
mupBug #1551471 opened: postrm scripts are overly agressive in removing files <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1551471>00:12
mupBug #1551471 changed: postrm scripts are overly agressive in removing files <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1551471>00:15
mupBug #1551471 opened: postrm scripts are overly agressive in removing files <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1551471>00:18
mupBug #1551399 changed: Trying to turn DHCP on via the API fails, returning number of interfaces of a rack. <MAAS:Fix Released by ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1551399>04:28
mupBug #1551390 changed: MAAS 1.9 can't see HDDs <MAAS:Invalid by anton-zubkoff> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1551390>08:22
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mupBug #1551730 opened: error deleting node <maas (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1551730>13:38
mupBug #1551730 changed: error deleting node <maas (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1551730>13:41
mupBug #1551730 opened: error deleting node <maas (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1551730>13:44
mupBug #1551730 opened: error deleting node <maas (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1551730>13:56
mupBug #1551799 opened: MAAS debug log level doesn't show things like power commands and such <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1551799>15:26
mupBug #1551636 opened: MaaS on older releases need support for newer curtin images <curtin:Fix Committed> <MAAS:New> <curtin (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <curtin (Ubuntu Trusty):Confirmed> <curtin (Ubuntu Wily):Confirmed> <curtin (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1551636>16:27
mimizoneHi there.18:09
mimizoneis there a way to configure the DHCP server of MAAS to based the returned IP address on the DHCP relay it received it from? Basically can we customize the dhcp server configuration?18:10
bbaqarThe LXD charm has a block-device config setting that defaults to /dev/sdb. Anyone got any idea how to create this block-device?18:23
bbaqarOr how to create /dev/sdb using maas?18:24
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D4RKS1D3Hi everyone19:13
roaksoaxmimizone: yes, you can cuztomize your dhcp server configuration by modifying the template in /etc/maas/templates, but only for MAAS <= 1.1019:14
roaksoaxbbaqar: you need to use MAAS 1.9+ and create partitions19:15
mimizoneroaksoax: I am testing the beta of 16.04 that comes with 1.10 so I should be good. I'll look into it thanks!19:15
D4RKS1D3I have a problem with power over wakeonlan/etherwake, with the command etherwake <macaddress> works, but when I try to deploy with maas via web interface do not works. I suspect the script /etc/maas/templates/power/ether_wake.template is not executing. someone can help me? thanks in advance19:16
roaksoaxmimizone: yes, 1.10 is just a transitional release though. MAAS 2.0 will hit soon and changing the way how DHCP is managed19:17
mimizoneroaksoax: soon meaning?19:17
roaksoaxD4RKS1D3: that may be due to how the networking is configured or a problem there19:17
roaksoaxD4RKS1D3: however, we are dropping support for wakeonlan19:18
roaksoaxmimizone: 16.04 will ship 2.0, or at least, that's the hope19:18
D4RKS1D3roaksoax, the network configuration is working properly, because when i try to send a packet with the same command the machine turn on properly19:19
mimizoneroaksoax: thanks. last questions then, do you have a pointer to the syntax/options of the dhcp templates and if there is any beta of maas 2.0, how it can be already tested?19:21
roaksoaxmimizone: alpha1 for 2.0 should be out this week, but not with the new DHCP management stuff19:28
roaksoaxmimizone: the dhcp templates, you can modify as you wish, what you have in the template there is the only variables available to it19:28
roaksoaxmimizone: no documentation unfortunately19:28
roaksoaxD4RKS1D3: no idea TBH, haven't touched WoL in ages19:28
mimizoneroaksoax: that's a dnsmasq or isc dhcp syntax?19:29
roaksoaxmimizone: isc-dhcp19:29
mimizoneroaksoax: thanks a lot. that shoudl do it for now!19:30
* roaksoax out19:30
D4RKS1D3Thanks roaksoax19:44
D4RKS1D3you know in what file maas is calling to wakeonlane template?19:45
D4RKS1D3Thanks for the the assistance19:49
mupBug #1536754 changed: Upgrade from 1.8 to 1.9 lost connected macs in all but one network <landscape> <MAAS:Invalid> <MAAS 1.10:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1536754>19:51
mupBug #1536754 opened: Upgrade from 1.8 to 1.9 lost connected macs in all but one network <landscape> <MAAS:Invalid> <MAAS 1.10:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1536754>19:54
roaksoaxD4RKS1D3: IIRC /etc/maas/templates/power/ether_wake.template19:55
D4RKS1D3I know this template, but who is calling this template19:56
mupBug # changed: 1484696, 1523779, 1532262, 153675420:03
dbainbrifor maas, using UI can can declare a device and set its static IP and it shows up in DNS. perfect. i can read this information from the maas CLI and the API, but I can't see how to set this information (mac, ip, allocation type) via the API. hints?23:20
bbaqarCan't you get it from maas maas nodes list ?23:20
bbaqaroh the API23:21
dbainbrii would have thought you could have added the information using the /devices resources, but that seems to only listen to hostname and mac23:24
bbaqardbainbri: have you looked in /api/2.0/nodes/{system_id}/interfaces/{interface_id}/23:47
dbainbribbaqar: haven't checked that as i am not using a node. i am essentially attempting to inject the current host into DNS. to do this via the UI I add the current host as a device (as opposed to a node) and assign it a static IP23:56
dbainbribbaqar: agree its a strange setup, but it is what it is23:57

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