
=== happyaro1 is now known as happyaron
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
pittiGood morning06:09
flocculantgnome-software looking better this morning - it sees the repos - I've installed from it08:19
flocculantmissing featured and editors picks - but better them than the repos :)08:19
flocculantit did prompt a new bug though08:20
pittiLaney: I now fixed one race condition in the udisks2 tests, and understand the eternal hang08:48
pittiso this should hopefully work better now08:48
* pitti adds a workaround for the hang too08:48
seb128good morning desktopers08:50
pittibonjour seb128, ça va ?08:50
seb128salut pitti! oui, bien, et toi ?08:51
pittiseb128: je vais d'accord; je n'ai pas assez dormi, Annett est malade :/08:51
pittialors, c'est l'heure de corriger les bugs d'udisks :)08:52
seb128oh :-( j'espère que ça va aller mieux aujourd'hui pour elle08:52
pittimerci !08:52
willcookemorning Laney09:04
seb128oh, Laney is back!09:05
seb128hey Laney09:05
seb128hey willcooke09:05
willcookemorning seb12809:05
seb128Laney, had a good double w.e? ;-)09:05
hikikohey desktopers!09:06
seb128hey hikiko09:06
willcookehi hikiko09:06
Laneyhi willcooke seb128 et hikiko09:09
Laneywas good thanks!09:09
Laney1) tea 2) coffee 3) cake09:09
Laney4) falafel09:09
Laneyand no rain, which waited until today09:09
LaneyI just got to see the hidpi greeter for the first time because my laptop didn't resume ;-)09:10
Laneyoh AND i left my suit on the train /o\09:10
* Laney calls edinburgh waverley now09:10
seb128good luck09:11
seb128Laney, how does the hidpi greeter looks? works fine?09:11
Laneyit started in 1x and then shifted after about 1s09:12
seb128I guess the greeter is ok but the transitions are annoying/not nice?09:12
Laneybut looked normal after that09:12
seb128what about after entering the password, did it get back to 1x or a grid of 2x2 images?09:12
Laneyoh it got messed up09:12
pittihey Laney!09:12
Laneybut it wasn't like 4 copies of the background09:13
Laneythere was some corruption09:13
pittiLaney: argh, hope you get your suit back, would be a pity09:13
seb128k, I get different variants09:13
seb128unsure what to change to fix that though :-/09:13
Laneyhey pitti!09:13
LaneyI phoned last night but the person on the other end said they couldn't get someone to go look /o\09:14
Laneystation's website says09:15
LaneyOnboard a train09:15
LaneyItems left on trains are kept by the train company09:15
Laneytrain company says to phone the station09:15
* Laney screams09:15
Fudgegood morning Laney , who do we need to knee-cap!09:15
Laneyhi Fudge09:18
Laneystart with the department for transport and work down please :-)09:18
Laneypitti: good work on udisks2!09:19
Sweet5hark1Laney: this is why you brits consider leaving the EU: otherwise you would need to start yet another level higher in Bruessels.09:20
LaneySweet5hark1: the galactic high command has received your request and will respond within 1bn working years09:21
* seb128 pokes robert_ancell with a stick09:23
seb128good work getting gnome-software listing non-installed things09:23
Laneyis something going on here09:23
seb128he converted it to bzr for some reason it seems09:23
seb128hit git mp had a comment "I'm closing this in favor of the bzr-based https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/geonames/double-free/+merge/287359"09:24
seb128robert_ancell, if you ever read irc logs, your appstream(-glib) update losts the editor picks or whatever the banner and features softwares were called09:24
seb128Laney, I expect it's because of https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/geonames/trainify/+merge/287362 / because CI doesn't handle git workflows09:25
FudgeLaney:  do you want to borrow my tassie devil?09:26
Laneyseb128: what do you think about that?09:28
Laneyanyway, I heard desrt was maintaining that now09:28
* Laney runs09:28
seb128Laney, changing to bzr?09:28
seb128ideally we would have support for git in the CI tools09:28
Laneyor training it at all09:29
Laneylike it is going to be a dependency of libtimezonemap which is a real upstream component09:29
seb128but atm all our projects and workflows are based on bzr so I'm fine being pragmatic and converting that one if it's making work easier for whoever is maintaining it09:29
Laneyhaving that in the train is a bit nasty09:29
seb128up to whoever takes over maintaining it I guess09:29
seb128maybe mterry wants to do it? ;-)09:29
seb128oh, and I didn't know libtimezonemap was going to use it09:30
seb128nice :-)09:30
seb128let's wait for Michael to be online, better to have the discussion with him09:31
Laney"going" in a loose sense09:32
seb128btw did we document somewhere why we needed a new lib? mterry was curious about it and I don't think I made a good case about why we couldn't just fix libtimezonemap (out of the depends on gtk part)09:37
Laneyit's a feature that is wanted in a few places and the interface was very shit on the old one09:40
Laneyand who cares if it's in one source package or another?09:40
Laney(I guess)09:41
seb128yeah, I was just trying to convince the touch team that they should use it09:42
seb128but I didn't feel like I had arguments to make a good case about it/how it's better09:42
seb128how well, looks like the "doesn't depends on GTK" and "trust us" was enough for mterry since he ported his changes to geonames09:43
Laneylooks like he already change the project to use bzr09:44
Laneyguess that decides who maintains it then09:44
ricotzhello desktopers :)09:44
* Laney goes to look at fontconfig instead09:44
Laneyhi ricotz09:44
seb128hey ricotz09:44
ricotzSweet5hark1, hi, just noticed 5.1.1~rc3 :\ (after doing the backports)09:44
seb128maybe he talked to larsu09:44
ricotzLaney, seb128, hey09:45
seb128I don't see mterry doing those changes in an unilateral way without asking us first09:45
ricotzseb128, jfyi unfortunately graphite2 will require another merge09:46
seb128ricotz, why?09:47
ricotzseb128, just another upstream release09:47
seb128oh, that's not "required" then09:47
seb128or is there anything we really need in the new version?09:48
ricotzseb128, it is required imo, given it has been picked up for lo 5.1.1 https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/log/?h=libreoffice-5-1-109:48
davidcalledidrocks: ping, got time for a call now?09:51
didrocksdavidcalle: yep!09:56
didrocksdavidcalle: mind starting the HO?09:56
larsuseb128: he didn't :)09:57
larsuseb128: and bonjour!09:57
davidcalledidrocks: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/david-didier09:58
seb128hey larsu10:02
seb128wie gehts?10:02
seb128Laney, do you work on gnome-calendar atm/plan to work on it a bit more this cycle?10:05
larsuseb128: good thanks! Had relaxing 2 weeks off :) How are you?10:06
Laneyseb128: not explicitly planned, but if there is stuff on rls-x-tracking then I would probably look10:06
seb128Laney, I was pondering doing a round of 3.19 bugfixes backports, just didn't want to step on your feet (and also that would put it out of sync at least for this cycle where you put efforts to have it in sync)10:06
Laney...but if it's bugs about eds10:06
seb128larsu, where did you go?10:07
larsuseb128: one week at home and one week of hiking in harz mountains10:07
Laneyseb128: put it in experimental :-)10:07
seb128Laney, they forgot to bump the gtk requirement, I tried to build trunk10:08
seb128it has new css code10:08
seb128and the commits are not easy to revert10:08
seb128I was looking at doing 3.20 - gtk css changes10:08
LaneyI'm used to losing on syncing anyway10:08
seb128k, sorry about that10:08
Laneyor you could cherry-pick into Debian10:08
Laneyassuming that they aren't ubuntu specific patches10:09
seb128well, atm I'm looking at bugfixes10:09
seb128but we might end up doing a "normal decoration on unity" since everything else in the default install (or almost) has those10:09
seb128but let's not discuss that10:09
seb128going to look at some cpu spin and segfaults issues first10:09
Laneyhaha yes let's not10:10
seb128Laney, thanks for looking at fontconfig btw!10:11
Laneythat bug is easy to reproduce10:11
seb128I'm always unsure about the unpack/configure order10:11
seb128I was just unsure if the shlibs would be enough10:11
seb128or if pre-depends are required there10:11
Laneyapt-get install fontconfig; sed -i 's/trusty/xenial/' /etc/apt/sources.list; apt-get update; apt-get install fontconfig10:11
seb128and you can't test that with dpkg10:12
seb128though I guess throwing to a ppa would be easy enough10:12
Laneylaney@nightingale> dpkg-scanpackages . > Packages                                                                                                                                   ~/temp/fontconfig10:12
Laneydpkg-scanpackages: info: Wrote 5 entries to output Packages file.10:12
* Laney hax0r10:12
seb128Laney, El3te10:13
Laneyyeah this works10:15
=== JMulholland_ is now known as JMulholland
Laneythey have the suit! \o/10:28
Laneybut they told me to come to edinburgh to collect it /o\10:28
