[00:54] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=798490 [00:54] Debian bug 798490 in wnpp "RFP: carla -- audio plugin host supporting LADSPA, DSSI,LV2, VST2/3 and AU formats" [Wishlist,Open] [00:55] the guy from carla and kxstudio wrote last summer that he wanted to get down with debian, http://libremusicproduction.com/articles/friday-interview-2-falktx [00:58] from reading arround i get the feeling it is happening. althought i haven't digged deep enough to understand why linuxsampler would be a dependency of carla. [02:21] OvenWerks: re meterbridge, whats up with NON? http://non.tuxfamily.org/wiki/Non%20Mixer [02:22] it's sexy as a bare-circuit robot http://non.tuxfamily.org/wiki/Screenshots [03:36] sakrecoer_: carla can be built without linux sampler I have done that here. [03:38] sakrecoer_: no one has packaged it. But it would be much nicer if it supported LV2 plugins (and these days linux VSTs) many of the LV2 plugins are very nice and have no equal in ladspa. [03:39] sakrecoer_: also if Ardour is hard for some people to figure out, the non-daw learning curve is much higher. [03:40] sakrecoer_: I had thought that non-mixer would at least make a nice live mixer, but some of the things I would want can not be easily used with it. [03:41] sakrecoer_: with non-daw using the session manager is a must. Good thing the non-session manager is the best one around. [03:42] but people seem to have a hard time using more than LMMS (or things like iit) already. [03:46] sakrecoer_: I am sorry the "it" in my second comment above is non-daw. There is no licencing issue so far as I know, just no one has packaged it. It is still being developed so far as I know. [17:02] zequence: just updated 16.04 on my system. On shutdown there was a very long delay with no indication that the system was not hung. I hit ESC (which the average user might not know to do) and there was a note saying there is a shutdown job running and it was 47secs done out of 1 minute 30 seconds. I am not sure what package to bug this under or if xubuntu has done something with it. [17:03] I will maybe bug plymouth if I don't hear back. [17:04] off to reboot again... [17:04] OvenWerks: the 90seconds is the standard time systemd waits for something if it's not shutting down properly (apparently) [17:09] I had similar last year - that was caused by serviio not having a .service file [17:26] flocculant: it only did it once and the message made me think this was part of the SW upgrade/install [17:28] but being exactly 90 sec and having it shutdown right on time would point more to what you are saying for sure [17:28] I am not worried about it taking longer than normal to shutdown so much as there being no indication to the user. [17:29] flocculant: am I then correct to assume that if two things fail to shutdown correctly the wait time could be 3 minutes? [17:31] Anyway... good news, (and I don't know how long ago this was fixed) the delay on session start when choosing the system menu is much shorter now. [17:32] in 1404 the delay was as much as 20sec. [17:37] OvenWerks: I can't answer that - but I'd assume the wait is concurrent [17:44] OvenWerks: if it keeps happening - then I would guess there's something running not terminalting properly - about all I ever managed to find about logging shutdown was https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/Debugging/#index2h1 === zequence_ is now known as zequence [18:09] OvenWerks: Can't find a similar bug for qjackctl in Debian, and they have the same version [18:10] I think it's related to XFCE somehow, though. Or something else DE specific [18:11] On Gnome, which nowadays has support for traditional systray icons, has no problems [18:12] actually, perhaps it has to do with indicator support [18:12] It will only misbehave when I add indicator support to Gnome [18:13] But, then what happens is the icon in the indicator area is non responsive. No menu, nothing [18:14] We should find out more, and send a bug report to Rui [18:14] Disabling indicator support should be fairly easy to do with a patch, as a fix [18:16] I suspect this is an old bug. Perhaps to do with qt? [18:16] bug 970412 [18:16] bug 1294056 in qjackctl (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #970412 Qjackctl systray icon shows no menu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1294056 [18:17] Perhaps to do with qt5 [18:20] zequence: I know Rui has just in the past year released with qt5 available (or maybe that is as default). [18:22] qjackctl only switched to qt5 with the latest update [18:22] You can see that in the debian changelog [18:22] apt-get changelog qjackctl [18:23] it should be buildable with qt4 still... I may download the source and see if that helps... if so then it is a source bug. [18:24] alright [18:28] * OvenWerks guess he will need yet another install partition to mess up with building tools :P [18:30] OvenWerks: If you don't mind the reduced performance, you can always use a virtual system, which you can backup [18:31] I used to that for linux-lowlatency at the end, so I always had a system setup for that - one which I could easily add to any OS [20:04] I used to that for linux-lowlatency at the end, so I always had a system setup for that - one which I could easily add to any OS [20:04] Oh, sorry