
jameshwgrant: are "chroot problem" errors from PPA builders the kind of thing that you deal with?02:16
wgrantjamesh: Sometimes. Do you have a link?02:17
jameshwgrant: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-075/+build/906023402:17
jameshit's for a ppc64el build02:17
jameshthe build log is very short02:17
wgrantjamesh: That looks like VM memory corruption. A retry should work.02:18
wgrantDo you have retry privileges for that PPA? If not, I do.02:18
jameshwgrant: I don't02:18
wgrantjamesh: Looking better this time.02:20
jameshwgrant: thanks!02:20
jameshwgrant: sorry to bother you again, but I've got some arm64 builds that look like they've hung: the builds have been running for 1 hour 40 minutes, when they usually take ~ 15 minutes.03:40
jameshhttps://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-075/+build/9060223 and https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-075/+build/906023003:40
jameshso I wonder if there is something wrong with the machine they're running on03:41
jameshLooking at https://launchpad.net/builders/, all the bos01-arm64-* builds seem to have been running for a long time03:42
wgrantjamesh: They seem to have finished, odd.04:12
jameshwgrant: one of them does, yeah.  I guess I'll wait on the other one.04:14
jameshIt's just surprising to see something that usually runs fairly fast to take longer than 2 hours to build04:14
cjwatsonspotz_zzz: bugs.qastaging is back up now.11:25
cjwatson(and qas in general)11:25
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spotzThanks cjwatson!15:08
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=== spotz is now known as spotz_zzz
=== spotz_zzz is now known as spotz
=== spotz is now known as spotz_zzz
=== spotz_zzz is now known as spotz
=== spotz is now known as spotz_zzz

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