seb128w.e in edingurgh it is then? ;-)10:29
seb128Scotland is nice10:29
Laneydidn't know you could fly there from here :-o10:29
seb128I recommend it!10:29
davmor2jibel, willcooke: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lY70PWj0gTVRj_qvrGhVpNpqnXGafEvxXpsiQ-Lk0eY/edit#gid=0 doc link for the desktop testing, I will mostly be doing this inside a vm on a fresh install so no conflicts in configs, there may well be duped bugs in the list as it goes but I'll try to curb them.  LET THE GAMES BEGIN :D10:33
* Laney thought that would be more exciting than it was10:34
willcookedesktoppers, please be aware and offer davmor2 whatever help he needs ^10:34
willcooketechnical help that is10:34
willcookeit's too late for anything else10:34
willcookedavmor2, are the installer issues mostly fixed now?10:35
seb128I don't think lot of people looked at upgrades issues10:36
davmor2willcooke: Installer is mostly fixed I need to test a free software only install at some point to confirm they all are, updates from 14.04.4 to 16.04 are horribly broken10:37
seb128like that fontconfig bug is being worked on but the fix is not uploaded yet10:37
davmor2seb128: oh there is a new one now10:37
davmor2seb128: you don't even get that far now10:37
seb128but that was my point10:37
seb128the upgrades are known to be buggy atm10:38
davmor2seb128: yeap upgrades are very broken right now10:38
seb128sorry, I read "installer" as "upgrader"10:38
seb128I don't know of the ubiquity install state in 16.0410:38
seb128that's probably better than upgrades10:38
liuxgI am now running 15.04 desktop. May I know how I can upgrade 15.10? thanks10:44
willcookeliuxg, best to ask in #ubuntu10:46
liuxgwillcooke, thanks :) This is xiaoguo, I met you in MWC10:47
willcookeliuxg, Hi! Have your feet recovered yet? ;)10:47
liuxgwillcooke, yeah, it is fine for me now. Yesterday, I even played badminton. Yeah, it was really tiring for me. How are you now?10:48
willcookeliuxg, still tired :)10:48
* willcooke <-- old man 10:48
liuxgwillcooke, please take some rest ;) hopefully, you will fully get recovered soon ;)10:49
davmor2seb128: for beta 1 ubiquity was horribly broken, thankfully cyphermox put pay to the bulk of those issues.10:51
davmor2seb128: gnome software, should that be handling updates?10:51
seb128define updates10:54
seb128and define should10:54
seb128ideally it could(should?) replace update-manager but that's not on the todolist for this cycle10:55
seb128it's not supposed to do that in its current version in any case10:55
seb128it does handle update of desktop applications though10:55
seb128like if there is a new gedit it's going to list it in the updates section10:55
seb128it's not going to list non desktop items though10:56
seb128does that reply to your question?10:56
davmor2seb128: I opened gnome software and got a dialogue similar to update-manager but moved to the Updates page on gnome software. Where I have individual install buttons11:00
seb128davmor2, do you have a screenshot of the dialog?11:00
davmor2seb128: oh and the restart & install button which is a little disturbing :) Why would you restart before you install :D11:01
seb128because that's what e.g windows is doing11:01
seb128well, except different implementation11:01
davmor2seb128: umm no this is a button by the look of it11:02
seb128you do updates out of the session, reboot the system, apply updates, then resume boot11:02
seb128davmor2, bug #154663411:02
ubot5bug 1546634 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Is "Restart & Install" appropriate for Ubuntu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154663411:02
davmor2seb128: oh okay11:02
seb128we are likely going to hide it this cycle, the out of session updates are not tested yet11:03
seb128it's a bit too much of a change just before a LTS11:03
davmor2seb128: fair enough, I will grab a screenshot for you one second11:04
mitya57didrocks, hi, will you mind if I add NotShowIn=GNOME-Flashback to session-shortcuts package?11:05
didrocksmitya57: hey, no, sounds fine :)11:11
mitya57didrocks, there is also bug 1544459 but I won't fix it :)11:12
ubot5bug 1544459 in session-shortcuts (Ubuntu) "package session-shortcuts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/applications/shutdown.desktop', which is also in package power-commands 0.2.0-0extras14.04.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154445911:12
didrocksmitya57: argh, yeah for generic names :p11:12
didrocksthe package isn't even on the distro, should be some ppa thingy11:13
mitya57Right, I didn't notice it. Then we shouldn't care11:14
didrocksyeah ;)11:17
seb128andyrock, "morning" ;-)11:32
seb128how are you?11:32
Sweet5hark1ricotz: yeah -- I guess I even triggered that by pushing about the unfortunate state of l10n. But beyond than rc3 only has tdf#97739 (which is windows and -gtk3 only), so no biggy AFAICS.11:33
ricotzSweet5hark1, I see, you mean indic fonts renames?11:40
Sweet5hark1ricotz: heh, no. the tiny detail that there is no 5.1 branch on https://translations.documentfoundation.org/11:46
* Laney puts some Deluxe Tuna Bitz out for desrt 11:52
desrthells ya11:52
desrtmy 1+x came yesterday11:53
desrtso i have to start from scratch11:53
Laneyfun fun11:55
desrtno deluxe tuna bitz for me for a while :p11:55
desrtoneplus x11:57
larsuah. enjoy!11:57
desrtgot it mostly because it's dual sim and my old phone supported only edge (and sometimes only gprs) frequencies in europe11:57
desrtalso has microsd slot, 3gb of ram, a bunch of other nice upgrades11:57
desrtunfortunately it's bigger (of course)11:57
davmor2seb128: hmmm can't retrigger that dialogue I'll try a fresh install later in the day and see if shows up then.11:58
davmor2seb128: also I can only seem to find a ppa for gnome-software do you happen to know that the link is for launchpad at all please11:58
davmor2nevermind found it12:08
seb128hey desrt12:13
seb128davmor2, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software you mean?12:14
Laneycyphermox: congrats ;-)12:15
seb128what do we congrats cyphermox for? ;-)12:16
davmor2seb128: Yay found one that Robert hadn't beaten me too :D https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/155169812:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 1551698 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Gnome-software: Is not showing things not in main" [Undecided,New]12:17
seb128ah, nice ;-)12:19
davmor2damn it no I didn't12:19
davmor2dupe it12:19
seb128davmor2, double negations are not the best!12:20
seb128also does it work after starting update-manager or doing an apt-get update?12:20
seb128Laney knows about that I think12:20
seb128the datas are not autogenerated at install12:20
seb128they might also not be on the livecd12:20
davmor2seb128: most likely this is an install not livecd, so I think the issue is that on the initial opening of the app it doesn't trigger an update of the apt list12:23
seb128davmor2, right, I think Laney was looking at a way that the datas are generated on package install12:24
davmor2seb128: also software-sources option in gnome software is empty so that seems to be a new bug, I don't know if that is the list it is meant to use12:24
seb128but I guess g-s could also trigger a refresh when you open it12:25
LaneyI don't know a fix12:25
Laneygoing to mail the apt people and see if they have an idea12:25
Laneyotherwise gnome-software could do that itself and watch the directory for changes, then refresh12:25
Laneythat would be some work if it can't handle that currently12:25
seb128davmor2, there is a software-sources option? I didn't see it yet, where is it?12:25
seb128oh, menu12:26
davmor2seb128: under the unity bar12:26
seb128k, I've no idea about that12:26
seb128we should probably make it open software-properties12:26
seb128can you open a bug about it?12:27
davmor2seb128: well for now I will check if that updates after an apt update12:27
seb128it's empty on my desktop as well, so not likely12:27
seb128that dialog is useless :-/12:29
seb128but it does the same on a fedora livecd12:29
seb128unsure what's the point12:29
davmor2seb128: I wonder if it is for showing sources of external apps so I will grab chrome and install that and see if it shows anything12:30
flocculanthi davmor2 seb128 :)12:31
davmor2flocculant: hey12:32
seb128hey flocculant12:32
ubot5Gnome bug 737514 in General "gnome-software doesn't list sources, says "No sources found."" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]12:33
seb128I still find the current message useless though12:33
seb128it doesn't give you any hint where to go/how to add sources12:33
seb128there is no point to display the item at all in that context12:33
flocculantif you're picking at g-s bugs again - now that I've used it to install something - the remove option could do with some tlc bug 155159912:34
ubot5bug 1551599 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Option to remove missing after package installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155159912:34
