes of course | 20:42 |
Ben64 | hmir_: smartctl | 20:42 |
silvian | just type as it is | 20:42 |
tgm4883 | nick420: no quotes | 20:42 |
silvian | java -jar Minecraft.jar | 20:42 |
hmir_ | Ben64: That checks the SMART status or does other things too? | 20:42 |
Ben64 | hmir_: just smart, but thats all you can do on a hard drive | 20:42 |
nick420 | launcher started and it popped up play demo... | 20:43 |
lugarius | hello comm | 20:43 |
MrKeuner | hi, is there a benchmarking software in ubuntu live usb iso? | 20:44 |
hmir_ | Ben64: Just curious but is smart by itself good enough as a reporting tooL? Does it actually catch and report problems early enough for one to move date? | 20:44 |
MrKeuner | + which arch I need to choose for a bootable xeon iso? | 20:44 |
lugarius | ....there is a test software... but not a real benchmark | 20:44 |
Ben64 | hmir_: sometimes | 20:45 |
tgm4883 | MrKeuner: benchmark for what? | 20:45 |
esther | #mediawiki | 20:45 |
lugarius | cpu I think | 20:45 |
MrKeuner | tgm4883, CPU,memory, videocad, anything else I may not know about | 20:45 |
hmir_ | Ben64: What would you recommend I do if I wanted to get a fairly comprehensive check of hdd health? | 20:45 |
silvian | nick420: WOOO! :D *POPS CHAMPAIGN COCK* :D | 20:45 |
Ben64 | hmir_: you can't. thats why backups are important | 20:46 |
tgm4883 | silvian: cork* | 20:46 |
lugarius | MrKeuner | 20:46 |
tgm4883 | unless | 20:46 |
silvian | LOL | 20:46 |
silvian | oops | 20:46 |
tgm4883 | is that what it's really called for champaine? | 20:46 |
lugarius | I think u have to install a bechmark | 20:47 |
silvian | like i said i can't type today | 20:47 |
silvian | hahaha | 20:47 |
silvian | epic typo fail | 20:47 |
nick420 | yes but thats the demo.. i just spent over 2 hours to load a game with a one hour limit.. | 20:47 |
cluemann | Hey, I have an existing system with a raid6(dm_crypt(lvm)) disk layout that I would like to install ubuntu on without formatting the entire raid array. In manual disk setup the raid 6 is recognized but marked as auto-read-only. I'm a bit weary about pressing 'configure software raid'. Will I be able to configure the software raid to be used as-is without changing it? Is the same true for activating the en | 20:47 |
MrKeuner | lugarius, any suggestions for the benchmarking software? | 20:47 |
cluemann | crypted volume in the raid device (via configure encrypted volumes)? | 20:47 |
lugarius | well... I would Google for it | 20:47 |
tgm4883 | nick420: did you login? | 20:48 |
lugarius | or duckduck go as well | 20:48 |
MonkeyDust | !google | lugarius | 20:48 |
ubottu | lugarius: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 20:48 |
MrKeuner | is a xeon amd64 emt64t i586 or an i386? | 20:48 |
nick420 | ive never played. i must need to make account | 20:48 |
reisio | MrKeuner: probably amd64 | 20:48 |
genii | MrKeuner: amd64 | 20:48 |
reisio | MrKeuner: grep ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo | 20:48 |
reisio | MrKeuner: or just look up the model # | 20:49 |
tgm4883 | nick420: have you purchased it? | 20:49 |
lugarius | I'm so GLaD that ubuntu will have the gnome software centre | 20:49 |
nick420 | no.. this is what i asked earlier. if the game was a free download.. | 20:50 |
tgm4883 | nick420: I never saw that question... | 20:50 |
tgm4883 | nick420: it's $26 | 20:50 |
nullzen | using linux doesnt magically make things free | 20:50 |
nick420 | i did not mean a free demo. so all this and all i have to do is go buy it? | 20:50 |
Pici | minecraft is free to download, but the login costs money. | 20:50 |
hmir_ | nemith: | 20:50 |
hmir_ | soory. | 20:51 |
nick420 | fml lol alright guys, thanx anyways. have a good one | 20:51 |
tgm4883 | I.... I don't even know where to begin | 20:51 |
nullzen | lol | 20:51 |
nick420 | must be i can just download a torrent of it | 20:52 |
hmir_ | Ben64: Okay, fair enough. I guess I'll check out smartctl. Also, is there is block/sector read checker to test individually? | 20:52 |
