
=== patricio is now known as Guest25733
Lyrinkubuntu keeps trrying to open "kdewallet" or something00:58
Lyrinit doesn't want my password or a blank password though00:58
Lyrinit also won't open urls in the browser I set as default01:10
MichaelTunnellwhen is it asking for a password and which browser?01:13
Lyrinit asks me for a password to open kdewallet01:17
Lyrinand the browser is maxthon for linux01:17
Lyrinit's a chromium based browser01:17
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silv3r_m00nhi there04:53
silv3r_m00ni am trying to use Krita, but the FIle > New dialog is vertically outside my screen edges04:53
silv3r_m00ncan this be fixed ?04:53
AciD`on the live usb for kubuntu 15.10, I locked the screen05:02
AciD`what is the default password to unlock it?05:02
krytarikAciD`: empty.05:07
=== Steffstoff is now known as Guest39495
dhanrajhow do i set command key as shortcut to application launcher?05:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:10
dhanraj!ask how do i set command key as shortcut to application launcher?06:11
ubottudhanraj: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:11
hateballdhanraj: which application launcher do you refer to?06:15
dhanrajmain with K symbol in taskbar06:16
dhanraji tried in shortcut but it does not allow me to assign only meta key (windows key)06:17
hateballNo that is not possible06:19
hateball(without breaking other things)06:19
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hateballdhanraj: But you know you can just bring up krunner with alt+space right?06:29
hateballwhich lets you search and launch all the things06:29
dhanraji didnt knew that i thought it was only through alt + F206:30
hateballIt used to be alt+f2 default, but it's been changed since a while back. You can bind it to anything you like06:31
AciD`using a liveusb, I left the computer unattended for a long time, now, when I try to powerup the screen again by moving the mouse, inputing some keys on the keyboard, nothing makes the screen to wake up. I can switch to a non-X tty though. any ideas?06:54
=== Holly is now known as Guest88539
hateballAciD`: try restarting sddm, that'll kill X etc06:56
AciD`I'd rather not, I was doing a big update of my chrooted system in a terminal there06:57
AciD`(yes, I should have used a nohup screen to do that..)06:58
AciD`what is sddm btw hateball? the new lightdm? kwin?07:04
AciD`oh, the new kdm07:04
lordievaderGood morning.08:06
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johnfluxWhat do I need to re-run if i have no alt+f2  runner10:10
johnfluxoh, krunner10:10
lordievaderjohnflux: There you go ;)10:11
BluesKajHiyas all12:06
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kubuntuhey guys14:24
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jubo2'dpkg –get-selections > packages.list' doesn't work14:31
jubo2I also14:31
jubo2changing that long dash to a short stash14:31
jubo2what is going on?14:31
jubo2I would just like an inloadable list of apt-get14:32
jubo2'ed software14:32
jubo2I've done this before14:32
jubo2totally should just dump all apt-getted packages in a inloadable list on the next system14:33
jubo2bye bye rooted binaries14:33
hateballjubo2: it's --get-selections14:37
hateballthat is TWO - first14:37
jubo2oh.. yea.. the Wordpress concatenated the two dashes to long dash-line14:38
hateballthat's why people should learn to use those [code] boxes or whatever14:38
jubo2hateball: yeah. now it works14:39
jubo2sorry for my n00bish mistake14:39
hateballjubo2: man dpkg ;)14:40
jubo2Trop texy14:40
jubo2Je juste "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade" quand je vois une plaquat qui dit quelque-chose comme "Security upgrades"14:41
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:42
BluesKajhateball, he jsut likes to show his linguistic skills, next time it might be russian :-)14:44
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frankyk1l danke dir konnte updaten...15:25
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al8989i also have another issue with my network printer it's an hp officjet 8600 and connected wirelessly to my network but ubuntu can't always print to it sometimes i have to delete the printer and than set itup again to get it to work . It appears that when it does not work theip address of the printer has changed, however, my windows computers do not make me delete and reconfigure the printer when this happens thye just find anduse the16:40
al8989printer at it's new ip address on their own is there anything i can do to make ubuntu behave the same?16:40
geniial8989: Probably the better solution is to configure the dhcp server to always give the printer the same IP16:42
al8989genii: ah ok, but is there a solution to make it work better without doing that?16:44
geniial8989: So long as it's IP keeps changing, you will have the same problem. So the preferred way is give it an unchanging IP somehow. Either by telling the router or machine which assigns IPS to give it the same one every time, or possibly the printer itself has a setting on it for a static IP instead of dynamic one16:45
al8989genii: ah ok, but i am now wondering why windows does not make me do anyhting and the printer always just works16:49
geniial8989: It's in the driver somewhere16:50