flocculantseb128: yea I looked at that sources thing and scratched my head12:34
seb128going for some exercice, bbiab12:36
davmor2flocculant: Testing most of the new software on the default ubuntu install today so just prodding in general :)12:40
flocculantI've been prodding at g-s :p12:41
Laney£27.50 to post a suit back!12:41
flocculantLaney: should have gone to oxfam - you could just take it back and have saved £2512:42
Laneyand I have to print this form out and fill it in with black ink, then scan it12:42
* Laney screams12:43
* ogra_ shades his ears12:43
pittiLaney: inkscape FTW12:43
ogra_good reason to buy a wacom tablet ;)12:44
pittiI usually just use evince or so to fill out a form, and paste my signature in with inkscape12:44
davmor2Laney: is it a pdf if so just use a pdf editor and type it in :)12:44
LaneyI *do* have touchscreen12:44
pitti(or gimp even)12:44
Laneyit specifically says fill it in using black ink :/12:44
* Laney is scared some jobsworth will make me do it again12:44
Laneymight do so though12:44
ogra_does it say "non virtual ink" ?12:44
davmor2Laney: well it will be black type face12:45
Laneyit says "You will find attached the couriers Terms and12:45
Laney+Conditions, Hazardous Goods and Packing List forms etc., there are 8 pages in total. All of these must be completed in black ink , signed and dated, and then E-mailed back to us in PDF format."12:45
* Laney risks it12:45
pittiLaney: remember, https://xkcd.com/499/12:46
* flocculant sends Laney the biscuit12:46
ogra_yeah, just blame them for not saying "physical ink"12:46
Laneypitti: hah, that's a new one for me12:46
Laneyoh god I have to fill my card details in12:47
Laneydesrt: are you planning to do stable releases for that gvariant parser bug?12:53
* Laney is uploading for something else to wily and would otherwise take a release12:53
Laneyseb128: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.debian.apt.devel/3008512:57
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Sweet5hark1willcooke: libreoffice 5.0.4/xenial on snappy PoC pushed to https://git.launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/df-libreoffice/+git/libreoffice-snap-playground/log/?h=xenial13:16
willcookeSweet5hark1, \m/13:17
Sweet5hark1willcooke: referenced that and updated bugs. Also wrote some new bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=OPINION&field.status%3Alist=INVALID&field.status%3Alist=WONTFIX&field.status%3Alist=EXPIRED&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.status%3A13:17
Sweet5hark1(woha, longcat is long)13:18
attenteseb128: i can't replicate https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1549502, gnome software still appears in the dash when i search for it while it's still running13:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1549502 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "doesn't exit on close, which confuses the unity dash" [Medium,Triaged]13:51
mterryseb128, heyo, so you may have noticed I took executive action and migrated geonames to bzr.  I did this so its branches could work in the citrain.  I hope that wasn't a jerk move14:11
slomoseb128, Laney: hi :) did you get any gstreamer related bug reports with 1.7.2?14:18
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Laneyhi slomo, I didn't hear of anything yet15:11
slomogreat :) thanks15:11
LaneyI saw ricotz pinging you about something or other15:11
Laneydidn't follow that though15:11
slomoah that was minor stuff that is fixed now15:12
Laneyok cool15:12
Laneyare you doing .90?15:12
slomoLaney: i just can't build packages because dh-python is broken in sid in pbuilder (complains about missing dependencies when configuring /o\)15:22
Laneyslomo: Does anything use that?15:25
Laneykill it from your chroot :)15:25
slomoLaney: something seems to depend on it, some build dependency15:26
Laneya plain apt install dh-python works for me15:27
Laneynot that that's very helpful for you...15:27
ricotzslomo, hi, I guess this release doesn't mean you will branch 1.8 yet?15:28
slomoricotz: no, that will happen together with 1.8.015:28
Laney(in a sid schroot)15:28
slomoLaney: i'll debug it in a bit :)15:28
ricotzslomo, just because for switching gnome's jhbuild target15:29
slomoLaney: installing it in a chroot works for me too15:30
* willcooke in an over running meeting15:30
willcookeplease stand by15:30
willcookelet's kick off, but I'm still in a meeting...15:31
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-0115:31
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Mar  1 15:31:28 2016 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic:
willcookeRoll call:  andyrock (appt), attente, desrt,  dgadomski, fjkong (out), happyaron, hikiko (appt), laney, qengho (appt), seb128, sweet5hark, themuso (out), tkamppeter (out), trevinho(hols), robert_ancell (out)15:31
* davmor2 I hate that willcooke now I have greensleeves stuck in my head15:31
desrtword up15:33
willcooke#topic andyrock15:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: andyrock
willcooke* Reviews15:35
willcooke* HR stuff (self review and 360)15:35
willcooke* Fixed all the branches I proposed according to Marco's reviews.15:35
willcooke* Found a simple fix for the lockscreen/suspend issues. I'm looking15:35
willcookeinto adding some unit tests for it.15:35
willcookemy bad, distracted15:35
willcooke#topic attente15:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: attente
attentefix a couple minor crashers in gnome-software, make sure we ask for u1 creds for all requests where we need it, e.g. #154950815:36
attentedoing some refactoring of the gtkmenu api branch15:37
willcookesorry, talking15:38
willcookethanks attente15:38
willcooke#topic desrt15:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: desrt
Laneyyak yak yak15:38
desrtwas a 'bugs' week, more or less15:38
willcooke#topic dgadomski15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: dgadomski
dgadomskiI was on a sprint last week, so nothing really to share this time.15:39
willcookethank dgadomski15:39
willcooke#topic FJKong15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: FJKong
willcookeCannot input Chinese characters into TextField in a QML application15:39
willcookestill in progress, tesing TestField15:39
willcookefinding new method for converting pingyin15:39
willcookeSogou IM15:39
willcookeverify loging problem causing by IM15:39
willcooke#topic happyaron15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: happyaron
willcookehappyaron, please let me have you updates15:41
willcookeWe need to have them on a Tuesday afternoon your time *every* week.15:42
willcooke#topic hikiko15:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: hikiko
willcookeSorry, haven't had time to summarise this:15:42
willcookeBlack dots bug: I tested my theory that the problem is in Compiz and15:42
willcookefound out for sure that it's at the part that creates the textures for15:42
willcookethe windows. It can't be in gtk because then the dots would appear in15:42
willcookeevery window manager but I see no issues in XFCE. It's not related to15:42
willcookethe shadows or the decorations as we initially thought because we still15:42
willcookesee the problem when the unityshell plugin is disabled. So, to find out15:42
willcookewhat happens in Compiz, I modified the opengl plugin to extract and save15:42
willcookethe texture of the dot-windows at the time that glDrawTexture is called15:42
willcookefor the window and right before the texture is send to the GPU and I15:42
willcookenoticed that the image I write to the disk always has the dots on it15:42
willcooke(the window textures are created and filled by compiz so, compiz creates15:43
willcookethe dots). Then, I created and saved images with the window alpha values15:43
willcooketo see how they vary in the transparent and semi-transparent regions of15:43
willcookethe window and the images were all white (=> we had no alpha). So, I am15:43
willcookedebugging the opengl plugin texture mapping parameters and the compiz15:43
willcookeplugins that modify them to see why the A is ignored in all cases even15:43
willcookewhen we use RGBA, I hope that the fix won't take more than a few days15:43
willcookenow that I figured out where the problem is and what I have to test15:43
willcookeexactly. EOF15:43
willcookehikiko, bullet points next time please15:43
willcooke#topic Laney15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: Laney
Laney• It's been a short week15:43
Laney• I had broken the release upgrader, so I fixed that15:43
Laney• Reviewed, travestied and uploaded a Zeitgeist branch from Trevinho to VACUUM every now and again, which speeds up the dash15:43
Laney• Got pinged by rishi to backport a patch to gnome-terminal from Fedora to fix some padding problems15:43
Laney• Some yak shaving when my internal mirror started 404ing for directories which existed (srsly)15:43
Laney• Chatted with IS about appstream screenshot problem - we found a way out!15:43