tgm4883 | nick420: no | 20:52 |
nick420 | ud say no anyway lol | 20:52 |
tgm4883 | nm, you know what. I'm done | 20:52 |
silvian | nick420: alright have fun mate | 20:52 |
nullzen | nick420, why not just buy the software instead of doing work to steal it? | 20:52 |
nick420 | i guess that is the right thing to do | 20:53 |
nick420 | tgm i think for future reference u need to relax alittle. we cant all be as smart with computers as you and some of us like getting help witout being talked down to | 20:55 |
nullzen | nick420, its not about being smart with computers, you just were asking people to help you be a thief | 20:57 |
ozbrk | hi guys I can't connect my iphone to ubuntu | 20:57 |
ozbrk | it keeps asking me to trust this computer or not | 20:57 |
ozbrk | what should I do ? | 20:57 |
xangua | ozbrk: what Ubuntu and iOS version? | 20:58 |
xangua | Get a Linux friendly device? | 20:58 |
pbx | ozbrk, i assume you're talking about an iPhone. no fix, you just have to "trust this computer' each time | 20:58 |
pbx | ozbrk, it's looking for itunes on the other end :) | 20:58 |
tgm4883 | nick420: I tried, but there is a basic level of understanding of things that one expects. Things like knowing what the file you downloaded is called and following directions | 20:58 |
ozbrk | xangua: well it is 15.10 | 20:58 |
nick420 | not at all. i honestly thought they were helping me get the game, as for being a thieve i did ask if i could get a torrent so ur right there | 20:58 |
tgm4883 | nick420: and I spent over an hour helping you, most of which was trying to extract information from you | 20:58 |
nick420 | as i explained tgm i wasnt me who downloaded | 20:59 |
xangua | ozbrk: and did you check it to trust? | 20:59 |
ozbrk | xangua: yeap | 20:59 |
monkey_ | asfsaf | 20:59 |
xangua | ozbrk: what's the issue then? | 20:59 |
pbx | xangua, there's no checkbox, it's a trust/don't-trust modal. and it recurs on every connection. as i said it's looking for itunes and not finding it. | 20:59 |
nick420 | im sorry for wasting ur time | 21:00 |
tgm4883 | nick420: no worries. If you do decide to buy minecraft and need help setting it up let me know | 21:00 |
lugarius | minetest.net is nice also... | 21:00 |
nick420 | no offence tgm but id go to anyone but you becuz u have a way of comming off rude/ almost diskish | 21:01 |
tgm4883 | lugarius: true, if you don't want mods or features he can try that | 21:01 |
lugarius | ? | 21:01 |
tgm4883 | nick420: have fun then | 21:01 |
lugarius | tgm4883 what do you mean? | 21:02 |
stacks88 | running mysql 5.5 from ubuntu 14.04. when i run show variables like '%open_files_limit%'; i get value 50000 for open_files_limit variable. now on the box that runs mysqld the process id is 25770, so i ran cat /proc/25770/limits|grep open and it says 50000 as the hard limit and soft limit. -- how do i tell my ubuntu 14.04 system to increase the limit from 50000 to say 200000 ? do i edit | 21:02 |
stacks88 | /etc/sysctl.conf ? but what would i put in there ? | 21:02 |
tgm4883 | lugarius: I kid. minetest is written better since it's not java, but it lacks many of the features of minecraft one would generally expect | 21:02 |
lugarius | .....ehr, did you tied other modpacks? | 21:03 |
tgm4883 | lugarius: I've not tried it in awhile. It's better now then? | 21:03 |
lugarius | I actually have fun making my own quarry in technic minetest | 21:04 |
lugarius | the nssm mod adds awesome monsters and so on | 21:04 |
tgm4883 | lugarius: cool, I'll have to test it out later | 21:04 |
lugarius | well... an ufo mod is also working | 21:05 |
ozbrk | iphone connected lol | 21:05 |
lugarius | cool, even works on Android, | 21:05 |
lugarius | if you make a world on Pc you can take it in yo pocket | 21:05 |
bekks | lugarius: Minecraft? :P | 21:06 |
tgm4883 | bekks: minetest | 21:06 |
bekks | tgm4883: :D | 21:07 |
lugarius | minetest.net and (for me a lot better) MC like clone... open source and free | 21:07 |
