[00:08] issue with MAAS trying to connect to your system BMC [00:08] can anyone please help me wit that [02:16] Bug #1549566 opened: [2.0] When the Primary Rack controller cannot connect to the Region Controller, DHCP is not disabled / no fail over [08:44] Bug #1549670 opened: When ControllersManager updates its list, it can include non-controller objects [08:47] Bug #1549670 changed: When ControllersManager updates its list, it can include non-controller objects [09:02] Bug #1549670 opened: When ControllersManager updates its list, it can include non-controller objects [15:03] Bug #1549842 opened: [2.0] Failed to update this region's process and endpoints; unleashed:pid=28940 record's may be out of date [15:03] Bug #1549843 opened: [2.0] Failed to update this region's process and endpoints; unleashed:pid=28940 record's may be out of date [15:24] do you guys have a list of variables like these that we can use in curtin template{{node.system_id}} [16:06] mag009, hmm, well, the source does? :) [16:07] wish there was a doc somewhere... instead of having to go through the source ;) [16:08] smoser is a source-is-docs kind of guy [16:08] but yes, this is a frequent request I think [16:08] lborda, deu certo? [16:17] mag009, doc is horribly lacking :-( [16:17] the curtin template there that he's referring to though is maas [16:17] kiko, [16:18] oh [16:20] yes I know it's lacking :) basically what I'm trying to figured out is how can I detect if it's a uefi or not so I can apply the boot/efi partition when it is [16:20] smoser, I wonder if our template vars are documented either :-/ [16:20] roaksoax, do you know? [16:20] {{bios_boot_method}} seem that it doesn't work in my template [16:21] mag009, is it used in other templates? [16:22] kiko: i had them documented somewhere... i'll look into it [16:23] no its not [16:23] {{if bios_boot_method == "uefi" }} is what I'm trying to achieve :) [16:23] mag009: bios_boot_method is definitely something we won't expose in the templates [16:23] mag009: what are you trying to do ? [16:24] I'm trying to statically set a storage in my curtin_userdata_custom [16:24] mag009: maas automatically detects whether you are booting with UEFI or not and performs things in a different way [16:24] yes for ubuntu [16:24] I'm trying to make it work for debian Jessie [16:25] that'd be great for us to get working in fact [16:25] the uefi is a bit different on debian vs ubuntu [16:25] slightly ... [16:25] mag009: that is not done on preseeding actually [16:25] provisioningserver/boot/uefi.py is where you auto detect it [16:26] mag009: all UEFI related stuff on custom images would need to be done on curtin hooks [16:28] ok if I use a curtin hooks will curtin handle the installation of the grub2-efi package ? [16:28] I can see the curtin hooks of centos for example but I dont see any package installation [16:30] ltrager: ^^ [16:30] and if i use the curtin hook i believe I cannot preconfigure my storage in the template ? [16:31] mag009: no, we don';t support storage/network config for custom images [16:32] well for a debian image legacy boot it work fine.. [16:32] its just that your provisioningserver/boot/uefi.py is trying to install shim which doesnt exist in debian [16:33] blake_r: you have an example of curtin hooks handling UEFI on any custom images ? [16:34] i have the centos hook thats the one I'm looking at [16:34] but honestly guys it would'nt be too hard to support debian as well [16:35] mag009: we take patches :) [16:35] mag009: the key here is the images themselves [16:37] root.tar.gz wouldn't work ? or you need the following structure : http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/daily/xenial/amd64/20160223.1/ [16:37] ? [16:38] ok if i look at centos http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/daily/centos70/amd64/20141129_01/ [16:38] its a tgz but I guess it use the curtin hook [16:39] its not supported officially i guess ? [16:39] it should be if I understand your question [16:39] blake_r is the man to answer [16:40] mag009: the image streams is different to when adding a custom image [16:40] mag009: adding a custom image you are basically telling MAAS it is a tgz [16:41] yes ok thats what I thought [16:41] mag009: but the curtin hook is what is used to do other things for those images themselves [16:41] so the centos in your repo is basically a custom image [16:41] mag009: it is centos + custom curtin hooks bits [16:41] mag009: the only different is the curtin hooks [16:42] difference* [16:42] ok [16:47] i'll try with the curtin hook [17:06] mag009: we normally prebake all the packages we need into the image before deploying incase the machine can't access the repositories. However you could shell out from the curtin script to run apt/yum/dnf etc [17:06] mag009: also grub-efi is a meta package in Ubuntu/Debian it may be called something else on CentOS [17:07] mag009: nm it looks like it does have grub2-efi [17:16] ltrager the package is there but it failed at the installation of shim and grub-efi-amd64-signed [17:16] because on debian these do not exist [17:20] are you getting the grub2-efi package from the Debian archive? According to package.debian.org it only depends on grub-efi-amd64 - https://packages.debian.org/jessie/grub-efi [17:20] i know but when it deploy the curtin failed because it try to install these extra pacakges [17:21] which is auto installing from the boot/uefi.py [17:22] I can write an exception for Debian not to install these 2 packages its not a big deal [19:43] help: [19:43] unable to download mass, showing depnd error [19:44] unmet dependencies: libcogl15 libegli1-mesa-drivers [19:52] aka: we don't; install those dependencies nor depend on them [19:52] aka: those seem like something unrelated [19:53] how to solve this issue?? any alternate [19:54] aka: sudo aptitude upgrade ? does that even help? [20:03] it worked but now its letting me create admin [20:03] it says command not found for creating admin [20:03] aka: sudo aptitude install maas [20:03] sudo maas-region-admin createadmin [20:04] command not found [20:04] while checkin maas it says no argument given [20:06] aka: dpkg -l | grep maas [20:06] what's the output of that [20:08] maas cli [20:08] python mass client [20:08] aka: then you are missing packages [20:08] aka: the 'maas' package is not installed [20:11] that's the only issue...its showin unmet dpnds error again... [20:11] tried aptitude but coundnt get maas... [20:13] aka: do you have an output where we can see? Where are you trying to install maas from ? [20:14] aka: what release ? [20:14] from maas website... [20:14] pt-get to aptitude Action apt-get command aptitude command Install foo apt-get install foo aptitude install foo Search foo apt-cache search foo aptitude search foo Remove foo apt-get remove foo aptitude remove foo List reverse dependencies apt-cache rdepends foo aptitude search ~Dfoo Print information on priorities for foo apt-cache policy foo aptitude versions foo [20:15] Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation: The following packages have unmet dependencies: libcogl15 : Depends: libegl1-mesa-drivers maas : Depends: maas-cluster-controller but it is not goin [20:16] The following packages have unmet dependencies: libcogl15 : Depends: libegl1-mesa-driver [20:16] aka, you are deep in PPA hell [20:17] aka: yeah but what PPA ? [20:17] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maas/stable [20:18] aka, what I mean is that you have other PPAs that have messed up your system [20:18] you will need to do a good old apt-get -f install [20:18] and see if that helps things [20:18] it will probably uninstall your X server [20:18] sounds like you've got xorg edgers or something crazy like that [20:20] indeed [20:21] same error again [20:22] aka, essentially, your distro is broken [20:22] you will need a fresh ubuntu or install maas into a container [20:23] is there any repair thing? [20:25] my sys also stopped accepting updates [20:28] heh === blahdeblah_ is now known as blahdeblah [23:58] Bug #1550060 opened: Settings page 'Users and Keys | Last seen' should show 24-hour enGB formatted datetime