Laney• Wrote a little patch for appstream-dep11 to put a "Date" field in the header document, so we can track if server → Launchpad → apt is working right, got some comments from ximion to fix, thanks15:43
Laney• Backported GDBusProxy memleak fix for wily, just got to dput it... oh I might as well do that. OK it's done.15:43
Laney• Merged ffmpeg for some reason, I think maybe because I noticed an outstanding security fix?15:43
Laney⭒ (https://codepoints.net/random is my new friend)15:43
Laneyunicode is the best15:44
seb128it even works in xchat ;-)15:45
willcookethanks Laney15:45
LaneyI can't see those characters15:45
willcooke#topic qengho15:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: qengho
willcooke* in-progress: Chromium snap. Going pretty well.15:45
willcooke* in-progress: Revisiting chromium default-browser setting. Internal xdg-settings broken again. Needs autopkgtest too.15:45
willcooke* done: grub patches and plans for zfs patches with cking.15:45
willcooke#topic seb12815:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: seb128
seb128• looked at some gtk theming issues (totem slider & checkboxes, editable listview entry, ...)15:46
seb128• new poppler (soname change -> transition/rebuilds)15:46
seb128• hit some build issue due to ghostscript, backport a fix for that15:46
seb128• reported some gnome-software & gnome-calendar bugs upstream15:46
seb128• fixed gnome-software missing translations (potfiles outdated)15:46
seb128• desktop updates (gtk)15:46
seb128• worked on nautilus sidebar/gtk issues (gtk changed abi), no easy solution so far (tried to copy the old gtkplacesidebar widget in nautilus but that turned out to be too much work)15:46
seb128• canonical hr reviews15:46
seb128• contributed to snappy discussions15:46
seb128• sponsored onboard changes to the default config (docked, stretched at the bottom of the screen)15:46
seb128• new reviews (a11y-profile-manager, libertine-scope, qclib)15:46
seb128(I wonder if I'm lagging today?)15:47
willcookethanks seb12815:47
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark15:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: Sweet5hark
seb128feels like high latency, unsure if that's on my side15:47
willcookeseb128, I'm in a meeting, trying to do two things at once and failing15:48
Sweet5hark- snapcraft wrangling on xenial: filed bug count now at 6, more feedback and input15:48
Sweet5hark- build a libreoffice 5.0.4 snap PoC on snapcraft (source is here: https://git.launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/df-libreoffice/+git/libreoffice-snap-playground/log/?h=xenial)15:48
Sweet5hark-- not running, but limping along in a most basic if you smack it with LD_LIBRARY_PATHs and fun15:48
Sweet5hark- setting up snappy dimension on classic15:48
Sweet5hark- upstream TDF board call15:48
seb128I see15:48
Sweet5hark- upstream ESC call:15:48
Sweet5hark-- RedHat want to sponsor experimental xdg-app build there15:48
Sweet5hark-- created a development budget estimate15:48
Sweet5hark-- other local events admin: Ankara Hackfest, German LoCo budgeting15:48
Sweet5hark- some firefighting on lagging/missing upstream l10ns15:48
Sweet5hark- some contract/job candidate negotiations15:48
Sweet5hark- libreoffice 5.1.0-ubuntu1 bump15:48
Laneyxdg-app build...15:48
* Sweet5hark got throttled ...15:48
Laneysounds up your street Sweet5hark15:48
Sweet5hark-- created a development budget estimate15:48
Sweet5hark-- other local events admin: Ankara Hackfest, German LoCo budgeting15:48
Sweet5hark- some firefighting on lagging/missing upstream l10ns15:48
Sweet5hark- some contract/job candidate negotiations15:48
Sweet5hark- libreoffice 5.1.0-ubuntu1 bump15:48
Sweet5hark- libreoffice 5.1.1~rc2 bump (with bugs 1506544, 753627)15:48
ubot5bug 1506544 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Change default Theme for LibreOffice to Breeze for Ubuntu 16.04" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150654415:48
ubot5bug 753627 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Precise) "LibreOffice needs an update of the Ubuntu color palette" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75362715:48
willcookethanks Sweet5hark15:49
willcooke#topic TheMuso15:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: TheMuso
willcookeoh, TheMuso I am missing your update15:50
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: tkamppeter
willcooke- Preparations for the OpenPrinting Summit 201615:50
willcooke  o Finalized agenda15:50
willcooke  o Sent out remaining invitations15:50
willcooke  o Started organization of the trip15:50
willcooke- Updated OpenPrinting for some new Ricoh printers15:50
willcooke- Google Summer of Code 2016: The Linux Foundation got accepted!15:50
willcooke  o Spread the news to the possible mentors15:50
willcooke- Tests for possible new concept for auto-downloadable driver packages.15:50
willcooke- Bugs.15:50
willcooke#topic Trevinho15:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: Trevinho
willcooke * New libdbusmenu upstream release15:50
willcooke * New unity and compiz landing prepared15:50
willcooke * gtk black-corners saga: Working on exporting gtk border radius for15:51
willcookewindows with a titlebox (headerbar) and tooltips. First part is done,15:51
willcooketooltips are in WIP. Unity side of things is ready.15:51
willcooke#topic robert_ancell15:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: robert_ancell
willcooke- GNOME Software work15:51
willcooke#topic any other business15:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-03-01 | Current topic: any other business
willcookeSorry folks, still in another meeting15:51
willcookedidn't want to hold you all up15:51
LaneyI hope it is a good meeting15:51
willcookeits certainly interesting15:52
* seb128 does like much when things are "interesting" :p15:52
willcookevery wise seb12815:52
* seb128 prefers "quiet"15:52
willcookeany one got aob?15:52
* Sweet5hark mumbles "may you live in interesting times"15:52
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Mar  1 15:53:23 2016 UTC.15:53
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2016/ubuntu-desktop.2016-03-01-15.31.moin.txt15:53
Sweet5harkaob means "all order beer" doesnt it?15:54
slomoLaney: https://wiki.debian.org/PbuilderTricks#How_to_include_local_packages_in_the_build i think it's this not working anymore because "E: Internal Error, Pathname to install is not absolute 'libgstreamer1.0-0_1.7.90-1_amd64.deb'"15:54
slomoLaney: dh-python was just follow-up failure15:55
slomoLaney: any ideas? :)15:55
Laneyslomo: not one that you're going to like, but I use sbuild and a local repository :)15:55
seb128slomo, hey, no new gst 1.7 bugs reported that I saw15:55
seb128mterry, hey, we were just discussing that git->bzr conversion this morning ... any idea if CI support for git is planned? also unsure we need CI landing for that lib15:56
slomoLaney: ok, i don't like that answer :)15:56
mterryseb128, git support is planned (being worked on now), but robru said it would be several months before done15:57
Laneyslomo: mapreri seems to have done the last upload and is in #debian-gnome & other channels, could maybe ask15:57
seb128mterry, I've to admit I'm more familiar with the bzr workflow so it makes things easier, feel a bit wrong to go against the maintainer decision though (but at the same time we don't have an active maintainer now so...)15:57
mterryseb128, CI landings are very useful for me right now, to be able to match fixes / API additions to other work in silos.  But I get it if you'd rather not.  We can go back to git easily enough15:57
mterryseb128, yeah I figured there was no maintainer, except Canonical.  Who usually does bzr15:58
seb128mterry, you can dput to silos as well15:58
seb128but as said bzr feels more in line with what we know/use15:58
mterryseb128, sure.  But that's more awkward15:58
seb128that might shift at some point15:58
Laneyslomo: I meant #debian-devel15:58
seb128so I'm fine with the bzr switch15:58
mterryseb128, sorry for just going ahead and doing it, but I figured this was a ask-for-forgiveness-rather-than-permission situation  :)15:59
mterryMade it easier for me to offer a silo for the geonames transition for system-settings and the oobe wizard15:59
seb128no worry15:59
seb128we need to review your changes as well16:00
mterrymost of them should be no brainers16:00
seb128I guess larsu is not very interested in that anymore so I'm going to try to have a look16:00
seb128or maybe Laney beats me to it :p16:00
Laneymterry: what's the answer if a real upstream component wants to depend on something which is in the CI train?16:00
Laneylike if and when libtimezonemap itself gets ported16:01
mterryLaney, same as today.  Wait for whatever change you want to be in the archive, then upload16:01
LaneyI mean for other distributors16:02
mterryLaney, ah.  Well we can still issue tarballs if we want.  Or just point at trunk as many projects do these days16:02