tgm4883 | I've started backing off the mods a bit, doing more adventure maps in minecraft now | 21:08 |
lugarius | for windoze muc an oobantoo | 21:08 |
tgm4883 | although this is horribly off-topic, so we should move to #ubuntu-offtopic if we want to continue | 21:08 |
lugarius | I also heard about a minecraft to minetest world converter | 21:09 |
ozbrk | pbx: btw got thison omgubuntu http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/03/ios7-ipad-iphone-ubuntu-trust guess there is a fix in the end | 21:11 |
ozbrk | this on* | 21:12 |
nick420 | tgm ud be happy to know i purchased minecraft and it is fully functioning | 21:12 |
power | hola | 21:13 |
neg0 | Hi all. I'm trying to install Acestream, but I'm getting 3 lib errors which I cant resolve. libtag1v5-vanilla : Breaks: libtag1-vanilla but 1.9.1-2 is to be installed. | 21:14 |
neg0 | And 2 conflicts | 21:14 |
neg0 | I cant go ahead and remove them, as it will break loads of other applications, not sure what to do | 21:14 |
xangua | ! Info | acestream | 21:17 |
silvian | nick420: YAY! :D | 21:17 |
MonkeyDust | !find acestream | 21:17 |
silvian | and most importantly you learned a bit about the bash shell ;) | 21:17 |
ubottu | Package/file acestream does not exist in wily | 21:18 |
silvian | It's a win win | 21:18 |
MonkeyDust | !find Acestream | 21:18 |
ubottu | Package/file Acestream does not exist in wily | 21:18 |
MonkeyDust | neg0 what's acestream? | 21:18 |
neg0 | Its like a VLC fork, which allows live streaming | 21:18 |
neg0 | Based off special acestream URL's acestream://<blah> | 21:19 |
MonkeyDust | neg0 taken from a ppa or so? | 21:19 |
cluemann | How does the ubuntu installer deal with configuring existing software raids? What about existing dm_crypt devices and existing LVMs? I'm basically a bit weary about using the manual installer menu options because I'm not sure if and when they write changes to disk and I can't afford to lose data on my current disk layout | 21:19 |
neg0 | taken from the PPA deb http://repo.acestream.org/ubuntu/ raring main | 21:19 |
MonkeyDust | cluemann is that a server? if yes, there's also #ubuntu-server | 21:19 |
k1l_ | neg0: uh, raring is old | 21:19 |
MonkeyDust | neg0 ok, then contact the ppa maintainer | 21:20 |
pbx | nice find ozbrk , thanks for the link | 21:20 |
cluemann | Hmm thank you MonkeyDust, I wasn't aware | 21:20 |
k1l_ | neg0: is that software still maintained? raring was 13.04. that is 3 years old now | 21:20 |
MonkeyDust | oh, raring, didnt notice | 21:20 |
neg0 | Can't find a newer package. So I thought I would give a crack at resolving stuff myself. | 21:21 |
neg0 | Thought it might be a good learning experience and stuff | 21:22 |
k1l_ | neg0: and that repo server even sends a "forbidden" server answer. so i dont think acestream is a thing now | 21:22 |
MonkeyDust | neg0 yes, it is, but you can't ask help here | 21:22 |
MonkeyDust | neg0 tip: use a vm or a container for experiments | 21:22 |
neg0 | Okay MonkeyDust cheers. I thought this was a support channel though? | 21:23 |
MonkeyDust | neg0 it is, but 13. | 21:23 |
MonkeyDust | neg0 it is, but 13.04 uis no longer supported | 21:24 |
k-joseph | hi guys, $free command displays free memory stuff, is it by default in Bytes/KB,MG,GB or what? | 21:24 |
MonkeyDust | k-joseph free -m for megabytes | 21:24 |
pbx | ozbrk, sounds slightly different from what i see, in that the bug report says "happens in a continous loop when clicking Trust" which i take it to mean the question dialog doesn't go away. goes away for me... it just comes back on every reconnect | 21:24 |
k1l_ | neg0: the problem is not ubuntu here. the problem is that acestream repo is not working with a supported ubuntu. better ask the acestream guys if they suport an actual version for actual ubuntus. | 21:24 |
neg0 | Okay guys. Cheers. | 21:25 |
brycks | default is kilobytes k-joseph | 21:25 |
bprompt | k-joseph: by default, is bytes | 21:25 |