al8989genii: yes i figured as much just makesme mad because of all the stuff i had to do to print something last night from my ubuntu pc16:51
geniial8989: Well, I've given you two options to look at now which would solve the issue.16:52
al8989genii: yes im going to do as you suggested16:52
ubottuaro_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:55
genii!it | aro_16:57
ubottuaro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:57
geniial8989: To avoid : If you set the IP to static on the printer itself, make sure it isn't in the same range of ones being handed out by the dhcp server already, to avoid two devices fighting over the same IP.16:59
al8989genii: ok will do that thank you17:15
MichaelPWhat better fglrx or fglrx-updates ?17:17
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Guest66639Hi, do anyone knows about problems with disapearing caldav calendars in the KOrganize?17:19
Guest66639Hi, do anyone knows about problems with disapearing caldav calendars in the KOrganize?17:20
ubottuaro_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:20
geniiaro_:  /join #ubuntu-it17:21
BluesKaj!it | aro_17:21
ubottuaro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:21
geniiBluesKaj: That will be the second time the factoid was pointed out to them :)17:21
MichaelPMaybe he can't read17:24
BluesKajiI would like to know who the SOB is that published 'buntu chats as file sharing sites in some Italian computer magazine17:24
BluesKajthink it was action parsnip at #ubuntu who found out about it17:26
geniiBluesKaj: Actually, it has more to do with an Italian ISP similar to the old CompuServe or AOL where you search for subjects with a syntax like calling factoids here17:26
Guest66639Nobody has an idea how to fix my issue?17:26
geniiGuest66639: Apparently no one who is here at the moment. But keep asking avery 10-12 minutes as people join and someone may know17:27
genii..alternately there may be something on the forums or askubuntu17:27
BluesKajgenii, but how would such a search end up on irc?17:28
Guest66639genii: Okay thanks for repsonse. I'll check askubuntu17:30
geniiBluesKaj: They are just used to the convention of doing !list to get a menu of other commands and use the same thing no matter where they are17:30
genii!info kdepim-runtime17:44
ubottukdepim-runtime (source: kdepim-runtime): runtime components for Akonadi KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:15.08.2-0ubuntu1 (wily), package size 1800 kB, installed size 8236 kB17:44
geniiGuest66639: What Kubuntu version do you have?17:45
geniiGuest66639: I found this bug which seems similar, but for a kdepim-runtime version which is before what Wily has https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33932717:48
ubottuKDE bug 339327 in groupdav "StartTime format wrong" [Major,Resolved: fixed]17:48
Guest66639My issue is, that the caldav calandar doesn't appear in the calendar management. But the calendar can be found under korganizer calendar settings.17:55
Guest66639Status is ready.17:55
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest15455
al8989hello, i was wondering if anyone had a reason why the setup forthe hp linux printer drivers hangs on my system, it gets through several steps before freezing18:12
MichaelP15.10 plasma 5.5.4 vlc problem i have not seen in awhile.. Since suse leap was released... VLC video only 1/4 of screen18:29
MichaelPppa:videolan/stable-daily .. that not even fix it18:35
soeeMichaelP: so you are on OpenSuse ?18:37
MichaelPsoee: no... 15.10.... said i have not seen that problem since the release of opensuse leap18:38
soeei see, someone mentioned something similar i think not so long ago18:39
soeebut i don't know if there was some solution18:39
MichaelPKubuntu needs rebuilt for Qt518:41
al8989i need help installing the hp linux print drivers18:56
=== buddy is now known as Guest6016
AciD`what's the kde meta package in 15.10 ?19:10
AciD`before, it was kde-full19:10
AciD`now with kde5, what is it?19:10
geniiMaybe kde-runtime19:12
genii!info kde-runtime19:12
ubottukde-runtime (source: kde-runtime): runtime components from the official KDE release. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:15.08.2-0ubuntu1 (wily), package size 2084 kB, installed size 9674 kB19:12
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AciD`nop, not kde-runtime19:15
AciD`somehow the upgrade from 14.10 to 15.10 got borked, but then I manage to chroot to my system to continue the upgrade19:16
AciD`some things like kwin can't be installed, so I'm wondering which other vital package did not get installed19:16
AciD`apt-cache rdepends kwin tells me it's either kubuntu-full, or kubuntu-desktop or plasma-desktop19:18
geniiThe usual is kubuntu-desktop19:20
AciD`ok, how are you supposed to investigate this kind of problem : http://paste.ubuntu.com/15261568 ?19:20
geniiTry apt-get update first19:21
AciD`I did, then I tried to install kwin just to see where is the problem19:23
AciD`it says "kwin-common : Depends: kwin-data (= 4:5.4.2-0ubuntu1) but 4:5.5.4-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa1 is to be installed", but I don't have any ppa activated, or am I ?19:24
AciD`(when I do apt-get update, I don't see any ppa url btw)19:24