mterryLaney, but given our (lack of) success with libtimezonemap, getting other distros to use it, I have little hope16:03
seb128what does use it for?16:05
seb128last time I checked g-c-c had a modified version compared to us I think16:05
Laneydunno, maybe anaconda16:05
Sweet5hark1(re) -- notebook hardfreezed, yay16:06
seb128I guess it's the only project using it16:08
seb128debian codesearch lists nothing16:08
seb128anyway I think CI landing process doesn't block us to roll tarballs as well16:08
seb128it just gives more agility to snapshot in Ubuntu16:09
Laneyup to you16:10
seb128up to whoever is taking over that project I gues16:11
seb128assuming that larsu is not interested to keep maintaing it16:11
seb128larsu, still interested in geonames?16:11
larsuseb128: I have some pending work for it still, but I'm not interested in maintaining it further (desrt said she'd like to do that)16:13
seb128larsu, desrt, mterry proposed some changes, maybe you could give them a look? https://code.launchpad.net/~geonames-dev/geonames/trunk/+activereviews16:14
seb128well at least the double-free and expose-more16:14
seb128the third is packaging16:14
larsuthanks, will try to have a look later today16:15
seb128larsu, thanks!16:16
desrtlarsu: thanks for volunteering me :p16:17
larsudesrt: I remember us talking about this in Cologne...16:18
desrtthat's not true16:18
desrtwe talked about it in brussels :)16:18
larsufair enough16:18
* Laney wants crepes16:18
desrtLaney: queen west16:18
larsuLaney: I know a *very* good place in Potsdam. Just went to that on the weekend16:19
larsudesrt: not even close16:20
larsu(different style, tough)16:20
Laneymaison des crepes16:21
desrti don't really feel too qualified to review these patches...16:21
* desrt receives a patch that uses an unsigned 32bit int for population of a city and begins to ponder potential future scalability issues16:23
* desrt ponders world municipal government16:24
Laneymake it an array of digits16:24
desrtgvariant nearly had an arbitrary precision int type16:24
* larsu is thankful it didn't make it in16:25
larsuframing offsets are arbitrary position though16:25
desrtbut fwiw, i would indeed implement the arbitrary int type in exactly the same way16:26
desrtprobably dropping only the power-of-two-size restriction16:26
desrti was mostly considering the potential use of gvariant in cryptographic protocols... but 'ay' works well enough there16:26
larsuyou'd need to specify the size as well, though16:27
larsuwhich is implicit for container types16:27
desrtthis is not how gvariant works16:27
desrtthe size is always assumed to be known16:27
larsuah. right. it would be for that type as well16:28
desrtstoring a 4096 bit RSA public modulus, for example, would look pretty much exactly like having 4096 bits16:28
larsuI read the spec the other day and started an implementation. in javascript16:28
larsu(because why not)16:28
desrtoh my god16:28
desrtkgvariant gets joined by jsgvariant16:29
larsuI imagined that's how you'd react16:29
larsuwell that doesn't exit16:29
desrtdvdhrm is also working on another independent userspace implementation, i think16:29
desrt(or maybe that's the kernel one?)16:29
larsuI know16:29
* desrt has lost track at this point16:29
larsuthere is no kernel one as far as I know16:30
desrti thought kay was using one16:30
larsuif there will be, then it's probably dvdhrms (which is called CVariant)16:30
larsunah, Kay is not working on this at all16:30
desrtwell, cool16:31
larsumore implementations \o/16:31
desrtping me if you need any help16:31
desrti know dvdhrm is already compiling a list of errata to the spec16:31
larsuthanks. looking good so far though16:31
larsubut I only have the basics16:31
desrtmostly parts that are ambiguously-worded when it comes to the proper handling of non-normal forms16:32
desrt(i think the spec is clear, but it never hurts to be "more clear")16:32
larsuand only a reader16:32
desrtthere are some philosophical questions in there... like what does it mean to attempt to load a value of a fixed-sized type with the wrong size?16:33
desrtand whether a fixed-sized value appearing at the end of an incorrectly-formed tuple with extra bytes there is incorrectly-sized, or if the container itself simply contains extra space16:33
desrt(my read: the container has extra bytes and they are ignored)16:34
larsube liberal in what you expect?16:34
desrtya.. i think david tries to deal with this case by loading an appropriate number of zeros and discarding the user's buffer16:34
desrtwell, the trouble with being liberal in what you accept is that a design criteria of GVariant is that all implementations should always deserialise every single byte sequence in exactly the same way16:35
larsuyeah i think so16:35
desrtso the spec tries to precisely define even the broken cases16:35
larsuI know16:35
desrtand that's where some corners are not hammered-down as much as dvdhrm would like them16:35
larsuwhy do you have that requirement by the way?16:36
larsuyou could just say certain cases are invalid and can't be deserialized16:36
desrtit comes as the absurd logical result of some perfectly reasonable design constraints16:36
desrtbut basically it comes down to the following:16:36
desrt1) for performance reasons, we cannot scan the entire buffer on loading it16:36
desrt2) we don't want the accessor APIs to be failable16:37
desrt3) therefore, there is no place in which we can possibly detect errors16:37
* larsu was expecting (2)16:37
desrt4) therefore we must forbid the possibility of there being errors16:37
desrt"each logical value must only serialise to a single byte sequence" is not a requirement, so that's what we throw out the window16:38
desrt(although that would be convenient for quick equality testing... equality testing serialised GVariant values is an almost-never operation)16:38
larsuwhy not though? seems reasonable16:40
larsubecause of dicts?16:40
desrtdicts are actually the one place where we do do equality tests16:40
desrtfor lookups...16:40
desrtit's just not really a common thing that you want to know if one dbus message is exactly equal to another16:40
larsuI mean, why not the requirement16:41
desrti mean... you just don't care16:41
larsuyeah of course16:41
desrtso requirements should only come from things that we actually care about :p16:41
larsuha fair enough16:43
seb128attente, how do you test gnome-software built from git?16:59
seb128jhbuild? start in the build tree? package?16:59
attenteseb128: i'm doing it via jhbuild16:59
seb128using the aptd backend as well? or packagekit?17:00
seb128because building wip/rancell/reviews doesn't give me sources17:00
attenteseb128: i'm not sure, but i guess it's using PackageKit17:01
seb128I guess maybe something missing in the apt backend then17:01
attenteis there a concrete way for me to find that out?17:02
seb128I don't know17:02
* seb128 looks at some code17:02
attentelike could i do a strace and grep for it somehow?17:02
seb128attente, I think the backend needs to implement gs_plugin_add_sources()17:06
seb128the xdg-app and packagekit does it17:06
attenteseb128: yeah, i just commented it out from the packagekit backend17:08
attenteso it's using that backend to get the sources list i guess17:08
seb128attente, I think we have enough work on g-s and we are not going to replace software-properties this cycle, we should probably just make the menu item call that one, wdyt?17:12
attenteseb128: that sounds totally reasonable to me17:13
seb128cool, I commented on the bug saying so, let's see what robert thinks17:13
seb128attente, does "gnome-software --local-filename=somepackage.deb" works in jhbuild?17:14
seb128where the .deb is a valid one you have on disk17:14
attenteseb128: no, i get a really ugly message box saying "Sorry, this did not work" "no filename_to_app results to show"17:15
seb128k, so same as on xenial17:15
seb128bug #155170717:16
ubot5bug 1551707 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Installing local debs gives an error dialog" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155170717:16
davmor2Sweet5hark1: How do I check if LO is using the right icon set please17:43
Sweet5hark1davmor2: depends on the scenario. I assume this is about the recent "default to breeze on unity" thing?17:46
seb128Laney, bug #1551877 if you feel like approving a ffe... ;-)17:47
ubot5bug 1551877 in gnome-calendar (Ubuntu) "[ffe] update gnome-calendar to 3.19" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155187717:47
davmor2Sweet5hark1: nope just testing and I know it was an issue before so just checking that it is still fixed17:47
Sweet5hark1davmor2: well this is currently an area under construction ;)  -- see bug 1506544.17:49
ubot5bug 1506544 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Change default Theme for LibreOffice to Breeze for Ubuntu 16.04" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150654417:49
Sweet5hark1the thing to check for would be: 1/ have a fresh install (or deleted .config/libreoffice) 2/ start LO 3/ go to tools->options->libreoffice->view->user interface->icon size and style and it should say "automatic (Breeze)" now.17:51
