
pavlushkaHi, if its possible to get an Ubuntu cloak?04:50
daxpavlushka: link your LaunchPad profile, please :)04:50
pavlushkadax: https://launchpad.net/~pavelsayekat04:52
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember04:54
daxpavlushka: Ubuntu only offers freenode cloaks for Ubuntu Members. See the link above for more info on that (and let me know if I misdiagnosed and you are one)04:55
pavlushkadax: no, you r right, lets see if I can make myself eligible, thanx04:57
daxalrighty :)04:57
MooDoohello all06:14
=== Fuchs is now known as goodfox
nhandlerThe wiki lists AlanBell as the contact for Meetingology, but is anyone else in here capable of controlling the channels it is in?19:05
k1l_i dont know if its Pici or if its the canonical server guys19:07
Picik1l_: I can prod it19:09
MikaelaI also have "owner" access.19:13
nhandlerPici: Can you remove it from #ubuntu-classroom? I am in the process of shutting down that channel.19:32
Unit193nhandler: Did ubuntulog get banforwarded to #ubuntu from one of those channels, btw?19:35
nhandlerUnit193: It was only in #ubuntu-classroom, and I had Canonical remove it from the channel already (I haven't closed that channel yet)19:36
Unit193Noticed two in #ubuntu is the only reason I asked.19:37
Mikaelanhandler: should be done now19:37
PiciMikaela: thanks19:37
PiciI was just about to ask you about it :)19:37
nhandlerUnit193: There were 2 in #ubuntu-classroom as well. Not sure what is going on with that (if it is intentional for redundancy or just a ghost).19:37
nhandlerThanks Mikaela19:37
MikaelaYou're welcome19:38
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose

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