
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (x03 off-topic, profanity)13:10
ubottuUbuntu is not vulnerable to the SSLv2 DROWN attack. Please see http://ubottu.com/y/drown and https://drownattack.com/ for more information.15:16
k1l_every new security issue with its own name: people panic that ubuntu is insecure but will not run the updates anyway17:37
daxi cared about that vulnerability for about 30 seconds then remembered we don't have SSLv2 on anything17:39
* DJones downloads 305Mb of updates17:53
DJonesI knew I should have switched the computer on in the last week17:55
Ubuntu-userhello all, i just wanted to come in and say this is ben fitzpatrick from a few days back and I wanted to say. I did manage to install ubuntu on my pc solo and have no issues and thus i have realized that i was wrong in what i did and im sorry for how rude i was and would like my username benfitzpatrick unbanned per i feel i can be better and not troll like i did18:29
Ubuntu-usersee, i realize ubuntu is NOT hard as i thought and everyone was right, i overlooked it18:30
Ubuntu-userso i just felt i mention this and see what you all feel on this18:31
Ubuntu-userand i also realize there is NO need to be hand-held through linux18:33
PiciOh, well I was about to say something, but this makes it easier.18:35
Pici@mark ubuntu-user18:36
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:36
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:48
=== mquin is now known as Guest98589
=== mquin_ is now known as mquin
bynariehi guys, i was trying to see if my ban has been removed yet23:16
bynariefor #ubuntu23:16
wxlbynarie: you could try to join :)23:17
daxbynarie: irclogs/freenode/#ubuntu-ops/#ubuntu-ops-2016-02-28.log:2016-02-28 20:39:06     <+Jordan_U>     bynarie: Your bans have been removed.23:20

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