[00:01] oh, ffe question to sgclark, yofel and clivejo [00:02] she did file one [00:02] and please check the text of that page https://community.kde.org/index.php?title=Plasma/InstallingNext and see that it is correct [00:02] I don't think there has been a release-team response yet [00:02] cool [00:34] only activity on my ffe is it was escalated to critical [09:14] Good morning. [11:47] anyone experiencing display related problems in xenial? [11:56] clivejo: What type of problems? [11:57] display freezing for no reason [11:58] Nope, I haven't seen any of that. What GPU do you have? [11:59] Nvidia [11:59] only started recently [11:59] is there a new QT in the archive [12:00] I think there have been a few updates not too long ago to backport various patches since we can't have 5.6. [12:09] something was changed [12:10] system feels a bit sluggish too [12:11] clivejo: im on nvidia profile and all works pretty nice [12:11] on xenial? [12:11] system freezez only if i want to boot with hdmi cable connected [12:11] clivejo: yes [12:12] basically there are problems with connecting other device liek TV through hdmi [12:12] have you updated recently? [12:14] i am always on latest updates http://wstaw.org/m/2016/02/23/snapshot66.png [12:15] same versions as mine [12:15] clivejo: are you ging to build new frameworks ? [12:16] if we are stuck with apps anyway [12:16] soee: nope, Ive been asked to hold off [12:16] why ? [12:16] try to get apps finished [12:16] Feature Freeze I believe [12:17] yofel: we can't put frameworks to staging ppa so they start building ? [12:18] if someone has nothing else to do right now, sure. Otherwise that's like bottom priority [12:18] I have the sources built locally [12:19] and was in the middle of a debian merge [12:19] then I went to try and get libkolab fixed to try and fix PIM [12:19] yofel: o, thank you :) [12:19] but its beyond my skills I think [12:20] clivejo: so if you find few minutes some day, you could upload frameworks :) [12:20] we're at a point where we need to cut down stuff and get things done [12:20] if kolab is too complex, kick it out of pim [12:20] if people ask for it we can provide a ppa version [12:21] I just dont understand it enough [12:21] but Im trying to learn [12:21] yofel: do you know what package provides KDE calendar support ? [12:21] no [12:22] my first guess would be PIM [12:22] i think it is like ~ 1 week till Plasma 5.6 beta :) [12:22] Kolab's OBS is using libcalendering, which apparently is a "frankenstein" package of kdepimlibs for headless servers [12:23] soee: Xenial is an LTS, we have to put effort into getting a good stable release [12:24] clivejo: i know and that is why i think it should use Plasma 5.6 but sadly we can't i think [12:26] right, not going to happen [12:28] yofel: can't we have some ppa that will be enabled by default for users, and put there important updates (like Plasma 5.6) so there is no need adding backports manually ? [12:28] no. No software in the archive may add PPAs (that's why ubuntu-tweak never got accepted) [12:28] and official flavors may not have PPAs enabled by default [12:29] a lot of users have no idea that there is something like backports ppa with newer and probably more stable/with more bugfixes packages [12:29] if they have no idea how to do basic package management, then they should not use backports [12:29] that would require a completely different QA level for our backports [13:10] Howdy all [13:32] Qt 5.6 will be released around 12-15 of March. Is there any chance for 5.6 to be packaged for xenial? [13:36] not for the official release [13:36] some PPA will have it eventually [14:03] too bad, as it is lts Qt release it belongs to lts ubuntu [15:06] sitter: seems you have a new epoch test. this is lovely except that we have a problem when we have an epoch and debian does not. AFAIK we cannot drop this epoch. Please see kdenlive as an example. Thank you. [15:08] apparently my mail did not get moderated [15:08] lovely [15:08] sgclark: https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/neon/2016-February/000031.html [15:08] yofel: sadly kolab is required for kdepim-runtime [15:09] sgclark: in particular that kdenlive build is attempting to upload no epoch while previously it uploaded epoch 4 [15:09] that requires human intervention [15:09] blaze: well, then they should've released Qt early enough so it can be used in the LTS. March is far too late [15:09] if the previous epoch was wrong then the ppas need to get cleaned accordingly and the workspace needs to get wiped [15:10] the latest version has an epoch [15:10] ah yes, it was no epoch to epoch 4 [15:10] sgclark: the latest version? [15:10] or is what we have enough? [15:10] so yeah [15:10] sgclark: wipe workspace [15:10] and is it really hard required? [15:10] ugh not enough coffee for two conversations. [15:10] XD [15:11] I'm busy anyway, ping me when you have time [15:12] sitter: kdenlive the only epoch diff I see is debian does not have one and we do, all ours have it , none of theirs. [15:12] yofel: kdepim-runtime will not build without the latest kolab [15:12] now he should be able to just remove libcalendaring from the deps and build without I would think [15:13] nono [15:13] the first time around I got it right [15:13] sgclark: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/wily_stable_kdenlive/ws/packaging/debian/changelog/*view*/ [15:13] this has no epoch [15:14] sitter: that was my mistake. but archive has epoch I had toadd it back [15:14] it will never publish >.