geniiKubuntu has official PPAs, they moved away from Canonicals regular repositories for some things now19:24
AciD`ok, so it's not a 'ppa-related' problem19:25
mikeymophello all19:35
mikeymopI am left unclear on the state of 15.10 and its usage of systemd and legacy utilities. I'm trying to do some adv networking and I am conflicted because of kubuntu's inclusion of both networkd and bridge-utils19:41
mikeymopI was wondering if anyone knew the directory network-manager's bridges are located on the filesystem. And whether macvtap bridges are located in a different location19:41
mikeymopI checked /etc/network/interfaces19:41
nithinCan we use the windows key to launch application launcher in kubuntu19:50
nithinPlease help me. Just installed Kubuntu on my lap.19:51
nithinCan we use the windows key to launch application launcher in kubuntu19:55
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nithin_ Can we use the windows key to launch application launcher in kubuntu19:55
lordievadernithin_: No, the Super (windows) key is seen as a modifier key.20:03
clivejothere is a utility I believe20:03
AciD`I'm trying to finish the upgrade from 14.10 to 15.10, but somehow the official repository packages seems to be in a weird state since I have this kind of error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1526191820:04
AciD`namely, "libkf5configcore5 : Depends: libkf5config-data (= 5.15.0-0ubuntu1) but 5.18.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa1 is to be installed" that 'libkf5config-data' package wants a specific version, while the official version is higher ; how to fix that?20:05
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clivejoAciD`: you must have a PPA enabled20:12
clivejoubuntu15.10~ppa1 is coming from a PPA somewhere20:12
AciD`clivejo > on http://paste.ubuntu.com/15261598 you can see that I don't, in the usual places. Could there be a hidden place I don't know about where ppa could be added/activated?20:19
clivejoI usually use the Software Source util20:20
geniiAciD`: What does apt-cache policy libkf5config-data   report?20:21
* genii wanders back to work for a minute or two20:21
AciD`genii > well, I looked it up on the live usb to check which version it was, then downloaded via --reinstall --download-only20:25
AciD`then installed it in the chrooted env20:26
AciD`I erased my whole source.list, moved all the files from /etc/apt/source.list.d elsewhere, and am currently apt-get updating20:26
AciD`(yes, I have a very, very slow internet connection)20:27
AciD`so so far, the apt-cache policy  return a good version20:27
AciD`perhaps that fixed it20:27
AciD`I guess at one point, I must have had some ppa activated, so it downloaded and installed some of those packages. I guess I'll have tor remove all those ones20:32
AciD`any sed/awk guru that could tell me how to get the second columns of that paste in a apt-get remove --purge cmd ? : http://paste.ubuntu.com/15262127/20:34
AciD`nevermind, got it right on http://paste.ubuntu.com/15262147/20:37
AciD`ok, I had to temporarly remove the package init, but now the install is back on track20:42
AciD`the kubuntu-full install that is20:42
AciD`is there a way to reinstall the base packages (like init) with one meta-package btw?20:45
William__Hello community! Perhaps somebody could help me. Everytime I play a video on Firefox, the sound is at 100%. Even if I lower it, the next video' s sound will be at 100% again. Any ideas what's going wrong?20:53
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bpromptls | grep "K3B" | 1>/dev/null22:35
* bprompt ducks22:35
valorieI like k3b22:41
valoriehope it gets ported though22:41
geniivalorie: It may not?22:43
lordievadervalorie: I see a 5 version of k3b in the KDE overlay (Gentoo)22:44
geniiI use it quite a lot22:44
bpromptit gets ported?22:44
lordievaderNo idea, it might just be a git reservation, or something.22:45
lordievader[1] looks quite good for k3b. [1] http://developer.kde.org/~cfeck/portingstatus.html22:48
muessigbmy installation keeps crashing :(23:05
muessigbright before the end it crashes due to a dpkg bug23:05
muessigbit tells me about trying to overwrite locales which is also in some other package23:06
muessigbi cannot fully remember but it happened twice so far23:06
muessigbi even turned install updates during installation off23:06
muessigbi am trying to install the latest version23:07
muessigbon an uefi based amd64 machine23:07
muessigbhas anybody any idea how to fix this23:07
muessigbi really want to install kubuntu23:07
muessigbotherwise i will stay with windows again :/23:08
muessigbwhich is really not that great for developing23:08
muessigbi already had to give up crunchbang++ because it lacks the nonfree drivers i need23:08
muessigbwell they are on the install disk but it still cant find them ._.23:08
muessigbdoes anybody have an idea?23:09
ussher_if you want help you need to outline the problem better.  leave emotion out of it and provide specifics or you're unlikely to get an answere.23:46
AciD`muessigb > usually when 2 packages provides the same file, it's safe to dpkg- i <one of the onflcting package> --force-all23:51
AciD`then apt-get -f install23:51
AciD`is there a way to reinstall the base packages (like init) with one meta-package?23:52

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