Sweet5hark1davmor2: ^^17:51
seb128$ appstreamcli search emacs17:52
seb128Identifier: uxvile.desktop [desktop]17:52
seb128Name: UXVile17:52
seb128Summary: VI Like Emacs17:52
seb128 17:52
Sweet5hark1davmor2: That works only though if libreoffice-style-breeze is installed, which is a recent change on the xenial-seed and I dont know if that is on the image already.17:52
seb128that feels like somebody is trolling17:52
davmor2Sweet5hark1: hmmm automatic (human) I assume this isn't running the very latest version17:52
davmor2Sweet5hark1: nope human on my main machine that is up to date17:54
davmor2Sweet5hark1: on a plus side they both look the same so it isn't running the GTK theme I guess \o/17:54
Sweet5hark1davmor2: thats ok, the change is due with both libreoffice-style-breeze preinstalled from the seed and libreoffice-5.1.1~rc2-0ubuntu1 being promoted out of proposed ...17:55
Sweet5hark1davmor2: which I guess will happen as part of the Grand-Poppler-so-update, so stay tuned.17:57
davmor2Sweet5hark1: nice Thanks I'll keep an eye out for that then18:02
sarnoldseb128: I used vile on windows years ago; that was back before my fingers knew vim-specific keybindings, but vile worked great for me ~twenty years ago18:02
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
Sweet5hark1davmor2: thanks for that! Good to prevent another OMG-moment like the last time we talked about this ;)18:03
seb128sarnold, yeah, I was just pointing out that searching for emacs returns a "vi like" entry ;-)18:03
sarnoldseb128: ah :)18:03
Laneyseb128: will have to do that tomorrow, feel free to get someone else18:06
Laneymy beautiful synced package18:06
Laneysee you!18:06
willcookesee ya Laney18:06
Sweet5hark1seb128: we should totally ship https://github.com/seanyeh/vibreoffice by default. People will love it.18:08
seb128Laney, have fun!18:10
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
davmor2willcooke, seb128: did startup disk creator loose it's ability to add persistence?19:00
willcookeumm, wasnt that a UEFI issue?19:01
willcookedon't know, laney probably does19:01
davmor2willcooke: ah right okay I'll try an i386 install then19:09
flocculantdavmor2: that went with trying to make it work iirc19:10
seb128davmor2, yes, mdeslaur removedit19:11
davmor2seb128, willcooke: hmmm okay so not it does nothing more than Disks then now right?19:17
willcookeright, but it at least works again19:18
seb128well, I think mdeslaur said that it disks would hit some udisk issue than the usb-creator refactoring doesn't19:18
seb128it's also what is documented on the internet, so good to still have it and working19:19
willcookeplus there are a lot of docs out there which refer to it, so better it does something19:19
willcookeseb128, those calendar bugs which davmor2 flagged - you think a lot of them are fixed in the newer u/s version?19:21
mdeslaurdavmor2, seb128: the plan was to add persistence back at some point, but lack of time, etc.19:22
seb128willcooke, a few are, but I don't think most are important19:22
seb128I also can't reproduce some of those19:22
seb128e.g clicking on online accounts works for me19:22
* willcooke has a go19:23
seb128or clicking on "today" bring back to the current month19:23
seb128even if that's probably not an obvious result19:23
seb128unsure what else we would expect without a day view19:23
willcookeToday works for me19:28
willcookeonline accounts does not19:28
willcookealso the high CPU usage is on my test machine too19:31
willcookeand in online accounts I have no Google Calendar option at all (which might be know)19:31
seb128willcooke, davmor2, I triaged the bugs19:32
seb128willcooke, online accounts, you should be able to add a google account, that includes access to the calendars19:32
willcookeoh, nice one, thanks seb12819:32
willcookeseb128, yeah, that's what I thought, but no19:32
davmor2mdeslaur: thanks for the clarification.  One last question should it support gvfs connections over ssh for iso collection it seems to fail currently so I assume not but thought I would get a definite answer19:32
seb128willcooke, you might lack an uoa provider deb19:33
mdeslaurdavmor2: no, it doesn't...I don't believe it did before either19:33
davmor2mdeslaur: it finds the iso but then throws up an error when it tries to transfer it by the look of it19:34
mdeslauryeah, I don't think the backend supports that19:34
davmor2mdeslaur: awesome thanks19:34
davmor2mdeslaur: good job by the way the basic tool works well :)19:35
mdeslaurheh, at least it kind of works now :)19:35
willcookeseb128, aha...  (process:2315): e-data-server-WARNING **: e_module_load_all_in_directory: Error opening directory '/usr/lib/evolution-data-server/credential-modules': No such file or directory19:39
willcookethats trying to open u-o-a19:39
willcookefrom the link in g-c19:39
seb128willcooke, do you have evolution-data-server-online-accounts installed?19:40
willcookeseb128, nope.  installing...19:41
willcookeyay, I logged out after installing it and now I can't log back in :_)19:42
willcookereboot, and can log in again19:43
willcookestill doesn't let me open online accounts19:49
willcookeah ha19:52
willcookedavmor2, seb128 installing gnome-online-accounts fixes it19:52
davmor2willcooke: right so it is pointing to the wrong thing then right?19:53
willcookeI think theres more to it19:53
willcookesince my Google calendars weren't showing up either until I installed g-o-a19:54
davmor2seb128: so regarding the colour change I can only assume because on restarting the app it showed the next bug and displayed no calendars at all at which point I had to stop19:56
willcookeI think we can get those fixed in time.  Not too worried19:56
davmor2willcooke: indeed this was more just a tyre kicking to see what shook loose19:57
willcookedavmor2, totes - and much appreciated19:58
davmor2willcooke, seb128: so on a plus side the bulk of the apps just work nautilus being backed out seems to of fixed the screen resize issue too which is nice :)19:59
seb128willcooke, goa shouldn't be required, looks like you are missing the uoa stack20:00
willcookelemme see what it pulled in20:01
seb128willcooke, is unity-control-center-signon installed?20:01
attenteximion: hey. is there an easy way to force gnome-software to quit when the main window is closed?20:01
ximionattente: no, it will keep running in background holding the cache for faster startup, and occasionally search for updates and download them when not on battery and on a regular wifi/network connection20:03
ximionthat's on purpose20:03
davmor2seb128: ii unity-control- 0.1.8+16.04. amd64 .....20:03
willcookeseb128, yeah it is, and I dont think it was pullled in by g-o-a - so I think it was there before20:03
seb128davmor2, yeah, no doubt about you, I was asking willcooke who doesn't have a standard install/was missing some binaries20:03
ximionoh, and GS will also provide the PackageKit session interface for apps to consume, but I think that's intentionally broken (or removed?) on Ubuntu20:03
seb128willcooke, weird20:03
seb128willcooke, I need to go for dinner but I might be back later, otherwise we can debug tomorrow20:04
attenteximion: i think we might want to disable that and just use update-manager for ubuntu20:04
seb128no process eating memory for nothing please ;-)20:04
willcookeseb128, sure thing, no hurry.  Enjoy dinner.20:04
attenteximion: i also saw that the code allows us to say that the distro manages updates20:05
willcookeseb128, I'm just procrastinating so I dont have to do the reviews anyway ;)20:05
attenteximion: by removing permissions to org.freedesktop.packagekit.trigger-offline-update20:05
ximionattente: likely - the key point is really the smarter updates via PK (with battery and wifi checks), if you don't use it, there's not that many reasons to keep the daemon running, although I am not sure if there are other features provided by it now (haven't looked at that part for a while, and GS development is advancing rapidly)20:06
ximionattente: GS was never really designed to run without PK - support for that was added to allow it to be xdg-app sandboxed, and Ubuntu with it's APT backend is really the only distro doing that20:06
ximionso: I am not sure if that's intentional ;-)20:07
ximion(and what the sideeffects would be)20:07
ximionthe offline updates are supposed to be configured by the local administrator though, so removing permissions should definitely prevent users from upgrading20:07
ximion(but you could just as well drop that, since Ubuntu's PK is way too old to support this feature anyway)20:08
attenteximion: interesting... but even when those permissions are disabled, GS seems to still run as a daemon20:10
attentei can't figure out what part of the code is holding GS running20:11
attente(after the main window is closed)20:11
ximionattente: the part where it never quits the mainloop and keep GsUpdateMonitor running? ;-)20:13