k-joseph | brycks: thanks | 21:25 |
ozbrk | pbx: şet me check again | 21:25 |
ozbrk | pbx: let* | 21:25 |
k-joseph | bprompt: brycks: which is right then? | 21:26 |
ozbrk | pbx: oh it is also an outdatedd post for iOS 7 it is iOS 9.1.x now so | 21:27 |
k-joseph | bprompt: brycks: alright, adding -m returns it in MB | 21:27 |
pbx | ozbrk, yeah, seems related but not a direct fix to the current issue | 21:28 |
bprompt | k-joseph: check the manpages for, by default is bytes, but you can use -m or -k or -g for Mbs or Kbs or Gbs | 21:29 |
k-joseph | bprompt: sure, thanks | 21:29 |
brycks | To be honest I had to check the man pages too. ;-) Normally always use free -m.... | 21:29 |
ozbrk | hate this ubuntu sound managment why there is always too much bass what is the source of this issue | 21:29 |
Perdouille | Hey everyone ! I have a little problem | 21:31 |
behr | I just installed ubuntu 14.04 and when trying to do an apt-get update, I am receiving a strange error about the Clearsigned file being invalid. Does anyone have a suggestion to fix this? I have tried numberous fixes I found via google without a solution. Here is my console output http://paste.ubuntu.com/15174308/ | 21:32 |
Perdouille | I used DD to copy my old broken SSD (120go) to a bigger drive (~300go) while waiting for the new one | 21:32 |
Perdouille | I just got the new one (250go), but I can't copy everything back with dd from the HDD to the SSD because the HDD is bigger... How can I do ? | 21:32 |
andy__ | hi | 21:33 |
vlt | Perdouille: You can do this. | 21:33 |
bprompt | Perdouille: the w0t? | 21:34 |
Perdouille | vlt: I can do dd ? | 21:34 |
Perdouille | bprompt: ? | 21:34 |
mcphail | Perdouille: look at the "count" flag in the dd man page. It will limit how much is read/written | 21:34 |
vlt | Perdouille: Yes. And to increase the size of the partitions you can use a partition table edit tool afterwards. | 21:35 |
Perdouille | Yeah but it's a gpt partition, isn't there a block at the beggining and at the end of the drive ? | 21:35 |
k1l_ | Perdouille: what command did you use to safe the data with dd? did you increase the partitions afterwards? | 21:35 |
vlt | Perdouille: You won’t need "count" here because dd just stops when one of the devices run out of space or data. | 21:36 |
Perdouille | no k1l_, I just did a "sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdY bs=64K conv=noerror,sync" | 21:36 |
Perdouille | then I had to redo the bootloader for the windows partition with the windows install cd and it worked | 21:36 |
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vlt | Perdouille: You touched the data on the intermediate device? | 21:37 |
Perdouille | Yes I used it while waiting for my SSD | 21:37 |
Perdouille | but the partitions on it are still the same size | 21:38 |
vlt | Perdouille: Then it should work just fine because the partitions where SMALLER before. | 21:38 |
jwitk0 | Hi guys, silly question here but I can't figure it out. Ubuntu 14.04, I have edited this line into my /etc/sudoers file "user1 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL", but yet the user is still required to enter a password when using sudo. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? | 21:38 |
Perdouille | Alright, thanks | 21:38 |
vlt | Perdouille: I’d recommend using ddrescue or at least dd’s bs flag. | 21:39 |
k1l_ | Perdouille: ok, so its actually only a 120gb used part on the 300gb disk. so if you dd back to the new ssd it willw rite just 0 after the 120gb of data. so that doesnt matter if it stops when the ssd is full | 21:39 |
Perdouille | vlt: I copied with the same command, so I did bs=64k | 21:40 |
rypervenche | jwitk0: Have you logged out and then back in? | 21:40 |
Perdouille | k1l_: It's copying, I will come back if it doesn't work ^^ | 21:40 |
Perdouille | thanks everyone ! | 21:40 |
vlt | Perdouille: You’re welcome. | 21:40 |
rypervenche | Actually, I don't think that will change anything... | 21:40 |
