[17:45] Hi, I'm trying to compile SuperCollider and cmake needs the path to qt. I am not guessing right at all. any advice? [18:12] celesteh: have you installed the libqt4-dev or the qt5 equiv? [18:14] celesteh: I would not suggest using qt5 unless your qt5 is at least version 5.5. [18:14] but if that is required that is ok. [18:22] celesteh: You need to export the path as an environment variable probably [18:23] celesteh: Also, #lad is a perfect channel for asking about this kind of stuff [19:43] The latest version of supercollider requires qt5, which I seem to have installed. This is my output: http://pastebin.com/bcYu2psb [20:07] celesteh: do you have qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools and libqt5x11extras5-dev installed? [20:09] That was it. Thank you [20:09] I thought I did, but I was missing a couple of those [20:11] celesteh: I actually got that list from the qjackctl package :) [20:13] (y) !