davmor2willcooke: am I remembering correctly, was there not talk of removing the web apps?20:13
willcookedavmor2, yeah, I think it went in 15.1020:13
davmor2willcooke: but we still have the amazon app on the install20:14
attenteximion: yep, i've disabled the parts where g_application_hold() is called, but it still somehow sticks around. is there another hidden window somewhere i'm not aware of?20:14
willcookedavmor2, ah, different thing.  Yes, that is still there20:14
davmor2willcooke: right so it is the firefox goto facebook do you want this as an app bit that is removed then right?20:15
willcookedavmor2, should be, yes20:15
davmor2yeap not happening on plus.google.com20:17
ximionattente: I think you just disabled the timeout then and now it will never quit... You should remove the G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE flag from the GApplication flags20:18
ximionsee if that solves your problem20:18
attentewhat's setting G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE?20:18
willcookedavmor2, the system works!20:18
davmor2willcooke: well you still can't use software calendar or upgrade but on varying levels of works yes :)20:19
attenteximion: if you're talking about the quit_activated() code path, it doesn't get called when the main window is closed20:21
davmor2willcooke: amazon is pointing to amazon.com rather than co.uk and I have a UK locale so it might just be an issue in the vm so I'll test that on hardware tomorrow and see what is what with that20:22
willcookedavmor2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/webapps-sprint/+bug/152346420:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1523464 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Amazon web app on the launcher in 16.04 sends me to .COM instead of .co.uk" [Medium,In progress]20:23
davmor2willcooke: nice20:24
ryHey guys, is there a specific place to ask a question or two about Deja-Dup?20:24
mhall119Laney: ping20:25
mhall119about AppStream data20:25
willcookery, try in #ubuntu - probably the best place20:25
willcookemhall119, he's EOD.  But ask anyway, cos there are a few people around who might know ;)20:26
rywillcooke, thanks20:27
robert_ancellseb128, are you getting a menu for GNOME Software?20:28
mhall119willcooke: Laney: so I'd like to start organizing community contributors towards fixing some of the AppStream data, it seems that missing or incorrect icons are the cause of the majority of the errors we have, and it would be an easy thing for people to get (we did this a few years ago to get hi-res icons for apps in Unity)20:29
willcookemhall119, nice one, thanks20:29
mhall119my primary question, though, is if contributors could just provide the icon to someone on this team, or if they would have to create (and learn how to create) a package patch to include it20:29
mhall119in the previous effort I mentioned, I believe they just collected the icons and attached them to bug reports for apps that needed them, then somebody else actually updated the package20:30
mhall119obviously they would be getting the improved icon into upstream too, but for 16.04 they would need to get it into Ubuntu directly20:30
mhall119or is AppStream something that can be updated easily after release?20:31
ximionmhall119: only with hacks20:33
ximionideally, metadata updates and bugfixes should go to upstream or the packaging20:33
ximionattente: it's indeed weird - you could quit the mainloop when the main window is closed, that should work20:34
seb128robert_ancell, hey20:34
seb128robert_ancell, @menu, yes ... not you?20:34
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, I'm not20:35
ximionattente: because since GS is supposed to continue running as daemon, it will never exit the loop20:35
robert_ancellseb128, what's your "Show the menus..." setting?20:35
robert_ancell(In Appearance settings panel)20:35
attenteximion: yeah... i'm just wondering what exactly is keeping the main loop running. i feel like i've disabled everything that could possibly keep it open20:35
attentewell, clearly i'm not ;)20:36
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, must be that20:36
seb128robert_ancell, I've the old "included in the unity panel" one20:36
robert_ancellseb128, they don't show when set to "in the window's title bar"20:36
robert_ancellIs there an open issue for that?20:36
robert_ancellOr is this G-S specific20:36
seb128not yet20:36
seb128but it's what we discussed yesterday20:36
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, part of the CSD stuff?20:36
seb128stop using GtkHeaderBar decorations20:37
seb128CSD is uncompatible with local menus20:37
seb128by design20:37
robert_ancellseb128, so, should I make a patch to G-S to stop using CSD in Unity20:37
ximionattente: AFAIR it doesn't quit automatically, but you need to explicitly quit it - at least that's the case with GMainLoop classes, and last time I checked GTK+ also didn't add additional magic to that20:38
seb128robert_ancell, +120:38
seb128that's what I was saying yesterday20:38
seb128attente, that sounds like a desrt's question20:38
seb128or a gapplication thing20:38
seb128those "act as a service" things20:38
desrtwe've already been chatting =020:38
attenteximion: ok, i'll do the explicit quit then, thanks20:39
seb128attente, thanks20:40
seb128I still think that daemon thing is stupid20:41
robert_ancellseb128, seems like a good way to waste RAM...20:41
seb128get a gtk process staying around eating memory20:41
seb128if you need notification get a non-UI service or the shell to check out for things20:41
seb128robert_ancell, btw did you notice that yesterday's updated removed the featured/picked softwares?20:42
robert_ancellseb128, yes, looking into it20:42
seb128robert_ancell, also any opinion about  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1551702?20:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 1551702 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Software Sources under menu is empty" [High,Confirmed]20:44
robert_ancellseb128, That's why I asked about the menu - I had never seen that.20:45
Fudgejdstrand:  anything I can do to help with bug #155135120:45
ubot5bug 1551351 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu Xenial) "dhclient does not renew leases" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155135120:45
attenteseb128: just added a commit that calls software-properties-gtk instead20:45
seb128I've the menu but I never tried it20:45
robert_ancellWill see if it makes sense to report the apt sources, or just redirect to the standard UI20:45
seb128before somebody asked about it today20:45
seb128I don't know how much work that is20:45
seb128also attente tried in jhbuild and got sources listed20:45
seb128but those didn't seem to list anything when clicked20:46
seb128so unsure how much sense the dialog does20:46
seb128attente, great ;-)20:46
seb128robert_ancell, ^ there you go :p20:46
ximionrobert_ancell: FYI, the regular sources dialog has multiple issues, even with the PackageKit backend, and isn't really featureful (check the GNOME BT to get an idea), so I think using software-sources-gtk is a good option20:47
ximion(just by 2 ct)20:47
ximionI also wanted to do that with GNOME PackageKit, but the PackageKit patches didn't get merged in time (now waiting for aptd to be dropped from Debian)20:48
seb128robert_ancell, do you know if g-s is supposed to handle local debs?21:03
robert_ancellseb128, not sure, see bug 154662821:04
ubot5bug 1546628 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Add sideloading .deb support?" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154662821:04
seb128e.g if that's something supposed to work and to fix or if that's something that you can trigger but shouldn't be able to21:04
robert_ancellseb128, Dave's bug report seems to indicate you can trigger it21:04
robert_ancellseb128, bug 154662821:04
seb128robert_ancell, right, there is a specific .desktop claiming the mimetype21:05
seb128attente said it was doing the same in his jhbuild with the packagekit backend21:05
attenteseb128: how do we explicitly deny those permissions in polkit? the one that prevents GS from doing its update thing21:09
attentei wonder if something else is using that though and maybe we should just disable it manually in GS21:11
seb128attente, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit-desktop-privileges21:14
seb128I guest you need something along the lines of21:15
seb128[Disable offline updates]21:15
attenteseb128: do you think it's ok to do? does that have some effect somewhere else on the system like update-manager or aptdaemon?21:17
seb128I think it's ok21:17
ximionattente: your PK in Ubuntu is 2+y old, so there actually can't be anything using this right now21:17
seb128offline updates are new and not used anymore yet afaik21:18
ximion(the feature was introduced later)21:18
attenteximion: ok, good to know :)21:18
ximionseb128: technically, we have them for more than a year now ^^ - so not exactly new :P21:18