i | how can i forcefully delete a file on ubuntu? | 21:42 |
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joakimk_ | I'm about to replace an SSD, and reinstall dual OS with Win10 and Ubuntu. Do I just install windows first, and then resize/repartition afterwards to make room for Ubuntu? | 21:42 |
k1l_ | joakimk_: yes | 21:42 |
rypervenche | Guest59753: rm -f /path/to/file | 21:43 |
Guest59753 | i didn't understand | 21:44 |
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k1l_ | !rm | Guest59753 | 21:44 |
ubottu | Guest59753: The Unix 'rm' command removes files and directories from the filesystem. It is an extremly powerful tool, and you should not run 'rm' commands unless you fully understand them. Do not run arbitrary 'rm' commands you see online. For a beginning guide on using terminal commands, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal and for a cautionary story about 'rm' see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL_g0tyaIeE | 21:44 |
Guest59753 | so how do i delete my unwanted files | 21:44 |
Guest59753 | ? | 21:44 |
k1l_ | Guest59753: <rypervenche> Guest59753: rm -f /path/to/file | 21:45 |
Guest59753 | the other guy just said "dont use rm unless necessary" | 21:46 |
rypervenche | "This video is unavailable." | 21:47 |
Guest59753 | oh okay i know it | 21:47 |
f00dWorksta | Guest59753: do you want to delete your files? | 21:47 |
Guest59753 | f00dWorksta | 21:47 |
Guest59753 | theres a lock image on my unwanted file | 21:47 |
Guest59753 | you get what i mean? | 21:47 |
Guest59753 | i think i have to go "superuser" or something.. | 21:47 |
k1l_ | Guest59753: what file is that? | 21:47 |
Guest59753 | .doc file | 21:47 |
Guest59753 | k1l | 21:47 |
k1l_ | and where is it? | 21:48 |
f00dWorksta | Guest59753: where is this file? | 21:48 |
Guest59753 | in the FILES | 21:48 |
Guest59753 | i want to delete it permanently | 21:48 |
Guest59753 | because it came with photorec | 21:48 |
Guest59753 | and its completely useless | 21:48 |
MeatHammer | Can anyone suggest a good reference for namespaces? | 21:48 |
Guest59753 | its not the .doc file i wanted | 21:48 |
steelbrain | Hey everyone, I'm experiencing a weird bug in nohup, any help would be appreciated, here's how to repro https://github.com/steelbrain/nohup-shell-hanging-bug | 21:48 |
tgm4883 | Guest59753: and it's not in your home directory? | 21:48 |
Guest59753 | i want a certain file but PHOTOREC or TESTDICSK isnt able to give it to me! | 21:49 |
Guest59753 | tgm4883 | 21:49 |
Guest59753 | i guess not.. | 21:49 |
tgm4883 | oh wait, you're recovering files | 21:49 |
Guest59753 | tgm48883 | 21:49 |
Guest59753 | i tried! | 21:49 |
Guest59753 | but failed | 21:49 |
Guest59753 | i think it has to do with nautilus | 21:53 |
k1l_ | Guest59753: we cant help you because we dont know and see what you see on your computer. | 21:55 |
k1l_ | Guest59753: you can rm any file when you use the /path/to/file where the file actually is. like "rm /home/user/Desktop/a.doc" if the file a.doc is on the Desktop from user. | 21:56 |
rypervenche | Guest59753: It sounds like you are trying to remove a file that is owned by root. | 21:56 |
Guest59753 | how do i be root? | 21:57 |
EriC^^ | Guest59753: what filesystem was the file deleted from? the one you're trying to recover? | 21:57 |
rypervenche | Guest59753: Try: sudo rm /home/user/Desktop/a.doc | 21:57 |
k1l_ | Guest59753: ubuntu got sudo for that. but be very carefull with using sudo. and dont use sudo with GUI programs | 21:57 |
Guest59753 | ahhh what are gui programs? | 21:57 |
cluemann | graphical user interface, programs that are "windows" instead of terminal commands | 21:58 |
k1l_ | Guest59753: nautilus is a gui program. of firefox. | 21:58 |
trism | steelbrain: doesn't seem like a nohup bug, if you just run your: ./bash.sh &; it will hang until you fg it, I guess because the -i switch sets interactive, so it's waiting for some kind of input/output. if you remove the -i switch it works fine | 21:58 |
