
=== rvba` is now known as rvba
=== Guest14568 is now known as jelmer
=== jelmer is now known as Guest86703
=== Peng is now known as Peng_
=== Peng__ is now known as Peng
josharensonI merged a branch and committed (revision #3). The merge was bad, so I reverted to revision 2 and committed. Now I'm at revision #4 and I can't attempt the merge again as bzr says "Nothing to do." How can I fix this?22:51
fullermd_You didn't want to revert to 2, you wanted to rewind to 2.22:52
fullermd_If that's actually all you've done (there are no other changes in the middle you care about), you can just go ahead and rewind now.22:53
josharensonfullermd_: I tried what is listed here https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/45980 but now I have 51 conflicts22:55
fullermd_I'd normally use pull.22:56
fullermd_(assuming again you really are talking about 2/3/4, and there's nothing between 3 and 4 you need to keep), `bzr pull -r2 --overwrite .` and then do the merge.22:57
* josharenson tries that22:57
fullermd_Uncommit I always have to look up details and do scratch experiments with, for anything but the simple "pop last" usecase.22:57
fullermd_You want to make it like 3 never happened.  Revert just changes the file contents.22:58
=== fullermd_ is now known as fullermd
josharensonfullermd: I think that did exactly what I wanted, thanks22:58
josharensonThere are only 20 conflicts now :-)  (which is what there was before, and why the merge went badly)23:00
fullermdIf things go poorly resolving them, you can always just 'revert' (with no args) before you commit it to try again clean.23:02

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