
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
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kaliyaHi.Is there any way a LP comment may be removed?13:12
wgrantkaliya: What sort of comment?13:13
kaliyaA comment under a bug13:13
kaliyaPublic bug13:13
kaliyaCan the project owner remove it somehow?13:13
cjwatsonWe can hide bug comments if you tell us which ones.13:14
cjwatson(And preferably give a reason why ...)13:14
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cjwatsonkaliya: Don't know if you saw my reply just before my IRC host rebooted, but I hid your comment14:07
kaliyaThanks alot cjwatson14:08
kaliyaI thanked already, but you got disconnected :)14:08
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=== Peng is now known as Peng_
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dpmcjwatson, I don't seem to be able to link a related branch to a bug. Is this a known issue?16:57
cjwatsondpm: What happens when you try?16:57
dpmcjwatson, oh, it did get linked16:58
cjwatson(about to give a talk, replies will be slow)16:58
dpmcjwatson, np, sorry for the noise, please ignore16:58
dpmit just took a while for the branch to show up16:58
dpmas "Related branches"16:58
cjwatsonmaybe you were just on a DB slave for some reason17:02
dobeydpm: fwiw, i think the best way to do the linking is to use bzr commit --fixes= in the branch, rather than using the web interface on lp to link a branch; this way it's in the branch metadata17:16
dpmdobey, I had already done that17:17
dpmbut it was easier for me to do the two clicks on the web interface to send the MP :)17:18
dpmcjwatson, when you've got a minute, could you help me figure out why this snap build failed? https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/+snap/ubuntu-calculator-app17:57
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cjwatsondpm: That's a known issue with xenial snap builds due to a snapcraft incompatibility; it'll be fixed in the next launchpad-buildd rollout, hopefully later this week18:56
dpmcjwatson, ok, thanks. Is there a bug I can subscribe to get notification of when it gets fixed?18:58
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=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose
ondrejhey, is there a similar procedure for arm64 as for armhf to be enabled on the PPA?20:44
cjwatsonondrej: You can do it yourself now.20:47
cjwatsonondrej: "Change details" on the PPA20:47
cjwatsonondrej: (not announced yet because we're still nailing down a few details, but it's been true for a few weeks)20:48
mwhudsonhuh, i guess there is no page like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/golang/+publishinghistory for a ppa?23:33

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