Guest59753 | so its illegal to download gui programs? | 21:59 |
k1l_ | Guest59753: no. but you dont run them with "sudo" because its a bad idea to run gui programs with sudo powers. that is one part of the security system. | 22:00 |
tsapii | in general you shouldn't use sudo unless you absolutely need to | 22:00 |
Guest59753 | i heard linux/ubuntu is the safest os.. | 22:00 |
k1l_ | tsapii: and never with gui programs | 22:00 |
tsapii | remember that sudo is someting that can wreck your system completely | 22:00 |
tsapii | something* | 22:01 |
tsapii | so treat it with caution | 22:01 |
Guest59753 | so far ive just used sudo for downloading this chat, testdisk and so on.. programs like these. | 22:01 |
svetanikola2013 | greets from serbia guys.anyone has idea how to fix bootsplash after installing nvidia drivers in xubuntu | 22:01 |
tsapii | right, you need to use sudo to install packages | 22:01 |
MonkeyDust | svetanikola2013 try this, it will show a list : sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth | 22:02 |
steelbrain | trism: but to get the correct env, I need -i | 22:02 |
mcphail | svetanikola2013: you don't get a graphical boot with the nvidia drivers. AFAIK, only drivers supporting kms give a graphical splash | 22:02 |
svetanikola2013 | will now ...thnx MonkeyDust | 22:03 |
steelbrain | Any ideas how to make it spit out the env and die instantly instead of waiting on something? | 22:03 |
olivier | abhängigkeiten dependencies | 22:03 |
olivier | Good afternoon | 22:03 |
olivier | Guten Nachmittag | 22:04 |
svetanikola2013 | monekydust There is only one alternative in link group default.plymouth (providing /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth): /lib/plymouth/themes/xubuntu-logo/xubuntu-logo.plymouth | 22:04 |
svetanikola2013 | Nothing to configure. | 22:04 |
MonkeyDust | svetanikola2013 then what mcphail said must be correct | 22:04 |
olivier | how can I resolve a dependencies problem or how can I force ubuntu to ignore some libreoffice dict dependencies | 22:05 |
svetanikola2013 | its the proprietary drivers before i managed somehow to solwe this issue now no more | 22:05 |
k1l_ | olivier: can you show a pastebin of the full errors? | 22:05 |
olivier | I will try in the terminal to reproduce the message | 22:06 |
svetanikola2013 | i even found a grub deffault with grub_gfx seetings and changed it to normall ressolution | 22:06 |
trism | steelbrain: no idea, maybe ask in #bash? | 22:07 |
steelbrain | trism: Gonna do so now, thanks! | 22:07 |
olivier | libobasis5.1-en-gb : Hängt ab von: libobasis5.1-core (<= aber ist installiert | 22:07 |
olivier | libobasis5.1-es : Hängt ab von: libobasis5.1-core (<= aber ist installiert | 22:07 |
olivier | libobasis5.1-fr : Hängt ab von: libobasis5.1-core (<= aber ist installiert | 22:07 |
olivier | libobasis5.1-it : Hängt ab von: libobasis5.1-core (<= aber ist installiert | 22:07 |
olivier | libreoffice5.1-dict-en : Hängt ab von: libreoffice5.1-ure (<= aber ist installiert | 22:07 |
MonkeyDust | olivier http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 22:07 |
k1l_ | olivier: please use a pastebin service like paste.ubuntu.com | 22:07 |
nname31 | hello, how can unpack-edit-modify .abs firmware file?, any idea? | 22:10 |
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wigleworm | help | 22:16 |
jophish_ | Is there a way to do a clean install without a usb disk from an already installed ubuntu system? | 22:31 |
rypervenche | Shame he left. That one was a fun one. | 22:32 |
jophish_ | sorry, my machine crashed | 22:32 |
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k1l_ | jophish_: yes, but that is not a beginners task. as a beginner better use a usb pendrive or dvd | 22:33 |
jophish___ | k1l_: What makes you think I'm a beginner? | 22:35 |
k1l_ | jophish___: i was just speaking in general terms. no need to feel offended. look for "debootstrap" | 22:35 |
jophish___ | ok, no worries. Thanks k1l_ | 22:36 |
