
MooDoohello all06:14
pleia2jcastro: we did this tonight <3 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/232705/07:05
dholbachgood morning07:49
popeyGood morning!08:38
popeyPutting my X220 SSD in a lowly X61s makes me realise how many resources I squander in my X220!08:39
popeythis X61s has "only" 3GB RAM vs the 16GB in my X22008:39
popeyOne nice thing is I re-kindled my love of Mutt :)08:40
dholbachhey popey08:50
MooDoopopey: I've been using mutt with gmail for a few weeks now, I like it :D09:06
popeyyo czajkowski09:34
czajkowskiHappy Saint David's Day!09:38
czajkowskipopey: may need your expertese on a ultrabook next time you're here09:38
czajkowskinot sure if the battery is dead or it's just not able to charge09:38
popeyoh dear09:38
czajkowskibut rather dubious about opening it myself09:38
popeyhow old is it now?09:39
czajkowskipopey: it's not the X109:39
popeyhehe, I've had 3 laptops apart this week09:39
czajkowskipopey: my old Tosh Z83009:39
popeylikely battery fail09:39
czajkowskiworks fine plugged in09:39
popeyprobably just one cell in the battery09:39
popeyonce they go, they're gone09:39
popeyno amount of coaching will get them going again09:39
davidcalleczajkowski: the Saint is not official yet, but thanks! :p09:39
czajkowskidavidcalle: lol!09:39
czajkowskipopey: so no chance of opening it up and replacing the batter then ?09:40
popeysure, you can do09:40
czajkowskidavidcalle: it's most odd coming from a place where we and the entire world celebrate St. Patrick to the UK where they don't09:40
czajkowskipopey: lovely next time you're over I'll make chocolate croissants :) and you can take it apart!09:40
popeyheh okay09:41
popeybattery comes out of that laptop pretty easily09:41
popeylike 12 screws and you're done09:41
popeyyou gonna order a new one?09:42
czajkowskipopey: once I figure out what I need yes :)09:43
popeyyou need a web browser, the word 'ebay' and 'Z830' and 'battery' and a mouse button to click the search button09:44
popeyalso, paypal or credit card may help too :)09:44
popeythey're big flat things09:45
popeythat kind of nonsense.09:45
czajkowskijust powered it on and it sees Ubuntu but wont boot into it09:48
czajkowskiwill be doing a clean install09:48
czajkowskiat least the sister can use Ubuntu no problem09:49
dholbachballoons, davidcalle, dpm, mhall119, popey: who does Q&A today?11:00
dholbachI did the last two times already O:-)11:00
dpmmike is out today, and I was on last one. balloons, popey, davidcalle, are you up for it?11:01
svijdpm: hello hello :) How hard is it to add a blog (similar to that one on d.u.c) on ubucon.org, which we could then aggreate on planet.ubuntu.com ?11:42
dpmhi svij, it shouldn't be too difficult. I wanted to see if we can get bug 1549897 fixed first, which should then make the deployment on the live site easier, but it should not be a blocker11:44
dpmlet me give you some pointers11:44
dpmsvij, on the d.u.c site, we're using zinnia, but I'm not too happy with it. I was thinking of using "Aldryn news & blog instead", from the list of plugins at https://marketplace.django-cms.org/en/addons/browse/?name=blog11:47
dpmwhich is what django cms upstream use on their site11:48
dpmso it's a matter of adding the plugin to the existing site11:49
svijdpm: ah okay, I'm not really familiar with django cms, so I don't know how this works12:11
dpmsvij, np, it's on my list to look at. But in any case, if you're familiar with python and django, django cms is nothing else than a django app, so adding a plugin is generally a matter of doing the actual installation and adding/modifying some config variables12:13
svijah oka12:13
dpmin our case it's a matter of following the "PIP dependency" instructions here: http://aldryn-newsblog.readthedocs.org/en/latest/how_to/install.html12:15
svij*sigh* I should concentrate on university exams in the next weeks…12:20
* svij just got results. :-/12:20
dpm svij, go away and study, then, that's certainly more important!12:21
* dpm hugs svij12:21
* svij failed two of two exams. :(12:21
dpmsorry to hear that :/12:22
svijgoing to ubucon summit was definitely the wrong priority12:22
* svij hugs dpm12:22
popeydpm: dholbach I'll be around for the q&a12:24
* dholbach hugs svij 12:57
svijdholbach: :)12:59
* popey makes the Q&A Hangot14:35
popeyCan't get used to this tiny X61s Keyboard14:35
balloonsready to chat popey?15:04
knomeasks he knowingly15:04
popeysorry, didnt see that meeting15:05
popeydholbach: do you have access to the relavent accounts to maybe tweet/+ about ubuntu on air in which is in 10 mins?15:46
popeyI don't have them here15:46
dholbachon it15:47
* popey hugs dholbach 15:51
popeythank you!15:51
dholbachhave a great rest of your day - see you all tomorrow! :-)17:12
* belkinsa hugs dholbach17:12
* dholbach hugs you all17:12
josedpm: ping17:26
dpmhola jose17:28
knomeai caramba17:29
josedpm: quería confirmar contigo lo del update-source. puedo implementar ya mismo el bzr pull necesario para el update, y luego nos podemos hacer cargo de el branching a staging. no sé si te parece bien17:30
joseknome: ohai, all going good?17:30
dpmjose, sí, buena idea17:32
josedpm: ok, me encargo de eso y cuando marco le pueda dar un +1 hacemos el merge :)17:32
josesiempre es bueno un peer review, no quiero romper nada17:32
knomegenial gerus17:33
knomejose, i approve the "beer review" part17:33
* jose hands knome a breakfast beer17:33
knomebreakfast? it's half past 7pm here :)17:33
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose
svijjose: I've added two persons to ubucon-site-editors but they don't have permissions to edit the web page (even though the checkbox was ticked during login). I can also reproduce this. It seems only "ubucon-site-developers" have permissions to change website contents, can you fix that?20:56
svijor should I wait for dpm tomorrow?20:56
joselet me take a look here20:56
joseI see permissions are good... ubucon-site-editors can edit, delete and publish20:59
joseand -developers can change permissions and advanced settings20:59
joseso should be good to go...20:59
svij"You do not have permission to edit this plugin" is all I get with ubucon-site-editors group :/21:00
knomeedit plugin? does that mean you are trying to edit a plugin file?21:03
svijI'm trying to edit the content of a webpage21:04
svijnot sure how that is called in django-cms21:04
mhall119plugin is correct, every page is a collection of plugins, the  most common being the Text plugin21:09
mhall119svij: did you check the team memberships in Ubuntu SSO when you logged in?21:11
svijmhall119: yes, editing with ubucon-site-editors doesn't work, it works when I tick it on ubucon-site-developers21:11
svijI'm in both groups, but I don't think it makes much sense to put everyone to the site-develoeprs group ;)21:11
mhall119no it doesn't21:12

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