< [15:14] that's not what it complains about [15:14] the changelog order is rather messed up.. [15:15] "4 -> " [15:15] it had an epoch of 4 [15:15] the lastest build attempts to have no epoch [15:15] the changelog without epoch shouldn't exist, and the other one should be at the top [15:15] i.e. that'd be an epoch downgrade [15:15] and that's why the build fails [15:15] http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/applications/kdenlive.git/tree/debian/changelog?h=kubuntu_stable [15:16] see line 22 had an epoch. that's the last successful integration supposedly. line 1 doesn't have an epoch anymore. [15:20] oh. that does not at all match. I have made many commit since then. [15:22] sgclark: in unstable [15:22] http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/applications/kdenlive.git/tree/debian/changelog?h=kubuntu_xenial_archive [15:22] xenial_archive and stable are broken still [15:22] I am aware that I sccrewed up my changelog. I have fixed it though. god only knows where the hell my commits went [15:22] maybe you forgot to push? (: [15:23] notifying CI ... [15:23] good grief, I need more coffee [15:29] ugh I was working in unstable branch. [15:30] fixing [15:41] or not. I no longer can push. permission denied. [17:13] cannot find source file?! dunno how to fix that.. [17:14] anyway my mess with epoch is sorted, thanks for your help sitter [17:44] uh === zequence_ is now known as zequence [20:04] LO 5.1 in updates [20:05] LO? [20:05] Libre Office. [20:06] ah [20:11] I should dump libre -office , never had occasion to use it for anything [20:42] so when are plasma 5.5 and other updates expected to land to main repo? [20:43] btw I can confirm that installer bug is fixed (but lp bug report is not updated for weeks) [21:04] any 16.04 dailies working? [21:05] ahoneybun: todays daily works [21:05] cool [21:05] snele: do you know who fixed the installer? [21:06] clivejo: I don't know. Bug report isn't updated [22:16] sgclark: ping [22:16] clivejo: pong [22:16] hi :) [22:16] hpwdy [22:16] err [22:17] howdy [22:17] so I been researching this libkolab package [22:17] apparently libcalendaring is a hack to get it to install on a headless server [22:18] and on client side it needs built against kdepim [22:18] I think Ive got it to build successfully on KCI [22:19] could you try using it in PIM in apps 15.12.1? [22:19] https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/unstable/+build/9055237 [22:20] clivejo: can you copy the package to the ppa and rebuild kdepim-runtime? caught me at a bad time I am busy with other commitments. [22:21] I copied libcalendaring, but found out since about it being a hack [22:21] will do [22:21] thanks! [22:21] just copy the KCI build? [22:21] yeah that should work [22:22] ok done [22:23] Ill delete libcalendaring while Im at it [22:37] wow I'm get like 3-10 hour ETA for the Beta 1 download [22:38] we have a beta one? [22:38] we have no announcement..... [22:38] didnt we opt out? [22:39] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/357/builds [22:40] of the alphas we did [22:40] I'm not waiting 17 hours lol [22:40] right, I know that we have images in the qatracker [22:41] but since we're not done, .... [22:41] right [22:41] where are our packagers! [22:41] I've just been out of the loop [22:41] we're working our few to an early death [22:41] we're trying to finish applications, and perhaps slide the latest frameworks in [22:41] if possible [22:42] as I understand it [22:42] valorie: yofel rules that out earlier [22:42] clivejo it tearing his peace of mind apart trying to fix PIM [22:42] ah, boo [22:42] ruled [22:42] well [22:43] I'm tempted to install Kubuntu back on my laptop again [22:43] I didn't really opt-out of beta1 this time - it might be worth to at least get ubiquity tested [22:43] I just don't know how the Ubuntu SDK will act [22:43] though I doubt it makes sense to release it [22:43] wait what I have been working on pim [22:44] but our ffe has not even been approved [22:44] so we have absolutely nothing new in beta [22:44] oooo, sorry sgclark [22:44] valorie: I been trying to understand kolab stuff [22:44] whatevs [22:44] valorie: beta is candidate images btw. potential release is on friday IIRC [22:44] PIM is beyond me [22:44] they are both PIMish, right? [22:45] its a very small part of PIM [22:45] ah, got it [22:45] pim depends on kolab nothing more [22:45] but something I use a lot [22:45] I don't recall kolab being such a pain, sorry clivejo :( [22:45] so perhaps beta2 will be useful for us and something we should work towards? [22:46] sgclark: did you remove the build dep on libkolab? [22:46] if our FFE is passed [22:46] clivejo: I did not [22:47] do you happen to know if the build dep is on libkolab2 or libkolab-dev? [22:47] dev [22:47] need to add that back in [22:47] I did not remove anything.. [22:47] I think debian must have removed it [22:48] how did they remove it if it's required? [22:48] ah, there is that possibility. you did that merge :) feel free to add it back in.. [22:48] good question yofel [22:49] yofel: did you have time to look at my note in ninjas pad? [22:49] err notes [22:49] no sorry. [22:50] okies === scottn is now known as 16WAADWPX [23:19] yofel: ahoneybun: As far as Beta goes, yesterday I grabbed a daily and successfully installed to a VM. [23:20] So, Ubiquity is no longer broken, though the bug I though was the root cause is not closed yet. [23:20] At least for me ;-) [23:20] well, progress. There seem to be more bugs in ubiquity according to #ubuntu-quality [23:22] Oh, I do not mean there are zero bugs, just that it is no longer hopelessly broken. [23:22] right, thanks a lot for verifying that! [23:24] I will grab another daily tomorrow morning. [23:25] In 18 hours or so. [23:26] \o/ [23:26] that will be so useful for our testers [23:26] when we're ready for them