rattking | does anyone know of a reliable way to configure bridged networking with lib-virt and networkmanager? this is super easy on a server without networkmanager, but not I am trying to do it on my laptop | 22:42 |
olivier | It seems theres no help for my inquieries | 22:48 |
k1l_ | olivier: please provide the full errormessages in a pastebin and not just flood this channel | 22:49 |
Felishia | help | 22:59 |
Felishia | ubuntu is 12x times slower surfing on the internet than mac | 23:00 |
Felishia | and some websites just won't load | 23:00 |
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franendar_ | anyone knows how to change to specific glibc version? | 23:07 |
rypervenche | franendar_: Why do you want to do that? | 23:09 |
franendar_ | i have an executable compiled to an older version | 23:09 |
franendar_ | well, this is the message is giving me when trying to run it: "version GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file libstdc++.so.6 with link time reference" | 23:10 |
franendar_ | i got ubuntu 14.04 | 23:10 |
diego5412 | DOes anyone know why my internet conexion is UNtrusted? | 23:13 |
diego5412 | I just did a fresh installation | 23:13 |
Guest99289 | How Do I Log Out Root | 23:13 |
franendar_ | exit | 23:13 |
AthenaPvP | Hey, how do I speed up my YouTube experience? Ever since I downloaded Linux I've noticed it's very chuggy. The audio is fine, but video is lackluster at best. | 23:15 |
jinci | Hi | 23:19 |
AthenaPvP | Hello jinci | 23:20 |
xangua | AthenaPvP: what Ubuntu release? what browser? Are you using flash or the html5 player? | 23:20 |
AthenaPvP | xangua: 14.04? Whichever is the latest. Firefox. And probably HTML5 since that's Firefox's default. (At least in Windows it is.) | 23:21 |
bekks | AthenaPvP: check by invoking www.youtube.com/html5/ | 23:22 |
AthenaPvP | bekks: Yes, it's used when possible. | 23:23 |
AthenaPvP | xangua: HTML5 is used when possible. | 23:23 |
k1l_ | AthenaPvP: did you have that low AMD machine? | 23:23 |
AthenaPvP | k1l_: sadly. | 23:23 |
AthenaPvP | But video worked fine on Windows, so it's not the processor's fault. | 23:24 |
AthenaPvP | Plugins on firefox are: Privacy Badger and uBlock Origin. | 23:25 |
xangua | AthenaPvP: are you trying to play videos in fullscreen ? | 23:26 |
AthenaPvP | xangua: no. | 23:26 |
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Felishia | come on | 23:27 |
Jinci | So, this is Ubuntu, huh? | 23:27 |
Jinci | Me likey. | 23:27 |
AthenaPvP | xangua: oh, probably worthy of note: I'm using Xubuntu. | 23:28 |
Felishia | internet is 12x times slower can someone help me out | 23:28 |
Felishia | and most websites won't load | 23:28 |
Felishia | I can | 23:28 |
Felishia | I can't even google | 23:28 |
Felishia | even when google youtube facebook works | 23:28 |
Felishia | nothing else | 23:28 |
AthenaPvP | Felishia: try updating your WiFi drivers. | 23:29 |
Felishia | AthenaPvP, I just tried with several wifi devices | 23:29 |
Felishia | same problem | 23:29 |
Felishia | ubuntu is the issue | 23:29 |
Felishia | mac works fine | 23:29 |
k1l_ | Felishia: what is your exact ubuntu version (lsb_release -d)? what kernel (uname -a)? what connection type? | 23:29 |
* AthenaPvP is terrible with Ubuntu. | 23:29 | |
Felishia | different computers as well | 23:29 |
Felishia | Linux onza-HP-Pavilion-g6-Notebook-PC 3.13.0-37-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 22 21:28:38 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 23:30 |
k1l_ | Felishia: and i hope its not again you ranting about ubuntu but using a klai, backtrack or something other | 23:30 |
Felishia | Ubuntu 14.04 | 23:30 |
k1l_ | Felishia: does "ping google.com" work? | 23:32 |
Felishia | no | 23:32 |
k1l_ | what browser is in use? did you try with a clean profile? | 23:32 |
Felishia | now yes | 23:32 |
Felishia | it's so sudden | 23:32 |
k1l_ | Felishia: ? | 23:32 |
Felishia | sometimes they work sometimes they don't | 23:32 |