ximionbut GNOME is the only one using them21:19
ximion(says Debian's codesearch)21:19
seb128we should maybe update packagekit21:19
seb128it doesn't seem like anyone is going to have free cycles to update aptdaemon for the abi changes though21:19
ximionseb128: I was lobbying robert_ancell a bit, because IMHO updating PK is far less pain than creating a new apt backend for GS21:20
seb128or api21:20
ximionthe issues so far seem to be click support and $stuff directly using aptd interfaces - although the latter shouldn't be a problem if aptd stops providing PK interfaces21:20
seb128well "updating pk"21:21
seb128it means either porting everything away from aptd21:21
seb128or porting aptdaemon21:21
ximionor using both side-by-side until everything is ported away from aptd21:21
seb128they are claiming the same dbus namespace21:21
ximionin Debian, aptd doesn't provide PK interfaces, and the tools are co-installable21:22
seb128we would have looked into that21:22
jdstrandFudge: I'm not actively working on that one. I fixed the apparmor problem in the other bug. if someone could isolate the cause and the fix for bug 1551351 it would help the foundations team a lot21:23
ubot5bug 1551351 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu Xenial) "dhclient does not renew leases" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155135121:23
seb128but packagekit performances are poor compared to aptdaemon21:23
seb128or the apt backend to packagekit21:23
seb128you said that was being worked on but the improvements are not going to be there for the lts21:23
ximionseb128: quite the contrary, PK is really fast, since it's pure C and C++ - unless you query lots of data, then it becomes slower than aptd21:24
ximionusually though, apps don't do that21:24
seb128well you said yourself that the apt backend was doing things in a sync way21:25
ximionthe APT backend in PK could teoretically be optimized to be faster, using parallelization, but that is indeed some work21:25
attenteseb128: there's already a org.freedesktop.packagekit.pkla with that permission, should we modify that instead?21:25
seb128which was planned to be fixed21:25
seb128but we are not there yet21:25
seb128attente, where?21:25
attenteseb128: /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/org.freedesktop.packagekit.pkla21:25
seb128attente, I don't have that file on my xenial21:26
seb128dpkg -S ?21:26
seb128yeah, we don't install that21:26
seb128so no21:26
ximionthe case for speed optimizations wouldn't be GS though... Ideally, run GS with the PK backend from upstream, I had it working on multiple machines with good performance21:26
seb128policykit-desktop-privileges is our custom settings21:26
seb128it should rather be there21:27
ximionthe only thing which the non-paralleluzation can affect is Resolve() calls, which GS caches - so you will likely only notice an effect if you dump all applications GS has on one page21:27
attenteseb128: so what happens if that same entry exists in two files (i.e. someone installs packagekit)21:27
seb128k, I don't know, but from people who tried the aptd backend perform quite better than the pkgkit backend did21:28
ximionseb128: calls for a benchmark ^^21:29
seb128attente, good question, I don't know ... but that wouldn't happen on normal installs unless you specifically install policykit, which is then your issue21:29
ximionreminds me that I wanted to do a PK benchmark too anyway21:29
ximionso far, from the Debian userbase which uses PK exclusively for everything (including updates), there were never complaints about performance since we switched to the aptcc backend21:31
seb128in any case we remain on the "if somebody updated aptdaemon to work with pkgkit 1.0 we would unblock that side"21:31
ximionDebian users rather complain about needing a daemon at all ^^21:31
ximion(but Pk isn't for those users)21:31
seb128but so far nobody stepped up for that21:32
ximionseb128: I assume you just need to drop python3-aptdaemon.pkcompat from the archive21:32
seb128could be21:32
ximionthat's the only thing claiming its interfaces21:32
ximionthen, only stuff using aptd API directly will use aptd, the rest will use PK21:33
seb128I guess it requires somebody understanding the stack/issue to open a bug suggesting what to do21:33
seb128so it can be tested/decided on21:33
seb128we might be able to co-install those21:33
seb128but so far nobody suggested that as a working solution21:33
seb128yeah, well when we updated packagekit previous cycle it got blocked by britney because the update was dropping some enums that were used by aptdaemon21:34
seb128which made build/some tests failo21:34
seb128yeah for upstream projects breaking compat...21:34
ximionright, the aptd compat layer needs to be dropped or updated21:34
seb128but it's possible that those are only in the pkcompat part of the code21:35
ximionwell, your PK in Ubuntu is more than 2 years old, so...21:35
ximionokay, you got me, I'll check for that now ^^21:35
seb128thanks ;-)21:35
ximionupgrading PK will make Elementary and some other GNOME apps really happy21:36
seb128yeah, I'm all for updating it21:36
ximion(and me as well, because I don't get bug reports from prehistoric PK versions anymore ;-) )21:36
seb128I've been trying to find somebody to look at porting aptdaemon21:37
ximionwhether GS will use it or not is a secondary issue then21:37
seb128xnox was almost wanting to volunteer but they stepped back ...21:37
ximionat Debian, we ship aptd without any PK shim: https://packages.debian.org/source/sid/aptdaemon21:38
ximionworks well21:38
seb128I don't like the idea to have an old unsupported version in the LTS21:38
seb128then what g-s does is the next question21:38
seb128but Debian installs aptd by default?21:38
ximionthat could use some testing, because I'm really not sure if the performancy impact of sync transactions might be higher on less-powerful machines... It certainly doesn't matter for mine.21:39
ximionno, Debian installs PK...21:39
ximionbut I thing software-properties pulls it in21:39
ximionseb128: okay, looks like we really just don't install the PK support shim21:41
ximionthere's no magic or even just a patch involved21:41
ximionI can compile a package doing that on the Ubuntu version, but the main change would be dropping the pkcompat stuff from the Ubuntu seeds and replacing it with packagekit21:42
ximionand that's a policy decision ;-)21:43
seb128that would need testing21:43
seb128i'm going to try to test that this week21:43
ximionupdating aptd will not be as easy, but its also a possibility - I just wonder for what gain one would do that if aptd is unmaintained anyway21:44
ximionseb128: awesome - I am running with a similar setup for ages on my Ubuntu box, but it's also running KDE, so maybe not an ideal testcase21:44
seb128updating aptd, you mean?21:45
ximionrunning w/o aptd21:45
ximionseb128: here's a list of things that will be impacted by this change: http://paste.debian.net/410775/21:47
seb128ximion, thanks21:47
ximionI am a bit worried about the click plugin, because there is a 100% chance that this will break21:47
ximionand click is also not fixable unless someone creates an own service for it (I think I've seen mvo do that)21:48
seb128yeah, they tried that21:48
seb128but they don't like the idea to have a new priviledged service21:49
ximionubuntu-drivers-common is something one needs to look at, all the rest will be straightforward ports21:49
ximionand the dependency by gnome-settings-daemon should be dropped when gnome-software takes this over, otherwise we will see some race between the daemons of who triggers an update first and locks the apt cache first21:50
ximionseb128: that's strange, given that PK already *is* a privileged service...21:50
seb128did GNOME drop that part?21:50
ximionalso a long time ago21:50
seb128well, I guess it's swapping a tested/written service for a new one21:51
ximionwe added it back in Debian when we didn't have GS yet, I guess Ubuntu did the same...21:51
seb128so they would need to be careful writting it21:51
ximionthat's a fair point, but the risk of running unmaintained old code IMHO balances it out ^^21:51
* ximion things plugin support in PK was dropped too early21:54
* ximion *thinks21:54
ximionapparently, the plugins were the no1 cause for crashes of the daemon in Fedora, so Richard was super-eager to get rid of them quickly back in the days, and I couldn't stop him (I also didn't have good arguments, bugs are bugs...)21:57
willcookealright, enough for today.  G'night all22:16
=== ljp is now known as lpotter
robert_ancellattente, you should move the non review related changes to another branch23:12
attenterobert_ancell: sure, sorry23:12
robert_ancellattente, I'm rebasing and will do an update into xenial with your changes23:12
attenterobert_ancell: thanks23:13
attenterobert_ancell: i think that one crash with the get_app_folder() is an upstream bug, i'm going to file it now23:13

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