[15:03] hi first time here [15:03] arch linux user [15:10] WElcome! [15:15] i must admit though ive just moved to arch and the crashes are a problem [15:15] my comp is def powerful but i think the nvidea drivers are crashing me [15:16] arch tends to be more leading (bleeding) edge than most distros [15:17] this is why ubuntu ;] [15:19] yea i really want to make a linux distro my os for a server im starting what distro would you recommend [15:28] Well, we're sort of biased here. :) [15:28] But I've found Ubuntu server to be pretty nice overall [15:29] the package manager is quite nice [15:29] that said the packages tend to lag over time [15:29] so after a certain point you only get securty updates [15:29] and not the latest-and-greatest [15:51] oh i see is this more of a ubuntu promary channel [15:51] i should have figured [15:51] i just wish their was a linux irc for michigan [15:51] this is close :) [15:54] Yeah, this is pretty close [15:54] WE also have a channel for the Michigan UNIX Uer Group but most folks in that channel are here [15:55] (http://mug.org if you're interested) [15:55] But I like to think we're more pragmatic than dogmatic about OSes [15:56] My boss uses (and loves) Arch Linux. [15:56] I prefer Ubuntu because I like more stability [15:57] If you want to rock Macintosh we'll still love you [16:18] yeah, we don't trash talk other linux. our good friend greg-g uses debian in production despite all the good evidence that ubuntu-server would be better ;] [16:18] jcastro: glad you like the 5x. I'm liking the motox pure [16:18] jcastro: I missed my moto little touches and it's a nice inbetween the 5x size and the N6 size [16:18] hah [16:19] * rick_h_ ran arch until he got hired by canonical [16:19] been there done that :) [16:19] Well, because you liked tiled window managers and Ubuntu didn't make that particularly easy to accomplish [16:19] I liked arch, it worked well for me :) [16:19] Yeah, no worries [16:19] I just didn't update it every day and made sure to keep an eye out for 'tricky' things :) [16:20] that reminds me I need to get my tiling setp working on here again. [16:20] yeah, JOhn doesn't do that, and every now and again it reaches out and collects the good karma [17:28] cmaloney i feel the same way i really like arch linux but the stability issues hinder its ability to be used for wsomething serious imho [17:29] Yeah [17:31] ill stick around and try to be usefull [17:31] PLease feel free to hang around [17:31] hah, not a lot of useful here. Much more social :) [17:31] yeah, we're more of the social club. :) [17:31] i can socialize [17:32] whats the deal with airplane food [17:35] It's neither for airplanes or food? [17:41] *laugh track [18:16] anyone know current best file system for directories with thousands of files? I didn't know that this is still a limitation. btrfs seems very slow, but even ext4 is slow. Maybe xfs? [18:16] Did the lessons of reiserfs ever make it into other filesystems? [19:12] might have helped swift: https://github.com/otoolep/rqlite :} [19:18] cool? === dzho_ is now known as dzho