k1l_ | can you put "dmesg" into a pastebin like paste.ubuntu.com? | 23:33 |
AthenaPvP | Felishia: did you try using an ethernet cable? | 23:33 |
AthenaPvP | Felishia: also, K1l knows what he's talking about.. I'm a nub. | 23:33 |
Felishia | AthenaPvP, I did... but it was still slow | 23:33 |
Felishia | traps: trap int3 ip:7f60ed047c13 sp:7fff113b3ca0 error:0 | 23:34 |
Felishia | that's the only strange thing | 23:34 |
AthenaPvP | Anyways. Youtube laggy. Using Firefox, Xubuntu, plugins: uBlock and Privacy Badger, audio fine, video laggy. (FPS, not internet troubles.) | 23:34 |
AthenaPvP | HTML5 | 23:35 |
Felishia | the thing is that I | 23:35 |
Felishia | 'm trying to disable ipv6 to see if that is what it is | 23:35 |
Felishia | with no luck | 23:35 |
Felishia | also maybe it's the MTU | 23:35 |
Felishia | it does not make sense that macs are just running great with it | 23:35 |
Felishia | btw it also happens on windows | 23:35 |
Felishia | also on the playstation netflix runs great | 23:37 |
ejuan | AthenaPvP, In my experience html5 video players work best in chromium. | 23:37 |
AthenaPvP | ejuan: what's chromium? | 23:37 |
ejuan | open source chrome | 23:38 |
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AthenaPvP | ejuan: after chrome decided to stop supporting Java, I find it best not to use it. | 23:40 |
olivier | that seems to be a very crappy chat | 23:42 |
olivier | no help, but only sensless advices | 23:42 |
olivier | from kll | 23:42 |
AthenaPvP | let me try using another streaming website like twitch.tv and see if it lags there. It seems to be the ENTIRE site that lags. After a bit of googling it looks like certain drivers are blacklisted for some random-ass reason. | 23:42 |
k1l_ | i asked olivier 3 times to post his errors onto a pastebin. he didnt want to show then | 23:43 |
AthenaPvP | Same problems on twitch.tv. | 23:45 |
k1l_ | AthenaPvP: on wifi? | 23:49 |
diego5412 | How do I open a program that requires root permision | 23:49 |
AthenaPvP | k1l_: ethernet, it's FPS, not buffering problem. | 23:49 |
k1l_ | diego5412: which program exactly? | 23:49 |
diego5412 | gparted | 23:49 |
diego5412 | Im trying to resize my micro sd | 23:50 |
k1l_ | diego5412: just start it. it will ask for a password | 23:50 |
k1l_ | AthenaPvP: did you install the fglrx from the repo? | 23:50 |
AthenaPvP | k1l_: I don't beleive I have installed that. | 23:50 |
k1l_ | AthenaPvP: go to systemsettings - software and updates - last tab "drivers" | 23:51 |
k1l_ | diego5412: support please only in here | 23:51 |
diego5412 | Sorry | 23:51 |
diego5412 | How DO I open a program that's not lcoated in the applications menu? | 23:52 |
k1l_ | diego5412: press alt+f2 and type the name | 23:52 |
catbeard | so, is there a way to set https as the default transport for apt-.* | 23:53 |
AthenaPvP | "searching for available drivers" I remember doing something like this earlier to help minecraft run. | 23:53 |
AthenaPvP | k1l_: | 23:53 |
user_shravan | Please let me know which version of ubuntu server , I should install on my Pentium4 (3.2 GHz) RAM 1 GB | 23:53 |
diego5412 | Same thing: This software is to powerful, only root may run it | 23:53 |
k1l_ | diego5412: what ubuntu is that exactly? | 23:53 |
diego5412 | Ubuntu mate | 23:54 |
AthenaPvP | k1l_: "Using Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators from fglrx-updates (proprietary) | 23:55 |
k1l_ | AthenaPvP: ok. that sounds good | 23:55 |
diego5412 | Im going to reboot | 23:55 |
pcwiz1 | hello im sorry i realize im in the complete wrong place for this but where would one go for help on debian based systems? | 23:56 |
pcwiz1 | hello and apologies but im brand new to makulu , does anyone know if and where i could get help with some installation of software on makulu linux pls? | 23:58 |
AthenaPvP | !makulu | pcwiz1 | 23:59 |
AthenaPvP | worth a shot. | 23:59 |
pcwiz1 | thx a ton | 23:59 |
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